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Boycott Israel!

by Lars Akerhaug, OsloBoycott of Israel as a strategy to strengthen the liberation struggle and the anti-Zionist blocOslo: 1993. Official Norway celebrates as …‘the Oslo-channel´ is declared as the "turning point in relations between the PLO and Israel". The support of the Palestinian liberation struggle is diminished to some few groups of the Palestine Committee. Except for these voices, few if any mention the traps and lacking of the agreement. Norway uses the opportunity to extend its influence over the oppressed countries of the world through …‘peace negotiations´ and …‘development aid´.Occupied Palestine: 1993-2000: Palestinians soon discover that the …‘peace agreement´ was rather a …‘peace trap´. In return of putting down the armed struggle and confining … [read more]

Protest Against Tamilnadu Bhawan at Delhi

in Support of the Prisoners on Indefinite Hunger Strike Against POTAIn Tamilnadu ten prisoners are on indefinite hunger strike demanding the repeal of POTA, withdrawal of POTA cases on them, and withdrawal of all the cases of the POTA accused throughout the country. Seven of them are in the Central Prison, Chennai while three are women prisoners who are lodged in Vellore Special Prison for Women. All the ten of them are on an indefinite hunger strike since August 26, 2004. On September 2, 2004 the condition of three women prisoners deteriorated and they are now taken to the Vellore General Hospital for treatment. These prisoners are steadfast in their struggle and have refused to take any medicine or food till their demand is met. On September 1, 2004 these women prisoners became … [read more]

Marwan Barghouti continues hunger strike

In a communiquà© dated September 4th, 2004, the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) called for urgent intervention to save the life of Marwan Barghouti who decided not to suspend his hunger strike like the rest of the prisoners after the Israelis extended his imprisonment in isolation by another year. Marwan Barghouti had been in isolation for the past two years. According to the International Red Cross, Marwan Barghouti is so weak that he could no longer stand up on his own. Marwan Barghouti had lost more than 36 lbs of his original weight and is suffering from acute dehydration. Furthermore with the beginning of the hunger strike, the sadist Israelis had moved him to a prison section inhabited primarily by serious Israeli criminals mainly from the settler population in the West Bank. … [read more]

Stöd hans frigivning

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi arresterad av USA:s ockupationstrupperAbduljabbar al-Kubaysi, ledare för Iraks Patriotiska Allians (IPA), arresterades den 3 september kl 3 pॠmorgonen lokal tid i Bagdad. Det hus där han tillfälligt uppehöll sig omringades och intogs av omkring 50 USA-amerikanska ockupationssoldater med hjälp av helikoptrar och stridsvagnar.Händelsen har meddelats oss genom Awni al-Kalemji, talesman för IPA, och har bekräftats av và¥ra irakiska vänner och igà¥r av TV-kanalen Al Jazeeras arabisksprà¥kiga nyhetssändningar.Campo Antiimperialista, som hade ett nära samarbetet med IPA redan innan kriget, protesterar i de kraftigaste möjliga ordalag mot detta grova fall av banditism. Vi bekräftar và¥r bestämda solidaritet med Abduljabbar, hans familj och hans … [read more]

IPA condemns the arrest of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

We condemn the arrest of our leader Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, and we hold the occupying forces responsible for the health and life of al-Kubaysi. We commit ourselves to work together with our brothers and sisters in- and outside Iraq for an international campaign for the liberation of al-Kubaysi´s. We hereby reconfirm that our resistance is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. Facing a supreme power with few guns and a strong belief in our right cause make us stronger and more resilient. Free Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi!Long lives the Iraqi resistanceIraqi Patriotic AllianceSeptember 5, … [read more]

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi arrested by US occupation troops

Intl solidarity requiredAbduljabbar al-Kubaysi, president of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), was arrested on 3rd September in Baghdad, 3 am local time. The house he had temporarily stayed in was surrounded and stormed by about 50 US occupation soldiers employing helicopters and tanks.The news has been transmitted to us by Awni al-Kalemji, spokesman of the IPA, and confirmed by our Iraqi friends and by the Arabic news of the TV channel Al Jazeera yesterday.The Anti-imperialist Camp, which has been closely co-operating with the IPA already before the war, expresses its protest in the strongest terms possible against this grave case of piracy. We affirm our decided solidarity to Abduljabbar, his family and his comrades as well as to the IPA.We call for the immediate release of our … [read more]

India: Prisoners on Hunger Strike against POTA

Condition of Six Deteriorates, Three women Prisoners Admitted in HospitalIn Tamilnadu ten prisoners are on hunger strike demanding the repeal of POTA. Seven of them are in the Central Prison, Chennai while three are women prisoners who are lodged in Vellore Special Prison for Women. All the ten of them are on an indefinite hunger strike since August 26, 2004. On September 2, 2004 the condition of three women prisoners deteriorated and they are now taken to the Vellore General Hospital for treatment. These prisoners are steadfast in their struggle and have refused to take any medicine or food till their demand is met. The latest news about them is that these women prisoners have become unconsciousness. The condition of three male prisoners in the Chennai Central Jail is also getting … [read more]

Najaf: en tvetydig seger för motståndet

Att USA:s marinkà¥r till slut drog sig tillbaka frà¥n Najaf utgjorde, med tanke pॠdess ojämförligt större militära slagstyrka, en tydlig seger i ännu ett slag för motstà¥ndet mot ockupationen. Varken medlemmarna i eller ledaren för Mahdi-armà©n kommer att à¥talas. Istället kunde de lämna slagfältet som fria män. Villkoret att milisen skulle avväpnas kunde inte verkställas av angriparna. Under skydd av folkmarschen som kom till undsättning, kunde försvararna i stor utsträckning ta sig ur omringningen med sina vapen. Man kan jämföra denna verklighet pॠmarken med den irakiska marionett-regimens löfte att "lära Muqtada en läxa han aldrig ska glömma".I verkligheten är läxan iögonenfallande - motstà¥nd mot ockupationsmaktens överväldigande … [read more]

Najaf: ambiguous victory of the resistance

Given the huge disproportion of military force the eventual withdrawal of the US marines from Najaf constitutes a resounding victory of another battle of the resistance against occupation. Neither the members nor the leader of the Mahdi army will be prosecuted but could leave the battle ground as free men. Although a disarming of the resistance militia was pre-concerted it actually could not be enforced by the assailants. Protected by the popular march coming for relief the fighters could slip out of the encirclement retaining their weapons to a far reaching extent. It suffices to compare this reality on the ground with the void threats of the Iraqi puppet regime who promised to "teach Muqtada a lesson he will never forget". Actually the lesson is conspicuous – resistance against the … [read more]

French hysteria

On the hostage-taking of two Frenchs in IraqThe current hostage-taking of two French journalists in Iraq is certainly counter-productive to the Arab-Islamic resistance struggle against the imperialist onslaught. Therefore also the anti-imperialist forces in the Arab and Islamic world as well as the Muslim community in France condemn it and call for the immediate and unconditional release of the French nationals.Only those regimes should be held responsible who actually sided with the US aggression on Iraq and who continue to support the ongoing occupation. Those countries which did not directly participate in the aggression should be spared from retaliation in this asymmetric defensive anti-imperialist war.Only in this way the poor and oppressed popular masses of the world including those … [read more]

International day of action for the Iraqi resistance Sept 25

VenuesIntl day of action for the Iraqi resistance Sept 25VenuesGermany, demonstrationHamburg, demonstrationCologne, demonstration, 1 pm Domplatte proceeding to Amerikahaus, speakers: Palestinian Community Germany, Free Iraq Committee, Representative of Turkish diasporawww.freepalestine.deStuttgart, demonstrationJena, protest assemblyMagdeburg, demonstration, 2pm Alter Markt, InternationaleSolidaritaetMD@web.deItalyPerugia, demonstration followed by a concertwww.iraqlibero.atRome, concert with political addresseswww.iraqlibero.atMilan, demonstration, 3pm, Piazzale Loreto lungo via Padovaby the "Struggle Committee for Palestine", coordpalestina@arabia.comNaples, protest assemblySassari, protest assemblyAustriaVienna, demonstration, 3 pm … [read more]

Tide? Or Ivory Snow? Public Power in the Age of Empire

by Arundhati Roy Published by August 29th, 2004I´ve been asked to speak about "Public Power in the Age of Empire. "I´m not used to doing as I´m tol but by happy coincidence, it´s exactly what I´d like to speak about tonight. When language has been butchered and bled of meaning, how do we understand "public power"? When freedom means occupation, when democracy means neo-liberal capitalism, when reform means repression, when words like "empowerment" and "peacekeeping" make your blood run cold - why, then, "public power" could mean whatever you want it to mean. A biceps building machine, or a Community Power Shower. So, I´ll just have to define "public power" as I go along, in my own self-serving sort of way.In India, the word public is now a Hindi word. It means … [read more]

Salutation to the Antiimperialist Camp of Assisi

30/8/2004 · by KKE(ml) Greece
On behalf of GPG (m-l)-Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the frontal antiwar-antiimperialist committees that have been established in various parts of Greece we sent warm, militant, and internationalist greetings to the organizational committee of Campo Antiimperialista 2004 as well as to all participants.
The yearly antiimperialist-internationalist meeting of Assisi is a major contribution to the stepping-up of relations between antiimperialist movements around the world, an opportunity for exchanging ideas, views, and experience, and advancing initiatives concerning the struggle and resistance to the imperialist war, oppression, and terrorism of imperialists. At the same time it is a forum for publicizing peoples´ struggle for freedom and independence and for strengthening the antiimperialist, militant line in the international, popular, and antiwar movement.In the year that passed after the last meeting of Assisi there were many antiimperialist, antiwar, and internationalist activities in Greece. In November 2003 and May 2004 there were solidarity meetings in a dozen Greek cities … [read more]

International solidarity with the political prisoners

Donostia Declaration The International Solidarity Conference organised by the Basque pro-Amnesty movement agrees on the following:ForewordThrough their own dynamics, Political prisoners adjust their nature, which is determined by the changing forms of repression they suffer for years at the hands of their enemy.Before going into resolutions it is important to analyse the context because the current social and political situation is linked to "globalisation" like never before. Through it, the violent offensive deployed by political and economic forces completely conditions the nature, situation and future of political prisoners round the world.ContextA militant´s decision to fight has its origin in the violence suffered by himself or herself, their environment and their people. The … [read more]

Proposals to the Palestinian Solidarity Conference

Gothenburg, September 7-11, 2004Pls. accept our wholehearted greetings to your solidarity conference with the Palestinian people. We believe that we have to join hands in our efforts in Europe and the world to defend the resistance and liberation struggle of the Arab people in general and especially the Palestinian and Iraqi one.Beside the need to forge broader coalitions for the right to self-determination including the end of the occupation, the right to return, to stop the Apartheid wall etc., we also have to build a co-operation on a clearly anti-imperialist and revolutionary base articulating our proper positions within the broader movement.This is mainly the historic struggle for a democratic anti-imperialist state in entire Palestine on the ruins of Zionism and its state as well as … [read more]

International day of action for the Iraqi Resistance

Sept 25, anniverary of the Palestinian Intifada, as of Sept 21INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONFor the Iraqi ResistanceIn Iraq a battle of historic importance is raging. After two wars of aggression and a genocidal embargo claiming 2 million lives and having devastated an entire country, the Iraqi people is confronting the illegitimate and brutal occupation by the US and their allies. The heroic resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. They are claiming their inalienable right to national self-determination and sovereignty. But at stake is much more, namely the very future of the US attempt to erect their global empire, that is to say the future of humanity. … [read more]

Political Prisoners in bourgeouis Russia

Solidarity Conference in Moscow 11-12 SeptemberDEFENCE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS – AN IMPORTANT CAUSE OF ALL COMMUNIST, LEFT,ANTI-IMPERIALIST AND PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE!About the conference of the Movement in Defence of Political Prisoners – Fighters for Socialism 11-12 September 2004As the result of the bourgeois counter-revolution of 1991-1993 in Russia and other former Soviet republics a small strata of bourgeois elements became a new social class of capitalists. Having seized the political power, this class, supported by the World imperialism, turned most profitable social industries into its private ownership and established a regime of exploitation and oppression. In 1992-1998 this regime resulted in a unique economic and social disaster, and when the Russian working class responded by … [read more]

Solidarity demonstrations with Manipuri people in Mumbai

August 24 and 26, 2004Demonstration on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 from 4.30 pm onwardsChurchgate (outside platform no 4 opposite Western railway Headquarters)For the last month and more, the people of the state of Manipur have taken to the streets to demand the withdrawal of the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act from their state. Due to this Act being in force, security forces have killed with impunity hundreds of innocent Manipuris over the last many years. The current revolt has been sparked off with the brutal rape and murder of Manorama Devi by the security forces. If the entire population of a state is so vehemently struggling against this unjust law, we, as fellow citizens, must respect their must the rulers. It is necessary today for all democratic minded … [read more]

Noam Chomsky and `Left` Apologetics for Injustice in Palestine

by Noah Cohen, 8/21/04(member of the New England Committee to Defend Palestine)1.It`s particularly interesting in the case of Palestine to see where US intellectuals and progressives decide that it`s necessary to be "realistic" and where "principled;" where they choose to accept more or less the general media consensus about "the boundaries of acceptable discourse" and where they reject it. In the case of Palestine, people who are generally on record as calling for forthrightness and honesty in the demand for justice in political discourse, who criticize a false "pragmatism" oriented toward the corporate media and academic political consultants and who question generalizing statements about popular consensus, suddenly become believers in pragmatism and the limits of what the discourse … [read more]

A case for Seraiki People

Paper read in the seminary organized by Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement (PONM)Dear friends and respected leaders of the oppressed nations and peoples of Pakistan!I am here to represent the case of Seraiki people struggling for their constitutional, political, economic, cultural rights which are violated and denied by the dominant ethnic groups and ruling cliques supported by ruthless institutions of the state of Pakistan. Geographical background Seraiki speaking people, more than 50 million, have been residing in a vast area in center of Pakistan that is 1,66,326 sq Km. Out of which 1,54,157,sq Km is in Punjab making 75% of the total area of Punjab. Historically, Seraiki people were rich with land and water resources having four deltas of five rivers, vast plains, two major deserts, … [read more]

Boycott Israel!

by Lars Akerhaug, OsloBoycott of Israel as a strategy to strengthen the liberation struggle and the anti-Zionist blocOslo: 1993. Official Norway celebrates as …‘the Oslo-channel´ is declared as the "turning point in relations between the PLO and Israel". The support of the Palestinian liberation struggle is diminished to some few groups of the Palestine Committee. Except for these voices, few if any mention the traps and lacking of the agreement. Norway uses the opportunity to extend its influence over the oppressed countries of the world through …‘peace negotiations´ and …‘development aid´.Occupied Palestine: 1993-2000: Palestinians soon discover that the …‘peace agreement´ was rather a …‘peace trap´. In return of putting down the armed struggle and confining … [read more]

Protest Against Tamilnadu Bhawan at Delhi

in Support of the Prisoners on Indefinite Hunger Strike Against POTAIn Tamilnadu ten prisoners are on indefinite hunger strike demanding the repeal of POTA, withdrawal of POTA cases on them, and withdrawal of all the cases of the POTA accused throughout the country. Seven of them are in the Central Prison, Chennai while three are women prisoners who are lodged in Vellore Special Prison for Women. All the ten of them are on an indefinite hunger strike since August 26, 2004. On September 2, 2004 the condition of three women prisoners deteriorated and they are now taken to the Vellore General Hospital for treatment. These prisoners are steadfast in their struggle and have refused to take any medicine or food till their demand is met. On September 1, 2004 these women prisoners became … [read more]

Marwan Barghouti continues hunger strike

In a communiquà© dated September 4th, 2004, the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) called for urgent intervention to save the life of Marwan Barghouti who decided not to suspend his hunger strike like the rest of the prisoners after the Israelis extended his imprisonment in isolation by another year. Marwan Barghouti had been in isolation for the past two years. According to the International Red Cross, Marwan Barghouti is so weak that he could no longer stand up on his own. Marwan Barghouti had lost more than 36 lbs of his original weight and is suffering from acute dehydration. Furthermore with the beginning of the hunger strike, the sadist Israelis had moved him to a prison section inhabited primarily by serious Israeli criminals mainly from the settler population in the West Bank. … [read more]

Stöd hans frigivning

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi arresterad av USA:s ockupationstrupperAbduljabbar al-Kubaysi, ledare för Iraks Patriotiska Allians (IPA), arresterades den 3 september kl 3 pॠmorgonen lokal tid i Bagdad. Det hus där han tillfälligt uppehöll sig omringades och intogs av omkring 50 USA-amerikanska ockupationssoldater med hjälp av helikoptrar och stridsvagnar.Händelsen har meddelats oss genom Awni al-Kalemji, talesman för IPA, och har bekräftats av và¥ra irakiska vänner och igà¥r av TV-kanalen Al Jazeeras arabisksprà¥kiga nyhetssändningar.Campo Antiimperialista, som hade ett nära samarbetet med IPA redan innan kriget, protesterar i de kraftigaste möjliga ordalag mot detta grova fall av banditism. Vi bekräftar và¥r bestämda solidaritet med Abduljabbar, hans familj och hans … [read more]

IPA condemns the arrest of Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi

We condemn the arrest of our leader Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi, and we hold the occupying forces responsible for the health and life of al-Kubaysi. We commit ourselves to work together with our brothers and sisters in- and outside Iraq for an international campaign for the liberation of al-Kubaysi´s. We hereby reconfirm that our resistance is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. Facing a supreme power with few guns and a strong belief in our right cause make us stronger and more resilient. Free Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi!Long lives the Iraqi resistanceIraqi Patriotic AllianceSeptember 5, … [read more]

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi arrested by US occupation troops

Intl solidarity requiredAbduljabbar al-Kubaysi, president of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA), was arrested on 3rd September in Baghdad, 3 am local time. The house he had temporarily stayed in was surrounded and stormed by about 50 US occupation soldiers employing helicopters and tanks.The news has been transmitted to us by Awni al-Kalemji, spokesman of the IPA, and confirmed by our Iraqi friends and by the Arabic news of the TV channel Al Jazeera yesterday.The Anti-imperialist Camp, which has been closely co-operating with the IPA already before the war, expresses its protest in the strongest terms possible against this grave case of piracy. We affirm our decided solidarity to Abduljabbar, his family and his comrades as well as to the IPA.We call for the immediate release of our … [read more]

India: Prisoners on Hunger Strike against POTA

Condition of Six Deteriorates, Three women Prisoners Admitted in HospitalIn Tamilnadu ten prisoners are on hunger strike demanding the repeal of POTA. Seven of them are in the Central Prison, Chennai while three are women prisoners who are lodged in Vellore Special Prison for Women. All the ten of them are on an indefinite hunger strike since August 26, 2004. On September 2, 2004 the condition of three women prisoners deteriorated and they are now taken to the Vellore General Hospital for treatment. These prisoners are steadfast in their struggle and have refused to take any medicine or food till their demand is met. The latest news about them is that these women prisoners have become unconsciousness. The condition of three male prisoners in the Chennai Central Jail is also getting … [read more]

Najaf: en tvetydig seger för motståndet

Att USA:s marinkà¥r till slut drog sig tillbaka frà¥n Najaf utgjorde, med tanke pॠdess ojämförligt större militära slagstyrka, en tydlig seger i ännu ett slag för motstà¥ndet mot ockupationen. Varken medlemmarna i eller ledaren för Mahdi-armà©n kommer att à¥talas. Istället kunde de lämna slagfältet som fria män. Villkoret att milisen skulle avväpnas kunde inte verkställas av angriparna. Under skydd av folkmarschen som kom till undsättning, kunde försvararna i stor utsträckning ta sig ur omringningen med sina vapen. Man kan jämföra denna verklighet pॠmarken med den irakiska marionett-regimens löfte att "lära Muqtada en läxa han aldrig ska glömma".I verkligheten är läxan iögonenfallande - motstà¥nd mot ockupationsmaktens överväldigande … [read more]

Najaf: ambiguous victory of the resistance

Given the huge disproportion of military force the eventual withdrawal of the US marines from Najaf constitutes a resounding victory of another battle of the resistance against occupation. Neither the members nor the leader of the Mahdi army will be prosecuted but could leave the battle ground as free men. Although a disarming of the resistance militia was pre-concerted it actually could not be enforced by the assailants. Protected by the popular march coming for relief the fighters could slip out of the encirclement retaining their weapons to a far reaching extent. It suffices to compare this reality on the ground with the void threats of the Iraqi puppet regime who promised to "teach Muqtada a lesson he will never forget". Actually the lesson is conspicuous – resistance against the … [read more]

French hysteria

On the hostage-taking of two Frenchs in IraqThe current hostage-taking of two French journalists in Iraq is certainly counter-productive to the Arab-Islamic resistance struggle against the imperialist onslaught. Therefore also the anti-imperialist forces in the Arab and Islamic world as well as the Muslim community in France condemn it and call for the immediate and unconditional release of the French nationals.Only those regimes should be held responsible who actually sided with the US aggression on Iraq and who continue to support the ongoing occupation. Those countries which did not directly participate in the aggression should be spared from retaliation in this asymmetric defensive anti-imperialist war.Only in this way the poor and oppressed popular masses of the world including those … [read more]

International day of action for the Iraqi resistance Sept 25

VenuesIntl day of action for the Iraqi resistance Sept 25VenuesGermany, demonstrationHamburg, demonstrationCologne, demonstration, 1 pm Domplatte proceeding to Amerikahaus, speakers: Palestinian Community Germany, Free Iraq Committee, Representative of Turkish diasporawww.freepalestine.deStuttgart, demonstrationJena, protest assemblyMagdeburg, demonstration, 2pm Alter Markt, InternationaleSolidaritaetMD@web.deItalyPerugia, demonstration followed by a concertwww.iraqlibero.atRome, concert with political addresseswww.iraqlibero.atMilan, demonstration, 3pm, Piazzale Loreto lungo via Padovaby the "Struggle Committee for Palestine", coordpalestina@arabia.comNaples, protest assemblySassari, protest assemblyAustriaVienna, demonstration, 3 pm … [read more]

Tide? Or Ivory Snow? Public Power in the Age of Empire

by Arundhati Roy Published by August 29th, 2004I´ve been asked to speak about "Public Power in the Age of Empire. "I´m not used to doing as I´m tol but by happy coincidence, it´s exactly what I´d like to speak about tonight. When language has been butchered and bled of meaning, how do we understand "public power"? When freedom means occupation, when democracy means neo-liberal capitalism, when reform means repression, when words like "empowerment" and "peacekeeping" make your blood run cold - why, then, "public power" could mean whatever you want it to mean. A biceps building machine, or a Community Power Shower. So, I´ll just have to define "public power" as I go along, in my own self-serving sort of way.In India, the word public is now a Hindi word. It means … [read more]

Salutation to the Antiimperialist Camp of Assisi

30/8/2004 · by KKE(ml) Greece
On behalf of GPG (m-l)-Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the frontal antiwar-antiimperialist committees that have been established in various parts of Greece we sent warm, militant, and internationalist greetings to the organizational committee of Campo Antiimperialista 2004 as well as to all participants.
The yearly antiimperialist-internationalist meeting of Assisi is a major contribution to the stepping-up of relations between antiimperialist movements around the world, an opportunity for exchanging ideas, views, and experience, and advancing initiatives concerning the struggle and resistance to the imperialist war, oppression, and terrorism of imperialists. At the same time it is a forum for publicizing peoples´ struggle for freedom and independence and for strengthening the antiimperialist, militant line in the international, popular, and antiwar movement.In the year that passed after the last meeting of Assisi there were many antiimperialist, antiwar, and internationalist activities in Greece. In November 2003 and May 2004 there were solidarity meetings in a dozen Greek cities … [read more]

International solidarity with the political prisoners

Donostia Declaration The International Solidarity Conference organised by the Basque pro-Amnesty movement agrees on the following:ForewordThrough their own dynamics, Political prisoners adjust their nature, which is determined by the changing forms of repression they suffer for years at the hands of their enemy.Before going into resolutions it is important to analyse the context because the current social and political situation is linked to "globalisation" like never before. Through it, the violent offensive deployed by political and economic forces completely conditions the nature, situation and future of political prisoners round the world.ContextA militant´s decision to fight has its origin in the violence suffered by himself or herself, their environment and their people. The … [read more]

Proposals to the Palestinian Solidarity Conference

Gothenburg, September 7-11, 2004Pls. accept our wholehearted greetings to your solidarity conference with the Palestinian people. We believe that we have to join hands in our efforts in Europe and the world to defend the resistance and liberation struggle of the Arab people in general and especially the Palestinian and Iraqi one.Beside the need to forge broader coalitions for the right to self-determination including the end of the occupation, the right to return, to stop the Apartheid wall etc., we also have to build a co-operation on a clearly anti-imperialist and revolutionary base articulating our proper positions within the broader movement.This is mainly the historic struggle for a democratic anti-imperialist state in entire Palestine on the ruins of Zionism and its state as well as … [read more]

International day of action for the Iraqi Resistance

Sept 25, anniverary of the Palestinian Intifada, as of Sept 21INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONFor the Iraqi ResistanceIn Iraq a battle of historic importance is raging. After two wars of aggression and a genocidal embargo claiming 2 million lives and having devastated an entire country, the Iraqi people is confronting the illegitimate and brutal occupation by the US and their allies. The heroic resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American invaders is legitimate according to international law and the UN Charter, including the right to resort to armed means. They are claiming their inalienable right to national self-determination and sovereignty. But at stake is much more, namely the very future of the US attempt to erect their global empire, that is to say the future of humanity. … [read more]

Political Prisoners in bourgeouis Russia

Solidarity Conference in Moscow 11-12 SeptemberDEFENCE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS – AN IMPORTANT CAUSE OF ALL COMMUNIST, LEFT,ANTI-IMPERIALIST AND PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE!About the conference of the Movement in Defence of Political Prisoners – Fighters for Socialism 11-12 September 2004As the result of the bourgeois counter-revolution of 1991-1993 in Russia and other former Soviet republics a small strata of bourgeois elements became a new social class of capitalists. Having seized the political power, this class, supported by the World imperialism, turned most profitable social industries into its private ownership and established a regime of exploitation and oppression. In 1992-1998 this regime resulted in a unique economic and social disaster, and when the Russian working class responded by … [read more]

Solidarity demonstrations with Manipuri people in Mumbai

August 24 and 26, 2004Demonstration on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 from 4.30 pm onwardsChurchgate (outside platform no 4 opposite Western railway Headquarters)For the last month and more, the people of the state of Manipur have taken to the streets to demand the withdrawal of the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act from their state. Due to this Act being in force, security forces have killed with impunity hundreds of innocent Manipuris over the last many years. The current revolt has been sparked off with the brutal rape and murder of Manorama Devi by the security forces. If the entire population of a state is so vehemently struggling against this unjust law, we, as fellow citizens, must respect their must the rulers. It is necessary today for all democratic minded … [read more]

Noam Chomsky and `Left` Apologetics for Injustice in Palestine

by Noah Cohen, 8/21/04(member of the New England Committee to Defend Palestine)1.It`s particularly interesting in the case of Palestine to see where US intellectuals and progressives decide that it`s necessary to be "realistic" and where "principled;" where they choose to accept more or less the general media consensus about "the boundaries of acceptable discourse" and where they reject it. In the case of Palestine, people who are generally on record as calling for forthrightness and honesty in the demand for justice in political discourse, who criticize a false "pragmatism" oriented toward the corporate media and academic political consultants and who question generalizing statements about popular consensus, suddenly become believers in pragmatism and the limits of what the discourse … [read more]

A case for Seraiki People

Paper read in the seminary organized by Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement (PONM)Dear friends and respected leaders of the oppressed nations and peoples of Pakistan!I am here to represent the case of Seraiki people struggling for their constitutional, political, economic, cultural rights which are violated and denied by the dominant ethnic groups and ruling cliques supported by ruthless institutions of the state of Pakistan. Geographical background Seraiki speaking people, more than 50 million, have been residing in a vast area in center of Pakistan that is 1,66,326 sq Km. Out of which 1,54,157,sq Km is in Punjab making 75% of the total area of Punjab. Historically, Seraiki people were rich with land and water resources having four deltas of five rivers, vast plains, two major deserts, … [read more]