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"The US-Hindutva-Israeli nexus"

Muslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004Against imperialism and warMuslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004Our county is passing through a critical phase. Communal fascism is on the rise. The growing tide of communalism is being very much supported by the rulers of the county. In fact, it is being abetted by them. Not only this, they are also openly allying with US led imperialist and Zionist forces internationally which have declared war against the people of the world.The people of the whole world are reeling under the onslaught of globalisation which is destroying the livelihoods of the people not only in the poor and backward countries but also in the advanced ones and whatever that is indigenous, national, patriotic is being destroyed. It … [read more]

Free election in Iraq?

Democracy and resistance is the sameFree election in Iraq?Last month occupied Iraq saw a major conflict over the plans of the US aggressors to at least partially hand over power to a puppet regime. This step to provide to US rule an Iraqi cover has been scheduled to take place by the mid of the year.In massive demonstrations throughout January, however, significant parts of the Iraqi population contested the US designs following a statement by the supreme Shia cleric, al-Sistani, who called for free elections. And the pressure from below is rising despite the attempts of the clerics to calm down the popular anger.The fact that the occupants reacted by spreading rumours of a postponement of their plans while decidedly refusing elections exposes their political weakness. On one hand they do … [read more]

Zionist police arrest Abnaa elBalad` leadership

The association`s centers vandalizedThe Arrest of Abnaa elBalad´s General SecretaryComrade Muhammad Kana´aneof the central committee´s member Comrade Husam Kana´aneand editorial secretary of elJeel elJadeed magazineComrade Sahar `Abdu Press Release - February 8, 2004At 4:00 am Saturday morning, 7/2/2004, a big force of Israel´s police, border guards and security services invaded the home of Abnaa elBalad´s general secretary comrade Muhammad As´ad Kana´ane (Abu-As´ad) in the Gallilee township of …‘Arabe. After intense search of the house, they confiscated the computer and documents belonging to the Abnaa elBalad movement and to "elBalad cultural association". In the process of the search, they caused great intentional damage to the family´s belongings, the scared the small … [read more]

Bagladeshi Free Trade Zones workers in struggle

Two days EPZ Workers National conference have finished on 31st January. Workers from Dhaka EPZ, Chiatagong EPZ, Mongla EPZ and Nilfamari EPZ participated in the conference.From the conference, to address the issue, problem and demands of the EPZ workers a national platform have formed on 31st January. Pls see the news from our national daily English newspapers.In solidarityAmirul Haque Amin06.02.04TU IN EPZs DEMANDEDThe speakers at a conference yesterday demanded allowing of formation of trade union in the export Processing Zones (EPZs).Eminent lawyer Dr Kamal Hossain attended the inaugural ceremony of tow-day long conference organised for the workers of Export Processing Zones (EPZ) as chief guest, while the organising leader of National Garments Workers Federation (NGWF) Amirul Haque … [read more]

Seraikistan to curb Punjabi expansionism and to unify sub-continent

Speech of Abdul Majeed Kanjoo, president of the Seraiki National Party, at MR 2004The conflict between oppressed nations of Pakistan and the ruling clique is in fact a conflict with imperialist globalization but it is deliberately buried under the dust of conflict between Pakistan and India to keep the politics of South Asia in their accordance. The world today is under the grip of deep crisis which can result in reshaping its present constitution. This is a usual practice when the world was under control of the imperialists in last century faced such crisis than it was reshaped.What is needed today is a new world, peaceful with harmony and tolerance having constitutional, democratic and human values guaranteeing equal status for each nation on earth.On the contrary, today there are … [read more]

Rifondazione Comunista – from antagonism to toadyism

By Leonardo MazzeiThe blind alleyRifondazione Comunista – from antagonism to toadyismBy Leonardo Mazzei*The secretary of Rifondazione Comunista (PRC, Party for a Communist Re-foundation) still enjoys large credit in the European left. Its credibility is on the other hand rapidly declining in Italy where his prestige games do not any more bewitch anybody. Let us see why.In the first years after he came to office, ten years ago at the Second Congress of the PRC that took place in Rome in January 1994, Bertinotti appeared as the "new man" of Italian politics: both brilliant and telegenic to the point of being a regular guest on TV programmes, radical enough to be listened to and to get consent in the most combative strata of the working class milieu.In 1995, thanks to his opposition to the … [read more]


Contre la globalisation et la guerre impà©rialistesPar la prà©sente nous dà©clarons terminà© " Mumbai Resistance 2004 contre la Globalisation et la Guerre Impà©rialistes ", un à©và©nement international qui s´est dà©roulà© à  Mumbai, Inde, du 17 au 20 janvier 2004 et auquel ont participà© plus de 300 organisations et des milliers de gens de toutes les rà©gions de l`Inde et d`autres pays dans le monde.Nous avons atteint avec succà¨s les objectifs de MR-2004 comme conà§us par la Ligue Internationale de la Lutte des Peuples (ILPS) lors du Camp International " Thessaloniki Resistance 2003 " en juin 2003, notamment l´organisation d´un à©và©nement international co-sponsorisà© par la plus large gamme des groupes anti-impà©rialistes, pour consolider et … [read more]

For a tribunal on the Black List

Speech by the Anti-imperialist Camp and Initiativ e.V. at the Florence Seminary against Isolation, Dec 2003The II. International Symposium against Isolation held in Florence in December 2003 is a very important step trying to build up an international movement against isolation, ill-treatment and repression. All over the world political prisoners are isolated, tortured, treated and murdered. Especially isolation shows what repressive states are trying to achieve. Not only the prisoners are punished, because they are without any contact to other people. Also the relatives and friends are involved because they loose the possibility to see and help them - also if it is just a few words.The question of political prisoners becomes more and more important for the international revolutionary … [read more]

"We will spread the fire"

Interview with Jabbar al-Kubaysi on the incipient political resistance frontGeneral view of the situation of the resistanceHow does the resistance against the occupation develop?I give you an example from all day life which reflects how the mobilisation has been penetrating into the people. Old women are considered as not to be interested in politics. However, during my permanent travels throughout the county I am often experiencing situations where elder women ask their sons and grandsons why they are still at home and not out there fighting with the resistance. The resistance is not considered as the endeavour of some radicals but as an integral part of the people. Everybody has to contribute in the way one is able to. But isn´t there significant difference between the Shi´ite South … [read more]

Press impact of Mumbai Resistance (MR)

English language mediaIndian TelegraphDecember 20, 2004Smaller than Kumbh, twice the AsiadThe Mumbai Resistance charges that in these three years the WSF has come to look a bit like those it opposed in the first place …— Davos, MNCs, First World governments. It claims that the WSF is funded by agencies with covert globalisation on their agenda. "Attac believes in globalisation with a human face. It also enjoys the support of the Workers´ Party in Brazil. President Lula of Brazil of the Workers´ Party, who visited the last forum and expressed solidarity with the anti-imperialistic stance, hopped across to Davos to fall at the feet of the First World leaders," says Mithiborwalla. "Most of the forum´s money comes from West European, France and German funding agencies. But how can we … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance paves way for anti-imperialist pole

Via the support of the Iraqi resistance towards Porto Alegre Resistàªncia?From January 17 to 20 tens of thousand people gathered in the forums of Mumbai Resistance (MR) held in parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) including some hundreds international delegates from the sub-continent as well as from the Philippines, Turkey, he Arab world and Europe to name only some. Despite the ban on the final demonstration, MR eventually culminated in a mass rally in central Mumbai with 30.000 participants. It was not only a conspicuous challenge by the anti-imperialist forces to the left-liberal French-Brazilian leadership of the WSF – also thanks to the preceding attempts in Porto Alegre, Genoa, Thessalonica and other places to raise a revolutionary voice. On all walls of Mumbai people could … [read more]

Seraiki National Party to support Mumbai Resistance 2004

by Abdul Majeed KanjooThe recent call of the Anti-imperialist Camp for Mumbai Resistance 2004 is really appreciable and the instigation and idea is truly substantial for the oppressed nations of the region. All the four points are very close to the basic program of Seraiki National Party, because Seraiki is the most afflicted nation of the subcontinent, badly ruled by the imperialist/ capitalist of the world in 19th century. After liberation, India very effortlessly took the path of democratization or people rule over the country. While right from the creation of Pakistan, which itself gave a safe exit to the imperialist tyrants, is being ruled by Punjab/army clique. And they are serving the purposes of imperialist/capitalist powers of the world by dictatorial imposition on the component … [read more]


Against Imperialist Globalisation & WarWe hereby declare the successful conclusion of "Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalisation and War", an international event held in Mumbai, India, 17-20 January 2004 participated in by more than 300 organisations and thousands of individual from all parts of India and from other countries all over the world.We have successfully achieved the objectives of MR 2004 as conceived by the International League of People´s Struggles (ILPS) at the Thessaloniki Resistance in June 2003, to hold an international event co-sponsored by the broadest range of anti-imperialist groups, to consolidate and strengthen the anti-imperialist movement.Drawing inspiration and strength from the unity, commitment, energy and international co-ordination that MR … [read more]

Statement by the General Secretary of the PFLP and his comrades

from the Jericho prisonStatement by the General Secretary of the PFLP and his comrades Two years have passed on the imprisonment of my comrades and myself. Such imprisonment represents a Palestinian Authority submission to the Israeli and American illegitimate demands. It also neglects the Palestinian law and Palestinian national values. It also holds no regard to all Palestinian national bodies including the Palestine National Council (PNC) and the Palestine Central Council (PCC). Such imprisonment also neglects the legitimacy of our resistance to the Israeli Occupation. The attempt of "Internationalizing" the "Jericho Agreement" between the PA, US, Britain & Israel to detain us, has lead the PA to offer more free concession to the American-Israeli security demands. This agreement did … [read more]

Racism and violence against the Arabs of Haifa

by Communist Party, Abnaa elBalad movement, Balad party, the Islamic Movement, Ta`ayushFollowing the bomb placed in the car of an Arab resident of Halisa - the fifth such case in the recent period.RACISM AND VIOLENCE HIT THE ARAB COMMUNITY IN HAIFA AGAINOn Friday, January 16, Issa Ghanaim, who lives near the mosque in Halisa, went out to his work in the early morning hour. When he started driving he heard a strange noise from the bottom of the car and discovered a bomb which was attached to the car. When he detached the bomb and threw it on the roadside the bomb exploded without causing harm.This event joins a series of previous ones in which arabs of Haifa were victims of racist attacks. On Friday, day of prayer, 28 June 2002 a bomb was placed at the door of the mosque in Halisa, and a … [read more]

من أجل إلغاء القرار 137 الرجعي بالعراق

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونس تونس Ù?ÙŠ 20 جانÙ?ÙŠ 2004 أصدر ما يسمّى "مجلس الحكم الانتقالي" بالعراق بتاريخ 29-12-2003ØŒ قرارا رقم 137 يقضي بإلغاء قانون الأحوال … [read more]

لا لمحاكمة المقاومة.. لا للاعتقال السياسي: الحرية للقاØ

لجنة الدÙ?اع عن احمد سعدات ورÙ?اقه -امريكا الشماليةنعم لاغلاق ملÙ? الاعتقال السياسينطالب بالاÙ?راج الÙ?وري عن القائد الوطني الكبير احمد سعدات ورÙ?اقه من معتقل اريحانحن الموقعون ادناه،اÙ?راد ومؤسسات ولجان للتضامن مع … [read more]

MR 2004 culminates on a broad unity note

Press Release January 21, 2004…· 15,000-strong rally demands the withdrawal of US occupation in Iraq…· Calls to observe March 20 as Global Day of Action of protest mass actions on the first anniversary of the US-UK invasion of IraqThe Mumbai Resistance 2004, a conclave of over 310 peoples´ organizations world over, came to a rousing end at the Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar (Veterinary College grounds) after a two-day seminar, a day-long cultural performances and screening of several films and documentaries on people´s movements and a massive protest rally. Massive RallyThe culmination of the four day event (held parallel to and as a critique of the World Social Forum) on January 20 was marked by a massive public meeting was held at August Kranti Maidan addressed by representatives of … [read more]

äÍä à'àƒÓ àŒàˆá ÇáàŒáà­Í à¦à¦à'ÇÄäÇ Çáàƒà›áàˆà­É

àŠàžà‘à­à‘ Úä àŠÙÇà¥à‘à‰ ÍÚ࣠Çáà£àžÇà¦à£à‰ ÇáÚà‘Çàžà­à‰ Íà­ à‘à¦à£Ç¡ ßÇäà¦ä Çáàƒà¦á (Íà­Óà£àˆà‘) 2003äÍä à‘àƒÓ àŒàˆá ÇáàŒáà­Í à¦à¦à‘ÇÄäÇ Çáàƒà›áàˆà­à‰àŠàžà‘à­à‘ Úä àŠÙÇà¥à‘à‰ ÍÚ࣠Çáà£àžÇà¦à£à‰ ÇáÚà‘Çàžà­à‰ Íà­ à‘à¦à£Ç¡ ßÇäà¦ä Çáàƒà¦á (Íà­Óà£àˆà‘) 2003Íà­ Çáà‹Çáà‹ Úà”à‘ à£ä ßÇäà¦ä Çáàƒà¦á (Íà­Óà£àˆà‘) 2003 àŽà‘àŒàŠ Íà­ ÇáÚÇà•à£à‰ Çáà…à­à˜Çáà­à‰ à‘à¦à£Ç àƒßàˆà‘ ÇáàŠÙÇà¥à‘ÇàŠ ÇáàŠà­ à”à¥ÍàŠà¥Ç àƒà¦à‘à¦àˆÇ … [read more]

Vienna: Demo in support of the Iraqi resistance

Jan 17, anniversary of the aggression of 1991Solidarity with the Iraqi ResistanceIraqi Resistance, whether it be civil or military action, is the exact opposite of terrorism. Terrorism is illegal political violence. The invasion of Iraq constitutes an act of terrorism, as does the bombing of infrastructure, flats and the Iraqi defenders. The continued occupation of Iraq is terrorism. Mass-arrests and shots against demonstrations are acts of terrorism. Everybody who takes action against this, no matter in which way, is acting in accordance with international law, which is explicitly proclaiming the right of resistance against occupation.Iraq today is the field of a decisive political conflict. If the Anglo-Saxon war of aggression successful, pacification and colonialization of the country … [read more]

"The US-Hindutva-Israeli nexus"

Muslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004Against imperialism and warMuslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004Our county is passing through a critical phase. Communal fascism is on the rise. The growing tide of communalism is being very much supported by the rulers of the county. In fact, it is being abetted by them. Not only this, they are also openly allying with US led imperialist and Zionist forces internationally which have declared war against the people of the world.The people of the whole world are reeling under the onslaught of globalisation which is destroying the livelihoods of the people not only in the poor and backward countries but also in the advanced ones and whatever that is indigenous, national, patriotic is being destroyed. It … [read more]

Free election in Iraq?

Democracy and resistance is the sameFree election in Iraq?Last month occupied Iraq saw a major conflict over the plans of the US aggressors to at least partially hand over power to a puppet regime. This step to provide to US rule an Iraqi cover has been scheduled to take place by the mid of the year.In massive demonstrations throughout January, however, significant parts of the Iraqi population contested the US designs following a statement by the supreme Shia cleric, al-Sistani, who called for free elections. And the pressure from below is rising despite the attempts of the clerics to calm down the popular anger.The fact that the occupants reacted by spreading rumours of a postponement of their plans while decidedly refusing elections exposes their political weakness. On one hand they do … [read more]

Zionist police arrest Abnaa elBalad` leadership

The association`s centers vandalizedThe Arrest of Abnaa elBalad´s General SecretaryComrade Muhammad Kana´aneof the central committee´s member Comrade Husam Kana´aneand editorial secretary of elJeel elJadeed magazineComrade Sahar `Abdu Press Release - February 8, 2004At 4:00 am Saturday morning, 7/2/2004, a big force of Israel´s police, border guards and security services invaded the home of Abnaa elBalad´s general secretary comrade Muhammad As´ad Kana´ane (Abu-As´ad) in the Gallilee township of …‘Arabe. After intense search of the house, they confiscated the computer and documents belonging to the Abnaa elBalad movement and to "elBalad cultural association". In the process of the search, they caused great intentional damage to the family´s belongings, the scared the small … [read more]

Bagladeshi Free Trade Zones workers in struggle

Two days EPZ Workers National conference have finished on 31st January. Workers from Dhaka EPZ, Chiatagong EPZ, Mongla EPZ and Nilfamari EPZ participated in the conference.From the conference, to address the issue, problem and demands of the EPZ workers a national platform have formed on 31st January. Pls see the news from our national daily English newspapers.In solidarityAmirul Haque Amin06.02.04TU IN EPZs DEMANDEDThe speakers at a conference yesterday demanded allowing of formation of trade union in the export Processing Zones (EPZs).Eminent lawyer Dr Kamal Hossain attended the inaugural ceremony of tow-day long conference organised for the workers of Export Processing Zones (EPZ) as chief guest, while the organising leader of National Garments Workers Federation (NGWF) Amirul Haque … [read more]

Seraikistan to curb Punjabi expansionism and to unify sub-continent

Speech of Abdul Majeed Kanjoo, president of the Seraiki National Party, at MR 2004The conflict between oppressed nations of Pakistan and the ruling clique is in fact a conflict with imperialist globalization but it is deliberately buried under the dust of conflict between Pakistan and India to keep the politics of South Asia in their accordance. The world today is under the grip of deep crisis which can result in reshaping its present constitution. This is a usual practice when the world was under control of the imperialists in last century faced such crisis than it was reshaped.What is needed today is a new world, peaceful with harmony and tolerance having constitutional, democratic and human values guaranteeing equal status for each nation on earth.On the contrary, today there are … [read more]

Rifondazione Comunista – from antagonism to toadyism

By Leonardo MazzeiThe blind alleyRifondazione Comunista – from antagonism to toadyismBy Leonardo Mazzei*The secretary of Rifondazione Comunista (PRC, Party for a Communist Re-foundation) still enjoys large credit in the European left. Its credibility is on the other hand rapidly declining in Italy where his prestige games do not any more bewitch anybody. Let us see why.In the first years after he came to office, ten years ago at the Second Congress of the PRC that took place in Rome in January 1994, Bertinotti appeared as the "new man" of Italian politics: both brilliant and telegenic to the point of being a regular guest on TV programmes, radical enough to be listened to and to get consent in the most combative strata of the working class milieu.In 1995, thanks to his opposition to the … [read more]


Contre la globalisation et la guerre impà©rialistesPar la prà©sente nous dà©clarons terminà© " Mumbai Resistance 2004 contre la Globalisation et la Guerre Impà©rialistes ", un à©và©nement international qui s´est dà©roulà© à  Mumbai, Inde, du 17 au 20 janvier 2004 et auquel ont participà© plus de 300 organisations et des milliers de gens de toutes les rà©gions de l`Inde et d`autres pays dans le monde.Nous avons atteint avec succà¨s les objectifs de MR-2004 comme conà§us par la Ligue Internationale de la Lutte des Peuples (ILPS) lors du Camp International " Thessaloniki Resistance 2003 " en juin 2003, notamment l´organisation d´un à©và©nement international co-sponsorisà© par la plus large gamme des groupes anti-impà©rialistes, pour consolider et … [read more]

For a tribunal on the Black List

Speech by the Anti-imperialist Camp and Initiativ e.V. at the Florence Seminary against Isolation, Dec 2003The II. International Symposium against Isolation held in Florence in December 2003 is a very important step trying to build up an international movement against isolation, ill-treatment and repression. All over the world political prisoners are isolated, tortured, treated and murdered. Especially isolation shows what repressive states are trying to achieve. Not only the prisoners are punished, because they are without any contact to other people. Also the relatives and friends are involved because they loose the possibility to see and help them - also if it is just a few words.The question of political prisoners becomes more and more important for the international revolutionary … [read more]

"We will spread the fire"

Interview with Jabbar al-Kubaysi on the incipient political resistance frontGeneral view of the situation of the resistanceHow does the resistance against the occupation develop?I give you an example from all day life which reflects how the mobilisation has been penetrating into the people. Old women are considered as not to be interested in politics. However, during my permanent travels throughout the county I am often experiencing situations where elder women ask their sons and grandsons why they are still at home and not out there fighting with the resistance. The resistance is not considered as the endeavour of some radicals but as an integral part of the people. Everybody has to contribute in the way one is able to. But isn´t there significant difference between the Shi´ite South … [read more]

Press impact of Mumbai Resistance (MR)

English language mediaIndian TelegraphDecember 20, 2004Smaller than Kumbh, twice the AsiadThe Mumbai Resistance charges that in these three years the WSF has come to look a bit like those it opposed in the first place …— Davos, MNCs, First World governments. It claims that the WSF is funded by agencies with covert globalisation on their agenda. "Attac believes in globalisation with a human face. It also enjoys the support of the Workers´ Party in Brazil. President Lula of Brazil of the Workers´ Party, who visited the last forum and expressed solidarity with the anti-imperialistic stance, hopped across to Davos to fall at the feet of the First World leaders," says Mithiborwalla. "Most of the forum´s money comes from West European, France and German funding agencies. But how can we … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance paves way for anti-imperialist pole

Via the support of the Iraqi resistance towards Porto Alegre Resistàªncia?From January 17 to 20 tens of thousand people gathered in the forums of Mumbai Resistance (MR) held in parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) including some hundreds international delegates from the sub-continent as well as from the Philippines, Turkey, he Arab world and Europe to name only some. Despite the ban on the final demonstration, MR eventually culminated in a mass rally in central Mumbai with 30.000 participants. It was not only a conspicuous challenge by the anti-imperialist forces to the left-liberal French-Brazilian leadership of the WSF – also thanks to the preceding attempts in Porto Alegre, Genoa, Thessalonica and other places to raise a revolutionary voice. On all walls of Mumbai people could … [read more]

Seraiki National Party to support Mumbai Resistance 2004

by Abdul Majeed KanjooThe recent call of the Anti-imperialist Camp for Mumbai Resistance 2004 is really appreciable and the instigation and idea is truly substantial for the oppressed nations of the region. All the four points are very close to the basic program of Seraiki National Party, because Seraiki is the most afflicted nation of the subcontinent, badly ruled by the imperialist/ capitalist of the world in 19th century. After liberation, India very effortlessly took the path of democratization or people rule over the country. While right from the creation of Pakistan, which itself gave a safe exit to the imperialist tyrants, is being ruled by Punjab/army clique. And they are serving the purposes of imperialist/capitalist powers of the world by dictatorial imposition on the component … [read more]


Against Imperialist Globalisation & WarWe hereby declare the successful conclusion of "Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalisation and War", an international event held in Mumbai, India, 17-20 January 2004 participated in by more than 300 organisations and thousands of individual from all parts of India and from other countries all over the world.We have successfully achieved the objectives of MR 2004 as conceived by the International League of People´s Struggles (ILPS) at the Thessaloniki Resistance in June 2003, to hold an international event co-sponsored by the broadest range of anti-imperialist groups, to consolidate and strengthen the anti-imperialist movement.Drawing inspiration and strength from the unity, commitment, energy and international co-ordination that MR … [read more]

Statement by the General Secretary of the PFLP and his comrades

from the Jericho prisonStatement by the General Secretary of the PFLP and his comrades Two years have passed on the imprisonment of my comrades and myself. Such imprisonment represents a Palestinian Authority submission to the Israeli and American illegitimate demands. It also neglects the Palestinian law and Palestinian national values. It also holds no regard to all Palestinian national bodies including the Palestine National Council (PNC) and the Palestine Central Council (PCC). Such imprisonment also neglects the legitimacy of our resistance to the Israeli Occupation. The attempt of "Internationalizing" the "Jericho Agreement" between the PA, US, Britain & Israel to detain us, has lead the PA to offer more free concession to the American-Israeli security demands. This agreement did … [read more]

Racism and violence against the Arabs of Haifa

by Communist Party, Abnaa elBalad movement, Balad party, the Islamic Movement, Ta`ayushFollowing the bomb placed in the car of an Arab resident of Halisa - the fifth such case in the recent period.RACISM AND VIOLENCE HIT THE ARAB COMMUNITY IN HAIFA AGAINOn Friday, January 16, Issa Ghanaim, who lives near the mosque in Halisa, went out to his work in the early morning hour. When he started driving he heard a strange noise from the bottom of the car and discovered a bomb which was attached to the car. When he detached the bomb and threw it on the roadside the bomb exploded without causing harm.This event joins a series of previous ones in which arabs of Haifa were victims of racist attacks. On Friday, day of prayer, 28 June 2002 a bomb was placed at the door of the mosque in Halisa, and a … [read more]

من أجل إلغاء القرار 137 الرجعي بالعراق

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونس تونس Ù?ÙŠ 20 جانÙ?ÙŠ 2004 أصدر ما يسمّى "مجلس الحكم الانتقالي" بالعراق بتاريخ 29-12-2003ØŒ قرارا رقم 137 يقضي بإلغاء قانون الأحوال … [read more]

لا لمحاكمة المقاومة.. لا للاعتقال السياسي: الحرية للقاØ

لجنة الدÙ?اع عن احمد سعدات ورÙ?اقه -امريكا الشماليةنعم لاغلاق ملÙ? الاعتقال السياسينطالب بالاÙ?راج الÙ?وري عن القائد الوطني الكبير احمد سعدات ورÙ?اقه من معتقل اريحانحن الموقعون ادناه،اÙ?راد ومؤسسات ولجان للتضامن مع … [read more]

MR 2004 culminates on a broad unity note

Press Release January 21, 2004…· 15,000-strong rally demands the withdrawal of US occupation in Iraq…· Calls to observe March 20 as Global Day of Action of protest mass actions on the first anniversary of the US-UK invasion of IraqThe Mumbai Resistance 2004, a conclave of over 310 peoples´ organizations world over, came to a rousing end at the Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar (Veterinary College grounds) after a two-day seminar, a day-long cultural performances and screening of several films and documentaries on people´s movements and a massive protest rally. Massive RallyThe culmination of the four day event (held parallel to and as a critique of the World Social Forum) on January 20 was marked by a massive public meeting was held at August Kranti Maidan addressed by representatives of … [read more]

äÍä à'àƒÓ àŒàˆá ÇáàŒáà­Í à¦à¦à'ÇÄäÇ Çáàƒà›áàˆà­É

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Vienna: Demo in support of the Iraqi resistance

Jan 17, anniversary of the aggression of 1991Solidarity with the Iraqi ResistanceIraqi Resistance, whether it be civil or military action, is the exact opposite of terrorism. Terrorism is illegal political violence. The invasion of Iraq constitutes an act of terrorism, as does the bombing of infrastructure, flats and the Iraqi defenders. The continued occupation of Iraq is terrorism. Mass-arrests and shots against demonstrations are acts of terrorism. Everybody who takes action against this, no matter in which way, is acting in accordance with international law, which is explicitly proclaiming the right of resistance against occupation.Iraq today is the field of a decisive political conflict. If the Anglo-Saxon war of aggression successful, pacification and colonialization of the country … [read more]