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Moreno Pasquinelli on hunger strike

Moreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp arrested April 1st, declared to not answer any question given the decision of the judges to deny him the right to speak with his lawyers. In order to protest against the negation of the elementary democratic rights he announced on April 2nd to have started a hunger strike.He denounced in front of the judges the operation leading to their arrest as a judicial monstrosity.Anti-imperialist CampApril 2, … [read more]

Websites "Free Iraq" and "Voce Operaia" blocked by Italian police

Free speech restrictedThe militants and leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp, who were arrested this morning, actively contributed to following two Italian-registered of the Italian Committee Free of the Italian Section of the International Leninist Current (ILC).Pls. see the sites to check the massage installed by the Italian political police.The sequestration of these two sites clearly indicate what the entire operation is all: to silence the anti-imperialist opposition in blatant violation of the elementary democratic rights. … [read more]

Int´l Press Conference on the arrests of the Anti-imperialist Camp´s leaders

Rome, April 2nd12 amCentro Congressi Cavourvia Cavour 50/ALeonardo Mazzei, member of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist CampMauro Pasquinelli, present at the operationwill address the press … [read more]

كلمة القوى الناصرية Ù?ÙŠ الوطن العربي

خلال المؤتمر الصحÙ?ÙŠ الذي عقدته الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الأميركية والصهيونية العالمية ظهر يوم الخميس الواقع Ù?ÙŠ 18 آذار 2004 Ù?ÙŠ قاعة الصحاÙ?Ø© التابع لكلية الاعلام والتوثيق Ù?ÙŠ بيروت أدلى خالد حنينه باسم … [read more]

Abnaa ElBalad`s imprisoned leaders on hunger strike

The political prisoners from Abnaa ElBallad ("Sons of the Land") have declared a hunger strike to protest against the detention conditions of the Jalame prisonYesterday, March 28, 2004, the secretary general of Abnaa elBalad movement, the comrade Muhammad Kana´ane, went on a hunger strike to protest against his detention conditions in the Shabak compound in Jalame ("Kishon prison"). Today, March 29, 2004, he was joined by his brother and fellow political prisoner Hussam Kana´ane, a member of the Abnaa elBalad central committee. In spite of the fact that their investigation has ended and they are now legally classified as "detainees awaiting trial", our comrades are being held in inhuman conditions and denied the most elementary rights granted to them by the law:1) A small cell of … [read more]

Stop the ongoing expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo!

Protest rally on the 5th anniversary of the NATO war on Yugoslavia in Vienna, AustriaOn March 24, 2004, the fifth anniversary of the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, about 250 people, many of them with Serb origin, gathered in the centre of Vienna, Austria, despite the pouring rain. They did not only commemorate the attack but also testified to continue the struggle against the imperialist occupation of parts of former Yugoslavia. The Serb embassy, still controlled by the former imperialist puppet regime of DOS in Belgrade. called for the boycott of the rally – as this clique around Djindjic, deceased, has always served as an instrument of NATO even supporting the bombardments.***Stop the ongoing expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo!NATO and EU responsible for anti-Serb pogroms!The fresh … [read more]

اليوم العالمي للتضامن مع العراق عاشت المقاومة المسلح

نادي Ù?لسطين العربيأيتها الأخوات، أيها الإخوة… السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته! صادÙ? العشرون من آذار (مارس) مرور عام على بدء عدوان الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وحلÙ?ائها على العراق. هذا العدوان الذي ضرب بعرض الحائط كل … [read more]

عام على العدوان، عام من المقاومة

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسيمرّ يوم 20 مارس 2004ØŒ عام على العدوان الإستعماري الغاشم على العراق المتوّج لأكثر من عقد من التحرّشات والحملات العسكرية والحظر والحصار … [read more]

اليوم العالمي لل

اللجنة الوطنية لوحدة الشيوعيين السوريين نعم للمقاومة: ولا عذر لمتخاذل■ ها قد مر عام على احتلال العراق الذي انتقل من حكم الطغاة إلى حكم … [read more]

اليوم العالمي لل

اللجنة الوطنية لوحدة الشيوعيين السوريين نعم للمقاومة: ولا عذر لمتخاذل■ ها قد مر عام على احتلال العراق الذي انتقل من حكم الطغاة إلى حكم … [read more]

Mass demonstration in Rome to pull out troops from Iraq

Anti-imperialists addressed by Iraqi resistance representativeAn impressive mass demonstration rocked Rome on March 20 saying no to the aggression on Iraq and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Italian troops and all other occupation forces. According to the organisers more than one million took to the streets.Dozens of banners displayed the support to the Iraqi resistance proving that the Italian people is not only against the war but maintains a deep anti-imperialist sentiment.Hundreds marched within the block of the Committee Free Iraq under a banner reading both in Italian and Arabic: With the resistance in Iraq, for the Intifada in Palestine". The closing rally of the anti-imperialist contingent took place on Piazza Venezia close to the residence of Berlusconi drawing about … [read more]

Protests against occupation of Iraq banned in India

Press Release of 20th March Committee Against Imperialist Occupation of Iraq20 March, 2004.The right-wing federal government of Indian in office led by BJP arrested and detained more than 200 people, who gathered at Ramlila Grounds, Dariyagunj, when they were going in a demonstration towards American Centre at Barakamba Road, New Delhi as part of international day of protests worldwide.Among the prominent leaders who were arrested include Dr. B.D. Sharma, Chairman, Bharat Jan Andolan, Dr. Darshan Pal, President, All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF), Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Dr. Rakesh Rafiq, All India leader of Yuva Bharat, Raj Kishor, Secretary of Struggling Forum for Peoples Resistance (SFPR), Varavara Rao, Revolutionary Poet … [read more]

Rally in Karachi against US occupation of Iraq

American Law of Jungle CondemnedKarachi:(Pakistan), March 20: A well-disciplined large rally against American occupation of Iraq was brought here this afternoon to show solidarity with the Iraqi people, who are heroically and fiercely resisting US imperialism. The rally was also a sign of solidarity with the international community, which has close affinity with the Iraqi people at the hour of their historic anti-imperialistic struggle to liberate their country from foreign yoke. The rally was in line with the call by a large number of anti-imperialist organizations and progressive forces all over the world. Especially, in response to the call by Hisham Bustani, Jordan: Support the Iraqi resistance on March 20, the Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP), took its political … [read more]

"As long as occupations continues, so will resistance"

Sammi Alaá, representative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, addressing the Rome demo of March 20, 2004Today it is exactly one year that Anglo-American imperialism attacked Iraq in open violation of international law. They tried to justify their war claiming that Iraq would possess arms of mass destruction, would have links to Al-Qaida and would not co-operate with the United Nations.Today we can state that nothing, absolutely nothing of what Bush and Blair said was true. They dropped more than 20.000 precision bombs, 240.000 cluster bombs, 10.000 conventional missiles and more than 800 cruise missiles Tomahawk on the innocent Iraqi people – a people exhausted by more than twelve years sanctions imposed by the UN which cost the lives of some two million Iraqis. Nobody knows the exact … [read more]

We do not want to be the hostages of the US war!

Lessons of Spain by the Austrian Committee Free IraqThe Spaniards chased away Aznar because he bears the political responsibility for the massacre of Madrid. They have understood that the tragic attacks were in retaliation for the participation in the US aggression on Iraq.The message is clear: As long as Palestine and Iraq are occupied and the legitimate demand to self-determination unheard, there will be forces among the Arab people who will respond to high tech terror with traditional terror in this asymmetric war.The European support – against the explicit will of the majority – for the imperial claims of the US threatens us all. The slogans raised on the streets of Madrid speak a clear language: "The dead are our´s, the war your´s. You have waged the war, we must die." Aznar … [read more]

Mumbai: Tale of Two Forums Retold

from People`s March, Vol 5, No. 2-3, Feb-Mar 2004Tale of Two Forums RetoldOne, A Serious Step Forward; The Other, A Carnival(The third week of January this year witnessed two major events in Mumbai …— first was the MR-2004; the other, the WSF. Given its importance People´s March specifically went and covered both the events. The reports printed in this issue are based on extensive interviews with participants and first hand observations made at the events. Based on these reports we here give an overall view of the two events..... Editor.)The dividing line between the two was the Western Express Highway to Gujarat. On the right lay the grounds of the Mumbai Resistance-2004, Against Imperialist Globalisation & War; on the left lay the sprawling venue of the World Social Forum. But, the … [read more]

Atrocities against oppressed people of the Indian Northeast

Protest rally in ManipurLet´s save the people from the genocidal governmentMass rally Wednesday, 17th march, 2004Since the last month, the Indian army has killed twelve persons barbarically and illegally. The Assam Rifles killed eleven persons and yesterday, the 15th March 2004,yet another person fell victim to the inhuman brutalities of the Rajputana Rifles. In glaring instances of cold blooded barbaric murders, the Indian army is unleashing a reign of terror in Manipur. On the 9th of March, around 1 p.m. afternoon, Khundrakpam Tejkumar (22) of Uripok Laikhulenbi was picked up forcefully from the local playground during Holi sports festival by the Assam Rifles in front of hundreds of agitated men and women. His dead body bearing clear signs of brutal torture was found near Ng. Mani … [read more]

ضد توظيÙ? ضحايا انÙ?جار مدريد

بيان من صادر عن معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبرياليةما كادت تصل أنباء التÙ?جيرات التي هزّت محطات القطارات Ù?ÙŠ مدريد صباح الحادي عشر من آذار (مارس)ØŒ حتى غطت التبعات السياسية لهذا العمل على تلك الÙ?اجعة المؤسÙ?Ø© بحد ذاتها والتي … [read more]

لنجعل من 20 اذار يوما لدعم المقاومة Ù?ÙŠ العراق

هشام البستاني العدد: 774 - 2004 / 3 / 15 Ù?ÙŠ المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي الرابع (الاجتماع الاكبر للمنظمات المناهضة للعولمة) المنعقد Ù?ÙŠ مومباي/الهند اواخر كانون الثاني من العام الحالي، اتÙ?Ù‚ الجميع على ان يكون يوم 20 اذار 2004 … [read more]

Against the instrumentalisation of the victims

Declaration of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the Madrid bombingsImmediately after the news about the attacks on the train stations in Madrid had been spread in the morning of March 11, one could already feel the consequences which might be even more dramatic than the sad and pitiable number of civil victims: its political exploitation for a all-out attack on the democratic rights and particularly against the right to self-determination of the Basque people.The corporate media which are more and more a decisive arm of criminalisation and mobilisation in the service of the establishment had the perpetrators ready to be presented to the public: the Basque armed independence organisation ETA. The Spanish prime minister Aznar affirmed that there could not be any doubt that behind the operation … [read more]

Moreno Pasquinelli on hunger strike

Moreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp arrested April 1st, declared to not answer any question given the decision of the judges to deny him the right to speak with his lawyers. In order to protest against the negation of the elementary democratic rights he announced on April 2nd to have started a hunger strike.He denounced in front of the judges the operation leading to their arrest as a judicial monstrosity.Anti-imperialist CampApril 2, … [read more]

Websites "Free Iraq" and "Voce Operaia" blocked by Italian police

Free speech restrictedThe militants and leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp, who were arrested this morning, actively contributed to following two Italian-registered of the Italian Committee Free of the Italian Section of the International Leninist Current (ILC).Pls. see the sites to check the massage installed by the Italian political police.The sequestration of these two sites clearly indicate what the entire operation is all: to silence the anti-imperialist opposition in blatant violation of the elementary democratic rights. … [read more]

Int´l Press Conference on the arrests of the Anti-imperialist Camp´s leaders

Rome, April 2nd12 amCentro Congressi Cavourvia Cavour 50/ALeonardo Mazzei, member of the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist CampMauro Pasquinelli, present at the operationwill address the press … [read more]

كلمة القوى الناصرية Ù?ÙŠ الوطن العربي

خلال المؤتمر الصحÙ?ÙŠ الذي عقدته الحركة العالمية لمناهضة العولمة والهيمنة الأميركية والصهيونية العالمية ظهر يوم الخميس الواقع Ù?ÙŠ 18 آذار 2004 Ù?ÙŠ قاعة الصحاÙ?Ø© التابع لكلية الاعلام والتوثيق Ù?ÙŠ بيروت أدلى خالد حنينه باسم … [read more]

Abnaa ElBalad`s imprisoned leaders on hunger strike

The political prisoners from Abnaa ElBallad ("Sons of the Land") have declared a hunger strike to protest against the detention conditions of the Jalame prisonYesterday, March 28, 2004, the secretary general of Abnaa elBalad movement, the comrade Muhammad Kana´ane, went on a hunger strike to protest against his detention conditions in the Shabak compound in Jalame ("Kishon prison"). Today, March 29, 2004, he was joined by his brother and fellow political prisoner Hussam Kana´ane, a member of the Abnaa elBalad central committee. In spite of the fact that their investigation has ended and they are now legally classified as "detainees awaiting trial", our comrades are being held in inhuman conditions and denied the most elementary rights granted to them by the law:1) A small cell of … [read more]

Stop the ongoing expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo!

Protest rally on the 5th anniversary of the NATO war on Yugoslavia in Vienna, AustriaOn March 24, 2004, the fifth anniversary of the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, about 250 people, many of them with Serb origin, gathered in the centre of Vienna, Austria, despite the pouring rain. They did not only commemorate the attack but also testified to continue the struggle against the imperialist occupation of parts of former Yugoslavia. The Serb embassy, still controlled by the former imperialist puppet regime of DOS in Belgrade. called for the boycott of the rally – as this clique around Djindjic, deceased, has always served as an instrument of NATO even supporting the bombardments.***Stop the ongoing expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo!NATO and EU responsible for anti-Serb pogroms!The fresh … [read more]

اليوم العالمي للتضامن مع العراق عاشت المقاومة المسلح

نادي Ù?لسطين العربيأيتها الأخوات، أيها الإخوة… السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته! صادÙ? العشرون من آذار (مارس) مرور عام على بدء عدوان الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وحلÙ?ائها على العراق. هذا العدوان الذي ضرب بعرض الحائط كل … [read more]

عام على العدوان، عام من المقاومة

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسيمرّ يوم 20 مارس 2004ØŒ عام على العدوان الإستعماري الغاشم على العراق المتوّج لأكثر من عقد من التحرّشات والحملات العسكرية والحظر والحصار … [read more]

اليوم العالمي لل

اللجنة الوطنية لوحدة الشيوعيين السوريين نعم للمقاومة: ولا عذر لمتخاذل■ ها قد مر عام على احتلال العراق الذي انتقل من حكم الطغاة إلى حكم … [read more]

اليوم العالمي لل

اللجنة الوطنية لوحدة الشيوعيين السوريين نعم للمقاومة: ولا عذر لمتخاذل■ ها قد مر عام على احتلال العراق الذي انتقل من حكم الطغاة إلى حكم … [read more]

Mass demonstration in Rome to pull out troops from Iraq

Anti-imperialists addressed by Iraqi resistance representativeAn impressive mass demonstration rocked Rome on March 20 saying no to the aggression on Iraq and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Italian troops and all other occupation forces. According to the organisers more than one million took to the streets.Dozens of banners displayed the support to the Iraqi resistance proving that the Italian people is not only against the war but maintains a deep anti-imperialist sentiment.Hundreds marched within the block of the Committee Free Iraq under a banner reading both in Italian and Arabic: With the resistance in Iraq, for the Intifada in Palestine". The closing rally of the anti-imperialist contingent took place on Piazza Venezia close to the residence of Berlusconi drawing about … [read more]

Protests against occupation of Iraq banned in India

Press Release of 20th March Committee Against Imperialist Occupation of Iraq20 March, 2004.The right-wing federal government of Indian in office led by BJP arrested and detained more than 200 people, who gathered at Ramlila Grounds, Dariyagunj, when they were going in a demonstration towards American Centre at Barakamba Road, New Delhi as part of international day of protests worldwide.Among the prominent leaders who were arrested include Dr. B.D. Sharma, Chairman, Bharat Jan Andolan, Dr. Darshan Pal, President, All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF), Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Dr. Rakesh Rafiq, All India leader of Yuva Bharat, Raj Kishor, Secretary of Struggling Forum for Peoples Resistance (SFPR), Varavara Rao, Revolutionary Poet … [read more]

Rally in Karachi against US occupation of Iraq

American Law of Jungle CondemnedKarachi:(Pakistan), March 20: A well-disciplined large rally against American occupation of Iraq was brought here this afternoon to show solidarity with the Iraqi people, who are heroically and fiercely resisting US imperialism. The rally was also a sign of solidarity with the international community, which has close affinity with the Iraqi people at the hour of their historic anti-imperialistic struggle to liberate their country from foreign yoke. The rally was in line with the call by a large number of anti-imperialist organizations and progressive forces all over the world. Especially, in response to the call by Hisham Bustani, Jordan: Support the Iraqi resistance on March 20, the Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP), took its political … [read more]

"As long as occupations continues, so will resistance"

Sammi Alaá, representative of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, addressing the Rome demo of March 20, 2004Today it is exactly one year that Anglo-American imperialism attacked Iraq in open violation of international law. They tried to justify their war claiming that Iraq would possess arms of mass destruction, would have links to Al-Qaida and would not co-operate with the United Nations.Today we can state that nothing, absolutely nothing of what Bush and Blair said was true. They dropped more than 20.000 precision bombs, 240.000 cluster bombs, 10.000 conventional missiles and more than 800 cruise missiles Tomahawk on the innocent Iraqi people – a people exhausted by more than twelve years sanctions imposed by the UN which cost the lives of some two million Iraqis. Nobody knows the exact … [read more]

We do not want to be the hostages of the US war!

Lessons of Spain by the Austrian Committee Free IraqThe Spaniards chased away Aznar because he bears the political responsibility for the massacre of Madrid. They have understood that the tragic attacks were in retaliation for the participation in the US aggression on Iraq.The message is clear: As long as Palestine and Iraq are occupied and the legitimate demand to self-determination unheard, there will be forces among the Arab people who will respond to high tech terror with traditional terror in this asymmetric war.The European support – against the explicit will of the majority – for the imperial claims of the US threatens us all. The slogans raised on the streets of Madrid speak a clear language: "The dead are our´s, the war your´s. You have waged the war, we must die." Aznar … [read more]

Mumbai: Tale of Two Forums Retold

from People`s March, Vol 5, No. 2-3, Feb-Mar 2004Tale of Two Forums RetoldOne, A Serious Step Forward; The Other, A Carnival(The third week of January this year witnessed two major events in Mumbai …— first was the MR-2004; the other, the WSF. Given its importance People´s March specifically went and covered both the events. The reports printed in this issue are based on extensive interviews with participants and first hand observations made at the events. Based on these reports we here give an overall view of the two events..... Editor.)The dividing line between the two was the Western Express Highway to Gujarat. On the right lay the grounds of the Mumbai Resistance-2004, Against Imperialist Globalisation & War; on the left lay the sprawling venue of the World Social Forum. But, the … [read more]

Atrocities against oppressed people of the Indian Northeast

Protest rally in ManipurLet´s save the people from the genocidal governmentMass rally Wednesday, 17th march, 2004Since the last month, the Indian army has killed twelve persons barbarically and illegally. The Assam Rifles killed eleven persons and yesterday, the 15th March 2004,yet another person fell victim to the inhuman brutalities of the Rajputana Rifles. In glaring instances of cold blooded barbaric murders, the Indian army is unleashing a reign of terror in Manipur. On the 9th of March, around 1 p.m. afternoon, Khundrakpam Tejkumar (22) of Uripok Laikhulenbi was picked up forcefully from the local playground during Holi sports festival by the Assam Rifles in front of hundreds of agitated men and women. His dead body bearing clear signs of brutal torture was found near Ng. Mani … [read more]

ضد توظيÙ? ضحايا انÙ?جار مدريد

بيان من صادر عن معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبرياليةما كادت تصل أنباء التÙ?جيرات التي هزّت محطات القطارات Ù?ÙŠ مدريد صباح الحادي عشر من آذار (مارس)ØŒ حتى غطت التبعات السياسية لهذا العمل على تلك الÙ?اجعة المؤسÙ?Ø© بحد ذاتها والتي … [read more]

لنجعل من 20 اذار يوما لدعم المقاومة Ù?ÙŠ العراق

هشام البستاني العدد: 774 - 2004 / 3 / 15 Ù?ÙŠ المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي الرابع (الاجتماع الاكبر للمنظمات المناهضة للعولمة) المنعقد Ù?ÙŠ مومباي/الهند اواخر كانون الثاني من العام الحالي، اتÙ?Ù‚ الجميع على ان يكون يوم 20 اذار 2004 … [read more]

Against the instrumentalisation of the victims

Declaration of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the Madrid bombingsImmediately after the news about the attacks on the train stations in Madrid had been spread in the morning of March 11, one could already feel the consequences which might be even more dramatic than the sad and pitiable number of civil victims: its political exploitation for a all-out attack on the democratic rights and particularly against the right to self-determination of the Basque people.The corporate media which are more and more a decisive arm of criminalisation and mobilisation in the service of the establishment had the perpetrators ready to be presented to the public: the Basque armed independence organisation ETA. The Spanish prime minister Aznar affirmed that there could not be any doubt that behind the operation … [read more]