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Mumbai: All out in support of the Iraqi resistance!

Appeal by the Anti-imperialist Camp to the anti-war and anti-globalisation movementMid January the different forces of the international anti-war and anti-globalisation movement will meet in Mumbai, India. But this time the World Social Forum (WSF) does not go unchallenged. In parallel there will take place Mumbai Resistance 2004 (MR2004), a gathering called for mainly by Indian revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces.Why those forces felt constrained to organise their separate meeting? The leaders of the WSF are quick to pronounce a generic accusation of sectarianism while in India itself they even physically attacked MR2004. However, there are more then serious reasons for a separate anti-imperialist pole:The WSF remains under the leadership of the so-called French-Brazilian axis of … [read more]

إلى حركة السلام ومناهضي الإمبريالية Ù?ÙŠ ألمانيا والنمسØ

رسالة Ù…Ù?توحة Ùˆ رد منذ أن أطلق معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية حملة "10 يورو للمقاومة العراقية" التي تهدÙ? إلى توÙ?ير الدعم السياسي والجماهيري للمقاومة العراقية والرد على محاولات وصم المقاومة بالإرهاب، وعملاء … [read more]

صنع الله ابراهيم Ù?ÙŠ الاردن: اهلا بمن رÙ?ض الرشوات والابت

خبر صحÙ?ÙŠ عن زيارة الروائي صنع الله ابراهيم للأردنتحتÙ?ÙŠ الÙ?عاليات الثقاÙ?ية Ù?ÙŠ الاردن الاسبوع القادم بالروائي العربي المصري الكبير صنع الله ابراهيم بلقاءات مختلÙ?Ø© Ù?ÙŠ عمان واربد. حيث يستضيÙ? كل من مجمع النقابات … [read more]

بيــــان تضــــــــــامن مع موÙ?ـــــــــق محاديـــــ

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونس أقدمت السلطات الأردنية على اعتقال الصحÙ?ÙŠ والكاتب موÙ?Ù‚ محادين رئيس تحرير صحيÙ?Ø© "الوحدة" منذ يوم 7/1/2004 حيث اقتيد من قبل جهاز الاستخبارات … [read more]

Who is the Iraqi resistance?

ICP (cadre) contribution to the Iraqi resistance demo in Vienna, Jan 17, 2004The Situation in IraqComrades! Friends!When Baghdad fell, we wept with grieving hearts. We Iraqis are always grieving; we have grieved since remote antiquity. But our grief is the grief of lions. And the lion does not change its nature, whatever injury and affliction he has suffered. Perhaps it is for this reason that God has chosen to test us with the enormity of the Anglo-Zionist occupation of Baghdad. Baghdad was occupide and we wept. We shed tears. But our grief has come to an end or has been set aside as the lions of Shan…‘ar are springing to attack in an offensive that will be remembered for generations. This attack will one day allow the world to breathe a sigh of relief, when the enemy has been … [read more]

Did Serbia swing to the right?

Of nationalism and egalitarianismWestern corporate media unanimously commented the electoral victory of Vojislav Seselj´s "Radical Party" (SRS) as a new nationalist upsurge and an imminent danger for the "emerging Serbian democracy". Already in the wake of the elections the West demonstrated its unconditional partisanship by the threats of Javier Solana. The former NATO secretary-general and today the European Union´s responsible for security matters and foreign affairs published an article in "Politika", Belgrade´s well-known daily, arguing that whoever casts his vote for the parties of the "war criminals" would push the county back into the isolation experienced in the 90s.The "democratic threats" did not have any impact. The Serbs cast their ballots for the "enemies of democracy" … [read more]

تظاهرة تنظمها المنظمات العربية والتضامنية النمساوية Ù?

نادي Ù?لسطين العربيأيتها الأخوات والإخوةÙ?ÙŠ مساء السابع عشر من كانون الثاني (يناير) 1991 شنت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وحلÙ?اؤها غاراتها الأولى على الأراضي العراقية بادئة عدوانها الذي سمته "عاصÙ?Ø© الصحراء" أو العدوان … [read more]

Muslim Organizations in Solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004

Our country is passing through a critical phase. The communal fascism is on the rise The growing tide of communalism is being very much supported by the rulers of the country. In fact, it is being abetted by them. Not only this, they are also openly allying with US led imperialist and Zionist forces internationally which have declared war against the people of the world.The people of the whole world are reeling under the onslaught of globalisation which is destroying the livelihoods of the people not only in the poor and backward countries but also in the advanced ones and whatever that is indigenous, national, patriotic is being destroyed. It is a dreadful aggression on the diversity of the cultures in which the people of the world live.The Muslim states of the world are being made the … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance Front and Democratic Constituent Assembly

There is a decisive historic step in front of us: the proclamation of the Resistance Front. If the front is able to develop into a counter-government, an alternative power, this would mean a shaking blow to the attempts of the US not only to control Iraq but to erect a global empire.For the time being the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" (IPA) has been putting forward following agenda: a) Unity of all forces who want to drive out the occupants. b) No compromise what so ever with the occupants and their collaborators even if mediated by the UN. c) Build a democratic government.We are in full support of that programme. However, we believe that the Resistance Front should call for a Democratic Constituent Assembly (DCA) which has been the driving slogan of so many anti-imperialist revolutions … [read more]

Attack on MR 2004 programme in West Bengal

CODEMN THE ATTACK ON MR 2004 PROGRAMME IN HALDIA, EAST MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL Mumbai Resistance 2004 (MR2004) is a front of 286 All India and International people`s organisations which is to hold a 4-day programme in Mumbai on 17th to 20th January 2004 against imperialist globalisation and war. All over the country MR 2004 is carrying out a propaganda campaign, which is leading up to this programme. On 28/12/03 at about 8.30 A.M., 41 activists of MR 2004 assembled at Haldia town which is in East Midnapore, West Bengal, to carry out this propaganda. They had already taken prior permission of the police to hold this programme. Suddenly about 100 hooligans who are cadre of the CPM, armed with lathis, stones and knives surrounded the gathering. They told the MR 2004 activists that in that … [read more]

The Reality of the "Geneva Accord"

940 Intellectuals, Activists, & Community/Organizational Leaders Worldwide Say NO to the "Geneva Accord"The Geneva Accord was signed Monday, December 1, 2003, amid great media andpolitical fanfare. The 50-page document lays out a plan for a presumed"peace agreement" between Israel and the Palestinian people. We, theundersigned, consider this initiative as inconsistent with the prerequisitesof a just and durable peace for the following reasons:1. It attempts to nullify the Palestinian right of return, both as acollective national right and as an individual right. By doing so, itstrengthens existing attempts to relocate and scatter Palestinian refugeesthroughout the world and gives credence to plans to abrogate internationallaw pertaining to the inalienable nature of the Right of Return. … [read more]

Arab Americans against occupation of Iraq and Palestine

National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA) call for actionNCAA CALL TO ACTION - ALL OUT ON MARCH 20, 2004The National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA)* joins the call for mass mobilizations against the war on and foreign occupation of Iraq, to be held on Saturday, March 20, 2004. Being also only 10 days before the anniversary of the historic March 30, 1976, Land Day in Palestine, calling for liberty, right to return, and self-determination for the Palestinian people on that same Saturday is an imperative complementary political necessity, without which the end to colonial occupations cannot be fully realized.Marking only the latest assault on Iraq one year ago this coming March, the NCAA well recognizes that only through a systematic and organized grassroots effort that a halt to … [read more]

Unify the anti-imperialists around the Iraqi resistance

Proposals with regard to the World Social Forum in Mumbai, IndiaThe Anti-imperialist Camp has been supporting the idea of building an independent anti-imperialist pole in order to unify the anti-imperialist forces but to reach out at the same time for dialogue to the amorphous anti globalisation movement which – at least in the Western world – is the main opposition to imperialism though not a consequent one. By constituting ourselves on a common political line and common actions we will be able to enter into dialogue. The opportunist argument that we "should be inside" does not count. Only a subject independent from the World Social Forum we will be able to dialogue. The main question is which is the unifying point of the world anti-imperialist movement? We believe there is a clear … [read more]

Hunger strike in Europe 2004

Basque solidarity movementBetween the 5th and 10th of January, more than 200 relatives and friends of Basque political prisoners are going to carry out a hunger strike in different European cities: Berlin, Geneva, Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and Milan.This initiative has been organized by Etxerat, an association of the relatives and friends of Basque political prisoners. Through it we will try to get the attention of all types of social, political, humanitarian organizations, the media...and the international society in general so as to highlight the extremely harsh conditions of imprisonment that the Basque political prisoners suffer in Spanish and French jails along with torture, isolation, dispersion, etc.Nowadays there are nearly 700 prisoners dispersed throughout 90 jails … [read more]

We are against isolation

Final resolutions of the Florence Symposium Dec 19-22FINAL RESOLUTION -1-WE ARE AGAINST ISOLATIONFrom 19-22 December 2003 an international symposium against isolation was organised by the International Platform against Isolation in Florence, Italy, which was attended by around 120 intellectuals and delegates of institutions and organisations from Italy, Turkey, Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Ireland, Germany, Lebanon, Palestine, West Sahara, Syria, Austria, Iran, Morocco, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain and Greece.As delegates of the symposium which was held due to the International Days of Struggle against Isolation from 19-22 December, we took following decisions:-WE OPPOSE ISOLATION FROM THE HUMANITARIAN POINT OF VIEW, because it aims to keep human beings away from the societal and … [read more]


The Japanese People Will Stop Military Dispatch to Iraq

by Kenji AsaiRepresenting the Movement for Democratic Socialism, MDS, and on behalf of the peace-loving people of Japan, I extend my deepest solidarity to all of you attending this historical gathering of the Second Cairo Conference.Just last Tuesday, on December 9, the Japanese government approved a basic plan to dispatch Self-Defense Forces (SDF) troops to Iraq. We strongly condemn this decision, which paves the way for the deployment of military units to combat zone for the first time of Japan`s history since World War II.According to the plan, up to 600 Ground SDF personnel will be sent to engage what the government calls humanitarian and reconstruction assistance in southern Iraq. However, this dispatch plan is never humanitarian nor for reconstruction. The troops, if sent, will … [read more]

"Greek people solidly on the side of Iraq"

Athens, 15/12/2003Solidarity to the Iraqi resistance for the defeat of the occupation forcesThe demonstration on Saturday 13th of December and the subsequent march through the streets of Athens, was a small but decisive step in the direction of what has to follow in order that the people of this country are able to express their solidarity to the Iraqi people.No one doubts that the working people and the youth of Greece remain solidly on the side of the people in Iraqi, as well as on the side of all the peoples who resist imperialism, with first and foremost those who resist USA, humanity´s biggest enemy. The fortnightly campaign, as well as the meetings which preceded the demonstration and had taken place in several major cities and in which featured a speaker who was a member of the … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance front to be proclaimed soon

After the arrest of Saddam resistance will intensify and unite even more, says Jabbar al KubaysiJabbar al Kubaysi is leader of the Iraqi Patriatic Alliance which strives to unify the Iraqi resistance movement into a common political National Resistance and Liberation Front.Anti-imperialist Camp: What are your comments on the arrest of Saddam Hussein?Jabbar al Kubaysi: It was obvious that Saddam was under the influence of drugs being given to him in blatant violation of basic human rights. According to my information Saddam had already been captured two weeks earlier. The occupying powers used the time to prepare him und to figure out the media spectacle we have been fed. Without the help of Iranian intelligence the arrest would not have been possible. Often Iranian servicemen appear in … [read more]

"Arrest of Saddam will not bring end of Iraqi resistance"

by Arab Cause Solidarity CommitteeStatement of the Arab Cause Solidarity Committee: The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance (15-12-03)The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance, which is the expression of the growing opposition of the majority of the Iraqi population to the occupation and to the project of the U.S. and its allies to bring about the neo-colonial domination of the country.Following the capture of Iraqi ex-President Saddam Hussein by U.S. troops, the Committee for Solidarity with the Arab Cause (Madrid) would like to make the following observations:1.The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi … [read more]

Mumbai: All out in support of the Iraqi resistance!

Appeal by the Anti-imperialist Camp to the anti-war and anti-globalisation movementMid January the different forces of the international anti-war and anti-globalisation movement will meet in Mumbai, India. But this time the World Social Forum (WSF) does not go unchallenged. In parallel there will take place Mumbai Resistance 2004 (MR2004), a gathering called for mainly by Indian revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces.Why those forces felt constrained to organise their separate meeting? The leaders of the WSF are quick to pronounce a generic accusation of sectarianism while in India itself they even physically attacked MR2004. However, there are more then serious reasons for a separate anti-imperialist pole:The WSF remains under the leadership of the so-called French-Brazilian axis of … [read more]

إلى حركة السلام ومناهضي الإمبريالية Ù?ÙŠ ألمانيا والنمسØ

رسالة Ù…Ù?توحة Ùˆ رد منذ أن أطلق معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية حملة "10 يورو للمقاومة العراقية" التي تهدÙ? إلى توÙ?ير الدعم السياسي والجماهيري للمقاومة العراقية والرد على محاولات وصم المقاومة بالإرهاب، وعملاء … [read more]

صنع الله ابراهيم Ù?ÙŠ الاردن: اهلا بمن رÙ?ض الرشوات والابت

خبر صحÙ?ÙŠ عن زيارة الروائي صنع الله ابراهيم للأردنتحتÙ?ÙŠ الÙ?عاليات الثقاÙ?ية Ù?ÙŠ الاردن الاسبوع القادم بالروائي العربي المصري الكبير صنع الله ابراهيم بلقاءات مختلÙ?Ø© Ù?ÙŠ عمان واربد. حيث يستضيÙ? كل من مجمع النقابات … [read more]

بيــــان تضــــــــــامن مع موÙ?ـــــــــق محاديـــــ

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونس أقدمت السلطات الأردنية على اعتقال الصحÙ?ÙŠ والكاتب موÙ?Ù‚ محادين رئيس تحرير صحيÙ?Ø© "الوحدة" منذ يوم 7/1/2004 حيث اقتيد من قبل جهاز الاستخبارات … [read more]

Who is the Iraqi resistance?

ICP (cadre) contribution to the Iraqi resistance demo in Vienna, Jan 17, 2004The Situation in IraqComrades! Friends!When Baghdad fell, we wept with grieving hearts. We Iraqis are always grieving; we have grieved since remote antiquity. But our grief is the grief of lions. And the lion does not change its nature, whatever injury and affliction he has suffered. Perhaps it is for this reason that God has chosen to test us with the enormity of the Anglo-Zionist occupation of Baghdad. Baghdad was occupide and we wept. We shed tears. But our grief has come to an end or has been set aside as the lions of Shan…‘ar are springing to attack in an offensive that will be remembered for generations. This attack will one day allow the world to breathe a sigh of relief, when the enemy has been … [read more]

Did Serbia swing to the right?

Of nationalism and egalitarianismWestern corporate media unanimously commented the electoral victory of Vojislav Seselj´s "Radical Party" (SRS) as a new nationalist upsurge and an imminent danger for the "emerging Serbian democracy". Already in the wake of the elections the West demonstrated its unconditional partisanship by the threats of Javier Solana. The former NATO secretary-general and today the European Union´s responsible for security matters and foreign affairs published an article in "Politika", Belgrade´s well-known daily, arguing that whoever casts his vote for the parties of the "war criminals" would push the county back into the isolation experienced in the 90s.The "democratic threats" did not have any impact. The Serbs cast their ballots for the "enemies of democracy" … [read more]

تظاهرة تنظمها المنظمات العربية والتضامنية النمساوية Ù?

نادي Ù?لسطين العربيأيتها الأخوات والإخوةÙ?ÙŠ مساء السابع عشر من كانون الثاني (يناير) 1991 شنت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وحلÙ?اؤها غاراتها الأولى على الأراضي العراقية بادئة عدوانها الذي سمته "عاصÙ?Ø© الصحراء" أو العدوان … [read more]

Muslim Organizations in Solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004

Our country is passing through a critical phase. The communal fascism is on the rise The growing tide of communalism is being very much supported by the rulers of the country. In fact, it is being abetted by them. Not only this, they are also openly allying with US led imperialist and Zionist forces internationally which have declared war against the people of the world.The people of the whole world are reeling under the onslaught of globalisation which is destroying the livelihoods of the people not only in the poor and backward countries but also in the advanced ones and whatever that is indigenous, national, patriotic is being destroyed. It is a dreadful aggression on the diversity of the cultures in which the people of the world live.The Muslim states of the world are being made the … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance Front and Democratic Constituent Assembly

There is a decisive historic step in front of us: the proclamation of the Resistance Front. If the front is able to develop into a counter-government, an alternative power, this would mean a shaking blow to the attempts of the US not only to control Iraq but to erect a global empire.For the time being the "Iraqi Patriotic Alliance" (IPA) has been putting forward following agenda: a) Unity of all forces who want to drive out the occupants. b) No compromise what so ever with the occupants and their collaborators even if mediated by the UN. c) Build a democratic government.We are in full support of that programme. However, we believe that the Resistance Front should call for a Democratic Constituent Assembly (DCA) which has been the driving slogan of so many anti-imperialist revolutions … [read more]

Attack on MR 2004 programme in West Bengal

CODEMN THE ATTACK ON MR 2004 PROGRAMME IN HALDIA, EAST MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL Mumbai Resistance 2004 (MR2004) is a front of 286 All India and International people`s organisations which is to hold a 4-day programme in Mumbai on 17th to 20th January 2004 against imperialist globalisation and war. All over the country MR 2004 is carrying out a propaganda campaign, which is leading up to this programme. On 28/12/03 at about 8.30 A.M., 41 activists of MR 2004 assembled at Haldia town which is in East Midnapore, West Bengal, to carry out this propaganda. They had already taken prior permission of the police to hold this programme. Suddenly about 100 hooligans who are cadre of the CPM, armed with lathis, stones and knives surrounded the gathering. They told the MR 2004 activists that in that … [read more]

The Reality of the "Geneva Accord"

940 Intellectuals, Activists, & Community/Organizational Leaders Worldwide Say NO to the "Geneva Accord"The Geneva Accord was signed Monday, December 1, 2003, amid great media andpolitical fanfare. The 50-page document lays out a plan for a presumed"peace agreement" between Israel and the Palestinian people. We, theundersigned, consider this initiative as inconsistent with the prerequisitesof a just and durable peace for the following reasons:1. It attempts to nullify the Palestinian right of return, both as acollective national right and as an individual right. By doing so, itstrengthens existing attempts to relocate and scatter Palestinian refugeesthroughout the world and gives credence to plans to abrogate internationallaw pertaining to the inalienable nature of the Right of Return. … [read more]

Arab Americans against occupation of Iraq and Palestine

National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA) call for actionNCAA CALL TO ACTION - ALL OUT ON MARCH 20, 2004The National Council of Arab Americans (NCAA)* joins the call for mass mobilizations against the war on and foreign occupation of Iraq, to be held on Saturday, March 20, 2004. Being also only 10 days before the anniversary of the historic March 30, 1976, Land Day in Palestine, calling for liberty, right to return, and self-determination for the Palestinian people on that same Saturday is an imperative complementary political necessity, without which the end to colonial occupations cannot be fully realized.Marking only the latest assault on Iraq one year ago this coming March, the NCAA well recognizes that only through a systematic and organized grassroots effort that a halt to … [read more]

Unify the anti-imperialists around the Iraqi resistance

Proposals with regard to the World Social Forum in Mumbai, IndiaThe Anti-imperialist Camp has been supporting the idea of building an independent anti-imperialist pole in order to unify the anti-imperialist forces but to reach out at the same time for dialogue to the amorphous anti globalisation movement which – at least in the Western world – is the main opposition to imperialism though not a consequent one. By constituting ourselves on a common political line and common actions we will be able to enter into dialogue. The opportunist argument that we "should be inside" does not count. Only a subject independent from the World Social Forum we will be able to dialogue. The main question is which is the unifying point of the world anti-imperialist movement? We believe there is a clear … [read more]

Hunger strike in Europe 2004

Basque solidarity movementBetween the 5th and 10th of January, more than 200 relatives and friends of Basque political prisoners are going to carry out a hunger strike in different European cities: Berlin, Geneva, Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and Milan.This initiative has been organized by Etxerat, an association of the relatives and friends of Basque political prisoners. Through it we will try to get the attention of all types of social, political, humanitarian organizations, the media...and the international society in general so as to highlight the extremely harsh conditions of imprisonment that the Basque political prisoners suffer in Spanish and French jails along with torture, isolation, dispersion, etc.Nowadays there are nearly 700 prisoners dispersed throughout 90 jails … [read more]

We are against isolation

Final resolutions of the Florence Symposium Dec 19-22FINAL RESOLUTION -1-WE ARE AGAINST ISOLATIONFrom 19-22 December 2003 an international symposium against isolation was organised by the International Platform against Isolation in Florence, Italy, which was attended by around 120 intellectuals and delegates of institutions and organisations from Italy, Turkey, Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Ireland, Germany, Lebanon, Palestine, West Sahara, Syria, Austria, Iran, Morocco, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain and Greece.As delegates of the symposium which was held due to the International Days of Struggle against Isolation from 19-22 December, we took following decisions:-WE OPPOSE ISOLATION FROM THE HUMANITARIAN POINT OF VIEW, because it aims to keep human beings away from the societal and … [read more]


The Japanese People Will Stop Military Dispatch to Iraq

by Kenji AsaiRepresenting the Movement for Democratic Socialism, MDS, and on behalf of the peace-loving people of Japan, I extend my deepest solidarity to all of you attending this historical gathering of the Second Cairo Conference.Just last Tuesday, on December 9, the Japanese government approved a basic plan to dispatch Self-Defense Forces (SDF) troops to Iraq. We strongly condemn this decision, which paves the way for the deployment of military units to combat zone for the first time of Japan`s history since World War II.According to the plan, up to 600 Ground SDF personnel will be sent to engage what the government calls humanitarian and reconstruction assistance in southern Iraq. However, this dispatch plan is never humanitarian nor for reconstruction. The troops, if sent, will … [read more]

"Greek people solidly on the side of Iraq"

Athens, 15/12/2003Solidarity to the Iraqi resistance for the defeat of the occupation forcesThe demonstration on Saturday 13th of December and the subsequent march through the streets of Athens, was a small but decisive step in the direction of what has to follow in order that the people of this country are able to express their solidarity to the Iraqi people.No one doubts that the working people and the youth of Greece remain solidly on the side of the people in Iraqi, as well as on the side of all the peoples who resist imperialism, with first and foremost those who resist USA, humanity´s biggest enemy. The fortnightly campaign, as well as the meetings which preceded the demonstration and had taken place in several major cities and in which featured a speaker who was a member of the … [read more]

Iraqi Resistance front to be proclaimed soon

After the arrest of Saddam resistance will intensify and unite even more, says Jabbar al KubaysiJabbar al Kubaysi is leader of the Iraqi Patriatic Alliance which strives to unify the Iraqi resistance movement into a common political National Resistance and Liberation Front.Anti-imperialist Camp: What are your comments on the arrest of Saddam Hussein?Jabbar al Kubaysi: It was obvious that Saddam was under the influence of drugs being given to him in blatant violation of basic human rights. According to my information Saddam had already been captured two weeks earlier. The occupying powers used the time to prepare him und to figure out the media spectacle we have been fed. Without the help of Iranian intelligence the arrest would not have been possible. Often Iranian servicemen appear in … [read more]

"Arrest of Saddam will not bring end of Iraqi resistance"

by Arab Cause Solidarity CommitteeStatement of the Arab Cause Solidarity Committee: The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance (15-12-03)The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance, which is the expression of the growing opposition of the majority of the Iraqi population to the occupation and to the project of the U.S. and its allies to bring about the neo-colonial domination of the country.Following the capture of Iraqi ex-President Saddam Hussein by U.S. troops, the Committee for Solidarity with the Arab Cause (Madrid) would like to make the following observations:1.The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi … [read more]