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A Trotzkyist Answer To Some Maoist Misunderstandings

by Anton HolbergThe website of the Anti-imperialist Camp should also serve as a platform of discussion. Therefore readers are invited to expose their views. Therefore those do not necessarily express the opinion of the editorial board. The Anti-imperialist Camp´s editorial board"By referring to what Comrade Harsh Thakor claims is a criticism of Trotzkyism as `misunderstanding` I recognize that many comrades calling themselves Maoists are subjectively sincere revolutionaries, and though we don`t know him personally we reckon that Comrade Thakor most probably is one of them. However I feel that it is necessary to correct his misinterpretations of what he calls `Trotzkyism` and at the same time to reject some of his own ideas which I think he falsely declares to be Marxist.As will be soon … [read more]

Re-unification of Korea against Yankee imperialism

Message of the National Democratic Front of South Korea to Assisi 04
The NDFSK and the patriotic south Korean people extend warm congratulations and best wishes to the 2004 international meeting of the Anti-imperialist Camp to be held in Assisi, Italy, under the theme "Resistance is not terrorism".
National Democratic Front of South KoreaTo the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004July 28, 2004SeoulIt is as clear as daylight that the resistance for independence is not terrorism but a justifiable right of the oppressed nations and peoples. Today we witness the ever-growing aggressive nature of the US imperialism for domination and plunder of other nations.Having invaded Iraq, it is now compelling our south Korean young people to fall a sacrifice to its perpetual occupation of Iraq. Meanwhile, it is desperate to bar our nation´s advance for reunification and ignite another aggressive war on the Korean Peninsula.The current situation manifests that the independent life and safety of nations are available only by means of struggle.We, the south Korean people, will never allow our young people to … [read more]

Long live Seraikistan

Message from Seraiki National Party for "Resistance and Hope", Assisi, Italy, August 2 - 7, 2004
Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan.
Commencement of Anti Imperialist Conference at Assisi, Italy on 2 - 7 August, 2004 is to our belief voice of the oppressed people of the third world. Seraiki National Party would have participated from Pakistan to apprise comrades about actual position of colonized people by the agents of imperialists. Millions of people have never experienced liberty, democracy, self governance or to live under a consensus constitution ever since the departure of British rulers in Pakistan. Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan. These nations hold 90% of … [read more]

For a Co-ordination Committee to connect anti-imperialists througout the world

Message to Assisi 04 by Badruddin Umar, Bangladesh National Liberation Council
I thank the organisers of the anti-imperialist camp 2004, August 2-6, Assisi, Italy for inviting me to address the camp. I take the this opportunity to congratulate the organisers and send greetings to the participants of the camp.
The present day US imperialism may be described as the highest stage of imperialism, a stage at which it holds its own by virtue of its financial strength, its control of technology and above all by its military might. It is also a stage at which it tends to stretch itself beyond its span of control, and unleashes the power of resistance of the oppressed nations and peoples throughout the world by its acts of wanton, ferocious and utterly callous exploitation, plunder and armed attacks on them.The recent formulation of US President George W Bush and his administration of the doctrine of pre-emptive attacks on any nation which dares to rise against their dictates, clearly demonstrates not only their drive for plundering other countries resources, but also the truth that imperialism today … [read more]

Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of mass murderers

Endorsement Message of Support/Solidarity with Anti Imperialist Camp Conference August 2004 in Assisi, Italy
"We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons". Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media - July 2002
In the struggle for TRUTH, JUSTICE and PEACE we send the following OPEN STATEMENT/PRESS RELEASE to the Anti Imperialist Camp Conference in Assisi, Italy. "We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons".Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media - July 2002Weapons of mass destruction then in the hands of mass murderers.Mass murderers aided and abetted by a compliant media manipulating perceptions in this unprecedented era of repressive political power and cyberhype infantilism.Opposing this imperialistic institutionalised madness we can be armed only with the truth -Truth on the second front in the information war -Keeping in mind the words of Emile Gaboriau -"When it comes to information, be especially wary of plausibility.Always begin by … [read more]

The way we go

Message to Assisi 04: Elena Borisova PhD, Antiglobalist Resistance, Russia
The "new world order" is coming. The values of the Enlightenment and the whole epoque of the modernity are being self-destructed. The liberties become depravity and lechery due to hedonism and unlimited eager of consuming. Democracy decades to a regulated punch-and-judy show.
The implanted chips with identification numbers of human beings leave far behind medieval inquisition or Gestapo. The upspring of the science gives us destructive technologies: nuclear weapons, gene modifying, manipulating of consciousness etc. The economic relations that had enabled the scientific progress return the slavery and bar the way to the independent development for three fourths of the humanity. The humanity is standing before the new world order like before an abyss. We can resign ourselves taking it as inevitable and natural. We can doubt the prognosis and restrict ourselves by everyday tasks. But there is another variant – we can look for a way to another future. But is there any other future for the society where money generates power and domination over countries and … [read more]

Support the Manipuri liberation struggle

Call by the Anti-imperialist CampThe Anti-imperialist Camp and its affiliated organisations throughout the world condemn by the strongest terms possible the rape and subsequent murder of Thangjam Ningol Manorama by the Indian security forces.We fully support the popular protest movement – climaxing in a general strike – which not only demands justice and the punishment of the perpetrators in this specific case but the end of the repression of the Indian state in general.The Anti-imperialist Camp defends the right to self-determination as an elementary democratic and human right. The decision on the fate of Manipur and the North Eastern states of the Indian union must belong exclusively to the people there. Therefore the struggle against the interference and intervention of both the … [read more]

Ireland still under the yoke of British imperialism

Message to Assisi 04 by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association wish to extend revolutionary greetings to all our comrades in their struggle against imperialism in all it`s forms.
While we in Ireland are still under the yoke of British Imperialism, we are aware that the sun is setting on their empire and a new more malignant imperial power is in the ascendancy. We reject America`s continued interference in the affairs of All Sovereign Nations. We in the 32CSM remain committed to the defence of Irish National Sovereignty and the right of the Irish people to national self determination free from external impediment or aggression. This camp will give all TRUE freedom loving peoples the opportunity to discuss and debate issues of mutual interest and concern and to draw inspiration, courage and support from each other on our journey towards our goals of national liberation and a better future for all.Beir … [read more]

Assisi 04: Focus on Latin America

Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico
Three hotspots of the new Latin American resistance will be represented in Assisi which will allow for a thorough reflection on the anti-imperialist prospects of this continent historically having played a decisive role in the formation of the international revolutionary anti-imperialist movement.
Maria Bencomo will speak on behalf of the "Movimiento Popular de Base" (Popular Base Movement, MPB) from Venezuela which is a militant anti-imperialist organisation forming part of the Bolivarian current in support of president Hugo Chavez. The MPB is engaged in the current clashes with imperialism and the oligarchy and the comrades are preparing themselves for the intensification of the conflict. The enemy tries to impede the spread and radicalisation of the Bolivarian revolution by the help of the pro-Yankee opposition which happens to call itself civil society. The MPB has announced that it will submit a proposal for anti-imperialist unity throughout the continent taking advantage of the momentum created by the ongoing revolutionary process. In this sense they are considering to host … [read more]

"Oppressed people of the world have one common desire"

Message of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to Assisi 04All oppressed peoples of the world have one common desire; i.e., to be freed from servitude and bondage. The Bangsamoro People are one such oppressed.We express our solidarity with them.Thanks and more … [read more]

Korean Airline Unions Refuse to Transport Troops to Iraq

by Lee Wee-jae*The labor unions of the nation´s two airliners, Korean Air and Asiana Airlines, declared Thursday that they refuse to transport anything related to the troop dispatch to Iraq, including Korean soldiers to be stationed in Iraq along with armor and related equipment. The Association of Airline Unions, founded by both the national airlines and the employees of Incheon International Airport and Kimpo Airport, said Thursday that in accordance with the policy of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, that they are against sending more troops to Iraq and will launch an all-out struggle against the deployment. The association said, "Both Korean Air and Asiana Airlines should not sign contracts with the government to transport troops to Iraq... If they sign such contracts, the … [read more]

Martyrdom of Prithipal Singh Randhawa – 25th death anniversary

By Harsh Thakor, IndiaOn July 18th 1979 exactly 25years ago a dedicated young revolutionary student leader by the name of Prithipal Singh Randhawa was martyred. This martyr sowed the seeds of the revolutionary student and youth movement in Punjab. The comrade lit a red flame in the hearts of the revolutionary masses. In 1966 a redletter event took place in the history of the revolutionary student movement in Punjab. The progressive and revolutionary student comrades formed a revolutionary forum, namely the Punjab Students Union. Such founding leaders waged a bitter struggle combating the revisionist policies of the Communist Party of India and the Communist Party of India Marxist. The light that glowed from the great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China reflected on the students and … [read more]

Appeal Soliciting Solidarity with the People of Manipur Protesting the Ongoing State Repression

The killing of Thangjam Ningol Manorama (32) in Manipur by the Indian Security Forces has provoked widespread condemnation and protest from the people of Manipur. There is much anger and discontent from the fact that the Indian Security Forces tortured and raped her before being shot, which went right through her vagina thereby causing extensive damage to her private parts. She was picked up by the Indian Security Forces at the wee hours of 11th July 2004 from her residence in front of all family members and locality.Protest began by way of not accepting the dead body by the family members and local Meira Paibi Organisations demanding justice to the killing. This was followed by a public meeting of various social Organisations at the locality. These social Organisations which included … [read more]

India: Murder of Manipuri female activists

48 hour general strike calledProtesting strongly against the brutal murder of Thangjam Manorama by personnel of 17 Assam Rifles on the night of July 10, twenty six organisations of the State have imposed a 48 hr general strike in the State from midnight tonight. Mention may be made here that Thangjam Manorama was apprehended by personnel of 17 Assam Rifles from Bamon Kampu and shot dead after severe torture. Her body was later recovered from Keirao - Wangkhem road near Ngariyan Mapao Maring Village. In a public meeting held at Bamon Kampu this afternoon in connection with the killing, members of various organisations, besides resolving to call the 48 hour general strike also resolved to organise a public rally on July 16 after which memoranda would be submitted to the Chief Minister, DIG … [read more]

Call for a congress of Arab communities

Berlin, October 2004A call for the congress of BerlinA call to the nation, to the country and to the Arab and Islamic communitiesThe Arab and Islamic World and the whole humanity are suffering under hatred, under catastrophes, under bloody massacres and under occupation and oppression since the installation of the first Zionist settlements of occupation over the ground of Palestine since the end of the 19-th centuryInstead of reaching liberty and self determination and living in peace the struggle is still going on between the part of right and good constituting of the Arab people in occupied Palestine, in occupied Lebanon, in occupied Iraq and in occupied Syria, and the part of injustice, of occupation and of aggression against the peaceful towns and villages as well as against people, … [read more]

People of Pakistani Tribal belt and Afghanistan will be triumphant

Message of the Communist Workers` Peasant Party Pakistan to the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi
The Anti-Imperialist Camp has become a regular yearly feature to build integrated international anti-imperialist movement, the prime need of our era.
Esteemed Comrades, delegates and participants,We congratulate the organizers of Anti-imperialist Camp-2004 and their persistent struggle and hard working to foster anti-imperialist cause on different fronts and from all corners of the world. The Anti-Imperialist Camp has become a regular yearly feature to build integrated international anti-imperialist movement, the prime need of our era. This year again the holding of Anti-Imperialist Camp-2004 in Assisi, Italy, would enormously contribute to the global fight against colonialism in all forms and manifestations. They are, indeed, rendering valuable efforts in organizing the movement and anti-imperialist forces at one platform for bigger and decisive assault on imperialism, which is increasingly posing threat to the sovereignty of nations, … [read more]

India: terror of POTA

Report from the People`s Tribunal in New DehliThe TERROR of POTA and Other Security LegislationRelease of the Report of the People´s Tribunal on thePrevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) and Other Security LegislationOn 13 – 14 March 2004, a People´s Tribunal was organized in New Delhi to document cases of gross misuse of POTA and other security legislation. Victims and family members spoke of the victimisation of juveniles, minorities, dalits, adivasis and industrial workers. They recounted stories of illegal custody, solitary confinement, torture, forced confessions, sexual and religious humiliation, encounter killings and disappearances. The dire predictions as to how this statute was likely to be misused have in fact been proven true. Will the UPA Government keep its promise?"The UPA … [read more]

U.S.-Macapagal Arroyo regime must heed to the calls of the people

Support Filipino people´s call to remove Filipino troops from IraqThe International League of Peoples´ Struggle stands in solidarity with the Filipino people as they wage a just struggle to save the life of overseas Filipino worker Angelo de la Cruz captured and taken hostage in Iraq. His captors demand an immediate withdrawal of Philippine troops or he will face death.The Filipino people have made it very clear through public mass actions such as vigils and protests of their demand that President Macapagal-Arroyo immediately withdraw Filipino troops sent to Iraq under the U.S. banner of "combating terrorism". We are one with the Filipino people in condemning the U.S.-Macapagal-Arroyo regime for waffling on the issue of withdrawing Filipino troops. Willfully endangering the life of … [read more]

Continue the struggle against occupation of Yugoslavia

Greetings to the Anti-imperialist Camp by the retired General of Yugoslavia Stevan Mirkovic
We convey our greetings to the forthcoming Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, and wish your fruitful deliberations. Also us, we continue our struggle – according to our possibilities – against the NATO occupation forces in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia. We are about to create the conditions for a successful struggle. Count on us. We will not remain forever on the defence – the time will come to pay them back.For the Centar Tito, retired General of Yugoslavia Stevan … [read more]

Iraqi resistance will win

Greetings from Argentina to the Anti-imperialist Camp
The "Agrupación Martin Fierro" and the protest organisation "Frente Barrial 19 de Diciembre" (Slum Front of December 19th) adhere fervently to the initiative taken by you in the city of Assisi.
Our organisations fight in Argentina against Yankee imperialism and the big economic groups which have forced our country into marginalisation and misery and which transformed it into an absolute desert.Accept our congratulations for being coherently anti-imperialist.We Argentineans know very well what repression means. Our 30,000 disappeared testify for that. Today we have some 3,500 social activists being tried by a judicial apparatus which is an accomplice of the powerful. They persecute those who resist with dignity against the forces of imperialist oppression."Martin Fierro" and the "Frente Barrial" express their solidarity with all the people which fight against imperialism by all possible means and which spare no effort to chase away the Yankee invader from their lands.We convey to … [read more]

A Trotzkyist Answer To Some Maoist Misunderstandings

by Anton HolbergThe website of the Anti-imperialist Camp should also serve as a platform of discussion. Therefore readers are invited to expose their views. Therefore those do not necessarily express the opinion of the editorial board. The Anti-imperialist Camp´s editorial board"By referring to what Comrade Harsh Thakor claims is a criticism of Trotzkyism as `misunderstanding` I recognize that many comrades calling themselves Maoists are subjectively sincere revolutionaries, and though we don`t know him personally we reckon that Comrade Thakor most probably is one of them. However I feel that it is necessary to correct his misinterpretations of what he calls `Trotzkyism` and at the same time to reject some of his own ideas which I think he falsely declares to be Marxist.As will be soon … [read more]

Re-unification of Korea against Yankee imperialism

Message of the National Democratic Front of South Korea to Assisi 04
The NDFSK and the patriotic south Korean people extend warm congratulations and best wishes to the 2004 international meeting of the Anti-imperialist Camp to be held in Assisi, Italy, under the theme "Resistance is not terrorism".
National Democratic Front of South KoreaTo the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004July 28, 2004SeoulIt is as clear as daylight that the resistance for independence is not terrorism but a justifiable right of the oppressed nations and peoples. Today we witness the ever-growing aggressive nature of the US imperialism for domination and plunder of other nations.Having invaded Iraq, it is now compelling our south Korean young people to fall a sacrifice to its perpetual occupation of Iraq. Meanwhile, it is desperate to bar our nation´s advance for reunification and ignite another aggressive war on the Korean Peninsula.The current situation manifests that the independent life and safety of nations are available only by means of struggle.We, the south Korean people, will never allow our young people to … [read more]

Long live Seraikistan

Message from Seraiki National Party for "Resistance and Hope", Assisi, Italy, August 2 - 7, 2004
Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan.
Commencement of Anti Imperialist Conference at Assisi, Italy on 2 - 7 August, 2004 is to our belief voice of the oppressed people of the third world. Seraiki National Party would have participated from Pakistan to apprise comrades about actual position of colonized people by the agents of imperialists. Millions of people have never experienced liberty, democracy, self governance or to live under a consensus constitution ever since the departure of British rulers in Pakistan. Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan. These nations hold 90% of … [read more]

For a Co-ordination Committee to connect anti-imperialists througout the world

Message to Assisi 04 by Badruddin Umar, Bangladesh National Liberation Council
I thank the organisers of the anti-imperialist camp 2004, August 2-6, Assisi, Italy for inviting me to address the camp. I take the this opportunity to congratulate the organisers and send greetings to the participants of the camp.
The present day US imperialism may be described as the highest stage of imperialism, a stage at which it holds its own by virtue of its financial strength, its control of technology and above all by its military might. It is also a stage at which it tends to stretch itself beyond its span of control, and unleashes the power of resistance of the oppressed nations and peoples throughout the world by its acts of wanton, ferocious and utterly callous exploitation, plunder and armed attacks on them.The recent formulation of US President George W Bush and his administration of the doctrine of pre-emptive attacks on any nation which dares to rise against their dictates, clearly demonstrates not only their drive for plundering other countries resources, but also the truth that imperialism today … [read more]

Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of mass murderers

Endorsement Message of Support/Solidarity with Anti Imperialist Camp Conference August 2004 in Assisi, Italy
"We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons". Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media - July 2002
In the struggle for TRUTH, JUSTICE and PEACE we send the following OPEN STATEMENT/PRESS RELEASE to the Anti Imperialist Camp Conference in Assisi, Italy. "We can do with the new weapons what we thought we could do only with nuclear weapons".Colin Powell, US Secretary of State to the World Media - July 2002Weapons of mass destruction then in the hands of mass murderers.Mass murderers aided and abetted by a compliant media manipulating perceptions in this unprecedented era of repressive political power and cyberhype infantilism.Opposing this imperialistic institutionalised madness we can be armed only with the truth -Truth on the second front in the information war -Keeping in mind the words of Emile Gaboriau -"When it comes to information, be especially wary of plausibility.Always begin by … [read more]

The way we go

Message to Assisi 04: Elena Borisova PhD, Antiglobalist Resistance, Russia
The "new world order" is coming. The values of the Enlightenment and the whole epoque of the modernity are being self-destructed. The liberties become depravity and lechery due to hedonism and unlimited eager of consuming. Democracy decades to a regulated punch-and-judy show.
The implanted chips with identification numbers of human beings leave far behind medieval inquisition or Gestapo. The upspring of the science gives us destructive technologies: nuclear weapons, gene modifying, manipulating of consciousness etc. The economic relations that had enabled the scientific progress return the slavery and bar the way to the independent development for three fourths of the humanity. The humanity is standing before the new world order like before an abyss. We can resign ourselves taking it as inevitable and natural. We can doubt the prognosis and restrict ourselves by everyday tasks. But there is another variant – we can look for a way to another future. But is there any other future for the society where money generates power and domination over countries and … [read more]

Support the Manipuri liberation struggle

Call by the Anti-imperialist CampThe Anti-imperialist Camp and its affiliated organisations throughout the world condemn by the strongest terms possible the rape and subsequent murder of Thangjam Ningol Manorama by the Indian security forces.We fully support the popular protest movement – climaxing in a general strike – which not only demands justice and the punishment of the perpetrators in this specific case but the end of the repression of the Indian state in general.The Anti-imperialist Camp defends the right to self-determination as an elementary democratic and human right. The decision on the fate of Manipur and the North Eastern states of the Indian union must belong exclusively to the people there. Therefore the struggle against the interference and intervention of both the … [read more]

Ireland still under the yoke of British imperialism

Message to Assisi 04 by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association wish to extend revolutionary greetings to all our comrades in their struggle against imperialism in all it`s forms.
While we in Ireland are still under the yoke of British Imperialism, we are aware that the sun is setting on their empire and a new more malignant imperial power is in the ascendancy. We reject America`s continued interference in the affairs of All Sovereign Nations. We in the 32CSM remain committed to the defence of Irish National Sovereignty and the right of the Irish people to national self determination free from external impediment or aggression. This camp will give all TRUE freedom loving peoples the opportunity to discuss and debate issues of mutual interest and concern and to draw inspiration, courage and support from each other on our journey towards our goals of national liberation and a better future for all.Beir … [read more]

Assisi 04: Focus on Latin America

Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico
Three hotspots of the new Latin American resistance will be represented in Assisi which will allow for a thorough reflection on the anti-imperialist prospects of this continent historically having played a decisive role in the formation of the international revolutionary anti-imperialist movement.
Maria Bencomo will speak on behalf of the "Movimiento Popular de Base" (Popular Base Movement, MPB) from Venezuela which is a militant anti-imperialist organisation forming part of the Bolivarian current in support of president Hugo Chavez. The MPB is engaged in the current clashes with imperialism and the oligarchy and the comrades are preparing themselves for the intensification of the conflict. The enemy tries to impede the spread and radicalisation of the Bolivarian revolution by the help of the pro-Yankee opposition which happens to call itself civil society. The MPB has announced that it will submit a proposal for anti-imperialist unity throughout the continent taking advantage of the momentum created by the ongoing revolutionary process. In this sense they are considering to host … [read more]

"Oppressed people of the world have one common desire"

Message of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to Assisi 04All oppressed peoples of the world have one common desire; i.e., to be freed from servitude and bondage. The Bangsamoro People are one such oppressed.We express our solidarity with them.Thanks and more … [read more]

Korean Airline Unions Refuse to Transport Troops to Iraq

by Lee Wee-jae*The labor unions of the nation´s two airliners, Korean Air and Asiana Airlines, declared Thursday that they refuse to transport anything related to the troop dispatch to Iraq, including Korean soldiers to be stationed in Iraq along with armor and related equipment. The Association of Airline Unions, founded by both the national airlines and the employees of Incheon International Airport and Kimpo Airport, said Thursday that in accordance with the policy of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, that they are against sending more troops to Iraq and will launch an all-out struggle against the deployment. The association said, "Both Korean Air and Asiana Airlines should not sign contracts with the government to transport troops to Iraq... If they sign such contracts, the … [read more]

Martyrdom of Prithipal Singh Randhawa – 25th death anniversary

By Harsh Thakor, IndiaOn July 18th 1979 exactly 25years ago a dedicated young revolutionary student leader by the name of Prithipal Singh Randhawa was martyred. This martyr sowed the seeds of the revolutionary student and youth movement in Punjab. The comrade lit a red flame in the hearts of the revolutionary masses. In 1966 a redletter event took place in the history of the revolutionary student movement in Punjab. The progressive and revolutionary student comrades formed a revolutionary forum, namely the Punjab Students Union. Such founding leaders waged a bitter struggle combating the revisionist policies of the Communist Party of India and the Communist Party of India Marxist. The light that glowed from the great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China reflected on the students and … [read more]

Appeal Soliciting Solidarity with the People of Manipur Protesting the Ongoing State Repression

The killing of Thangjam Ningol Manorama (32) in Manipur by the Indian Security Forces has provoked widespread condemnation and protest from the people of Manipur. There is much anger and discontent from the fact that the Indian Security Forces tortured and raped her before being shot, which went right through her vagina thereby causing extensive damage to her private parts. She was picked up by the Indian Security Forces at the wee hours of 11th July 2004 from her residence in front of all family members and locality.Protest began by way of not accepting the dead body by the family members and local Meira Paibi Organisations demanding justice to the killing. This was followed by a public meeting of various social Organisations at the locality. These social Organisations which included … [read more]

India: Murder of Manipuri female activists

48 hour general strike calledProtesting strongly against the brutal murder of Thangjam Manorama by personnel of 17 Assam Rifles on the night of July 10, twenty six organisations of the State have imposed a 48 hr general strike in the State from midnight tonight. Mention may be made here that Thangjam Manorama was apprehended by personnel of 17 Assam Rifles from Bamon Kampu and shot dead after severe torture. Her body was later recovered from Keirao - Wangkhem road near Ngariyan Mapao Maring Village. In a public meeting held at Bamon Kampu this afternoon in connection with the killing, members of various organisations, besides resolving to call the 48 hour general strike also resolved to organise a public rally on July 16 after which memoranda would be submitted to the Chief Minister, DIG … [read more]

Call for a congress of Arab communities

Berlin, October 2004A call for the congress of BerlinA call to the nation, to the country and to the Arab and Islamic communitiesThe Arab and Islamic World and the whole humanity are suffering under hatred, under catastrophes, under bloody massacres and under occupation and oppression since the installation of the first Zionist settlements of occupation over the ground of Palestine since the end of the 19-th centuryInstead of reaching liberty and self determination and living in peace the struggle is still going on between the part of right and good constituting of the Arab people in occupied Palestine, in occupied Lebanon, in occupied Iraq and in occupied Syria, and the part of injustice, of occupation and of aggression against the peaceful towns and villages as well as against people, … [read more]

People of Pakistani Tribal belt and Afghanistan will be triumphant

Message of the Communist Workers` Peasant Party Pakistan to the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi
The Anti-Imperialist Camp has become a regular yearly feature to build integrated international anti-imperialist movement, the prime need of our era.
Esteemed Comrades, delegates and participants,We congratulate the organizers of Anti-imperialist Camp-2004 and their persistent struggle and hard working to foster anti-imperialist cause on different fronts and from all corners of the world. The Anti-Imperialist Camp has become a regular yearly feature to build integrated international anti-imperialist movement, the prime need of our era. This year again the holding of Anti-Imperialist Camp-2004 in Assisi, Italy, would enormously contribute to the global fight against colonialism in all forms and manifestations. They are, indeed, rendering valuable efforts in organizing the movement and anti-imperialist forces at one platform for bigger and decisive assault on imperialism, which is increasingly posing threat to the sovereignty of nations, … [read more]

India: terror of POTA

Report from the People`s Tribunal in New DehliThe TERROR of POTA and Other Security LegislationRelease of the Report of the People´s Tribunal on thePrevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) and Other Security LegislationOn 13 – 14 March 2004, a People´s Tribunal was organized in New Delhi to document cases of gross misuse of POTA and other security legislation. Victims and family members spoke of the victimisation of juveniles, minorities, dalits, adivasis and industrial workers. They recounted stories of illegal custody, solitary confinement, torture, forced confessions, sexual and religious humiliation, encounter killings and disappearances. The dire predictions as to how this statute was likely to be misused have in fact been proven true. Will the UPA Government keep its promise?"The UPA … [read more]

U.S.-Macapagal Arroyo regime must heed to the calls of the people

Support Filipino people´s call to remove Filipino troops from IraqThe International League of Peoples´ Struggle stands in solidarity with the Filipino people as they wage a just struggle to save the life of overseas Filipino worker Angelo de la Cruz captured and taken hostage in Iraq. His captors demand an immediate withdrawal of Philippine troops or he will face death.The Filipino people have made it very clear through public mass actions such as vigils and protests of their demand that President Macapagal-Arroyo immediately withdraw Filipino troops sent to Iraq under the U.S. banner of "combating terrorism". We are one with the Filipino people in condemning the U.S.-Macapagal-Arroyo regime for waffling on the issue of withdrawing Filipino troops. Willfully endangering the life of … [read more]

Continue the struggle against occupation of Yugoslavia

Greetings to the Anti-imperialist Camp by the retired General of Yugoslavia Stevan Mirkovic
We convey our greetings to the forthcoming Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, and wish your fruitful deliberations. Also us, we continue our struggle – according to our possibilities – against the NATO occupation forces in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia. We are about to create the conditions for a successful struggle. Count on us. We will not remain forever on the defence – the time will come to pay them back.For the Centar Tito, retired General of Yugoslavia Stevan … [read more]

Iraqi resistance will win

Greetings from Argentina to the Anti-imperialist Camp
The "Agrupación Martin Fierro" and the protest organisation "Frente Barrial 19 de Diciembre" (Slum Front of December 19th) adhere fervently to the initiative taken by you in the city of Assisi.
Our organisations fight in Argentina against Yankee imperialism and the big economic groups which have forced our country into marginalisation and misery and which transformed it into an absolute desert.Accept our congratulations for being coherently anti-imperialist.We Argentineans know very well what repression means. Our 30,000 disappeared testify for that. Today we have some 3,500 social activists being tried by a judicial apparatus which is an accomplice of the powerful. They persecute those who resist with dignity against the forces of imperialist oppression."Martin Fierro" and the "Frente Barrial" express their solidarity with all the people which fight against imperialism by all possible means and which spare no effort to chase away the Yankee invader from their lands.We convey to … [read more]