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"We are the tip of the iceberg and have to think as majority"

Report from the Iraqi resistance mobilisation in Rome, Dec 13, 2003On Saturday, 13th December, 2003 the first larger manifestation in Europe in emphatic support for the Iraqi resistance against the US empire took place. Nearly one thousand people participated and even the main Italian bourgeois paper, "Corriere della Sera", which was at the forefront of the media campaign against the mobilisation, had to admit the success. They spoke of 800 participants. The manifestation took place amidst a tremendous McCarthyist witch hunt not seen since the 70s. The supporters of the Iraqi resistance were attacked as "terrorists" and as "Islamo-Nazi-Communist block". The slander campaign was operated by a transversal front ranging from the far right (all the main Fascist organisations) to the far left … [read more]

Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece supports Iraqi resistance demo

The EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party) of Greece condemns unequivocally the slander campaign and the witch hunt against the Campo Antiimperialista waged by the right wing enemies both of the Iraqi people and of the Italian people.We express our full solidarity to you against the common enemies, the imperialists and their stooges.with internationalist greetingsSavas Michael, on behalf oh the CC of … [read more]

Ban on contact beween Milosevic / Seselj with outside world

by Christopher C. BlackCHRISTOPHER C. BLACKBarrister-at-Law Mr. Hans Holthuis,December 12, 2003Registrar,ICTY,Churchillplein 1,2517 JW, The Hague,P.O. Box 13888,501 EW, The Hague, NetherlandsRe The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav SeseljDear Sir;The decision of the Deputy Registrar made the 11th of December, banning all but restricted contact between President Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav Seselj and the outside world has unveiled before the whole world the political character and objectives of this tribunal. The decision is a blatant interference in the elections in Serbia by the United States and its satellites, including this tribunal. It is nothing less than an attempt to sabotage those elections, to impose the will of the United States on the people of Serbia, to … [read more]

مع الأحداث 18 أسر صدام حسين.

المتحدث باسم الحزب الشيوعي العراقي - الكادرمع الأحداث 18 أسر صدام حسين.د نوري المرادي*(( ضَحَك الخليÙ?Ø© مسعورا، Ù?سايره خصيانه Ù?ÙŠ ضحكة الموت!))(( بعد هذه يا بوش بماذا ستتحجج؟! ))إثر معركة ضارية دامت يومين مع ما لا يقل عن 150 من أنصاره، … [read more]

"Iraqi resistance fighting for a just cause"

Swedish Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) support resistance demo in RomeFrom Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) in Sweden wedeclare our solidarity with the anti-ocupation demonstration in RomeDecember 13 2003. The Iraqi resistance is fighting for a just cause, toget rid of foregin ocupation of Iraq. We wish the demonstration sucess.Communist Party Marxist Leninists (revolutionaries)Erik Anderson, internationally … [read more]

Rifundazione Comunista embraces Clintonianism

Call to boycott the Iraqi resistance demo in RomeSince the call for the demonstration in favour for the Iraqi resistance scheduled for December 13 has been launched, a transversal front from the Fascist movement to Rifundazione Comunista (PRC) passing by the two party regime has been trying to destroy it by all means.The PRC has been in the centre of the campaign against the resistance demonstration mainly launching the slander of "Fascist infiltration" into the demonstration. This accusation lacks any political substance as all the main Fascist organisations are supporting the Italian adventure in Iraq on the side of US imperialism. What political such an infiltration would make?They did not dare to give the real explanation for their aggressive anti-resistance stance as Itaky had seen a … [read more]

Italy: Transversal front against the Iraqi resistance

Swan song of the "historic left" – justifying "democratic" imperialism by an alleged "Islamo-Nazi-Communist block"During the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, which took place in the first week of September 2003, some of the participants and guests launched a public appeal for a demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance . The document affirmed not only the legitimacy of the resistance as stipulated by the UN charter, but also the chance offered by it to bring down the US attempt to erect an empire. The possibility of a new Vietnam is evoked: "The defeat of the Anglo-American occupiers would be a victory for everyone fighting for democracy and self-determination, for the freedom of the peoples refusing to submit under the imperialist yoke." The appeal ends not only to call … [read more]

"Do not go to the mahogany table with the occupiers"

Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League´s Solidarity Message to the Iraqi Resistance Demo in RomeThe National Executive Committee,Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (P.D.L.)To the Anti Imperialist CampSolidarity Message to the Iraqi Resistance Demonstration in Rome, Italy12th December, 2003The Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL), an affiliate of the Green Charter International (GCI), for peace, human rights, freedoms and good governance salute the patriotic and freedom-loving Iraqi people in their just, moral campaign against the ongoing US led aggression, occupation and genocidal activities in their God-given home, Iraq.Much as we are concerned, the US led imperialist war against the Iraqi people is unmandated and unwanted to say the least, and its even constitute a … [read more]

Jakarta urban poor struggle aganist eviction

by Wardah Hafidz, IndonesiaBeing triggered by the on-going evictions and confiscations of means of living belonging to the urban poor, the urban poor network held a mass protest in front of the governor`s office on 5th December. 800 protesters demanded the government to stop eviction/confiscation and to fulfil the rights of the urban poor. This protest was widely covered by the press.Despite this protest, the provincial government still sticks on eviction and confiscation policy. Sutiyoso, Jakarta governor, said to the press that, as a governor, he is responsible for making Jakarta a clean, orderly, and competitive city. He said that he would be wrong if he takes decisions that merely side with the poor (Kompas, 2nd December 2003). Further, he explained that such protests will not stop … [read more]

Iraqi quislings to rally in Stockholm in favour of occupation

Danish Committee for a Free Iraq supports Rome demo in favour of resistanceI am in the Committee for a Free Iraq, and we would like to endorse the demonstration on December 13 in Rome. I can tell you that in Stockholm on Saturday as well there will be a pro-occupation demonstration organised by the ICP, the KDP, the PUK, the SCIRI and the Dawa Party among others, that is the whole Quisling swamp being in the puppet council. It is extremely disgusting, and I got even surprised by the incredible infamity of the five slogans. They are: No to terrorism! Yes to democracy!, Terrorists, remove your dirty hands from the Iraqi people!, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist regime is a weapon of mass destruction!, Solidarity with the Iraqi people in its struggle for a democratic, federal and pluralistic … [read more]

PFLP confirms support of Roman demo for Iraqi resistance

Damascus, Dec 10, 2003Fraternal greetings, This is to reconfirm our support to the demo in support of the Palestinian and Iraqi people in their struggle against the American occupation of Iraq, and the continous Israeli aggresion against our palestinian people. Best regards, … [read more]

كولن باول Ù?ÙŠ تونس وقمة 5+5 : استهانة بمشاعر شعبنا الوطنية

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسكولن باول Ù?ÙŠ تونس وقمة 5+5 : استهانة بمشاعر شعبنا الوطنية وتكريس للتّبعية تشهد تونس خلال الأسبوع الأول من شهر ديسمبر 2003 حدثين سياسيين يكتسيان … [read more]

إلى الرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ الحزب الشيوعي المصري

الحزب الشيوعي العراقي - الكادر إلى الرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ الحزب الشيوعي المصري الأÙ?اضل!تحيةوبعدسمعنا الخبر المهزلة عن اعتقال رÙ?اق منكم بقصد تقديمهم إلى محاكمة بتهمة التآمر على الوطن!ومكمن المهزلة Ù?ÙŠ أمرين:أولهاأن الاعتقال … [read more]

Demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance

Rome, 13 December, Order of event, speakers2 p.m. Forum "Iraq: for the right to resist!"Aula Magna, ITIS Galileo GalileiVia Conteverde 51 (zona P.zza Vittorio)5 p.m. demonstration to the US embassyRallying point P.zza BarberiniFollowing personalities are scheduled to intervene:- Leonardo Mazzei, Promoting Committee Free Iraq- Awni Al Kalemji, international spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance - Aldo Bernardini, lecturer for International Law, University Teramo- Franco Cardini, lecturer for History, University Florence and Paris (Sorbonne)- Domenico Losurdo, lecturer for Philosophy, University Urbino- Claudio Moffa, lecturer for History for Afro-Asia, University Teramo- Padre Benjamin- Roberto Hamza Piccardo, Union of Islamic Communities of Italy- Giuseppe Pel azza, Lawyers against … [read more]

Solidarity address to Iraqi resistance demo in Rome Dec 13

National Democratic Front of South KoreaTo the Anti-imperialist Camp in EuropeThe Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea extends militant greetings to the patriotic Iraqi people who have turned out in a valiant national liberation struggle to drive out the US occupiers as well as to the world progressive mankind rendering positive support to their resistance. The US aggressive attack on Iraq is a tyrannical robbery committed against a sovereign state for the US world supremacy and the interests of the US oil monopolies, irrespective of the international law and the demand of mankind. Through the aggression on Iraq, it is fully revealed that the ringleader of terrorism havocking the world peace and threatening the safety of mankind is none other than the US … [read more]

Solidarity address to Iraqi resistance demo in Rome Dec 13

Albayan Althawri (Revolutionary Manifesto) - IraqIn Solidarity With Anti-imperialist CampDear Friends and Comrades,We in the "Albayan Althawri" (Iraqi Anti-imperialist opposition) would like to express our strong support to your efforts aiming at the unification of all anti-imperialist forces in order to combat imperialism and its lackeys all over the world.Anglo-American imperialism has started a vicious wave of attacks never seen before in terms of its disregard to people´s will. The illegitimate occupation of Iraq is a clear example of this wave of attacks that also included Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Sudan, Haiti, Somalia and many other countries. These attacks demonstrate how criminal imperialism is, and shows the contempt for human life under the law of jungle applied by … [read more]

Support to Iraqi resistance against US imperialism in Greece

Dec 13: Paralell action in Rome, Athens and Thessaloniki13 DecemberEvents to support Iraqi resistance and condemn US imperialism in GreeceDear friends and comradesWe have been thoroughly discussing the issue of the war in Iraq during our meetings and communication during the past months. We have all agreed in condemning the imperialist raid against the Iraqi people and stressed that the US imperialist aggression against all peoples will continue. We have, therefore, concluded that the struggle against US imperialism is of primary importance for all peoples in the world and that the effort of all left, progressive, revolutionary forces should focus on this issue.We have also agreed on the major significance of the resistance of the Iraqi people. Their struggle is very important to all … [read more]

Support the Resistance of the Iraqi People!

Solidarity address of the Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark (APK) to the Iraqi resistance demo, Rome, Dec 13The illegal US war against Iraq has turned into an illegal occupation with the participation of a "coalition" of imperialist powers and US client states, including Denmark.Under the pretext of "reconstruction" and "democratisation" of Iraq, the US and the other occupying powers are looting, contrary to international law, the assets of the Iraqi nation, privatising the oil and other resources and handing them over to mainly US monopolies. The A.P. Moller-Maersk Group [the biggest company in Denmark, translator´s note] is among the big profiteers.But things have not worked out as the new colonial powers were imagining. The US was not hailed as a liberator, but considered as an … [read more]

Solidarity with the people of Iraq in resistance

National Demonstration in Rome scheduled Dec 13On December 13 2003 a national demonstration – summoned by an ad hoc committee – will be held to show solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. 1) The idea of demonstrating in favour of the Iraqi resistance arose out of a widespread desire to guarantee the right of the Iraqi people (like that of all other occupied peoples, including the Palestinians) to resist against an Anglo-American occupation which is contrary to every internationally recognised law, and to show that not all Italians believe in the fairytale of "terrorism" (including "Syrian terrorism"). In other words, the promoters and those who will be demonstrating on December 13 (after a convention in a cinema in Rome) will be saying the most obvious thing in the word: there is an … [read more]

Appeal of then ICP (cadre) to fraternal Communist Parties

on the occasion of the Rome demo for the Iraqi resistance, 13 Dec, 2003Americans! You are going to be leaving Iraq either carrying coffins or in them! Then hurry out and save your soldiers from certain death!Iraqi Resistance Fighters! Kill the occupiers wherever you find them!A free homeland and a happy people!Workers of the world and oppressed people, unite!Communists of the world! Rise up! The time has come!An appeal to fraternal and friendly Communist PartiesBefore everything else, we wish to congratulate ourselves and congratulate you over the heroic Iraqi national resistance activity against the treacherous Anglo-American occupation. With that we bring you the certain promise of the national resistance that it will crush the occupation and liberate Iraq!The Americans have been … [read more]

"We are the tip of the iceberg and have to think as majority"

Report from the Iraqi resistance mobilisation in Rome, Dec 13, 2003On Saturday, 13th December, 2003 the first larger manifestation in Europe in emphatic support for the Iraqi resistance against the US empire took place. Nearly one thousand people participated and even the main Italian bourgeois paper, "Corriere della Sera", which was at the forefront of the media campaign against the mobilisation, had to admit the success. They spoke of 800 participants. The manifestation took place amidst a tremendous McCarthyist witch hunt not seen since the 70s. The supporters of the Iraqi resistance were attacked as "terrorists" and as "Islamo-Nazi-Communist block". The slander campaign was operated by a transversal front ranging from the far right (all the main Fascist organisations) to the far left … [read more]

Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece supports Iraqi resistance demo

The EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party) of Greece condemns unequivocally the slander campaign and the witch hunt against the Campo Antiimperialista waged by the right wing enemies both of the Iraqi people and of the Italian people.We express our full solidarity to you against the common enemies, the imperialists and their stooges.with internationalist greetingsSavas Michael, on behalf oh the CC of … [read more]

Ban on contact beween Milosevic / Seselj with outside world

by Christopher C. BlackCHRISTOPHER C. BLACKBarrister-at-Law Mr. Hans Holthuis,December 12, 2003Registrar,ICTY,Churchillplein 1,2517 JW, The Hague,P.O. Box 13888,501 EW, The Hague, NetherlandsRe The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav SeseljDear Sir;The decision of the Deputy Registrar made the 11th of December, banning all but restricted contact between President Slobodan Milosevic and Vojislav Seselj and the outside world has unveiled before the whole world the political character and objectives of this tribunal. The decision is a blatant interference in the elections in Serbia by the United States and its satellites, including this tribunal. It is nothing less than an attempt to sabotage those elections, to impose the will of the United States on the people of Serbia, to … [read more]

مع الأحداث 18 أسر صدام حسين.

المتحدث باسم الحزب الشيوعي العراقي - الكادرمع الأحداث 18 أسر صدام حسين.د نوري المرادي*(( ضَحَك الخليÙ?Ø© مسعورا، Ù?سايره خصيانه Ù?ÙŠ ضحكة الموت!))(( بعد هذه يا بوش بماذا ستتحجج؟! ))إثر معركة ضارية دامت يومين مع ما لا يقل عن 150 من أنصاره، … [read more]

"Iraqi resistance fighting for a just cause"

Swedish Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) support resistance demo in RomeFrom Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) in Sweden wedeclare our solidarity with the anti-ocupation demonstration in RomeDecember 13 2003. The Iraqi resistance is fighting for a just cause, toget rid of foregin ocupation of Iraq. We wish the demonstration sucess.Communist Party Marxist Leninists (revolutionaries)Erik Anderson, internationally … [read more]

Rifundazione Comunista embraces Clintonianism

Call to boycott the Iraqi resistance demo in RomeSince the call for the demonstration in favour for the Iraqi resistance scheduled for December 13 has been launched, a transversal front from the Fascist movement to Rifundazione Comunista (PRC) passing by the two party regime has been trying to destroy it by all means.The PRC has been in the centre of the campaign against the resistance demonstration mainly launching the slander of "Fascist infiltration" into the demonstration. This accusation lacks any political substance as all the main Fascist organisations are supporting the Italian adventure in Iraq on the side of US imperialism. What political such an infiltration would make?They did not dare to give the real explanation for their aggressive anti-resistance stance as Itaky had seen a … [read more]

Italy: Transversal front against the Iraqi resistance

Swan song of the "historic left" – justifying "democratic" imperialism by an alleged "Islamo-Nazi-Communist block"During the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, which took place in the first week of September 2003, some of the participants and guests launched a public appeal for a demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance . The document affirmed not only the legitimacy of the resistance as stipulated by the UN charter, but also the chance offered by it to bring down the US attempt to erect an empire. The possibility of a new Vietnam is evoked: "The defeat of the Anglo-American occupiers would be a victory for everyone fighting for democracy and self-determination, for the freedom of the peoples refusing to submit under the imperialist yoke." The appeal ends not only to call … [read more]

"Do not go to the mahogany table with the occupiers"

Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League´s Solidarity Message to the Iraqi Resistance Demo in RomeThe National Executive Committee,Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (P.D.L.)To the Anti Imperialist CampSolidarity Message to the Iraqi Resistance Demonstration in Rome, Italy12th December, 2003The Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL), an affiliate of the Green Charter International (GCI), for peace, human rights, freedoms and good governance salute the patriotic and freedom-loving Iraqi people in their just, moral campaign against the ongoing US led aggression, occupation and genocidal activities in their God-given home, Iraq.Much as we are concerned, the US led imperialist war against the Iraqi people is unmandated and unwanted to say the least, and its even constitute a … [read more]

Jakarta urban poor struggle aganist eviction

by Wardah Hafidz, IndonesiaBeing triggered by the on-going evictions and confiscations of means of living belonging to the urban poor, the urban poor network held a mass protest in front of the governor`s office on 5th December. 800 protesters demanded the government to stop eviction/confiscation and to fulfil the rights of the urban poor. This protest was widely covered by the press.Despite this protest, the provincial government still sticks on eviction and confiscation policy. Sutiyoso, Jakarta governor, said to the press that, as a governor, he is responsible for making Jakarta a clean, orderly, and competitive city. He said that he would be wrong if he takes decisions that merely side with the poor (Kompas, 2nd December 2003). Further, he explained that such protests will not stop … [read more]

Iraqi quislings to rally in Stockholm in favour of occupation

Danish Committee for a Free Iraq supports Rome demo in favour of resistanceI am in the Committee for a Free Iraq, and we would like to endorse the demonstration on December 13 in Rome. I can tell you that in Stockholm on Saturday as well there will be a pro-occupation demonstration organised by the ICP, the KDP, the PUK, the SCIRI and the Dawa Party among others, that is the whole Quisling swamp being in the puppet council. It is extremely disgusting, and I got even surprised by the incredible infamity of the five slogans. They are: No to terrorism! Yes to democracy!, Terrorists, remove your dirty hands from the Iraqi people!, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist regime is a weapon of mass destruction!, Solidarity with the Iraqi people in its struggle for a democratic, federal and pluralistic … [read more]

PFLP confirms support of Roman demo for Iraqi resistance

Damascus, Dec 10, 2003Fraternal greetings, This is to reconfirm our support to the demo in support of the Palestinian and Iraqi people in their struggle against the American occupation of Iraq, and the continous Israeli aggresion against our palestinian people. Best regards, … [read more]

كولن باول Ù?ÙŠ تونس وقمة 5+5 : استهانة بمشاعر شعبنا الوطنية

اللجنة الشعبية لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسكولن باول Ù?ÙŠ تونس وقمة 5+5 : استهانة بمشاعر شعبنا الوطنية وتكريس للتّبعية تشهد تونس خلال الأسبوع الأول من شهر ديسمبر 2003 حدثين سياسيين يكتسيان … [read more]

إلى الرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ الحزب الشيوعي المصري

الحزب الشيوعي العراقي - الكادر إلى الرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ الحزب الشيوعي المصري الأÙ?اضل!تحيةوبعدسمعنا الخبر المهزلة عن اعتقال رÙ?اق منكم بقصد تقديمهم إلى محاكمة بتهمة التآمر على الوطن!ومكمن المهزلة Ù?ÙŠ أمرين:أولهاأن الاعتقال … [read more]

Demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance

Rome, 13 December, Order of event, speakers2 p.m. Forum "Iraq: for the right to resist!"Aula Magna, ITIS Galileo GalileiVia Conteverde 51 (zona P.zza Vittorio)5 p.m. demonstration to the US embassyRallying point P.zza BarberiniFollowing personalities are scheduled to intervene:- Leonardo Mazzei, Promoting Committee Free Iraq- Awni Al Kalemji, international spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance - Aldo Bernardini, lecturer for International Law, University Teramo- Franco Cardini, lecturer for History, University Florence and Paris (Sorbonne)- Domenico Losurdo, lecturer for Philosophy, University Urbino- Claudio Moffa, lecturer for History for Afro-Asia, University Teramo- Padre Benjamin- Roberto Hamza Piccardo, Union of Islamic Communities of Italy- Giuseppe Pel azza, Lawyers against … [read more]

Solidarity address to Iraqi resistance demo in Rome Dec 13

National Democratic Front of South KoreaTo the Anti-imperialist Camp in EuropeThe Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea extends militant greetings to the patriotic Iraqi people who have turned out in a valiant national liberation struggle to drive out the US occupiers as well as to the world progressive mankind rendering positive support to their resistance. The US aggressive attack on Iraq is a tyrannical robbery committed against a sovereign state for the US world supremacy and the interests of the US oil monopolies, irrespective of the international law and the demand of mankind. Through the aggression on Iraq, it is fully revealed that the ringleader of terrorism havocking the world peace and threatening the safety of mankind is none other than the US … [read more]

Solidarity address to Iraqi resistance demo in Rome Dec 13

Albayan Althawri (Revolutionary Manifesto) - IraqIn Solidarity With Anti-imperialist CampDear Friends and Comrades,We in the "Albayan Althawri" (Iraqi Anti-imperialist opposition) would like to express our strong support to your efforts aiming at the unification of all anti-imperialist forces in order to combat imperialism and its lackeys all over the world.Anglo-American imperialism has started a vicious wave of attacks never seen before in terms of its disregard to people´s will. The illegitimate occupation of Iraq is a clear example of this wave of attacks that also included Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Sudan, Haiti, Somalia and many other countries. These attacks demonstrate how criminal imperialism is, and shows the contempt for human life under the law of jungle applied by … [read more]

Support to Iraqi resistance against US imperialism in Greece

Dec 13: Paralell action in Rome, Athens and Thessaloniki13 DecemberEvents to support Iraqi resistance and condemn US imperialism in GreeceDear friends and comradesWe have been thoroughly discussing the issue of the war in Iraq during our meetings and communication during the past months. We have all agreed in condemning the imperialist raid against the Iraqi people and stressed that the US imperialist aggression against all peoples will continue. We have, therefore, concluded that the struggle against US imperialism is of primary importance for all peoples in the world and that the effort of all left, progressive, revolutionary forces should focus on this issue.We have also agreed on the major significance of the resistance of the Iraqi people. Their struggle is very important to all … [read more]

Support the Resistance of the Iraqi People!

Solidarity address of the Workers´ Communist Party of Denmark (APK) to the Iraqi resistance demo, Rome, Dec 13The illegal US war against Iraq has turned into an illegal occupation with the participation of a "coalition" of imperialist powers and US client states, including Denmark.Under the pretext of "reconstruction" and "democratisation" of Iraq, the US and the other occupying powers are looting, contrary to international law, the assets of the Iraqi nation, privatising the oil and other resources and handing them over to mainly US monopolies. The A.P. Moller-Maersk Group [the biggest company in Denmark, translator´s note] is among the big profiteers.But things have not worked out as the new colonial powers were imagining. The US was not hailed as a liberator, but considered as an … [read more]

Solidarity with the people of Iraq in resistance

National Demonstration in Rome scheduled Dec 13On December 13 2003 a national demonstration – summoned by an ad hoc committee – will be held to show solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. 1) The idea of demonstrating in favour of the Iraqi resistance arose out of a widespread desire to guarantee the right of the Iraqi people (like that of all other occupied peoples, including the Palestinians) to resist against an Anglo-American occupation which is contrary to every internationally recognised law, and to show that not all Italians believe in the fairytale of "terrorism" (including "Syrian terrorism"). In other words, the promoters and those who will be demonstrating on December 13 (after a convention in a cinema in Rome) will be saying the most obvious thing in the word: there is an … [read more]

Appeal of then ICP (cadre) to fraternal Communist Parties

on the occasion of the Rome demo for the Iraqi resistance, 13 Dec, 2003Americans! You are going to be leaving Iraq either carrying coffins or in them! Then hurry out and save your soldiers from certain death!Iraqi Resistance Fighters! Kill the occupiers wherever you find them!A free homeland and a happy people!Workers of the world and oppressed people, unite!Communists of the world! Rise up! The time has come!An appeal to fraternal and friendly Communist PartiesBefore everything else, we wish to congratulate ourselves and congratulate you over the heroic Iraqi national resistance activity against the treacherous Anglo-American occupation. With that we bring you the certain promise of the national resistance that it will crush the occupation and liberate Iraq!The Americans have been … [read more]