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"PP gov`t try to legitimize violence against Basques and Iraq"

Statement of the Communist Party of the People`s of SpainSTATEMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE PEOPLES OF SPAIN ON THE ATTACKS IN MADRID1. The EC of the PCPE repudiates the violent actions against the civilian population whichever the pretext may have been, even more since in this case the victims were workers and students in their way to their jobs. This is a position approved by the Congresses of the PCPE that today the EC reiterates with even more firmness. 2. The EC of the PCPE joins in solidarity with the victims of these attacks and expresses our sympathy to the relatives of the deceased. 3. The EC of the PCPE condemns any kind of political maneuver using this misfortune. The imperialist and neoliberal forces have made the fight against terrorism a … [read more]

Lets Make March 20 a Day to Support the Resistance in Iraq

by Dr. Hisham Bustani, JordanChallenging the "Non-Violence" Trend in the global Anti-War MovementIn the Fourth World Social Forum (WSF) held in Mumbai-India late January of this year, there was an agreement on holding an International Action Day against the occupation in Iraq on March 20, 2004. World-wide demonstrations will take the streets under that banner.On the opposite side of the WSF`s venue, another meeting of Anti-Imperialist anti-Globalization organizations took place under the name: Mumbai Resistance `04 (MR04). This forum was more principled regarding the struggle against Imperialism and the analytical view of its mechanisms and the means of confrontation. In MR04, the participants did not settle only for raising the "End the Occupation" banner. There was a unanimous consensus … [read more]

The Iraqi resistance and terrorism are two different things!

Statement of solidarity from the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq (KFI)March 14, 2004Following the terror bombings in Madrid on March 11, the imperialist mass media, controlled by imperialism itself, have been trying to picture all kind of opposition to imperialism as terrorism. This has been the case in Italy, for instance, where a smear campaign has been launched against the Anti-Imperialist Camp and other forces who support the legitimate Iraqi resistance against the brutal, US-led occupation of Iraq.We, Danish and Iraqi anti-imperialists of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, hereby declare that we will never surrender to the terror campaigns of imperialism and hide our support for popular resistance against imperialism and occupation, be it in Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan.When … [read more]

Batasuna´s statement to int`l community on Madrid massacre

The Basque socialist political organisation, Batasuna, wishs to share the following opinions with the nations of the world:We express our solidarity with the victims, their families and the workers of Madrid, and share their pain after the terrible bombings yesterday.These indiscriminate attacks against civilians and workers who were on their way to their places of work are absolutely repulsive to the Basque leftwing and we roundly and clearly express our reprobation. We denounce the electoral and political interest of the Spanish Government in trying to involve the legitimate freedom struggle of the Basque people with the events in Madrid, while everyone is more and more convinced that these attacks were the work of certain Islamic groups.We would like to express anew our opinion that … [read more]

"Link of terror between Al-Qaida, ETA, Iraqi resistance, Anti-imperialist Camp"

Italian slander campaign in the aftermath of the Madrid bombingsAlso truth resistswith the Iraqi peopleHands off the Anti-imperialist CampWe herewith express our indignation and our strongest protest against the article of Magdi Allam published in "Corriere della sera" of March 12 as well as his intervention in "Porta a Porta" of RAI1 transmitted on March 11.*His accusations are mere fictions. He blames the responsibility of the massacre of Madrid on an "international holding of terror composed of Al-Qaida, ETA, the self-styled …‘Iraqi resistance´ and the Spanish section of the Anti-imperialist Camp". This "holding", thanks to the "collaboration with the intelligence agencies of Saddam Hussein", should have had its final rehearsal in Iraq. Meanwhile the Anti-imperialist Camp not only … [read more]

Venezuelan left prepares for confrontation

Coordination Simon Bolivar and FBL-EL call for arming of the peopleIn the last period the conflict between the anti-imperialist government of Hugo Chavez and the popular forces on one side and US imperialism and the Venezuelan oligarchy on the other side has intensified. The recent occasion were the oligarchy´s attempt for a referendum to bring down Chavez and the massive US backing for it. Two popular revolutionary organisations form Venezuela co-operation with the Anti-imperialist Camp have released statements. We publish extracts:Co-ordination Simon Bolivar:Facing the imminence of a new attempts to strangle the Bolivarian revolution, the we calls for:* The unity of all revolutionary forces to close the ranks in a civil-military unity. Only in this way the people and the armed forces … [read more]

Colobian peasant leader Luz Perly still in prison

Call to the int`l solidarity movementLuz Perly addresses int´l friends from the Colombian prisonOn February 18 the Colombian peasant leader Luz Perly Cà³rdoba has been arrested by the Colombian intelligence. She still lingers in prison but she has directed a letter to the international democratic and anti-imperialist forces dated March 8. Here some extracts:"I write to you from this shameful prison to where the Colombian ruling class has put me depriving me from my most elementary democratic right – as their have done it with hundreds and hundreds of other leaders of the peasant and popular struggles. We all have been accused of rebellion. It it´s the expression of the intolerance of a regime which keeps satanising and stigmatising all those who dissent with their unacceptable … [read more]

Political Persecution!

Detention of the general secretary of Abnaa el Balad (Sons of the Land) and his comrades Press releaseOn February 7 were arrested the secretary general of the movement Abnaa el Balad (Sons of the Land), comrade Muhamad Kanaane, as well as comrades Husam Kanaane and Sahar Abdou. On February 12 the same happened to comrade Yusuf Abu Ali. Together with the detentions, brutal searches were carried out in their houses, especially in the houses of Muhamad Kanaane, where his mother, wife and 14-years-old son were beaten by the Israeli police. In the night of February 7 a large groups of cops broke into the locals of the movement in the town of Arabeh and in the city of Haifa, destroying everything in search of "evidence." Books and journal were thrown to the floor and vandalized with oil and … [read more]

"Cheated by his smile: a boy was shot and left paralyzed"

by Mohammed Al Moghayer from Rafah/Gaza Strip March 2004An Israeli soldier shot the child AbdelRahman Abu Al Ful from Rafah and left him permanently bedridden.Betrayal is a habitual characteristic. Terrorism is characteristic in their extreme use of force. Killing, destroying and devastating are the main activities of these soldiers. Yes, it´s the Israeli army: soldiers who don´t know any meaning of mercy or kindness but instead love killing, destruction, and corruption. Never mind if they leave thousands of victims: it seems important for them to wash their hands with blood, never minding if they kill a child, a woman, or an old man.In Rafah refugee camp, where the criminal Israeli soldiers violate all international Laws, Abdel Rahem Abu Al Ful (a 14 year old child) was forced by a … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communist leader tours Italy

Committee "Iraq Libero" invites Shawkat KhazindarShawkat Khazindar was born in 1936 in Suleimaniyya, in Iraqi Kurdistan. He joined the the Iraqi Communist Party in the early 70s. Right after the aggression of 1991 he left the party alongside other leaders protesting the party´s support of the imperialist aggression. In 1992 they formed the "Democratic Communist Movement" which forms part of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" led by Jabbar al-Kubaysi and Awni al-Kalemji. Today they participate in the resistance and are engaged in the attempts to form a broad political resistance front of all forces fighting to liberate Iraq form foreign occupation.Shawkat Khazindar is author of history of the communist movement of Iraq.March 8 - Rome, 5pm, Villaggio Globale, Lungotevere Testaccio.March 9 - … [read more]

Cui bono?

Only the US and Israel benefit from the attacks on Shiite worshippersAs we neither have police nor intelligence apparatuses at our disposal, we are not able to detect the perpetrators of the recent attacks on Shiite worshippers in the Iraqi towns of Kerbala and Baghdad on March 2, 2004.But one thing we know for sure: to incite a sectarian conflict and to instigate a civil war is first of all in the interest of the occupants. Thus they could split the resistance and furthermore tell the world that their military presence would be necessary to avoid further bloodshed.Since the inception of the occupation the US and their media apparatus is talking about the alleged danger of a civil war between Shia and Sunna. This was in blatant contrast to the reality on the ground. On all level there … [read more]

Hail the Iraqi Resistance Movement against Occupation

Indian Committee against the Occupation of IraqHAIL THE IRAQI RESISTANCE MOVEMENT AGAINST OCCUPATION!US, GET OUT OF IRAQ!Protest on 20th March, 2004Dear Friends,A year after, the situation has entirely changed. The streets of Baghdad are turning into graves for the occupation forces. Falujah, Basra, Nasiriyah, and other cities and highways across the whole length and breadth of Central and Southern Iraq hear the sound of explosions and gunfire daily. The land is once again in a state of war. Now it is the turn of the resistance forces. The attacks seem to come from nowhere. Suddenly some one appears from nothingness, runs into the enemy and blows himself up. Police stations crumble, buildings collapse and vehicles turn into flying pieces of iron like glass blasted on the smithereens. The … [read more]

Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought

A theoretical Analysis by Harsh ThakorThe website of the Anti-imperialist Camp should also serve as a platform of discussion. Therefore readers are invited to expose their views. Therefore those do not necessarily express the opinion of the editorial board. The Anti-imperialist Camp´s editorial board" 1. INTRODUCTION It has been termed by many pundits that Marxism has met it´s doom. True various revolutionary movements have been defeated and Capitalism has won in the present phase but it must be remembered how long it took capitalism to emerge victorious. In the earlier parts of the last Century the Capitalist world order was given a death blow by the Russian and Chinese Revolutions. The Cuban revolution followed. However the loss of Socialist China was a great blow to the … [read more]


النهج الديموقراطي- الكتابة الوطنيةتلقت الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديموقراطي ببالغ الأسى والحزن نبأ الÙ?اجعة الأليمة التي ألمت بسكان مدينة الحسيمة وضواحيها على إثر الزلزال الذي هز المنطقة يوم الثلاثاء 24 Ù?براير 2004.وإذ … [read more]

Arrest of Political Activists and Legalization of "Martial Laws"

Amman, Jordan, February 22, 2004On the evening of Wednesday February 11, 2004, the political activist Ali Sneid was arrested from the bus terminal in his village Mleih in Madaba, Jordan. He is still arrested until now without knowing where he is, who arrested him, or the charges he was arrested upon.This is not the first time such arrests and under such conditions occur, and we think that these kinds of arrests made on activists fighting for the dignity of the people and against injustice, tyranny and corruption will not will continue proving the continuous violations of the peoples` rights and a violation of the constitution that guarantees a person`s right to freedom of expression, organization and assembly.And in an obscene practice that aims at indefinitely sustaining the status of … [read more]

Free the Colombian peasant leader Luz Perly!

In the night of February 18, 2004, Luz Perly Cà³rdoba, chairwoman of the peasant organisation of Arauca (1) and person in charge for human rights for the National Colombian Federation of Peasants FENSUAGRO-CUT (2) was arrested by agents of the Colombian intelligence DAS (3). The apprehension occurred during her participation at lecture at the INNCA university of Bogotá.Because of countless death threats by paramilitary forces Luz Perly has been admitted to the protection programme for activists of social organisations performed by the interior ministry and the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights. Because of the imminent danger to her live she had to leave Arauca and search for refuge in the capital Bogotá.Luz Perly originates from poor peasants and indigenous background. Today … [read more]

The Racist Israeli Regime Continues Persecution of Abnaa elBalad

Abnaa elBalad Press Update, February 15, 2004Monday, February 16th, 2004Haifa district court rejected appealsOn Wednesday, 11/2, the Haifa district court rejected an appeal against the continued detention of Abnaa elBalad secretary general Comrade Muhammad Kana`ane, his brother Husam and Sahar `Abdu, editorial secretary of the elJeel elJadeed magazine. Lawyer Waqim Waqim from Abnaa elBalad and Orna Cohen and Abir Abu-Baker from `Adala appeared in the court, but were prevented from seeing the detainees or the charges against them. About 50 supporters crowded beyond the courts closed doors, after failing the guards` attempt to prevent all Abnaa elBalad supporters from entering the Haifa court compound. Earlier the same court rejected another appeal against the police decree that prevents … [read more]

Open Letter to the US Anti-War Movement

from the Arab-American and Muslim Community Background: A call to mobilize against colonial occupations on March 20th, 2004, was issued and endorsed by a large nationwide coalition of organizations and communities that included the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition; Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; the National Lawyers Guild; the Arab Muslim American Federation; the Free Palestine Alliance-USA; the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation; and the Muslim Student Association of the U.S. and Canada. The National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA) supported this call in full. The call to mobilize demanded ending "all colonial occupations from Iraq to Palestine to everywhere". It also called for "bringing the troops home NOW" without delay, and for opposing giving an … [read more]

التضامن الكاذب مع Ù?لسطين والعراق

سÙ?يرة ما يسمى بمجلس الحكم العراقي كضيÙ?Ø© شرÙ?Ù?ÙŠ مساء يوم الأحد العاشر من ذي الحجة 1424 هجرية ØŒ اليوم الأول من عيد الأضحى المبارك، والمواÙ?Ù‚ 01 كانون الثاني 2004 ميلادية أقيم Ù?ÙŠ دار الملتقى (Haus der Begegnung - Kagran) إحتÙ?ال عام بمناسبة عيد الأضحى … [read more]

Democratisation of the Middle East?

Jörg Ulich is questioning line taken by the Kurdish liberation movement in TurkeyTo the Kurdish liberation movementWith great concern we have observed the latest developments of the Kurdish organisations and their approach to developments in Iraq. We particularly deplore the declaration of the organisation that views itself as a heir of the Workers` Party of Kurdistan (PKK) and which in our opinion has made a historic mistake in their current position on the US-American aggression against the peoples of the world – a mistake that objectively puts the progressive parts of the Kurdish movement against all progressive movements of the Middle East.In declarations of the Kurdish organisations (Yekom, Kadek, PJA) about their position on the imminent attack against Iraq in 2003 they were … [read more]

"PP gov`t try to legitimize violence against Basques and Iraq"

Statement of the Communist Party of the People`s of SpainSTATEMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE PEOPLES OF SPAIN ON THE ATTACKS IN MADRID1. The EC of the PCPE repudiates the violent actions against the civilian population whichever the pretext may have been, even more since in this case the victims were workers and students in their way to their jobs. This is a position approved by the Congresses of the PCPE that today the EC reiterates with even more firmness. 2. The EC of the PCPE joins in solidarity with the victims of these attacks and expresses our sympathy to the relatives of the deceased. 3. The EC of the PCPE condemns any kind of political maneuver using this misfortune. The imperialist and neoliberal forces have made the fight against terrorism a … [read more]

Lets Make March 20 a Day to Support the Resistance in Iraq

by Dr. Hisham Bustani, JordanChallenging the "Non-Violence" Trend in the global Anti-War MovementIn the Fourth World Social Forum (WSF) held in Mumbai-India late January of this year, there was an agreement on holding an International Action Day against the occupation in Iraq on March 20, 2004. World-wide demonstrations will take the streets under that banner.On the opposite side of the WSF`s venue, another meeting of Anti-Imperialist anti-Globalization organizations took place under the name: Mumbai Resistance `04 (MR04). This forum was more principled regarding the struggle against Imperialism and the analytical view of its mechanisms and the means of confrontation. In MR04, the participants did not settle only for raising the "End the Occupation" banner. There was a unanimous consensus … [read more]

The Iraqi resistance and terrorism are two different things!

Statement of solidarity from the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq (KFI)March 14, 2004Following the terror bombings in Madrid on March 11, the imperialist mass media, controlled by imperialism itself, have been trying to picture all kind of opposition to imperialism as terrorism. This has been the case in Italy, for instance, where a smear campaign has been launched against the Anti-Imperialist Camp and other forces who support the legitimate Iraqi resistance against the brutal, US-led occupation of Iraq.We, Danish and Iraqi anti-imperialists of the Danish Committee for a Free Iraq, hereby declare that we will never surrender to the terror campaigns of imperialism and hide our support for popular resistance against imperialism and occupation, be it in Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan.When … [read more]

Batasuna´s statement to int`l community on Madrid massacre

The Basque socialist political organisation, Batasuna, wishs to share the following opinions with the nations of the world:We express our solidarity with the victims, their families and the workers of Madrid, and share their pain after the terrible bombings yesterday.These indiscriminate attacks against civilians and workers who were on their way to their places of work are absolutely repulsive to the Basque leftwing and we roundly and clearly express our reprobation. We denounce the electoral and political interest of the Spanish Government in trying to involve the legitimate freedom struggle of the Basque people with the events in Madrid, while everyone is more and more convinced that these attacks were the work of certain Islamic groups.We would like to express anew our opinion that … [read more]

"Link of terror between Al-Qaida, ETA, Iraqi resistance, Anti-imperialist Camp"

Italian slander campaign in the aftermath of the Madrid bombingsAlso truth resistswith the Iraqi peopleHands off the Anti-imperialist CampWe herewith express our indignation and our strongest protest against the article of Magdi Allam published in "Corriere della sera" of March 12 as well as his intervention in "Porta a Porta" of RAI1 transmitted on March 11.*His accusations are mere fictions. He blames the responsibility of the massacre of Madrid on an "international holding of terror composed of Al-Qaida, ETA, the self-styled …‘Iraqi resistance´ and the Spanish section of the Anti-imperialist Camp". This "holding", thanks to the "collaboration with the intelligence agencies of Saddam Hussein", should have had its final rehearsal in Iraq. Meanwhile the Anti-imperialist Camp not only … [read more]

Venezuelan left prepares for confrontation

Coordination Simon Bolivar and FBL-EL call for arming of the peopleIn the last period the conflict between the anti-imperialist government of Hugo Chavez and the popular forces on one side and US imperialism and the Venezuelan oligarchy on the other side has intensified. The recent occasion were the oligarchy´s attempt for a referendum to bring down Chavez and the massive US backing for it. Two popular revolutionary organisations form Venezuela co-operation with the Anti-imperialist Camp have released statements. We publish extracts:Co-ordination Simon Bolivar:Facing the imminence of a new attempts to strangle the Bolivarian revolution, the we calls for:* The unity of all revolutionary forces to close the ranks in a civil-military unity. Only in this way the people and the armed forces … [read more]

Colobian peasant leader Luz Perly still in prison

Call to the int`l solidarity movementLuz Perly addresses int´l friends from the Colombian prisonOn February 18 the Colombian peasant leader Luz Perly Cà³rdoba has been arrested by the Colombian intelligence. She still lingers in prison but she has directed a letter to the international democratic and anti-imperialist forces dated March 8. Here some extracts:"I write to you from this shameful prison to where the Colombian ruling class has put me depriving me from my most elementary democratic right – as their have done it with hundreds and hundreds of other leaders of the peasant and popular struggles. We all have been accused of rebellion. It it´s the expression of the intolerance of a regime which keeps satanising and stigmatising all those who dissent with their unacceptable … [read more]

Political Persecution!

Detention of the general secretary of Abnaa el Balad (Sons of the Land) and his comrades Press releaseOn February 7 were arrested the secretary general of the movement Abnaa el Balad (Sons of the Land), comrade Muhamad Kanaane, as well as comrades Husam Kanaane and Sahar Abdou. On February 12 the same happened to comrade Yusuf Abu Ali. Together with the detentions, brutal searches were carried out in their houses, especially in the houses of Muhamad Kanaane, where his mother, wife and 14-years-old son were beaten by the Israeli police. In the night of February 7 a large groups of cops broke into the locals of the movement in the town of Arabeh and in the city of Haifa, destroying everything in search of "evidence." Books and journal were thrown to the floor and vandalized with oil and … [read more]

"Cheated by his smile: a boy was shot and left paralyzed"

by Mohammed Al Moghayer from Rafah/Gaza Strip March 2004An Israeli soldier shot the child AbdelRahman Abu Al Ful from Rafah and left him permanently bedridden.Betrayal is a habitual characteristic. Terrorism is characteristic in their extreme use of force. Killing, destroying and devastating are the main activities of these soldiers. Yes, it´s the Israeli army: soldiers who don´t know any meaning of mercy or kindness but instead love killing, destruction, and corruption. Never mind if they leave thousands of victims: it seems important for them to wash their hands with blood, never minding if they kill a child, a woman, or an old man.In Rafah refugee camp, where the criminal Israeli soldiers violate all international Laws, Abdel Rahem Abu Al Ful (a 14 year old child) was forced by a … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communist leader tours Italy

Committee "Iraq Libero" invites Shawkat KhazindarShawkat Khazindar was born in 1936 in Suleimaniyya, in Iraqi Kurdistan. He joined the the Iraqi Communist Party in the early 70s. Right after the aggression of 1991 he left the party alongside other leaders protesting the party´s support of the imperialist aggression. In 1992 they formed the "Democratic Communist Movement" which forms part of the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" led by Jabbar al-Kubaysi and Awni al-Kalemji. Today they participate in the resistance and are engaged in the attempts to form a broad political resistance front of all forces fighting to liberate Iraq form foreign occupation.Shawkat Khazindar is author of history of the communist movement of Iraq.March 8 - Rome, 5pm, Villaggio Globale, Lungotevere Testaccio.March 9 - … [read more]

Cui bono?

Only the US and Israel benefit from the attacks on Shiite worshippersAs we neither have police nor intelligence apparatuses at our disposal, we are not able to detect the perpetrators of the recent attacks on Shiite worshippers in the Iraqi towns of Kerbala and Baghdad on March 2, 2004.But one thing we know for sure: to incite a sectarian conflict and to instigate a civil war is first of all in the interest of the occupants. Thus they could split the resistance and furthermore tell the world that their military presence would be necessary to avoid further bloodshed.Since the inception of the occupation the US and their media apparatus is talking about the alleged danger of a civil war between Shia and Sunna. This was in blatant contrast to the reality on the ground. On all level there … [read more]

Hail the Iraqi Resistance Movement against Occupation

Indian Committee against the Occupation of IraqHAIL THE IRAQI RESISTANCE MOVEMENT AGAINST OCCUPATION!US, GET OUT OF IRAQ!Protest on 20th March, 2004Dear Friends,A year after, the situation has entirely changed. The streets of Baghdad are turning into graves for the occupation forces. Falujah, Basra, Nasiriyah, and other cities and highways across the whole length and breadth of Central and Southern Iraq hear the sound of explosions and gunfire daily. The land is once again in a state of war. Now it is the turn of the resistance forces. The attacks seem to come from nowhere. Suddenly some one appears from nothingness, runs into the enemy and blows himself up. Police stations crumble, buildings collapse and vehicles turn into flying pieces of iron like glass blasted on the smithereens. The … [read more]

Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought

A theoretical Analysis by Harsh ThakorThe website of the Anti-imperialist Camp should also serve as a platform of discussion. Therefore readers are invited to expose their views. Therefore those do not necessarily express the opinion of the editorial board. The Anti-imperialist Camp´s editorial board" 1. INTRODUCTION It has been termed by many pundits that Marxism has met it´s doom. True various revolutionary movements have been defeated and Capitalism has won in the present phase but it must be remembered how long it took capitalism to emerge victorious. In the earlier parts of the last Century the Capitalist world order was given a death blow by the Russian and Chinese Revolutions. The Cuban revolution followed. However the loss of Socialist China was a great blow to the … [read more]


النهج الديموقراطي- الكتابة الوطنيةتلقت الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديموقراطي ببالغ الأسى والحزن نبأ الÙ?اجعة الأليمة التي ألمت بسكان مدينة الحسيمة وضواحيها على إثر الزلزال الذي هز المنطقة يوم الثلاثاء 24 Ù?براير 2004.وإذ … [read more]

Arrest of Political Activists and Legalization of "Martial Laws"

Amman, Jordan, February 22, 2004On the evening of Wednesday February 11, 2004, the political activist Ali Sneid was arrested from the bus terminal in his village Mleih in Madaba, Jordan. He is still arrested until now without knowing where he is, who arrested him, or the charges he was arrested upon.This is not the first time such arrests and under such conditions occur, and we think that these kinds of arrests made on activists fighting for the dignity of the people and against injustice, tyranny and corruption will not will continue proving the continuous violations of the peoples` rights and a violation of the constitution that guarantees a person`s right to freedom of expression, organization and assembly.And in an obscene practice that aims at indefinitely sustaining the status of … [read more]

Free the Colombian peasant leader Luz Perly!

In the night of February 18, 2004, Luz Perly Cà³rdoba, chairwoman of the peasant organisation of Arauca (1) and person in charge for human rights for the National Colombian Federation of Peasants FENSUAGRO-CUT (2) was arrested by agents of the Colombian intelligence DAS (3). The apprehension occurred during her participation at lecture at the INNCA university of Bogotá.Because of countless death threats by paramilitary forces Luz Perly has been admitted to the protection programme for activists of social organisations performed by the interior ministry and the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights. Because of the imminent danger to her live she had to leave Arauca and search for refuge in the capital Bogotá.Luz Perly originates from poor peasants and indigenous background. Today … [read more]

The Racist Israeli Regime Continues Persecution of Abnaa elBalad

Abnaa elBalad Press Update, February 15, 2004Monday, February 16th, 2004Haifa district court rejected appealsOn Wednesday, 11/2, the Haifa district court rejected an appeal against the continued detention of Abnaa elBalad secretary general Comrade Muhammad Kana`ane, his brother Husam and Sahar `Abdu, editorial secretary of the elJeel elJadeed magazine. Lawyer Waqim Waqim from Abnaa elBalad and Orna Cohen and Abir Abu-Baker from `Adala appeared in the court, but were prevented from seeing the detainees or the charges against them. About 50 supporters crowded beyond the courts closed doors, after failing the guards` attempt to prevent all Abnaa elBalad supporters from entering the Haifa court compound. Earlier the same court rejected another appeal against the police decree that prevents … [read more]

Open Letter to the US Anti-War Movement

from the Arab-American and Muslim Community Background: A call to mobilize against colonial occupations on March 20th, 2004, was issued and endorsed by a large nationwide coalition of organizations and communities that included the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition; Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; the National Lawyers Guild; the Arab Muslim American Federation; the Free Palestine Alliance-USA; the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation; and the Muslim Student Association of the U.S. and Canada. The National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA) supported this call in full. The call to mobilize demanded ending "all colonial occupations from Iraq to Palestine to everywhere". It also called for "bringing the troops home NOW" without delay, and for opposing giving an … [read more]

التضامن الكاذب مع Ù?لسطين والعراق

سÙ?يرة ما يسمى بمجلس الحكم العراقي كضيÙ?Ø© شرÙ?Ù?ÙŠ مساء يوم الأحد العاشر من ذي الحجة 1424 هجرية ØŒ اليوم الأول من عيد الأضحى المبارك، والمواÙ?Ù‚ 01 كانون الثاني 2004 ميلادية أقيم Ù?ÙŠ دار الملتقى (Haus der Begegnung - Kagran) إحتÙ?ال عام بمناسبة عيد الأضحى … [read more]

Democratisation of the Middle East?

Jörg Ulich is questioning line taken by the Kurdish liberation movement in TurkeyTo the Kurdish liberation movementWith great concern we have observed the latest developments of the Kurdish organisations and their approach to developments in Iraq. We particularly deplore the declaration of the organisation that views itself as a heir of the Workers` Party of Kurdistan (PKK) and which in our opinion has made a historic mistake in their current position on the US-American aggression against the peoples of the world – a mistake that objectively puts the progressive parts of the Kurdish movement against all progressive movements of the Middle East.In declarations of the Kurdish organisations (Yekom, Kadek, PJA) about their position on the imminent attack against Iraq in 2003 they were … [read more]