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The "Other America" does not exist

US empire confirmed by presidential electionsFor years we have been told that Bush and his neo-con clique would be only an accident of history and the American empire their favourite pipe dream. The good old liberal America as painted by the Cold war propaganda would eventually prevail. So one should support Kerry and first of all refrain from anti-Americanism.Apart form the fact that the US parliamentary system is a caricature of democracy, the election results nevertheless prove that the aggressive imperial line is backed by decisive parts of the US population. It is not only the military industrial complex, the big bourgeois but also the Christian fundamentalist mass movement and also important parts of the lower classes including the migrants who support the American war.And also the … [read more]

Free Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi!

Nov 20-27, week of protest in front of US embassiesSeveral weeks have pasted since the kidnapping of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi on Sept 3 by US occupation forces in Baghdad. Abduljabbar, leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, has dedicated himself to the construction of a political front of all the Resistance forces.Despite the intensive attempts of his wife and his family no information whatsoever has been released so far by the US occupation authorities. A case has been filed at the Red Cross in Geneva by Abduljabbar´s wife, but not even the Red Cross did get any response from the occupation forces.Rumours say that Abduljabbar is being detained at the notorious US prison facility at the Baghdad airport. However, this could not be confirmed so far.All this forms part of the US offensive … [read more]

European Parliament confronted with the case of al-Kubaysi

A delegation of the "International Solidarity Conference with the Iraqi People in Struggle" and the French "Committee against the War In Iraq" visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 26 and 27 in order to inform its members on the political prisoners in Iraq and especially of Abdulajabbar al-Kubaysi, who was kidnapped on last September 4 by American troops. Al-Kubaysi is the president of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" and editor in chief of the magazine Nida al-Watan (call of the nation). [……]Until now despite the attempts of the Red Cross it was neither possible to identify the unit responsible for his arrest, nor its reasons, nor the place of detention, let alone the conditions of his detention.Al-Kubasi had been exiled in France for several years. Until now his … [read more]

Protest against the masacre in Thailand

By Haksöz, TurkeyPROTEST AGAINST THE MASSACRE IN THAILAND29 October 2004The members of Ozgur-Der have protested the massacre against Muslims in the south region of Thailand. After a press release in front of the Fatih Post Office in Istanbul, a letter to make a protest has been sent to the Thailand Embassy in Ankara. About a hundred protestors have been gathered outside the post office to show their solidarity with Thai Muslims. In the press release, it has been stated that the massacre in southern Thailand has been the latest link to the global attacks against Muslims all around the world. The demonstration has ended after Hulya Sekerci, chairwoman of Ozgur-Der, sent the letter to the embassy. During the demonstration, slogans such as "Stop the Massacre", "Long-live Global Intifadah" … [read more]

Lackeys of the occupation disguise as progressives

Commentary on the ESF in LondonLackeys of the occupation disguise as progressivesBy Carsten Kofoed, Spokesman of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, October 28, 2004.At the European Social Forum (ESF), which was held October 15-17 in London, not at least Iraq was the subject of excited discussions and very well-attended meetings.One of these major meetings on Iraq took place on October 15 under the heading "End the occupation of Iraq". At this meeting, Lindsay German from the British Stop the War Coalition, who also participated at the Danish Social Forum in the beginning of October, was scheduled to speak, among others.So was Subhi Al-Mashadani, General Secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), a so-called Iraqi confederation of trade unions that was established … [read more]

Jamil Saffouri Condemned to 3 Days of House Arrest

by Movement Abnaa al-Balad, PalestineThe police of Karmiel (in the Galilee) stopped on Sunday, October 24, near the town of Majd el-Kouroum, the car of comrade Jamil Saffouri, a member of the central committee of the movement Abnaa al-Balad. After a meticulous search within the vehicle, where they found issues of the magazine "al-Jil al-Jadid" (the movement youth`s organ), comrade Saffouri was taken to the police station of Karmiel and interrogated for carrying "incriminatory" material, i.e. the issues of the magazine dedicated to the Palestine youth.Comrade Saffouri explained that the magazine is published by an association with the same name, which is a legal and registered organization, and that the magazine appears legally. But the police officer insisted in confiscating all the … [read more]

Turkey`s accession a threat for Europe?

On the alliance between the Turkish oligarchy, the US and EuropeThe recent decision of the European Union to commence negotiations over a possible accession of Turkey caused a wave of chauvinist reactions. They inscribe themselves in the pattern of the "clash of civilisations" regarding predominantly Islamic societies as at the same time inferior and dangerous – hence to be fought.We decidedly refuse this cheap chauvinist mobilisation which in finally will not and does not want to fight the enlargement of the Union, but only serves to degrade the status of the Eastern and Southern European people being integrated within the Union.On the contrary we are aware that the imperialist-capitalist system has forced millions of Turks to migrate to Europe. Already by now they not only form an … [read more]

Agreement over disarming in Sadr City

Muqtada once again ambiguousWithout any doubt the recent deal cut between the leader of the Shia resistance movement Muqtada as-Sadr and the occupation forces over a partial disarming of his militia in their Baghdad stronghold Sadr City is a political setback for the resistance. The political signal thus conveyed to the Iraqi people and its resistance movement is one of moderation and compromise with the occupants.The more than vague agreement stipulates that in exchange of surrendering heavy weapons and dissolving the Mahdi militia, the US armed forces will cease its ongoing bombing campaign on the giant slum area of the capital. Control should be given to the police forces created by the occupants. Meanwhile it remains unclear whether the US forces will continue to patrol within the … [read more]

Europas sosiale forum: Mellom motstand og oppkjøp

av Lars AkerhaugOpprinnelig publisert i akp.noI London helga 15.-17. oktober samlet Europas sosiale forum (ESF) 20.000 mennesker for ॠsamordne og koordinere kreftene mot krig, okkupasjonen av Irak, EU-grunnloven, nyliberalismen og mange andre viktige saker. Flere hundre seminarer og verksteder tok opp spørsmà¥l fra bà¥de sør og nord. Mest oppmerksomhet fikk likevel konferansens sponsorer. ESF har i London bundet seg opp til økonomisk støtte fra Ken Livingstone, ordfører i London fra venstresiden i Labour, og fra fagforeninger som forsvarer Labour. Quislinger pॠESF Ikke minst kom dette til syne i forbindelse med seminarene om krigsmotstand og okkupasjonen av Irak. Det sterkeste eksempelet var invitasjonen av Subi Mashadani fra Iraqi Federation of Trade … [read more]

ESF: Between resistance and co-opting

by Lars AkerhaugLondon the weekend 15th to 17th of October 20,000 people gathered to co-ordinate the forces against war, the occupation of Iraq, the EU constitution, neo-liberalism and many other important issues. The forum was important before the big rallies the 15th of February, and crucial to mobilize the anti war-movement. Hundreds of seminars and workshops raised questions from both north and south. And even if most of the participants were white intellectuals, also important questions like the resistance in Iraq, Plan Colombia, the campaign against the neo-liberal constitution of Brussels and other anti-imperialist issues were visible.Still, most of the attention was on the sponsors and official protectors of the conference. ESF in London has bound itself to economical support from … [read more]

ESF: Collaborators out!

Arab Media WatchFeelings of outrage overflow in "The war on Iraq" plenary on the first day of the European Social Forum in London, writes Arab Media Watch director Tahrir Swift. More than 1,000 people crowded the West Hall 1 in Alexandra Palace as Subhi Meshadani of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), the only trade union recognised by the now defunct US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, arrived at the platform flanked by two dark-suited stocky bodyguards.As we arrived, representatives of Workers Liberty - an organisation whose leader describes himself as a Zionist - were distributing leaflets in support of the IFTU, replying to the Stop the War Coalition`s statement that denounced the union`s efforts at the Labour Party conference, published recently in the Morning Star.As soon … [read more]

Danish war criminals in the UN Security Council

Danish Committee for a Free IraqBy Carsten Kofoed, Spokesman of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, October 16, 2004Denmark has become a member of the UN Security Council (announced October 15, translator´s note). It is a scandal because the Danish government as late as March 2003, with ill-concealed arrogance, violated the UN Charter, joined the illegal US war on Iraq, and is now continuing as an active participant in the just as illegal occupation.The Danish government are, as an active part in the unprovoked war of aggression against Iraq, war criminals according to the principles of the Nuremberg Trial and should be prosecuted. Instead this government now takes a seat in the most powerful agency of the UN. Unfortunately, this says all about what the UN really is: a place, where … [read more]

Déjà  vu in Darfur?

  "Arab militias on horseback commit genocide in Darfur", "Hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced by Arab terror", "Western countries demand humanitarian intervention" – for months we have been reading headlines like these and similar ones, produced by the media conglomerates. They inevitably remind us of the media accompaniment to the attacks on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq in particular."Arabs and Muslims" in any case are presented as the incorrigible villains, who have to get a good thrashing – to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe, of course. Everything seems to fit well into the US war on "terror".Half a century of civil war in the south of the SudanAt this occasion we should inquire beyond the obvious manipulation in the media and to try to get some … [read more]

William Frediani remains in prison because being a "dangerous communist"

Since the 6th of August 2004 William Frediani, militant of the Anti-imperialist Camp, has been in prison in Pisa, Italy. Now the appeal court refused to lift the pre-trial confinement with a justification defying democratic standards.William was arrested on charge of being member of the COR (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive). Those claimed responsibility for several arson attacks against premises of "Allianza Nationale" which is part of Berlusconi´s governing coalition. None of these actions caused damages to persons. Under the same charges already on June 7 six members of the group "il Silvestre" had been arrested.The indictment is being built on very weak evidence. In fact it got a predominantly political character repeating the arguments which have been published in the biannual … [read more]

ESF London: protest against presence of Iraqi collaborators

Norwegian committee for a Free Iraq Subhi Mashdani, speaker at European Social Forum 15th of October 1900 has been responsible for turning delegates at the Labour Party congress into war support. It is shameful that the ESF chooses him as a main speaker at the forum. He is claiming to represent the Iraqi workers while in fact he represents the collaborators of the same regime as killed only October 10th 80 resistance fighters in Samarra. Mushdani is through his presence strengthening those who wants to drag the social movements away from a consequent struggle against war, imperialism and occupation. It is necessary to take another direction. If you are against the occupation you must also resist the occupants, the Anglo-American "coalition". The Middle East is today the central arena of … [read more]

General Secretary of Abnaa elBalad sentenced to 30 months of prison

Comrade Mohamad Kana`aneh - Abu As`ad, General Secretary of Abnaa elBalad Movement sentenced to 30 month of incarcerationHaifa, October 10th 2004 - A panel of 3 judges of the Haifa District Court sentenced today the secretary general of "Abnaa elBalad" movement, comrade Mohamad Kana`ane -Abu-As`ad, to 30 months of imprisonment and 2 years suspended incarceration. The state prosecution had requested a sentence of 6 years for the charge of contact with a foreign agent (namely, Ibrahim `Ajweh Abu-Yaffa) in Jordan.Comrade Kana`ane was defended by attorneys Salim Wakim and Mo´nes Khouri, who had asked their defense on comrade Kana`ane`s political activity, and the political nature of his meetings with Ibrahim `Ajweh and other political activists in the Arab world, pursuant to his position as … [read more]

Mobilisation for Palestine and the Iraqi resistance in Germany

Amidst hysteria over a so-called "Islamist conference"The strongest demonstration and politically most consequent one took place in Cologne with about 1,000 participants. It has been organised by the "Cologne Coalition against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine" consisting of German, Arab and Turkish forces. The main slogans were "Dismantle the wall in Palestine", Stop the occupation in Palestine and Iraq", "No German Armament supplies to Israel", "Close down the US bases in Germany".The main speakers were a representative of the Palestinian Community of Germany, Felicia Langer, a lawyer originating from Israel supporting the Palestinian case and winner of the Alternative Nobel Award, Klaus Hartmann, chairman of the German Free Thinkers and Dimitri Tsalos, spokesman of the Free Iraq … [read more]

Sept 25 – on Step forward

Press release of the Committees Free Iraq ItalyLaunched at Mumbai Resistance the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance was observed in several countries including the US. As Committee Free Iraq Italy we draw a positive balance sheet of our activities. However, following difficult political environment should be taken into account:1) The reflux of the movement against the war.2) The so-called anti-terrorist campaign of the Berlusconi government and the parliamentary opposition who both exploited the kidnapping of the two Simonas.3) The powerful offensive of the media against the resistance labelling it "barbarous terrorism" and criminalizing its supporters in Italy.4) The witch hunt which in the last months has led to the persecution and arrest of many … [read more]

Muqawama – 250 in Vienna for the Iraqi resistance

Sept 25 in AustriaOn the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada a coalition of Austrian, Arab and Turkish forces gathered in the centre of Vienna to protest against the occupation of Iraq and Palestine and to express support to the resistance.The crowd was addressed by the Anti-imperialist Camp, several Arab organisations including the Arab Palestine Club and the Vice president of the Palestinian Community in Austria, the anti-imperialist opposition within the Communist Party and least but not least Turkish ILPS supporters and the DHKC – also from Turkey.The speakers not only opposed the occupation but also lent support to the legitimate resistance both in Iraq and Palestine. There was also consensus about the need to stop the American pre-emptive war with the final … [read more]

Kolkota Convention Against Imperialism

5th, 6th and 7th October, 2004Venu: Biniani Bhavan, 81, Pathuria Ghat Street, Kolkota – 700 003.INVITATIONSubject: Solidarity message for Anti Imperialist Convention being organised by fighting Indian Organisations from 5th October to 7th October in Kolkota.Dear friends and comradesAs you know that more than three hundred and eleven organisations joined hands and organised a Mumbai Resistance-2004 (MR-2004), a parallel event to WSF, in Mumbai, India in January, 2004. The organisations from India which participated in MR-2004 later on sat and decided to continue the coordination. On 20th march protest marches were organised all over India.In the present process all those organisations who were not in MR process are also being contacted. More than one hundred and fifty organisations have … [read more]

The "Other America" does not exist

US empire confirmed by presidential electionsFor years we have been told that Bush and his neo-con clique would be only an accident of history and the American empire their favourite pipe dream. The good old liberal America as painted by the Cold war propaganda would eventually prevail. So one should support Kerry and first of all refrain from anti-Americanism.Apart form the fact that the US parliamentary system is a caricature of democracy, the election results nevertheless prove that the aggressive imperial line is backed by decisive parts of the US population. It is not only the military industrial complex, the big bourgeois but also the Christian fundamentalist mass movement and also important parts of the lower classes including the migrants who support the American war.And also the … [read more]

Free Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi!

Nov 20-27, week of protest in front of US embassiesSeveral weeks have pasted since the kidnapping of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi on Sept 3 by US occupation forces in Baghdad. Abduljabbar, leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, has dedicated himself to the construction of a political front of all the Resistance forces.Despite the intensive attempts of his wife and his family no information whatsoever has been released so far by the US occupation authorities. A case has been filed at the Red Cross in Geneva by Abduljabbar´s wife, but not even the Red Cross did get any response from the occupation forces.Rumours say that Abduljabbar is being detained at the notorious US prison facility at the Baghdad airport. However, this could not be confirmed so far.All this forms part of the US offensive … [read more]

European Parliament confronted with the case of al-Kubaysi

A delegation of the "International Solidarity Conference with the Iraqi People in Struggle" and the French "Committee against the War In Iraq" visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 26 and 27 in order to inform its members on the political prisoners in Iraq and especially of Abdulajabbar al-Kubaysi, who was kidnapped on last September 4 by American troops. Al-Kubaysi is the president of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" and editor in chief of the magazine Nida al-Watan (call of the nation). [……]Until now despite the attempts of the Red Cross it was neither possible to identify the unit responsible for his arrest, nor its reasons, nor the place of detention, let alone the conditions of his detention.Al-Kubasi had been exiled in France for several years. Until now his … [read more]

Protest against the masacre in Thailand

By Haksöz, TurkeyPROTEST AGAINST THE MASSACRE IN THAILAND29 October 2004The members of Ozgur-Der have protested the massacre against Muslims in the south region of Thailand. After a press release in front of the Fatih Post Office in Istanbul, a letter to make a protest has been sent to the Thailand Embassy in Ankara. About a hundred protestors have been gathered outside the post office to show their solidarity with Thai Muslims. In the press release, it has been stated that the massacre in southern Thailand has been the latest link to the global attacks against Muslims all around the world. The demonstration has ended after Hulya Sekerci, chairwoman of Ozgur-Der, sent the letter to the embassy. During the demonstration, slogans such as "Stop the Massacre", "Long-live Global Intifadah" … [read more]

Lackeys of the occupation disguise as progressives

Commentary on the ESF in LondonLackeys of the occupation disguise as progressivesBy Carsten Kofoed, Spokesman of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, October 28, 2004.At the European Social Forum (ESF), which was held October 15-17 in London, not at least Iraq was the subject of excited discussions and very well-attended meetings.One of these major meetings on Iraq took place on October 15 under the heading "End the occupation of Iraq". At this meeting, Lindsay German from the British Stop the War Coalition, who also participated at the Danish Social Forum in the beginning of October, was scheduled to speak, among others.So was Subhi Al-Mashadani, General Secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), a so-called Iraqi confederation of trade unions that was established … [read more]

Jamil Saffouri Condemned to 3 Days of House Arrest

by Movement Abnaa al-Balad, PalestineThe police of Karmiel (in the Galilee) stopped on Sunday, October 24, near the town of Majd el-Kouroum, the car of comrade Jamil Saffouri, a member of the central committee of the movement Abnaa al-Balad. After a meticulous search within the vehicle, where they found issues of the magazine "al-Jil al-Jadid" (the movement youth`s organ), comrade Saffouri was taken to the police station of Karmiel and interrogated for carrying "incriminatory" material, i.e. the issues of the magazine dedicated to the Palestine youth.Comrade Saffouri explained that the magazine is published by an association with the same name, which is a legal and registered organization, and that the magazine appears legally. But the police officer insisted in confiscating all the … [read more]

Turkey`s accession a threat for Europe?

On the alliance between the Turkish oligarchy, the US and EuropeThe recent decision of the European Union to commence negotiations over a possible accession of Turkey caused a wave of chauvinist reactions. They inscribe themselves in the pattern of the "clash of civilisations" regarding predominantly Islamic societies as at the same time inferior and dangerous – hence to be fought.We decidedly refuse this cheap chauvinist mobilisation which in finally will not and does not want to fight the enlargement of the Union, but only serves to degrade the status of the Eastern and Southern European people being integrated within the Union.On the contrary we are aware that the imperialist-capitalist system has forced millions of Turks to migrate to Europe. Already by now they not only form an … [read more]

Agreement over disarming in Sadr City

Muqtada once again ambiguousWithout any doubt the recent deal cut between the leader of the Shia resistance movement Muqtada as-Sadr and the occupation forces over a partial disarming of his militia in their Baghdad stronghold Sadr City is a political setback for the resistance. The political signal thus conveyed to the Iraqi people and its resistance movement is one of moderation and compromise with the occupants.The more than vague agreement stipulates that in exchange of surrendering heavy weapons and dissolving the Mahdi militia, the US armed forces will cease its ongoing bombing campaign on the giant slum area of the capital. Control should be given to the police forces created by the occupants. Meanwhile it remains unclear whether the US forces will continue to patrol within the … [read more]

Europas sosiale forum: Mellom motstand og oppkjøp

av Lars AkerhaugOpprinnelig publisert i akp.noI London helga 15.-17. oktober samlet Europas sosiale forum (ESF) 20.000 mennesker for ॠsamordne og koordinere kreftene mot krig, okkupasjonen av Irak, EU-grunnloven, nyliberalismen og mange andre viktige saker. Flere hundre seminarer og verksteder tok opp spørsmà¥l fra bà¥de sør og nord. Mest oppmerksomhet fikk likevel konferansens sponsorer. ESF har i London bundet seg opp til økonomisk støtte fra Ken Livingstone, ordfører i London fra venstresiden i Labour, og fra fagforeninger som forsvarer Labour. Quislinger pॠESF Ikke minst kom dette til syne i forbindelse med seminarene om krigsmotstand og okkupasjonen av Irak. Det sterkeste eksempelet var invitasjonen av Subi Mashadani fra Iraqi Federation of Trade … [read more]

ESF: Between resistance and co-opting

by Lars AkerhaugLondon the weekend 15th to 17th of October 20,000 people gathered to co-ordinate the forces against war, the occupation of Iraq, the EU constitution, neo-liberalism and many other important issues. The forum was important before the big rallies the 15th of February, and crucial to mobilize the anti war-movement. Hundreds of seminars and workshops raised questions from both north and south. And even if most of the participants were white intellectuals, also important questions like the resistance in Iraq, Plan Colombia, the campaign against the neo-liberal constitution of Brussels and other anti-imperialist issues were visible.Still, most of the attention was on the sponsors and official protectors of the conference. ESF in London has bound itself to economical support from … [read more]

ESF: Collaborators out!

Arab Media WatchFeelings of outrage overflow in "The war on Iraq" plenary on the first day of the European Social Forum in London, writes Arab Media Watch director Tahrir Swift. More than 1,000 people crowded the West Hall 1 in Alexandra Palace as Subhi Meshadani of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), the only trade union recognised by the now defunct US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, arrived at the platform flanked by two dark-suited stocky bodyguards.As we arrived, representatives of Workers Liberty - an organisation whose leader describes himself as a Zionist - were distributing leaflets in support of the IFTU, replying to the Stop the War Coalition`s statement that denounced the union`s efforts at the Labour Party conference, published recently in the Morning Star.As soon … [read more]

Danish war criminals in the UN Security Council

Danish Committee for a Free IraqBy Carsten Kofoed, Spokesman of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, October 16, 2004Denmark has become a member of the UN Security Council (announced October 15, translator´s note). It is a scandal because the Danish government as late as March 2003, with ill-concealed arrogance, violated the UN Charter, joined the illegal US war on Iraq, and is now continuing as an active participant in the just as illegal occupation.The Danish government are, as an active part in the unprovoked war of aggression against Iraq, war criminals according to the principles of the Nuremberg Trial and should be prosecuted. Instead this government now takes a seat in the most powerful agency of the UN. Unfortunately, this says all about what the UN really is: a place, where … [read more]

Déjà  vu in Darfur?

  "Arab militias on horseback commit genocide in Darfur", "Hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced by Arab terror", "Western countries demand humanitarian intervention" – for months we have been reading headlines like these and similar ones, produced by the media conglomerates. They inevitably remind us of the media accompaniment to the attacks on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq in particular."Arabs and Muslims" in any case are presented as the incorrigible villains, who have to get a good thrashing – to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe, of course. Everything seems to fit well into the US war on "terror".Half a century of civil war in the south of the SudanAt this occasion we should inquire beyond the obvious manipulation in the media and to try to get some … [read more]

William Frediani remains in prison because being a "dangerous communist"

Since the 6th of August 2004 William Frediani, militant of the Anti-imperialist Camp, has been in prison in Pisa, Italy. Now the appeal court refused to lift the pre-trial confinement with a justification defying democratic standards.William was arrested on charge of being member of the COR (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive). Those claimed responsibility for several arson attacks against premises of "Allianza Nationale" which is part of Berlusconi´s governing coalition. None of these actions caused damages to persons. Under the same charges already on June 7 six members of the group "il Silvestre" had been arrested.The indictment is being built on very weak evidence. In fact it got a predominantly political character repeating the arguments which have been published in the biannual … [read more]

ESF London: protest against presence of Iraqi collaborators

Norwegian committee for a Free Iraq Subhi Mashdani, speaker at European Social Forum 15th of October 1900 has been responsible for turning delegates at the Labour Party congress into war support. It is shameful that the ESF chooses him as a main speaker at the forum. He is claiming to represent the Iraqi workers while in fact he represents the collaborators of the same regime as killed only October 10th 80 resistance fighters in Samarra. Mushdani is through his presence strengthening those who wants to drag the social movements away from a consequent struggle against war, imperialism and occupation. It is necessary to take another direction. If you are against the occupation you must also resist the occupants, the Anglo-American "coalition". The Middle East is today the central arena of … [read more]

General Secretary of Abnaa elBalad sentenced to 30 months of prison

Comrade Mohamad Kana`aneh - Abu As`ad, General Secretary of Abnaa elBalad Movement sentenced to 30 month of incarcerationHaifa, October 10th 2004 - A panel of 3 judges of the Haifa District Court sentenced today the secretary general of "Abnaa elBalad" movement, comrade Mohamad Kana`ane -Abu-As`ad, to 30 months of imprisonment and 2 years suspended incarceration. The state prosecution had requested a sentence of 6 years for the charge of contact with a foreign agent (namely, Ibrahim `Ajweh Abu-Yaffa) in Jordan.Comrade Kana`ane was defended by attorneys Salim Wakim and Mo´nes Khouri, who had asked their defense on comrade Kana`ane`s political activity, and the political nature of his meetings with Ibrahim `Ajweh and other political activists in the Arab world, pursuant to his position as … [read more]

Mobilisation for Palestine and the Iraqi resistance in Germany

Amidst hysteria over a so-called "Islamist conference"The strongest demonstration and politically most consequent one took place in Cologne with about 1,000 participants. It has been organised by the "Cologne Coalition against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine" consisting of German, Arab and Turkish forces. The main slogans were "Dismantle the wall in Palestine", Stop the occupation in Palestine and Iraq", "No German Armament supplies to Israel", "Close down the US bases in Germany".The main speakers were a representative of the Palestinian Community of Germany, Felicia Langer, a lawyer originating from Israel supporting the Palestinian case and winner of the Alternative Nobel Award, Klaus Hartmann, chairman of the German Free Thinkers and Dimitri Tsalos, spokesman of the Free Iraq … [read more]

Sept 25 – on Step forward

Press release of the Committees Free Iraq ItalyLaunched at Mumbai Resistance the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance was observed in several countries including the US. As Committee Free Iraq Italy we draw a positive balance sheet of our activities. However, following difficult political environment should be taken into account:1) The reflux of the movement against the war.2) The so-called anti-terrorist campaign of the Berlusconi government and the parliamentary opposition who both exploited the kidnapping of the two Simonas.3) The powerful offensive of the media against the resistance labelling it "barbarous terrorism" and criminalizing its supporters in Italy.4) The witch hunt which in the last months has led to the persecution and arrest of many … [read more]

Muqawama – 250 in Vienna for the Iraqi resistance

Sept 25 in AustriaOn the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada a coalition of Austrian, Arab and Turkish forces gathered in the centre of Vienna to protest against the occupation of Iraq and Palestine and to express support to the resistance.The crowd was addressed by the Anti-imperialist Camp, several Arab organisations including the Arab Palestine Club and the Vice president of the Palestinian Community in Austria, the anti-imperialist opposition within the Communist Party and least but not least Turkish ILPS supporters and the DHKC – also from Turkey.The speakers not only opposed the occupation but also lent support to the legitimate resistance both in Iraq and Palestine. There was also consensus about the need to stop the American pre-emptive war with the final … [read more]

Kolkota Convention Against Imperialism

5th, 6th and 7th October, 2004Venu: Biniani Bhavan, 81, Pathuria Ghat Street, Kolkota – 700 003.INVITATIONSubject: Solidarity message for Anti Imperialist Convention being organised by fighting Indian Organisations from 5th October to 7th October in Kolkota.Dear friends and comradesAs you know that more than three hundred and eleven organisations joined hands and organised a Mumbai Resistance-2004 (MR-2004), a parallel event to WSF, in Mumbai, India in January, 2004. The organisations from India which participated in MR-2004 later on sat and decided to continue the coordination. On 20th march protest marches were organised all over India.In the present process all those organisations who were not in MR process are also being contacted. More than one hundred and fifty organisations have … [read more]