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Italy: Pre-trial detention of William Frediani and comrades prolonged

Accusations enlarged to subversion for supporting the Iraqi resistanceOn December 6 the examining magistrate of Pisa, Luca Salutini, followed the request of the public prosecutor, Antonio Di Bugno, issuing a new accusation against the comrades allegedly involved in the case of the "COR" (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive). William Frediani (member of the Anti-imperialist Camp detained in Pisa), Alessio Perondi (detained in Torino) as well as those comrades released in the last weeks are being additionally accused of "associating with the aim of subverting the democratic order" (…§ 270 bis of the penal code).The date of issuance of the new accusation was not chosen by random. For the previous accusation of building a "criminal association" (…§ 416 c.2) the maximum pre-trial … [read more]

End the occupation!

Call of the Int`l Action Center for March 19-20 mobilisation"Central Park Belongs to the People--March on Central Park on March 20 to End the Occupation!"This call for a united effort of antiwar forces came from organizers and activists at the December 4 Emergency Antiwar Conference in New York City. It was greeted with thunderous applause and a renewed determination to be in the streets to fight the illegal occupation of Iraq. (see below for the text of the call)The conference, called by the International Action Center, was supported by a wide variety of progressive organizations including: New York City Labor Against the War, the Haiti Support Network, the New York Million Worker March Committee, the Korea Truth Commission, New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of … [read more]

On the crisis of the Anti-globalisation Movement

1Since its appearance in Seattle in December 1999 the "movement against globalisation" contained two different currents. The first, dominant one contested only the most devastating effects of globalisation and neo-liberalism relating to the unequal distribution of the resources and of the riches advocating a positive "globalisation from below", a "democratic" one. Thus they accepted the main pattern of the globalizers according to which the moment has come to eventually liberate ourselves from the nation states. These are considered either to be on the scrap heap or a brake on the way to "progress". The second, though minor component denounced not only the effects but the very nature of globalization or rather capitalism as the reason of the intensifying social contradictions between rich … [read more]

Release of Moreno Pasquinelli and Maria Grazia Ardizzone confirmed

Court refuses the prosecutor´s appealRecently the Italian court of appeal refused to bring the two leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp back to prison who previously have been released by a judgement of the magistrate. This is a further confirmation that the indictment which led to the arrests of April 1 was not only based on an untenable juridical amalgam but also on a political machination orchestrated by the police and in particular the DIGOS (Italian political intelligence) and ROS (intelligence of the paramilitary Carabinieri forces). First of all the ridiculous thesis collapsed according to which Paquinelli, Ardizzone and Monteverdi had been part of the Turkish organisation "Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front" only because they had helped a political refugee from Turkey to … [read more]

Stop the massacre in Iraq!

Call for action on March 19th, anniversary of the aggressionIn order to clear the ground for their election farce, the Anglo-American occupation forces have committed a new massacre of genocidal type. They punished the resisting city of Falluja, cutting it off from any supplies, razing it to the ground, using Phosphor and Napalm bombs thus killing tens of thousands civilians.They perpetrated this crime against humanity as a clear signal to the resisting Iraqi people: We inflicted upon you a new Dresden, if you continue to resist the occupation you will be extinguish by a full scale Hiroshima!The elections they are putting up are therefore a blackmail. Whoever does not accept the American-type democracy is threatened to go to torture camps or to be killed. For example Abduljabbar … [read more]

Venezuela: Deepening or normalization of the revolution?

For the fate of the revolutionary process in Venezuela the imminent danger of a counterrevolution by the traditional ruling classes against the nationalist and anti-imperialist government of Hugo Chavez seems to be secondary at the moment. What is becoming decisive now is whether the dynamics of the Venezuelan developments go towards a real transformation of the state to popular power or its reformist normalization within bourgeois institutional limits. Since 1999 the old ruling classes (an alliance of the national bourgeoisie, the land oligarchy, a broad parasitic middle class and workers aristocracy – heritage of a petrol-financed corporative mass corruption – supported by US-imperialism) has put forward all forms of legal and violent counterrevolution. The central moments in their … [read more]

The massacre of Falluja to clear Iraq for the US-sponsored elections

Prospective of the resistance and the tasks of the Anti-imperialistsThe massacre of Falluja perpetrated by the US occupation in November 2004 acquires a quality of crime against humanity. An unknown number of residents, at least some tens of thousand civilians were cut off from water and food supply and deprived of medical treatment in the besieged town. They were bombed by planes, helicopters and heavy artillery razing about 50,000 buildings to the ground often with the inhabitants still inside. Exploiting the total disparity of military means, the US marines cowardly tried to avoid any street battles. Where they met resistance they withdrew calling in anew air support. The US did not even refrain from using Phosphor and Napalm. Falluja was thus turned into a high-tech slaughter house, a … [read more]

Polish Committee Free Iraq formed

Warsaw demo against occupation of IraqWe had demonstration in Warsaw on 20.11.2004 agains Iraq occupation and parcitipation Polish Army in it. About 500 people. Main organisation Inicjatywa Sop Wojnie (Initiative Stop The War), New Left (Party). Our friends Ogà³lnopolski Komitet Antywojenny (Polish Antiwar Commitee), KPP (Comunist Party of Poland), PSPR (Polish Socialistic Work Party) participated too. We created Free Iraq Committee on 30.11.2004. Participants: Patriotyczny Front Lewicy Socjalistycznej (PFLS - Patriotic and Socialist Left Front). PSPR (Polish Socialistic Worker Party), Ogà³lnopolski Komitet Antywojenny (Polish Antiwar Committee), Komunistyczna Partia Polski (KPP) (Communist Party of Poland) i Polskia Wspà³lnota Narodowa (PWN) (Polish National Community).Bogdan … [read more]

Sit-in for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi in Oslo

Monday 22nd as the part of the international week of action a picket and subsequent meeting were held in Oslo. The picket took place outside the American embassy, with Saana Mustapha from the Committee of a Free Iraq called for the release of Abdul Jabbar al-Kubaisi and the political prisoners, and denounced the American genocide in Iraq.Following suite in co-operation with the autonomous area "hausmania" a public meeting were held with Omar Dhahir, from the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq. Dhahir especially focused on the strong revolutionary tradition in Iraq, and used these historical examples to draw the line towards the national and leftist movements today fighting the resistance, as well as to explain the failure of the "official" Iraqi Communist Party.In his speech he also called … [read more]

"Break the silence on the Iraqi Hiroshima"

The Iraqi resistance convention of Florence, the situation in Iraq and the support to the cause of the Iraqi people"Resist today to exist tomorrow. Reasons and horizons of the support to the struggle of the Iraqi people for liberty and self-determination". This was the topic of the national convention which took place on November 27 in Florence, Italy. The gathering was dedicated to the city of martyrs, Falluja, and the 80.000 Iraqi prisoners held by the occupation forces. Many of those are desaparecidos which means that the US army does not give any notice on them. This is also the case for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, secretary-general of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance.The criminal aggression on the city of Falluja by the US and their Iraqi henchmen seems to have resulted in a massacre also in … [read more]

India: Revolutionaries Assemble despite Hurdles Created by the Police

Solidarity Committee in Support of Revolutionary StrugglesDelhi Police Arrests Hundreds of Revolutionary Leaders and ActivistsToday, 25th November, 2004 the Delhi police detained a hundreds of activists who had come from various States including Haryana, Punjab, Uttrakhand and UP. The people had come to express solidarity with revolutionary movements going on in various parts of the country like in Andhra, Bihar, Jharkhand and Dandakarnya. The arrested leaders included convener of the solidarity committee Hari Singh Tarq com Raj Kishor from Bihar, com Tara Singh all India convener of Struggling Forum of Peoples Resistance (SFPR), Com. Sukhwinder Kaur and com Shiv Mangal Sidhantkar of the New Proletarian Party.The organizers of the Solidarity Committee condemned the large scale arrests by … [read more]

Letter from Iraqi Patriotic Alliance addressed to our brothers all around the world

The Iraqi resistance is confronting the illegitimate and brutal Zionist Imperialist occupation of Iraq. Our resistance is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. We are claiming our right to national self-determination and a real sovereignty.The different resisting groups in Iraq have developed a network between each other in order to achieve their ultimate goal. This goal was clearly addressed in their political program released after the liberation of Fallujah in April this year (2004). The program of the Iraqi resistance is as follows:1. End the occupation and liberate the country2. Transition period of 2 years3. Iraqi united- National government for all4. Iraqi constitution written by Iraqis … [read more]

Crackdown on Anti-imperialist conference in Pakistan

Anti-terrorist laws appliedThe government of Pakistan did not allow Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party (Pakistan Workers´ and Peasant Party) to hold the world anti-imperialist conference scheduled for 27th and 28th of November 2004.Comrade Gurmit Singh and Ajmer Singh Samra of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, India, were refused visa for Pakistan to attend the conferenceAt the same time a crack down on party is in full swing. Police registered a false case under the anti-terrorist act against the secretary of the host province of the party and arrested the president of the party of Kasur district. A case is also registered against leaders of the student front of the party DSF (Democratic Student Federation). The party is going against the government in the court and a writ a petition will be … [read more]

For a new anti-imperialist pole around the Iraqi resistance

Greetings to the Lahore Anti-imperialist ConferenceDear comrades,The Anti-imperialist Camp is sending its warmest revolutionary greetings to your Anti-imperialist Congress in Lahore, Pakistan. For financial and time constraints we were not able to participate but we try to contribute by this modest message.We have entered a new period, namely the one of the American Empire. The recent elections in the US have destroyed the illusions that Bush and his neo-con clique was only an accident of history. No, it definitely was not. On the contrary, the imposition of the US tyranny and the waging of the permanent terror war against any opposition is a necessity to keep the imperialist system stable of which the US is the main pillar.While we do not believe that imperialism is a paper tiger, we … [read more]

Condemn US isolation and suppression of communal voices:

Support the freedom of speech and freedom of religion in Iraq!As an anti-imperialist and popular force we declare our full support to the numerous members of Muslim communities in Iraq now being silenced for speaking out against the atrocities of occupation.As the attack on Falluja was launched against the symbolic and political centre of the Iraqi resistance, the occupation forces also mounted a political campaign against ulama and other leaders of the Iraqi Muslim communities.Among the events was Thursday 11th of November the storming of the houses of general secretary Shaikh al-Dhari and Shaikh al-Qubaisi, the raiding of the al-Shuahada mosque and arresting Shaikh Mahdi al-Sumaidi along with members of the Shura council. General Secretary Shaikh al-Dhari cries out against these actions … [read more]

Ireland: Seamus Doherty released!

by Matt Brown, 32 County Sovereignty Movement SEAMUS DOHERTY RELEASED!The collapse of today´s case in the Belfast High Court, against Seamus Doherty, is the only rational and just outcome for a case that had quite obviously been initiated by shadowy and corrupt state forces in order that an innocent man be placed behind bars.This is in fact the end of the final phase of an elaborate British …‘dirty tricks´ operation which began with the arrest of two similarly innocent individuals, Mark Carroll and Martin Brogan, in South Down during September2002 after a supposed booby trap bomb find. This case was also rejected on the same grounds that DNA evidence had been tampered with by the RUC/PSNI, British Army and so-called Independent Forensic Science Laboratory in order to frame them. An … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Conference in Pakistan to be held Nov 27, 28

By Pakistan Mazdoor Kisan PartyThe imperialist armed intervention and reckless economic exploitation in this region has actuated Pakistan Mazdoor Kisan Party to hold "World Anti Imperialist Conference" at Lahore, Punjab Province, Pakistan on November 27-28, 2004, to which we are inviting delegates from different Communist Parties and Revolutionary Organizations engaged in struggle against imperialism on slot the world over. To successfully counter & finally defeat this brutal aggression, we believe that only a well coordinated and perfectly unified struggle of the world people can yield desired results. The proposed conference will definitely go a long way in that direction. We hope to gain a lot through exchange of experience with fraternal revolutionary organizations. With our meagre … [read more]

Bolivar Antiimperialista!

Venezuelas Kampf um die VolksmachtDie bolivarianische Umgestaltung Venezuelas schreitet von Sieg zu Sieg. Nach dem gewonnen Referendum im August hat Präsident Chávez nun auch die Lokalwahlen in den meisten Bundesstaaten und Gemeinden gewonnen. Eine neue Regierung als erster Schritt zu einer neuen Macht? Venezuelas Linke drängt auf die Vertiefung der Revolution und die Überwindung der traditionelle Staatsstrukturen.Im Februar wird eine Delegation der Antiimperialistischen Koordination die wichtigsten Kräfte der venezolanischen revolutionären Linken besuchen. Diese können eine entscheidende Rolle für eine internationale Front gegen den US-Imperialismus spielen wird.Diskussion zur Entwicklung der bolivarianischen Revolution in Venezuela, zum Kampf für die "Revolution in der … [read more]

A 32 County Sovereignty Movement

Report on the Anti-Imperialist Camp Assisi, Italy 2004
It was during the month of August that a delegation from the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association fulfilled an invitation to the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004 at Assisi in Italy for 5 days. In attendance were delegations from all over the world; most notable were delegations from countries where there is conflict taking place today. These included support groups from Palestine, Turkey, The Basque Country, Mexico/Bolivia, Iraq, Venezuela, Kashmir and Ireland to name but a few.
The Irish delegates were invited to speak at 3 different Forums, but as with all support groups, were allowed to make contributions from the floor to the Forums panel, which we duly did when the occasion required it.The Irish delegations first Forum was on the second day of the five day camp. The title of this Forum was Anti-Globalisation process and the debate about non-violence. Also on the panel were Italian editors and lawyers, the delegates from Colombia and Norway and a representative of the Anti-imperialist Camp.The Irish delegate explained that globalisation was nothing more than the internationalisation of capital; this can be seen on a day to day basis, when large multi-national companies consume smaller companies from different individual countries, thus diminishing those … [read more]

Macabre support of murder and anti-democratic slander from the Conservative Youth

by Lars Akerhaug from NorwayThe same day as the USA ignited its last phase of the planned massacre of the people in Fallujah (November 9th) the Youth Conservatives in Oslo stated publicly that they file charges against the Red Electoral Alliance (RV) for support a collection of funds for medical equipment sent to Iraq.Together with other independents and members of other parties representatives from the RV and the leadership of this party has participated in the formation of the Committee for a free Iraq ( committee plans to raise funds for sending medical equipment to the areas controlled by the resistance. This includes a political support to the struggle against US occupation of the country.The Youth Cons should maybe adjust their address, as it is this … [read more]

Italy: Pre-trial detention of William Frediani and comrades prolonged

Accusations enlarged to subversion for supporting the Iraqi resistanceOn December 6 the examining magistrate of Pisa, Luca Salutini, followed the request of the public prosecutor, Antonio Di Bugno, issuing a new accusation against the comrades allegedly involved in the case of the "COR" (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive). William Frediani (member of the Anti-imperialist Camp detained in Pisa), Alessio Perondi (detained in Torino) as well as those comrades released in the last weeks are being additionally accused of "associating with the aim of subverting the democratic order" (…§ 270 bis of the penal code).The date of issuance of the new accusation was not chosen by random. For the previous accusation of building a "criminal association" (…§ 416 c.2) the maximum pre-trial … [read more]

End the occupation!

Call of the Int`l Action Center for March 19-20 mobilisation"Central Park Belongs to the People--March on Central Park on March 20 to End the Occupation!"This call for a united effort of antiwar forces came from organizers and activists at the December 4 Emergency Antiwar Conference in New York City. It was greeted with thunderous applause and a renewed determination to be in the streets to fight the illegal occupation of Iraq. (see below for the text of the call)The conference, called by the International Action Center, was supported by a wide variety of progressive organizations including: New York City Labor Against the War, the Haiti Support Network, the New York Million Worker March Committee, the Korea Truth Commission, New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of … [read more]

On the crisis of the Anti-globalisation Movement

1Since its appearance in Seattle in December 1999 the "movement against globalisation" contained two different currents. The first, dominant one contested only the most devastating effects of globalisation and neo-liberalism relating to the unequal distribution of the resources and of the riches advocating a positive "globalisation from below", a "democratic" one. Thus they accepted the main pattern of the globalizers according to which the moment has come to eventually liberate ourselves from the nation states. These are considered either to be on the scrap heap or a brake on the way to "progress". The second, though minor component denounced not only the effects but the very nature of globalization or rather capitalism as the reason of the intensifying social contradictions between rich … [read more]

Release of Moreno Pasquinelli and Maria Grazia Ardizzone confirmed

Court refuses the prosecutor´s appealRecently the Italian court of appeal refused to bring the two leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp back to prison who previously have been released by a judgement of the magistrate. This is a further confirmation that the indictment which led to the arrests of April 1 was not only based on an untenable juridical amalgam but also on a political machination orchestrated by the police and in particular the DIGOS (Italian political intelligence) and ROS (intelligence of the paramilitary Carabinieri forces). First of all the ridiculous thesis collapsed according to which Paquinelli, Ardizzone and Monteverdi had been part of the Turkish organisation "Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front" only because they had helped a political refugee from Turkey to … [read more]

Stop the massacre in Iraq!

Call for action on March 19th, anniversary of the aggressionIn order to clear the ground for their election farce, the Anglo-American occupation forces have committed a new massacre of genocidal type. They punished the resisting city of Falluja, cutting it off from any supplies, razing it to the ground, using Phosphor and Napalm bombs thus killing tens of thousands civilians.They perpetrated this crime against humanity as a clear signal to the resisting Iraqi people: We inflicted upon you a new Dresden, if you continue to resist the occupation you will be extinguish by a full scale Hiroshima!The elections they are putting up are therefore a blackmail. Whoever does not accept the American-type democracy is threatened to go to torture camps or to be killed. For example Abduljabbar … [read more]

Venezuela: Deepening or normalization of the revolution?

For the fate of the revolutionary process in Venezuela the imminent danger of a counterrevolution by the traditional ruling classes against the nationalist and anti-imperialist government of Hugo Chavez seems to be secondary at the moment. What is becoming decisive now is whether the dynamics of the Venezuelan developments go towards a real transformation of the state to popular power or its reformist normalization within bourgeois institutional limits. Since 1999 the old ruling classes (an alliance of the national bourgeoisie, the land oligarchy, a broad parasitic middle class and workers aristocracy – heritage of a petrol-financed corporative mass corruption – supported by US-imperialism) has put forward all forms of legal and violent counterrevolution. The central moments in their … [read more]

The massacre of Falluja to clear Iraq for the US-sponsored elections

Prospective of the resistance and the tasks of the Anti-imperialistsThe massacre of Falluja perpetrated by the US occupation in November 2004 acquires a quality of crime against humanity. An unknown number of residents, at least some tens of thousand civilians were cut off from water and food supply and deprived of medical treatment in the besieged town. They were bombed by planes, helicopters and heavy artillery razing about 50,000 buildings to the ground often with the inhabitants still inside. Exploiting the total disparity of military means, the US marines cowardly tried to avoid any street battles. Where they met resistance they withdrew calling in anew air support. The US did not even refrain from using Phosphor and Napalm. Falluja was thus turned into a high-tech slaughter house, a … [read more]

Polish Committee Free Iraq formed

Warsaw demo against occupation of IraqWe had demonstration in Warsaw on 20.11.2004 agains Iraq occupation and parcitipation Polish Army in it. About 500 people. Main organisation Inicjatywa Sop Wojnie (Initiative Stop The War), New Left (Party). Our friends Ogà³lnopolski Komitet Antywojenny (Polish Antiwar Commitee), KPP (Comunist Party of Poland), PSPR (Polish Socialistic Work Party) participated too. We created Free Iraq Committee on 30.11.2004. Participants: Patriotyczny Front Lewicy Socjalistycznej (PFLS - Patriotic and Socialist Left Front). PSPR (Polish Socialistic Worker Party), Ogà³lnopolski Komitet Antywojenny (Polish Antiwar Committee), Komunistyczna Partia Polski (KPP) (Communist Party of Poland) i Polskia Wspà³lnota Narodowa (PWN) (Polish National Community).Bogdan … [read more]

Sit-in for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi in Oslo

Monday 22nd as the part of the international week of action a picket and subsequent meeting were held in Oslo. The picket took place outside the American embassy, with Saana Mustapha from the Committee of a Free Iraq called for the release of Abdul Jabbar al-Kubaisi and the political prisoners, and denounced the American genocide in Iraq.Following suite in co-operation with the autonomous area "hausmania" a public meeting were held with Omar Dhahir, from the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq. Dhahir especially focused on the strong revolutionary tradition in Iraq, and used these historical examples to draw the line towards the national and leftist movements today fighting the resistance, as well as to explain the failure of the "official" Iraqi Communist Party.In his speech he also called … [read more]

"Break the silence on the Iraqi Hiroshima"

The Iraqi resistance convention of Florence, the situation in Iraq and the support to the cause of the Iraqi people"Resist today to exist tomorrow. Reasons and horizons of the support to the struggle of the Iraqi people for liberty and self-determination". This was the topic of the national convention which took place on November 27 in Florence, Italy. The gathering was dedicated to the city of martyrs, Falluja, and the 80.000 Iraqi prisoners held by the occupation forces. Many of those are desaparecidos which means that the US army does not give any notice on them. This is also the case for Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, secretary-general of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance.The criminal aggression on the city of Falluja by the US and their Iraqi henchmen seems to have resulted in a massacre also in … [read more]

India: Revolutionaries Assemble despite Hurdles Created by the Police

Solidarity Committee in Support of Revolutionary StrugglesDelhi Police Arrests Hundreds of Revolutionary Leaders and ActivistsToday, 25th November, 2004 the Delhi police detained a hundreds of activists who had come from various States including Haryana, Punjab, Uttrakhand and UP. The people had come to express solidarity with revolutionary movements going on in various parts of the country like in Andhra, Bihar, Jharkhand and Dandakarnya. The arrested leaders included convener of the solidarity committee Hari Singh Tarq com Raj Kishor from Bihar, com Tara Singh all India convener of Struggling Forum of Peoples Resistance (SFPR), Com. Sukhwinder Kaur and com Shiv Mangal Sidhantkar of the New Proletarian Party.The organizers of the Solidarity Committee condemned the large scale arrests by … [read more]

Letter from Iraqi Patriotic Alliance addressed to our brothers all around the world

The Iraqi resistance is confronting the illegitimate and brutal Zionist Imperialist occupation of Iraq. Our resistance is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. We are claiming our right to national self-determination and a real sovereignty.The different resisting groups in Iraq have developed a network between each other in order to achieve their ultimate goal. This goal was clearly addressed in their political program released after the liberation of Fallujah in April this year (2004). The program of the Iraqi resistance is as follows:1. End the occupation and liberate the country2. Transition period of 2 years3. Iraqi united- National government for all4. Iraqi constitution written by Iraqis … [read more]

Crackdown on Anti-imperialist conference in Pakistan

Anti-terrorist laws appliedThe government of Pakistan did not allow Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party (Pakistan Workers´ and Peasant Party) to hold the world anti-imperialist conference scheduled for 27th and 28th of November 2004.Comrade Gurmit Singh and Ajmer Singh Samra of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Committee, India, were refused visa for Pakistan to attend the conferenceAt the same time a crack down on party is in full swing. Police registered a false case under the anti-terrorist act against the secretary of the host province of the party and arrested the president of the party of Kasur district. A case is also registered against leaders of the student front of the party DSF (Democratic Student Federation). The party is going against the government in the court and a writ a petition will be … [read more]

For a new anti-imperialist pole around the Iraqi resistance

Greetings to the Lahore Anti-imperialist ConferenceDear comrades,The Anti-imperialist Camp is sending its warmest revolutionary greetings to your Anti-imperialist Congress in Lahore, Pakistan. For financial and time constraints we were not able to participate but we try to contribute by this modest message.We have entered a new period, namely the one of the American Empire. The recent elections in the US have destroyed the illusions that Bush and his neo-con clique was only an accident of history. No, it definitely was not. On the contrary, the imposition of the US tyranny and the waging of the permanent terror war against any opposition is a necessity to keep the imperialist system stable of which the US is the main pillar.While we do not believe that imperialism is a paper tiger, we … [read more]

Condemn US isolation and suppression of communal voices:

Support the freedom of speech and freedom of religion in Iraq!As an anti-imperialist and popular force we declare our full support to the numerous members of Muslim communities in Iraq now being silenced for speaking out against the atrocities of occupation.As the attack on Falluja was launched against the symbolic and political centre of the Iraqi resistance, the occupation forces also mounted a political campaign against ulama and other leaders of the Iraqi Muslim communities.Among the events was Thursday 11th of November the storming of the houses of general secretary Shaikh al-Dhari and Shaikh al-Qubaisi, the raiding of the al-Shuahada mosque and arresting Shaikh Mahdi al-Sumaidi along with members of the Shura council. General Secretary Shaikh al-Dhari cries out against these actions … [read more]

Ireland: Seamus Doherty released!

by Matt Brown, 32 County Sovereignty Movement SEAMUS DOHERTY RELEASED!The collapse of today´s case in the Belfast High Court, against Seamus Doherty, is the only rational and just outcome for a case that had quite obviously been initiated by shadowy and corrupt state forces in order that an innocent man be placed behind bars.This is in fact the end of the final phase of an elaborate British …‘dirty tricks´ operation which began with the arrest of two similarly innocent individuals, Mark Carroll and Martin Brogan, in South Down during September2002 after a supposed booby trap bomb find. This case was also rejected on the same grounds that DNA evidence had been tampered with by the RUC/PSNI, British Army and so-called Independent Forensic Science Laboratory in order to frame them. An … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Conference in Pakistan to be held Nov 27, 28

By Pakistan Mazdoor Kisan PartyThe imperialist armed intervention and reckless economic exploitation in this region has actuated Pakistan Mazdoor Kisan Party to hold "World Anti Imperialist Conference" at Lahore, Punjab Province, Pakistan on November 27-28, 2004, to which we are inviting delegates from different Communist Parties and Revolutionary Organizations engaged in struggle against imperialism on slot the world over. To successfully counter & finally defeat this brutal aggression, we believe that only a well coordinated and perfectly unified struggle of the world people can yield desired results. The proposed conference will definitely go a long way in that direction. We hope to gain a lot through exchange of experience with fraternal revolutionary organizations. With our meagre … [read more]

Bolivar Antiimperialista!

Venezuelas Kampf um die VolksmachtDie bolivarianische Umgestaltung Venezuelas schreitet von Sieg zu Sieg. Nach dem gewonnen Referendum im August hat Präsident Chávez nun auch die Lokalwahlen in den meisten Bundesstaaten und Gemeinden gewonnen. Eine neue Regierung als erster Schritt zu einer neuen Macht? Venezuelas Linke drängt auf die Vertiefung der Revolution und die Überwindung der traditionelle Staatsstrukturen.Im Februar wird eine Delegation der Antiimperialistischen Koordination die wichtigsten Kräfte der venezolanischen revolutionären Linken besuchen. Diese können eine entscheidende Rolle für eine internationale Front gegen den US-Imperialismus spielen wird.Diskussion zur Entwicklung der bolivarianischen Revolution in Venezuela, zum Kampf für die "Revolution in der … [read more]

A 32 County Sovereignty Movement

Report on the Anti-Imperialist Camp Assisi, Italy 2004
It was during the month of August that a delegation from the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association fulfilled an invitation to the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004 at Assisi in Italy for 5 days. In attendance were delegations from all over the world; most notable were delegations from countries where there is conflict taking place today. These included support groups from Palestine, Turkey, The Basque Country, Mexico/Bolivia, Iraq, Venezuela, Kashmir and Ireland to name but a few.
The Irish delegates were invited to speak at 3 different Forums, but as with all support groups, were allowed to make contributions from the floor to the Forums panel, which we duly did when the occasion required it.The Irish delegations first Forum was on the second day of the five day camp. The title of this Forum was Anti-Globalisation process and the debate about non-violence. Also on the panel were Italian editors and lawyers, the delegates from Colombia and Norway and a representative of the Anti-imperialist Camp.The Irish delegate explained that globalisation was nothing more than the internationalisation of capital; this can be seen on a day to day basis, when large multi-national companies consume smaller companies from different individual countries, thus diminishing those … [read more]

Macabre support of murder and anti-democratic slander from the Conservative Youth

by Lars Akerhaug from NorwayThe same day as the USA ignited its last phase of the planned massacre of the people in Fallujah (November 9th) the Youth Conservatives in Oslo stated publicly that they file charges against the Red Electoral Alliance (RV) for support a collection of funds for medical equipment sent to Iraq.Together with other independents and members of other parties representatives from the RV and the leadership of this party has participated in the formation of the Committee for a free Iraq ( committee plans to raise funds for sending medical equipment to the areas controlled by the resistance. This includes a political support to the struggle against US occupation of the country.The Youth Cons should maybe adjust their address, as it is this … [read more]