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Iraq: Struggle against a giant monster

Sammi Alaa addresses the pro-resistance demo in Perugia, Italy, Sept 25, 2004Sammi Alaa is member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance " (IPA) and spokesman of the Danish Free Iraq Committee.We are here today to remember the beginning of Intifaden, the Palestinian peoples struggle against Zionist colonialization…—the same fight that the Iraqis are engaged in against the imperialist occupation of their country.About a year and one-half ago, the imperialist forces launched an uncalled for war and occupation of my land. That unlawful war was sold to the world on lies: lies that the government had weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaida. None of that pretended by Bush and Blair, and the prime minister of the country where I now live, Fogh Rasmussen, existed. They openly lied in order … [read more]

Iraqi resistance protests in Assam not allowed to march

Press Communiquà©Solidarity Meeting for Iraqi ResistanceGuwahati, September 25, 2004: On the occasion of "International Day of Action for the Iraqi Resistance" a protest meeting, was held today in Nagaon, Assam. The meeting was organised byManab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS), under the aegis of North East Coordination Committee for Human Rights (NECOHR), an umbrella organisation of several human rights groups of the Northeast. The citizens at the meeting condemned the brutalisation of Iraq and its people under the neo-colonial agenda instigated by the United States of America and its allies. The citizens also said that this was a moment of great hope people who have been resisting the occupation of their lands and the killings of their loved ones, by occupation forces. They also … [read more]

Self-determination of the Northeast and Iraq – one struggle!

Solidarity address to the protest rally in Nagaon, AssamThe organisers of the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance including the Anti-imperialist Camp are honoured to be able to transmit their wholehearted revolutionary greetings to you.For all of us this day of action is a significant step forward in building an anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisation movement and to link it to the ongoing liberation struggles in the oppressed countries which used to be largely excluded from this Western-style movement.This is even more true as the NECOHR with its delegate Jagat Thoudam actually was part of the promoting group during the anti-imperialist gathering of Mumbai Resistance (MR) where this day of acting was lanched.Comrades, we should not forget that the resistance … [read more]

Self-determination to Iraq and Indian Northeast!

Sept 25 action day in AssamINTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONfor the Iraqi ResistanceOn 25th September 2004 at Shahid Bhavan, Nagaon, Assam The North East Coordination Committee on Human Rights (NECOHR), along with the various organisations and individuals across the globe is organising the International Day of Action for the Iraqi Resistance on 25th September 2004. We all know that at present Iraq is a battlefield. The battle is fought between the Iraqi people and the occupational forces led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The heroic resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. They are claiming their inalienable right to national … [read more]

Support the Iraqi resistance!

National Democratic Front of South KoreaThe spokesman for the NDFSK issued a statement to denounce the US aggressive war against Iraq and the occupation of it, and to express full support and solidarity to the Iraqi people´s patriotic resistance against the imperialist occupiers.The statement reads:Today, the international community is voicing louder its protest and condemnation against the US which occupied Iraq, a sovereign state, by force and inflicts unbearable misfortunes and pains upon the Iraqi people.As already known, the unilateral military invasion of Iraq by the US in disregard of the international law and the UN, was an unjust war of aggression aimed to oust the Hussein regime and control over the oil fields in the Middle East.Owing to the US flagrant criminal acts, Iraq was … [read more]

International Solidarity Movement

Das International Solidarity Movement (ISM) mit Palästina gründet seine Arbeit auf folgende zentrale Prinzipien:…• das bestimmende Element sind die Palästinenser und deren Anliegen…• direkte Aktionen gegen die Besatzungsmacht…• GewaltfreiheitDas ISM arbeitet je nach Kräfteverhältnissen und politischer Situation im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland in so genannten Ortsgruppen (wie zum Beispiel in Jenin oder Nablus), denen sich die internationalen Aktivisten für kürzere oder längere Zeit anschließen. International ist das ISM in verschiedenen Ländern wie den USA, Deutschland oder Schweden tätig, um Solidaritätsarbeit mit Palästina zu leisten.Die Arbeit in Palästina selbst kann direkte Teilnahme, Hilfe und Unterstützung beim Kampf gegen beispielsweise … [read more]

PFLP to support release of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

In reference to the above mentioned call for the release of Abdul Jabbar al-Kubaysi – we are very much delighted to inform you that we fully support this call and we express our strongest protest against the hijacking of Abdul Jabbar as we condemn all the wicked practices of the occupation troops their puppets against all the freedom fighters in Iraq.While we express our full solidarity to the family and comrades of Abdul Jabbar, we demand his immediate release as well as the thousands of the loving freedom fighters whom they are still suffering in the occupation prisons in Iraq.Political Bureau of thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine … [read more]

US Freedom Socialists to support Iraqi resistance

Participation in int´l day of action Sept 25The Freedom Socialist Party has initiated a number of activities in solidarity with the September 25 international day of solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. We hope to show and to stimulate opposition in this country to our government`s occupation and abuse of people in the Middle East.In New York City, the FSP will work with Radical Women which is hosting a forum "In Solidarity with the Women of Iraq." It will be held at Freedom Hall in Harlem on September 22. They advertise: The brutal U.S.-led occupation of Iraq has dealt its sharpest blows against the women and children of the country. In support of an international call to make September 25--the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada--a day of action in defense of the Iraqi … [read more]

Palestinians within Green Line schedule general strike for Oct 1

Commemoration of the Intifada´s martyrs On last Saturday (18/9/04) the national leadership of the 48 Arabs met to discuss its position regarding the anniversary of the Intifada. The leadership, in the from of the supreme monitoring committee, combine representatives of all Arab parties as well as municipalities and NGOs. At the request of the committee of the relatives of the martyrs it decided to declare a general strike for October 1st.Commemoration ceremonies are to be held in all town on villages where there are martyrs, and a central demonstration will be held in Sakhnin, in the heart of the Galillee.Of course, solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Iraqi people and against the US and all other imperialists will be on the political agenda of the demonstrations and the strike, … [read more]

Pro-resistance demonstration banned in Perugia, Italy

We will violate the "Red zone"Following a shortened translation of the declaration by "Umbria against the war"Under the pressure of the ministry of interior the police department of Perugia banned the demonstration scheduled for September 25 under the slogan "Leave Iraq in peace. All out – Berlusconi, his troops and his govt!" Their justification: "for founded reasons in order to preserve the public order".The ban applies for the entire city centre. This never happened not even in the years of the advent of fascism. The ban is gravely violating basic democratic rights and therefore is anti-democratic and anti-constitutional. Today we have sent a protest delegation to the mayor to denounce the justification as mere pretext. Actually the real reason is to illegalise anybody who expresses … [read more]

25 Sept: demo for the Palestinian and Iraqi resistance in Cologne, Germany

Protest affiliated with the int`l day of actionDemonstration in Cologne: Saturday, September 25, 2004Day of action: Fourth Anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada1 p.m., cathedral (near main station) End the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq! Tanks and helicopter gunships against the civilian population, massacres in residential areas, collective punishment of families, prison murder and torture. The occupation of Palestine by Israel and the occupation of Iraq by the USA represent not only the erosion of international legal norms, the disdain of elementary rights to national self-determination, but also the Washington and Tel Aviv governments` inhumane plans of reorganisation. In the name of the "war on terror" the government of Israel has intensified its policy of expulsion of the … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Camp invites Arab Islamic Congress to Vienna

Schroeder-Schily attacking democratic rightsFor weeks the German press has been agitating against the "First Arab Islamic Congress in Europe" which is scheduled to take place from 1 to 3 October in Berlin. Against any evidence also the German authorities continue to speak of forces related with what they use to call "Islamist terrorism". Actually the organisers belong to the Arab nationalist current trying to address also European Muslims. Politically they were asking for nothing more than the elementary democratic right to national self-determination. As legitimised by international law, they defend the struggle against foreign occupation in Iraq and Palestine.The fact that the conference´s organisers used to talk of American and Zionist terror disturbed the Western corporate media. But … [read more]

بيان صادر عن نادي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أيتها الأخوات ، أيها الإخوة…يتعرض الوطن العربي لحملة بربرية شرسة تقودها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم … [read more]

Iraqi Contras – the case of the two kidnapped Simonas

With the Iraqi resistance, down with American terrorism!We have to take into consideration, that all the NGOs in Iraq are funded and supported by Western countries, that their operations are subject to the control of the respective foreign offices, that – being under close intelligence surveillance – they are being infiltrated and that their humanitarian activities are in the last instance functional for the normalisation plans of the occupants. We furthermore should not leave out of sight that one of the kidnapped woman, the Iraqi Mahnaz Bassam, belongs to the mysterious NGO "Intersos" – the same Paolo Simeone worked for. He recruited body guards to be sent to Iraq. One of them was Fabrizio Quattrocchi who was later killed by the guerrilla.However, the kidnapping of Simona Torrerra … [read more]

بيان صادر عن نادي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ø£ÙŠØªÙ‡Ø§ الأخوات ØŒ أيها الإخوة……يتعرض الوطن العربي لحملة بربرية شرسة تقودها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم أوروبي وسكوت عربي رسمي Ù…Ù?ضوح تستهدÙ? نهب ثرواته والتحكم Ù?ÙŠ مقدّراته Ùˆ القضاء على … [read more]

Indian political prisoners end hunger strike

Struggle against POTA continuesThe following RYL - POTA Prisoners were on hunger strike from 26.08.04, on wards in Central Prison, Chennai. Manivasagam Vinayagam Sathishkmumar Suresh Muthu Thangapandian SakthivelFour other Prisoners namely, Duraisingavel Palinasamy Madhaiyan Raviwere also on hunger strike from 2.09.04.The Women Prisoners namely, Anandhi Reeta Mary and Reena Joice Marywere also undergoing hunger strike from 28.08.04 in Special Prison for Women, Vellore.Their main demands are;1. To appeal POTA 2002 retrospectively2. To withdraw all the cases registered under POTAThe health condition of the above prisoners detoriatated. Neither the Central Government nor State Government authorities cared to meet and talk to them.In the meanwhile, Civil Liberties origanisations all over … [read more]

A step forward for the Bolivarian revolution

On Chavez´ victory in the referendumThe victory of the Bolivarian revolution in the referendum is an internationalist victory over Yankee imperialism Declaration of the Anti-imperialist Camp With 58 % of the votes against 42 % and a high participation in the vote (60 %) the majority of the people of Venezuela rejected the attempt by the oligarchical pro-imperialist opposition to overthrow the President Hugo Chávez and to put an end to the revolutionary Bolivarian process in Venezuela.The imperialist media, with the arrogance of the privileged frightened by the increasing political awareness of the poorer classes of Venezuela, commented on the "class vote" of the "outcastes manipulated by the populist social programmes" President Chávez. At the same time, they tried to paint a … [read more]

"Not all hostage-taking by the Resistance"

Awni al-Kalemji: Withdraw troops, release Italian girlsDear journalists,With regard to your question on my personal opinion about the two Italian hostages I would like to state the following:According to my information the Iraqi Resistance opposes any action which does not serve the liberation of Iraq from occupation. We have heard and seen that the Resistance released several hostages of different nationalities after their innocence had been proved. Among them are the three Italians who were set free only some months ago. Furthermore I believe that nobody except the Resistance itself can judge the background of the foreigners in Iraq.From the south to the north Iraq is a battlefield. There is no centimeter in peace. Those coming to Iraq as tourists in most cases are no real tourists. … [read more]

Free Abduljabbar!

List of signataries as of Oct 7, 2004Abduljabbar Al-Kubaysi, president of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA) and renown exponent of the popular resistance, was arrested on September 3 in a quarter of Baghdad controlled by the guerrilla. The house he stayed in was surrounded and stormed by US occupation forces employing helicopters, tanks and up to one hundred heavily armed soldiers.Immediately after the Anglo-American aggression Abduljabbar decided to end thirty years of exile and returned to Iraq in order to engage in the struggle to chase away the occupants. For more than one years he has been spending – under very difficult conditions – all his energy to forge the unity of all popular forces fighting for independence and sovereignty of his country.His passionate commitment for the … [read more]

Support the hunger strike of the political prisoners in Tamil Nadu

SIGN and SUPPORT the Cause of Prisoners who are on an Indefinite Hunger Strike in Tamil Nadu JailsDear Friend,We are mailing you an appeal addressed to Eleven POTA Prisoners of Tamil Nadu who are on Hunger Strike since 26/9/2004. Today is the 17th day of their indefinite fast and most of them, including three women, are in a precarious condition. Any one of them may suffer the loss of life or permanent damage to vital organs like kidneys if the government remains adamant and the prisoners continue with their struggle in this way. It is a matter of concern for all justice loving, democratic and humane people. They should come forward in defence of the prisoners´ cause. The prisoners are demanding the withdrawal of POTA cases against themselves and others and also the repeal of POTA as a … [read more]

Iraq: Struggle against a giant monster

Sammi Alaa addresses the pro-resistance demo in Perugia, Italy, Sept 25, 2004Sammi Alaa is member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance " (IPA) and spokesman of the Danish Free Iraq Committee.We are here today to remember the beginning of Intifaden, the Palestinian peoples struggle against Zionist colonialization…—the same fight that the Iraqis are engaged in against the imperialist occupation of their country.About a year and one-half ago, the imperialist forces launched an uncalled for war and occupation of my land. That unlawful war was sold to the world on lies: lies that the government had weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaida. None of that pretended by Bush and Blair, and the prime minister of the country where I now live, Fogh Rasmussen, existed. They openly lied in order … [read more]

Iraqi resistance protests in Assam not allowed to march

Press Communiquà©Solidarity Meeting for Iraqi ResistanceGuwahati, September 25, 2004: On the occasion of "International Day of Action for the Iraqi Resistance" a protest meeting, was held today in Nagaon, Assam. The meeting was organised byManab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS), under the aegis of North East Coordination Committee for Human Rights (NECOHR), an umbrella organisation of several human rights groups of the Northeast. The citizens at the meeting condemned the brutalisation of Iraq and its people under the neo-colonial agenda instigated by the United States of America and its allies. The citizens also said that this was a moment of great hope people who have been resisting the occupation of their lands and the killings of their loved ones, by occupation forces. They also … [read more]

Self-determination of the Northeast and Iraq – one struggle!

Solidarity address to the protest rally in Nagaon, AssamThe organisers of the international day of action for the Iraqi resistance including the Anti-imperialist Camp are honoured to be able to transmit their wholehearted revolutionary greetings to you.For all of us this day of action is a significant step forward in building an anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisation movement and to link it to the ongoing liberation struggles in the oppressed countries which used to be largely excluded from this Western-style movement.This is even more true as the NECOHR with its delegate Jagat Thoudam actually was part of the promoting group during the anti-imperialist gathering of Mumbai Resistance (MR) where this day of acting was lanched.Comrades, we should not forget that the resistance … [read more]

Self-determination to Iraq and Indian Northeast!

Sept 25 action day in AssamINTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONfor the Iraqi ResistanceOn 25th September 2004 at Shahid Bhavan, Nagaon, Assam The North East Coordination Committee on Human Rights (NECOHR), along with the various organisations and individuals across the globe is organising the International Day of Action for the Iraqi Resistance on 25th September 2004. We all know that at present Iraq is a battlefield. The battle is fought between the Iraqi people and the occupational forces led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The heroic resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. They are claiming their inalienable right to national … [read more]

Support the Iraqi resistance!

National Democratic Front of South KoreaThe spokesman for the NDFSK issued a statement to denounce the US aggressive war against Iraq and the occupation of it, and to express full support and solidarity to the Iraqi people´s patriotic resistance against the imperialist occupiers.The statement reads:Today, the international community is voicing louder its protest and condemnation against the US which occupied Iraq, a sovereign state, by force and inflicts unbearable misfortunes and pains upon the Iraqi people.As already known, the unilateral military invasion of Iraq by the US in disregard of the international law and the UN, was an unjust war of aggression aimed to oust the Hussein regime and control over the oil fields in the Middle East.Owing to the US flagrant criminal acts, Iraq was … [read more]

International Solidarity Movement

Das International Solidarity Movement (ISM) mit Palästina gründet seine Arbeit auf folgende zentrale Prinzipien:…• das bestimmende Element sind die Palästinenser und deren Anliegen…• direkte Aktionen gegen die Besatzungsmacht…• GewaltfreiheitDas ISM arbeitet je nach Kräfteverhältnissen und politischer Situation im Gazastreifen und im Westjordanland in so genannten Ortsgruppen (wie zum Beispiel in Jenin oder Nablus), denen sich die internationalen Aktivisten für kürzere oder längere Zeit anschließen. International ist das ISM in verschiedenen Ländern wie den USA, Deutschland oder Schweden tätig, um Solidaritätsarbeit mit Palästina zu leisten.Die Arbeit in Palästina selbst kann direkte Teilnahme, Hilfe und Unterstützung beim Kampf gegen beispielsweise … [read more]

PFLP to support release of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

In reference to the above mentioned call for the release of Abdul Jabbar al-Kubaysi – we are very much delighted to inform you that we fully support this call and we express our strongest protest against the hijacking of Abdul Jabbar as we condemn all the wicked practices of the occupation troops their puppets against all the freedom fighters in Iraq.While we express our full solidarity to the family and comrades of Abdul Jabbar, we demand his immediate release as well as the thousands of the loving freedom fighters whom they are still suffering in the occupation prisons in Iraq.Political Bureau of thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine … [read more]

US Freedom Socialists to support Iraqi resistance

Participation in int´l day of action Sept 25The Freedom Socialist Party has initiated a number of activities in solidarity with the September 25 international day of solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. We hope to show and to stimulate opposition in this country to our government`s occupation and abuse of people in the Middle East.In New York City, the FSP will work with Radical Women which is hosting a forum "In Solidarity with the Women of Iraq." It will be held at Freedom Hall in Harlem on September 22. They advertise: The brutal U.S.-led occupation of Iraq has dealt its sharpest blows against the women and children of the country. In support of an international call to make September 25--the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada--a day of action in defense of the Iraqi … [read more]

Palestinians within Green Line schedule general strike for Oct 1

Commemoration of the Intifada´s martyrs On last Saturday (18/9/04) the national leadership of the 48 Arabs met to discuss its position regarding the anniversary of the Intifada. The leadership, in the from of the supreme monitoring committee, combine representatives of all Arab parties as well as municipalities and NGOs. At the request of the committee of the relatives of the martyrs it decided to declare a general strike for October 1st.Commemoration ceremonies are to be held in all town on villages where there are martyrs, and a central demonstration will be held in Sakhnin, in the heart of the Galillee.Of course, solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Iraqi people and against the US and all other imperialists will be on the political agenda of the demonstrations and the strike, … [read more]

Pro-resistance demonstration banned in Perugia, Italy

We will violate the "Red zone"Following a shortened translation of the declaration by "Umbria against the war"Under the pressure of the ministry of interior the police department of Perugia banned the demonstration scheduled for September 25 under the slogan "Leave Iraq in peace. All out – Berlusconi, his troops and his govt!" Their justification: "for founded reasons in order to preserve the public order".The ban applies for the entire city centre. This never happened not even in the years of the advent of fascism. The ban is gravely violating basic democratic rights and therefore is anti-democratic and anti-constitutional. Today we have sent a protest delegation to the mayor to denounce the justification as mere pretext. Actually the real reason is to illegalise anybody who expresses … [read more]

25 Sept: demo for the Palestinian and Iraqi resistance in Cologne, Germany

Protest affiliated with the int`l day of actionDemonstration in Cologne: Saturday, September 25, 2004Day of action: Fourth Anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada1 p.m., cathedral (near main station) End the Occupation in Palestine and Iraq! Tanks and helicopter gunships against the civilian population, massacres in residential areas, collective punishment of families, prison murder and torture. The occupation of Palestine by Israel and the occupation of Iraq by the USA represent not only the erosion of international legal norms, the disdain of elementary rights to national self-determination, but also the Washington and Tel Aviv governments` inhumane plans of reorganisation. In the name of the "war on terror" the government of Israel has intensified its policy of expulsion of the … [read more]

Anti-imperialist Camp invites Arab Islamic Congress to Vienna

Schroeder-Schily attacking democratic rightsFor weeks the German press has been agitating against the "First Arab Islamic Congress in Europe" which is scheduled to take place from 1 to 3 October in Berlin. Against any evidence also the German authorities continue to speak of forces related with what they use to call "Islamist terrorism". Actually the organisers belong to the Arab nationalist current trying to address also European Muslims. Politically they were asking for nothing more than the elementary democratic right to national self-determination. As legitimised by international law, they defend the struggle against foreign occupation in Iraq and Palestine.The fact that the conference´s organisers used to talk of American and Zionist terror disturbed the Western corporate media. But … [read more]

بيان صادر عن نادي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أيتها الأخوات ، أيها الإخوة…يتعرض الوطن العربي لحملة بربرية شرسة تقودها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم … [read more]

Iraqi Contras – the case of the two kidnapped Simonas

With the Iraqi resistance, down with American terrorism!We have to take into consideration, that all the NGOs in Iraq are funded and supported by Western countries, that their operations are subject to the control of the respective foreign offices, that – being under close intelligence surveillance – they are being infiltrated and that their humanitarian activities are in the last instance functional for the normalisation plans of the occupants. We furthermore should not leave out of sight that one of the kidnapped woman, the Iraqi Mahnaz Bassam, belongs to the mysterious NGO "Intersos" – the same Paolo Simeone worked for. He recruited body guards to be sent to Iraq. One of them was Fabrizio Quattrocchi who was later killed by the guerrilla.However, the kidnapping of Simona Torrerra … [read more]

بيان صادر عن نادي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ø£ÙŠØªÙ‡Ø§ الأخوات ØŒ أيها الإخوة……يتعرض الوطن العربي لحملة بربرية شرسة تقودها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم أوروبي وسكوت عربي رسمي Ù…Ù?ضوح تستهدÙ? نهب ثرواته والتحكم Ù?ÙŠ مقدّراته Ùˆ القضاء على … [read more]

Indian political prisoners end hunger strike

Struggle against POTA continuesThe following RYL - POTA Prisoners were on hunger strike from 26.08.04, on wards in Central Prison, Chennai. Manivasagam Vinayagam Sathishkmumar Suresh Muthu Thangapandian SakthivelFour other Prisoners namely, Duraisingavel Palinasamy Madhaiyan Raviwere also on hunger strike from 2.09.04.The Women Prisoners namely, Anandhi Reeta Mary and Reena Joice Marywere also undergoing hunger strike from 28.08.04 in Special Prison for Women, Vellore.Their main demands are;1. To appeal POTA 2002 retrospectively2. To withdraw all the cases registered under POTAThe health condition of the above prisoners detoriatated. Neither the Central Government nor State Government authorities cared to meet and talk to them.In the meanwhile, Civil Liberties origanisations all over … [read more]

A step forward for the Bolivarian revolution

On Chavez´ victory in the referendumThe victory of the Bolivarian revolution in the referendum is an internationalist victory over Yankee imperialism Declaration of the Anti-imperialist Camp With 58 % of the votes against 42 % and a high participation in the vote (60 %) the majority of the people of Venezuela rejected the attempt by the oligarchical pro-imperialist opposition to overthrow the President Hugo Chávez and to put an end to the revolutionary Bolivarian process in Venezuela.The imperialist media, with the arrogance of the privileged frightened by the increasing political awareness of the poorer classes of Venezuela, commented on the "class vote" of the "outcastes manipulated by the populist social programmes" President Chávez. At the same time, they tried to paint a … [read more]

"Not all hostage-taking by the Resistance"

Awni al-Kalemji: Withdraw troops, release Italian girlsDear journalists,With regard to your question on my personal opinion about the two Italian hostages I would like to state the following:According to my information the Iraqi Resistance opposes any action which does not serve the liberation of Iraq from occupation. We have heard and seen that the Resistance released several hostages of different nationalities after their innocence had been proved. Among them are the three Italians who were set free only some months ago. Furthermore I believe that nobody except the Resistance itself can judge the background of the foreigners in Iraq.From the south to the north Iraq is a battlefield. There is no centimeter in peace. Those coming to Iraq as tourists in most cases are no real tourists. … [read more]

Free Abduljabbar!

List of signataries as of Oct 7, 2004Abduljabbar Al-Kubaysi, president of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA) and renown exponent of the popular resistance, was arrested on September 3 in a quarter of Baghdad controlled by the guerrilla. The house he stayed in was surrounded and stormed by US occupation forces employing helicopters, tanks and up to one hundred heavily armed soldiers.Immediately after the Anglo-American aggression Abduljabbar decided to end thirty years of exile and returned to Iraq in order to engage in the struggle to chase away the occupants. For more than one years he has been spending – under very difficult conditions – all his energy to forge the unity of all popular forces fighting for independence and sovereignty of his country.His passionate commitment for the … [read more]

Support the hunger strike of the political prisoners in Tamil Nadu

SIGN and SUPPORT the Cause of Prisoners who are on an Indefinite Hunger Strike in Tamil Nadu JailsDear Friend,We are mailing you an appeal addressed to Eleven POTA Prisoners of Tamil Nadu who are on Hunger Strike since 26/9/2004. Today is the 17th day of their indefinite fast and most of them, including three women, are in a precarious condition. Any one of them may suffer the loss of life or permanent damage to vital organs like kidneys if the government remains adamant and the prisoners continue with their struggle in this way. It is a matter of concern for all justice loving, democratic and humane people. They should come forward in defence of the prisoners´ cause. The prisoners are demanding the withdrawal of POTA cases against themselves and others and also the repeal of POTA as a … [read more]