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No to the aggressive line against Russia

Pics from protests in Aachen, Germany
Banner of Initiativ e.V. calling for an immediate ceasefire
On May 29 Ukraine’s acting prime minister Jazenjuk was invited to Aachen, Germany, to laud van Rompuy who has been awarded the Charlemagne prize. Along with him came representatives of Georgia and Moldavia, both countries within the Russian sphere of influence leaning towards the west. The entire event was meant as a political signal against Russia. Several hundred people gathered in support of the uprising of the people of eastern Ukraine, against the war waged by Kiev and German endorsement for it. The rally was organised by a coalition of leftist forces ranging from the parliamentary party “Die Linke”, the peace movement to the groups affiliated with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Many people from eastern Ukraine or Russia joined in as … [read more]

Germany: protests against Jazenjuk

No to the aggressive line against Russia
On May 29 Ukraine’s acting prime minister Jazenjuk was invited to Aachen, Germany, to laud van Rompuy who has been awarded the Charlemagne prize. Along with him came representatives of Georgia and Moldavia, both countries within the Russian sphere of influence leaning towards the west. The entire event was meant as a political signal against Russia.
Banner of Initiativ e.V. calling for an immediate ceasefire
Several hundred people gathered in support of the uprising of the people of eastern Ukraine, against the war waged by Kiev and German endorsement for it. The rally was organised by a coalition of leftist forces ranging from the parliamentary party “Die Linke”, the peace movement to the groups affiliated with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Many people from eastern Ukraine or Russia joined in as well. The protesters shouted “Jazenjuk murderer, Jazenjuk terrorist” referring to the high level of repression across Ukraine and especially the violent attack on the Eastern protest movement. They demanded: “NATO and EU hands off Ukraine”. Though the mobilisation could not overcome the usual cordon sanitaire imposed on the anti-imperialist left, there is indeed a wide-spread popular … [read more]

Homs: Pyrrhic victory

A sad balance sheet
19/5/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The Syrian government is celebrating its apparent victory over the armed insurgency in its former capital. But Syrian society pays a price too high. One only needs to look at the appalling pictures of destruction caused by years of siege and indiscriminate artillery bombardment. It stands as symbol for the ravaging of the Syrian social fabric which is even worse than the physical one and without perspective to be healed.
Ayman and Zeinat Akhras
1. Militarily and in an immediate sense also politically the success of the government cannot be denied. But it is to be noted that it became possible because of a negotiated withdrawal and not a full-fledged capitulation. This shows how difficult it is for the government to advance militarily and that this does not mean a pacification of the situation. 2. The democratic left insisted that the better solution would have been a ceasefire and pacification leaving the militants in place this opening up spaces for dissent. In this way they would have been turned into a civil political opposition as they had started out three years back. Unfortunately first of all the government continues to be unwilling for such a step and secondly also the rebels seem not ready for that, neither the … [read more]

Saibaba held in costudy

18/5/2014 · by Tapan Kumar Bose
G.N. Saibaba is in judicial custody in a remote place called Gadchiroli in Maharashtra state in western India.
Logo Free Saibaba
His remand has been extended by the magistrate for another 14 days. Initially he was not allowed to meet people and was not given any assistance which for a person with nearly 90 percent disability was worse than physical torture. He suffers from hypertension and other ailments. His medicines were not given to him. Now he is in better situation. According to his lawyer, the jail authorities have assigned two persons to assist him. His medicines are being regularly administered to him and his lawyer has access to him in the … [read more]

G.N. Saibaba, Indian democratic leader, kidnapped

Call by the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
G.N. Saibaba is an outstanding and widely recognised figure of India’s various movements against global capitalist rule and its Indian representatives. He has been playing an integrative role of struggles ranging from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu and Nagaland, for the rights of different oppressed groups like the indigenous population (Adivasis), the Dalits (Untouchables) or the Muslims and the social rebellion against the impact of neo-liberalism. He holds contacts across the world and has been organising support for international anti-imperialist struggles like the Palestinian one or the Iraqi resistance.
G.N. Saibaba at Dehli university 2010
We call upon everybody to send protest messages to Indian diplomatic missions. Condemn the dastardly clandestine abduction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Joint-Secretary of RDF, by the Maharashtra Police! Today, the 9th of May, plain-clothed personnel of the Maharashtra Police abducted Dr. GN Saibaba while he was returning home from Daulat Ram College in Delhi University after examination duty. Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is on a wheelchair, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. After this secretive arrest of Dr Saibaba from within the university premises, it is believed he is being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra by flight. None of his family members were informed and after repeated efforts to contact him, the driver of his vehicle informed the family of his … [read more]

Donetsk People’s Republic

and Russias’s troubles
5/5/2014 · by Boris Kagarlitsky
Following an extensively shortened article by Boris Kagarlitsky, profiled intellectual and political leader of the Russian left. We publish those parts trying to grasp the character of the Donbass popular movement and describing the Kremlin’s fear of a mass movement.
Western politicians know perfectly well that there is no Russian invasion, and this, precisely, is the main international problem for them. To admit as much means admitting that the government in Kiev has gone to war on its own people. To speak of the Donetsk Peoples Republic as an independent political phenomenon is impossible, since this would require posing the question of the reasons for the popular protest, and listing its demands. The talk of Kremlin agents and of the ubiquitous Russian troops—who are impossible to discover, but who have occupied close to half of Ukraine without firing a shot or even showing themselves on Ukrainian territory—is playing the same propaganda role against the Donetsk republic as was played in the anti-Bolshevik propaganda of 1917 by stories of … [read more]

Donbass revolt calls for our solidarity

Odessa massacre requires a strong response
5/5/2014 · Borotba
Following the call for solidarity by Borotba, one of the independent organisations of the popular revolt of Ukraine’s southeast, as well as an account on the Odessa massacre committed by Ukrainian ultra-rightist forces. Latter enjoy the support of the new Kiev regime as well as the EU and the NATO. As democrats, social revolutionaries and anti-imperialists we support the Donetsk People's Republic.
A Call for Solidarity May 8 is celebrated all over the world as a day of victory over Nazism that caused millions of losses and much suffering to many people of the world. However, now we see that neo-Nazism raises its head again. Far-right groups and parties are striving to power in many countries. Their members unleash real terror against the dissenters, migrants, the ‘others’, leftwing and anti-fascist activists. We have to stop the rise fascism again – that’s our duty to stop it till it is not too late. On May 2, 2014 in Ukrainian city Odessa neo-Nazis and far-right groups unleashed a real massacre. Far-right paramilitaries burned alive and beaten to death 46 local residents in the ‘House of Trade-Unions’. They brutally finished off the wounded, shouting ‘Glory … [read more]

Support the Donbass revolt, but not with Putin

With a democratic and social alliance against the Kiev regime and NATO
3/5/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Every international conflict also has a regional or local dimension – this is also true for Ukraine. Quickly, all too quickly geopolitics moves into the centre of attention. But without understanding and considering the socio-political underpinnings, a social revolutionary solution in the interest of the majority cannot be devised.
1. Starting point The abandonment of the association treaty with the EU last autumn sparked the street protests. This alone bears witness of the social illusions into the EU and western capitalism in general on one hand and the political power of anti-Russian sentiments on the other hand. Both from an economic as well as from a political point of view, the treaty, which implied severing the close relations to Russia, would not have served the interests of the popular masses. In return the EU only has to offer austerity along the lines of the IMF adjustment programmes in southern Europe, further pushing Ukraine into poverty and periphery. The intensity of the protests can, however, only be explained by taking into consideration the social aspects. The pro-Russian elites commanded a … [read more]

Erdoǧan‘s electoral victory and the end of Turkey as a role model

On the strategic rupture with the liberal middle classes
25/4/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
With close to 50% of the votes the AKP rightly can claim an impressive electoral success despite the alleged involvement of the prime minister and his entourage in corruption. This is yet another evidence for the deep Anatolian roots the AK party could sink during the last decade thanks also to the social and democratic gains – not to speak about the unbroken power of Sunni identity politics. Nevertheless, behind the increased cultural rigidity and authoritarian tendencies there is hidden a deep loss of hegemony especially among the educated middle classes. Conflicts are bound to exacerbate. Turkey has lost its attraction as a model to be followed.
Turkey's current account
Elections Black Turkey boldly remains behind Erdoǧan regardless of corruption allegations. The decisive factor for the renewed electoral support is the social and economic ascendancy which also arrived at the Anatolian middle and lower classes – which actually is not a minor occurrence. To acknowledge this it suffices to compare it with the poor performance of all the neighbours. Furthermore there is the historic achievement of peacefully having pushed back the army allowing for a democratic opening which symbolically includes the important right to wear the hijab in public environments. Corruption, on the other hand, was widespread also before the AKP era. The new rulers just do the same as the old ones – for many even with more legitimacy. Actually, capitalism means systemic … [read more]

Beyond the Euro - there is an alternative

European Forum - Assisi, August 20-24 2014
Event: 4/3/2025
Whoever cared for social rights and for the future of democracy, apart from the interests of workers, was against the birth of the European Union. The Union signed in 1992 by the neo-liberalist Maastricht Treaty was a pact that saw great capitalists from the different countries join forces in a common cause to restore their absolute control, in the aftermath of the imperialistic euphoria caused by the collapse of the real socialisms.
Despite evident structural flaws in the Maastricht system from the beginning, the dominant lobbies went on and created the common currency in 1999. Behind the backs of the people, the parties (both left wing and right) and the parliaments became business committees of the banking and financial lobbies, thus depriving the States of their traditional right to coin money. Not only did the States surrender their monetary sovereignty, but also a large part of their political and institutional powers. And they did not surrender them - as promised - to a supranational and federal body elected by the citizens, but to an oligarchy of technocrats devoid of any democratic legitimacy. The dream of a Europe of the peoples became a reformatory nightmare. This was the actual proof of the … [read more]

Committed to ending the Syrian war

On the spirit emerging from the “All Sides Consultation for Political Solution” in Vienna
26/3/2014 · By Wilhelm Langthaler, Co-convener
Now that the “All sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria” is accomplished and is being recognized by all the participants as a success that deserves continuation, the time has come to draw a balance not only of the conference itself, but also of its wider significance. The very fact that around two dozen people from the most diverse and conflicting backgrounds of Syrian society came together and consulted how to overcome the civil war tearing apart the country is extraordinary. But the spirit emerging from the debates reaches far beyond the objective of this single event, giving hope that a movement for a political solution is gaining momentum.
Exchange among the people – not power-brokering First of all, let us recall the aim of the “All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution” which took place in the “Peace Castle Schlaining” close to Vienna, Austria, from 7-10 March, 2014. The idea was to give a voice to Syrian society in its full diversity, voices emerging from the people who have been silenced and excluded by the powerful. It was not intended to hold negotiations between the conflicting sides and their global and regional sponsors as has failed in Geneva. A consultative forum of personalities not directly representing the sides involved but indeed representing the societal richness was called upon to explore ways to stop the catastrophic bloodshed. Thus we were not in search of sophisticated and … [read more]

Call for Peace in Syria

Conclusive Declaration All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution Vienna
21/3/2014 · Initiative for a Political Solution
Syrians coming from most diverse social, educational, political and national backgrounds have gathered on March 8th and 9th in the Castle of Schlaining, Austria, in the framework of an “All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria” organized by the International Initiative
Participants All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution
Driven by deep worries about the deteriorating developments, the disastrous humanitarian situation and the future of the Syrian people, the All Sides Consultation has been searching for what can be done, by means of a political solution, to stop the war, the violation of human rights causing a huge number of victims, the destruction of infrastructure and culture. This solution should help the Syrians to find a new social contract for the construction of a State based on comprehensive national reconciliation and accountability, guaranteeing the rights and freedom for all Syrians. Recognizing the immense complexity of the situation and the increasing suffering and polarization, following points emerged as consensual during our deliberations. As conveners we are formulating them in the … [read more]

All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria

After the Geneva negotiations
Event: 4/3/2025
Syrian personalities from different political and cultural environments will meet on March 8th and 9th in Austria
Approximately 50 Syrian activists, intellectuals, professors, journalists, doctors, artists and religious dignitaries of various political, cultural, confessional affiliations and identities associated with the different sides of the conflict are scheduled to meet at Friedensburg Schlaining (“Peace Castle Schlaining”) on March 8/9 to discuss realistic possibilities of ending the civil war and paving the way for a democratic transition in Syria. The symposium originated in the „International Initiative for a Political Solution of the Syrian Conflict“ ( which is supported by prominent international personalities, among them the Nobel Prize laureate Adolfo Pèrez Esquivel, Jean Ziegler, Ernesto Cardenal, Hans von Sponeck, the Mexican bishop Raul Vera and many … [read more]

Syrian conference for democratic self-determination

Attempting to give the Syrian people a voice in Geneva
25/1/2014 · by Haytham Manna
"We call together with a large number of forces and national democratic voice for a gathered Conference to restore to the free Syrians their natural right to independent decision-making and to take a political stand together, to build a road map bringing back the role of the political solution as the only way to put an end to the plight faced by the country."
De-railing of Geneva II from the Basic Tracks I received several letters from friends of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change – NCB expressing surprise about the NCB’s boycott of the Geneva II Conference in the context of the arrangements, the formula and the conditions in which it is being held. We were particularly the brave defenders of this conference, and we were accused of all manner of sins after our defense of it even from some people who mounted the platform of the delegation of the Coalition on behalf of the Syrian opposition in Montreux. I wrote in my first notes about “Geneva I”/Geneva Communiqué on 10th July 2012: The Conference has been organised without the Syrians like a meeting of the Security Council, but this negative point has certainly … [read more]

Give a voice to Syrians claiming political solution

Support an all sides’ civil society conference in Vienna
9/1/2014 · International Peace Initiative for Syria
Every day it becomes clearer that the Syrian war cannot be won by anybody with a positive outcome for the Syrian people. With its internal divisions on every side the civil war has reached the state of an unprecedented bloodshed increased by external interventions. Its continuation will only wreak havoc and spread destruction on all levels of society.
Among its main victims there are the democratic rights of the Syrian people, who originally tried to claim these rights by launching a peaceful popular mass protest movement. However their efforts have gradually been thwarted by an increasing influence of sectarian tendencies as well as a growing regional and global involvement. Together with many people inside Syria and across the world our initiative for Peace in Syria continues to insist (see initial call that the only viable solution is a political settlement with a ceasefire paving the way to a transitional government, based on a power sharing agreement between the socio-political, confessional and ethnical blocs maintaining a common State. We are conscious that this is not the ideal solution for … [read more]

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind!

Declaration by the Anti-imperialist Camp on the WTC bombing
The imperialist euphoria that had afflicted the world is dead. The wounded beast is crying. The Emperor has declared war as if he were on a science fiction film set. It is not known to whom, it is not known when, but he will send his mercenaries somewhere to revenge the suffered humiliation. The supposedly biggest military power ever has been hit in its most sensitive point: its alleged invulnerability. After the first moments of panic and disorientation, so-called “national pride” is resurging in the USA thus spreading the most terrible imperialist and revanchist sentiments.
In the poorest countries of the world, where hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger and diseases, many have celebrated the massacre of New York. Among those peoples who in the last decades have been suffering from all kinds of humiliations, aggressions, massacres and injustice, many have cheered in occasion of the twin tower collapse. They see the evil where the rich see the good. Only priests with fully stuffed stomachs could condemn these extreme sentiments of the damned of earth. In fact, the poor and miserable consider the USA and their allies as those responsible for their inhuman conditions of life, for the hopeless barbarism they have to suffer from. Are they wrong? The hypocrite governors of the US and the NATO states are threatening, cursing and crying that peace … [read more]

Regime and Islamists sectarian in the same way?

Discussion on the prospective of Syrian Islamism
Actually we deliberately want to stress the reciprocity and similarity of the phenomenon of sectarianism from both sides of the Syrian civil war though the more suitable notion would be communalism built on a specific group identity.
Responding to the contribution of Anton Holberg: While it is obvious that Sunni Islamism is exclusivist, the regime’s secularist narrative constitutes a hidden, more covered de facto communalism. It is true that it does not refer to religion in the same way as Islamism does. It is fair enough to notice this difference but politically it does not matter much. We know that even the French role model behind the formal façade of egalitarism is de facto very exclusivist and elitist. In Syria everybody starts from the assumption that loyalty to the leading group is not based on ideology or whatever criteria but on communalist group solidarity provoking counter-reactions by the excluded, exploited and oppressed. Unfortunately under the given conditions the popular rebellion was susceptible … [read more]

Is there hope for Syria?

On the meaning of the Geneva negotiations
Event: 4/3/2025
Discussion, Jan 17, Aachen, Germany: Hassan al Hachimi, Zuhat Kobani, Samir Aita, Salah-Aldin Siedo, Huda Zein, docent university Cologne, Wilhelm Langthaler, Leo Gabriel
Kurdish checkpoint near Ras al Ain where Arab-Kurd negotiations took place
Discussing: Hassan al Hachimi, Political Secretary of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Zuhat Kobani, European Spokesman Kurdish PYD (Party of Democratic Union, member of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change – NCB) Samir Aita, Co-founder of the Syrian Democratic Forum Salah-Aldin Siedo, author and Islamic scholar from Syria Huda Zein, docent university Cologne, Democratic and Women’s activist from Idlib Wilhelm Langthaler, co-founder Initiative for a political Solution in Syria Leo Gabriel, social anthropologist and member of the international council of the World Social Forum Moderation: Erhard Crome, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Syria seems stuck in a never-ending civil war involving all regional and global players. … [read more]

Syria talks: mission impossible?

What’s new in the Syrian war in the run-up for negotiations in Geneva
27/12/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
1. Chemical arms deal reinstating Assad as an interlocutor of the west acknowledging that he will not be toppled any soon by military means. 2. US-Iran rapprochement. 3. Military advances by the Assad side. 4. Weakening of the popular support base of the insurgency as it falls under Jihadi control. 5. Marginalisation of pro-western military forces. 6. Radical opposition of Saudis to a settlement with Iran expressed in continued support for Jihadism. 7. Assad’s reinforced refusal of any democratic reform or any power sharing compromise with Russian backing.
Starving residents leave govt-besieged Moadamiyeh. Truces remain short-lived.
Syria definitely is the focus of conflictivity within the world system. International, regional, political and social fault lines are crossing there producing a tremendous eruption which turned a democratic popular revolt into a sectarian civil war with massive foreign involvement. And the stakes are indeed high, very high. Though the origin and base of the events have been the democratic and social rights of the popular masses, it became also about the redesign of the regional and global order. Let us try to discern the recent tendencies emerging in this conflict against the background of the preparations for the Geneva talks scheduled for January 2014. 1. Why talks – military solution not sustainable for Washington The most obvious fact is that the main global power, the … [read more]

Beyond the Euro

Conference 11-12 January, Chianciano Terme, Italy
Event: 4/3/2025
How to exit from the Euro – this is the main question posed at the conference. Are we supposed to wait fatalistically for the collapse? Or do we try to build a popular movement in order transform the exit into a step towards a better future?
Second end: which is our idea about the future? What society we aim for? Which social and political forces may realise it? The third aim is directed towards the Left. As Left we consider a wide spectrum of political and social movements, trade-union forces, cultural and intellectual currents in their specific ways opposed to the destructive forces of globalisation who have been fighting against respective centre-right and centre-left governments. The antagonist Left has been marginalised especially by the systemic Left around the Democratic Party (PD). The PD milieu served as the main pillar of the Euro regime by which the ruling classes corrupted the social opposition. Two things are clear for us: First: If the antagonist Left continues to rot in its trenches the path is … [read more]

No to the aggressive line against Russia

Pics from protests in Aachen, Germany
Banner of Initiativ e.V. calling for an immediate ceasefire
On May 29 Ukraine’s acting prime minister Jazenjuk was invited to Aachen, Germany, to laud van Rompuy who has been awarded the Charlemagne prize. Along with him came representatives of Georgia and Moldavia, both countries within the Russian sphere of influence leaning towards the west. The entire event was meant as a political signal against Russia. Several hundred people gathered in support of the uprising of the people of eastern Ukraine, against the war waged by Kiev and German endorsement for it. The rally was organised by a coalition of leftist forces ranging from the parliamentary party “Die Linke”, the peace movement to the groups affiliated with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Many people from eastern Ukraine or Russia joined in as … [read more]

Germany: protests against Jazenjuk

No to the aggressive line against Russia
On May 29 Ukraine’s acting prime minister Jazenjuk was invited to Aachen, Germany, to laud van Rompuy who has been awarded the Charlemagne prize. Along with him came representatives of Georgia and Moldavia, both countries within the Russian sphere of influence leaning towards the west. The entire event was meant as a political signal against Russia.
Banner of Initiativ e.V. calling for an immediate ceasefire
Several hundred people gathered in support of the uprising of the people of eastern Ukraine, against the war waged by Kiev and German endorsement for it. The rally was organised by a coalition of leftist forces ranging from the parliamentary party “Die Linke”, the peace movement to the groups affiliated with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Many people from eastern Ukraine or Russia joined in as well. The protesters shouted “Jazenjuk murderer, Jazenjuk terrorist” referring to the high level of repression across Ukraine and especially the violent attack on the Eastern protest movement. They demanded: “NATO and EU hands off Ukraine”. Though the mobilisation could not overcome the usual cordon sanitaire imposed on the anti-imperialist left, there is indeed a wide-spread popular … [read more]

Homs: Pyrrhic victory

A sad balance sheet
19/5/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
The Syrian government is celebrating its apparent victory over the armed insurgency in its former capital. But Syrian society pays a price too high. One only needs to look at the appalling pictures of destruction caused by years of siege and indiscriminate artillery bombardment. It stands as symbol for the ravaging of the Syrian social fabric which is even worse than the physical one and without perspective to be healed.
Ayman and Zeinat Akhras
1. Militarily and in an immediate sense also politically the success of the government cannot be denied. But it is to be noted that it became possible because of a negotiated withdrawal and not a full-fledged capitulation. This shows how difficult it is for the government to advance militarily and that this does not mean a pacification of the situation. 2. The democratic left insisted that the better solution would have been a ceasefire and pacification leaving the militants in place this opening up spaces for dissent. In this way they would have been turned into a civil political opposition as they had started out three years back. Unfortunately first of all the government continues to be unwilling for such a step and secondly also the rebels seem not ready for that, neither the … [read more]

Saibaba held in costudy

18/5/2014 · by Tapan Kumar Bose
G.N. Saibaba is in judicial custody in a remote place called Gadchiroli in Maharashtra state in western India.
Logo Free Saibaba
His remand has been extended by the magistrate for another 14 days. Initially he was not allowed to meet people and was not given any assistance which for a person with nearly 90 percent disability was worse than physical torture. He suffers from hypertension and other ailments. His medicines were not given to him. Now he is in better situation. According to his lawyer, the jail authorities have assigned two persons to assist him. His medicines are being regularly administered to him and his lawyer has access to him in the … [read more]

G.N. Saibaba, Indian democratic leader, kidnapped

Call by the Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
G.N. Saibaba is an outstanding and widely recognised figure of India’s various movements against global capitalist rule and its Indian representatives. He has been playing an integrative role of struggles ranging from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu and Nagaland, for the rights of different oppressed groups like the indigenous population (Adivasis), the Dalits (Untouchables) or the Muslims and the social rebellion against the impact of neo-liberalism. He holds contacts across the world and has been organising support for international anti-imperialist struggles like the Palestinian one or the Iraqi resistance.
G.N. Saibaba at Dehli university 2010
We call upon everybody to send protest messages to Indian diplomatic missions. Condemn the dastardly clandestine abduction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Joint-Secretary of RDF, by the Maharashtra Police! Today, the 9th of May, plain-clothed personnel of the Maharashtra Police abducted Dr. GN Saibaba while he was returning home from Daulat Ram College in Delhi University after examination duty. Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is on a wheelchair, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. After this secretive arrest of Dr Saibaba from within the university premises, it is believed he is being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra by flight. None of his family members were informed and after repeated efforts to contact him, the driver of his vehicle informed the family of his … [read more]

Donetsk People’s Republic

and Russias’s troubles
5/5/2014 · by Boris Kagarlitsky
Following an extensively shortened article by Boris Kagarlitsky, profiled intellectual and political leader of the Russian left. We publish those parts trying to grasp the character of the Donbass popular movement and describing the Kremlin’s fear of a mass movement.
Western politicians know perfectly well that there is no Russian invasion, and this, precisely, is the main international problem for them. To admit as much means admitting that the government in Kiev has gone to war on its own people. To speak of the Donetsk Peoples Republic as an independent political phenomenon is impossible, since this would require posing the question of the reasons for the popular protest, and listing its demands. The talk of Kremlin agents and of the ubiquitous Russian troops—who are impossible to discover, but who have occupied close to half of Ukraine without firing a shot or even showing themselves on Ukrainian territory—is playing the same propaganda role against the Donetsk republic as was played in the anti-Bolshevik propaganda of 1917 by stories of … [read more]

Donbass revolt calls for our solidarity

Odessa massacre requires a strong response
5/5/2014 · Borotba
Following the call for solidarity by Borotba, one of the independent organisations of the popular revolt of Ukraine’s southeast, as well as an account on the Odessa massacre committed by Ukrainian ultra-rightist forces. Latter enjoy the support of the new Kiev regime as well as the EU and the NATO. As democrats, social revolutionaries and anti-imperialists we support the Donetsk People's Republic.
A Call for Solidarity May 8 is celebrated all over the world as a day of victory over Nazism that caused millions of losses and much suffering to many people of the world. However, now we see that neo-Nazism raises its head again. Far-right groups and parties are striving to power in many countries. Their members unleash real terror against the dissenters, migrants, the ‘others’, leftwing and anti-fascist activists. We have to stop the rise fascism again – that’s our duty to stop it till it is not too late. On May 2, 2014 in Ukrainian city Odessa neo-Nazis and far-right groups unleashed a real massacre. Far-right paramilitaries burned alive and beaten to death 46 local residents in the ‘House of Trade-Unions’. They brutally finished off the wounded, shouting ‘Glory … [read more]

Support the Donbass revolt, but not with Putin

With a democratic and social alliance against the Kiev regime and NATO
3/5/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
Every international conflict also has a regional or local dimension – this is also true for Ukraine. Quickly, all too quickly geopolitics moves into the centre of attention. But without understanding and considering the socio-political underpinnings, a social revolutionary solution in the interest of the majority cannot be devised.
1. Starting point The abandonment of the association treaty with the EU last autumn sparked the street protests. This alone bears witness of the social illusions into the EU and western capitalism in general on one hand and the political power of anti-Russian sentiments on the other hand. Both from an economic as well as from a political point of view, the treaty, which implied severing the close relations to Russia, would not have served the interests of the popular masses. In return the EU only has to offer austerity along the lines of the IMF adjustment programmes in southern Europe, further pushing Ukraine into poverty and periphery. The intensity of the protests can, however, only be explained by taking into consideration the social aspects. The pro-Russian elites commanded a … [read more]

Erdoǧan‘s electoral victory and the end of Turkey as a role model

On the strategic rupture with the liberal middle classes
25/4/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
With close to 50% of the votes the AKP rightly can claim an impressive electoral success despite the alleged involvement of the prime minister and his entourage in corruption. This is yet another evidence for the deep Anatolian roots the AK party could sink during the last decade thanks also to the social and democratic gains – not to speak about the unbroken power of Sunni identity politics. Nevertheless, behind the increased cultural rigidity and authoritarian tendencies there is hidden a deep loss of hegemony especially among the educated middle classes. Conflicts are bound to exacerbate. Turkey has lost its attraction as a model to be followed.
Turkey's current account
Elections Black Turkey boldly remains behind Erdoǧan regardless of corruption allegations. The decisive factor for the renewed electoral support is the social and economic ascendancy which also arrived at the Anatolian middle and lower classes – which actually is not a minor occurrence. To acknowledge this it suffices to compare it with the poor performance of all the neighbours. Furthermore there is the historic achievement of peacefully having pushed back the army allowing for a democratic opening which symbolically includes the important right to wear the hijab in public environments. Corruption, on the other hand, was widespread also before the AKP era. The new rulers just do the same as the old ones – for many even with more legitimacy. Actually, capitalism means systemic … [read more]

Beyond the Euro - there is an alternative

European Forum - Assisi, August 20-24 2014
Event: 4/3/2025
Whoever cared for social rights and for the future of democracy, apart from the interests of workers, was against the birth of the European Union. The Union signed in 1992 by the neo-liberalist Maastricht Treaty was a pact that saw great capitalists from the different countries join forces in a common cause to restore their absolute control, in the aftermath of the imperialistic euphoria caused by the collapse of the real socialisms.
Despite evident structural flaws in the Maastricht system from the beginning, the dominant lobbies went on and created the common currency in 1999. Behind the backs of the people, the parties (both left wing and right) and the parliaments became business committees of the banking and financial lobbies, thus depriving the States of their traditional right to coin money. Not only did the States surrender their monetary sovereignty, but also a large part of their political and institutional powers. And they did not surrender them - as promised - to a supranational and federal body elected by the citizens, but to an oligarchy of technocrats devoid of any democratic legitimacy. The dream of a Europe of the peoples became a reformatory nightmare. This was the actual proof of the … [read more]

Committed to ending the Syrian war

On the spirit emerging from the “All Sides Consultation for Political Solution” in Vienna
26/3/2014 · By Wilhelm Langthaler, Co-convener
Now that the “All sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria” is accomplished and is being recognized by all the participants as a success that deserves continuation, the time has come to draw a balance not only of the conference itself, but also of its wider significance. The very fact that around two dozen people from the most diverse and conflicting backgrounds of Syrian society came together and consulted how to overcome the civil war tearing apart the country is extraordinary. But the spirit emerging from the debates reaches far beyond the objective of this single event, giving hope that a movement for a political solution is gaining momentum.
Exchange among the people – not power-brokering First of all, let us recall the aim of the “All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution” which took place in the “Peace Castle Schlaining” close to Vienna, Austria, from 7-10 March, 2014. The idea was to give a voice to Syrian society in its full diversity, voices emerging from the people who have been silenced and excluded by the powerful. It was not intended to hold negotiations between the conflicting sides and their global and regional sponsors as has failed in Geneva. A consultative forum of personalities not directly representing the sides involved but indeed representing the societal richness was called upon to explore ways to stop the catastrophic bloodshed. Thus we were not in search of sophisticated and … [read more]

Call for Peace in Syria

Conclusive Declaration All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution Vienna
21/3/2014 · Initiative for a Political Solution
Syrians coming from most diverse social, educational, political and national backgrounds have gathered on March 8th and 9th in the Castle of Schlaining, Austria, in the framework of an “All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria” organized by the International Initiative
Participants All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution
Driven by deep worries about the deteriorating developments, the disastrous humanitarian situation and the future of the Syrian people, the All Sides Consultation has been searching for what can be done, by means of a political solution, to stop the war, the violation of human rights causing a huge number of victims, the destruction of infrastructure and culture. This solution should help the Syrians to find a new social contract for the construction of a State based on comprehensive national reconciliation and accountability, guaranteeing the rights and freedom for all Syrians. Recognizing the immense complexity of the situation and the increasing suffering and polarization, following points emerged as consensual during our deliberations. As conveners we are formulating them in the … [read more]

All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution in Syria

After the Geneva negotiations
Event: 4/3/2025
Syrian personalities from different political and cultural environments will meet on March 8th and 9th in Austria
Approximately 50 Syrian activists, intellectuals, professors, journalists, doctors, artists and religious dignitaries of various political, cultural, confessional affiliations and identities associated with the different sides of the conflict are scheduled to meet at Friedensburg Schlaining (“Peace Castle Schlaining”) on March 8/9 to discuss realistic possibilities of ending the civil war and paving the way for a democratic transition in Syria. The symposium originated in the „International Initiative for a Political Solution of the Syrian Conflict“ ( which is supported by prominent international personalities, among them the Nobel Prize laureate Adolfo Pèrez Esquivel, Jean Ziegler, Ernesto Cardenal, Hans von Sponeck, the Mexican bishop Raul Vera and many … [read more]

Syrian conference for democratic self-determination

Attempting to give the Syrian people a voice in Geneva
25/1/2014 · by Haytham Manna
"We call together with a large number of forces and national democratic voice for a gathered Conference to restore to the free Syrians their natural right to independent decision-making and to take a political stand together, to build a road map bringing back the role of the political solution as the only way to put an end to the plight faced by the country."
De-railing of Geneva II from the Basic Tracks I received several letters from friends of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change – NCB expressing surprise about the NCB’s boycott of the Geneva II Conference in the context of the arrangements, the formula and the conditions in which it is being held. We were particularly the brave defenders of this conference, and we were accused of all manner of sins after our defense of it even from some people who mounted the platform of the delegation of the Coalition on behalf of the Syrian opposition in Montreux. I wrote in my first notes about “Geneva I”/Geneva Communiqué on 10th July 2012: The Conference has been organised without the Syrians like a meeting of the Security Council, but this negative point has certainly … [read more]

Give a voice to Syrians claiming political solution

Support an all sides’ civil society conference in Vienna
9/1/2014 · International Peace Initiative for Syria
Every day it becomes clearer that the Syrian war cannot be won by anybody with a positive outcome for the Syrian people. With its internal divisions on every side the civil war has reached the state of an unprecedented bloodshed increased by external interventions. Its continuation will only wreak havoc and spread destruction on all levels of society.
Among its main victims there are the democratic rights of the Syrian people, who originally tried to claim these rights by launching a peaceful popular mass protest movement. However their efforts have gradually been thwarted by an increasing influence of sectarian tendencies as well as a growing regional and global involvement. Together with many people inside Syria and across the world our initiative for Peace in Syria continues to insist (see initial call that the only viable solution is a political settlement with a ceasefire paving the way to a transitional government, based on a power sharing agreement between the socio-political, confessional and ethnical blocs maintaining a common State. We are conscious that this is not the ideal solution for … [read more]

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind!

Declaration by the Anti-imperialist Camp on the WTC bombing
The imperialist euphoria that had afflicted the world is dead. The wounded beast is crying. The Emperor has declared war as if he were on a science fiction film set. It is not known to whom, it is not known when, but he will send his mercenaries somewhere to revenge the suffered humiliation. The supposedly biggest military power ever has been hit in its most sensitive point: its alleged invulnerability. After the first moments of panic and disorientation, so-called “national pride” is resurging in the USA thus spreading the most terrible imperialist and revanchist sentiments.
In the poorest countries of the world, where hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger and diseases, many have celebrated the massacre of New York. Among those peoples who in the last decades have been suffering from all kinds of humiliations, aggressions, massacres and injustice, many have cheered in occasion of the twin tower collapse. They see the evil where the rich see the good. Only priests with fully stuffed stomachs could condemn these extreme sentiments of the damned of earth. In fact, the poor and miserable consider the USA and their allies as those responsible for their inhuman conditions of life, for the hopeless barbarism they have to suffer from. Are they wrong? The hypocrite governors of the US and the NATO states are threatening, cursing and crying that peace … [read more]

Regime and Islamists sectarian in the same way?

Discussion on the prospective of Syrian Islamism
Actually we deliberately want to stress the reciprocity and similarity of the phenomenon of sectarianism from both sides of the Syrian civil war though the more suitable notion would be communalism built on a specific group identity.
Responding to the contribution of Anton Holberg: While it is obvious that Sunni Islamism is exclusivist, the regime’s secularist narrative constitutes a hidden, more covered de facto communalism. It is true that it does not refer to religion in the same way as Islamism does. It is fair enough to notice this difference but politically it does not matter much. We know that even the French role model behind the formal façade of egalitarism is de facto very exclusivist and elitist. In Syria everybody starts from the assumption that loyalty to the leading group is not based on ideology or whatever criteria but on communalist group solidarity provoking counter-reactions by the excluded, exploited and oppressed. Unfortunately under the given conditions the popular rebellion was susceptible … [read more]

Is there hope for Syria?

On the meaning of the Geneva negotiations
Event: 4/3/2025
Discussion, Jan 17, Aachen, Germany: Hassan al Hachimi, Zuhat Kobani, Samir Aita, Salah-Aldin Siedo, Huda Zein, docent university Cologne, Wilhelm Langthaler, Leo Gabriel
Kurdish checkpoint near Ras al Ain where Arab-Kurd negotiations took place
Discussing: Hassan al Hachimi, Political Secretary of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Zuhat Kobani, European Spokesman Kurdish PYD (Party of Democratic Union, member of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change – NCB) Samir Aita, Co-founder of the Syrian Democratic Forum Salah-Aldin Siedo, author and Islamic scholar from Syria Huda Zein, docent university Cologne, Democratic and Women’s activist from Idlib Wilhelm Langthaler, co-founder Initiative for a political Solution in Syria Leo Gabriel, social anthropologist and member of the international council of the World Social Forum Moderation: Erhard Crome, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Syria seems stuck in a never-ending civil war involving all regional and global players. … [read more]

Syria talks: mission impossible?

What’s new in the Syrian war in the run-up for negotiations in Geneva
27/12/2013 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
1. Chemical arms deal reinstating Assad as an interlocutor of the west acknowledging that he will not be toppled any soon by military means. 2. US-Iran rapprochement. 3. Military advances by the Assad side. 4. Weakening of the popular support base of the insurgency as it falls under Jihadi control. 5. Marginalisation of pro-western military forces. 6. Radical opposition of Saudis to a settlement with Iran expressed in continued support for Jihadism. 7. Assad’s reinforced refusal of any democratic reform or any power sharing compromise with Russian backing.
Starving residents leave govt-besieged Moadamiyeh. Truces remain short-lived.
Syria definitely is the focus of conflictivity within the world system. International, regional, political and social fault lines are crossing there producing a tremendous eruption which turned a democratic popular revolt into a sectarian civil war with massive foreign involvement. And the stakes are indeed high, very high. Though the origin and base of the events have been the democratic and social rights of the popular masses, it became also about the redesign of the regional and global order. Let us try to discern the recent tendencies emerging in this conflict against the background of the preparations for the Geneva talks scheduled for January 2014. 1. Why talks – military solution not sustainable for Washington The most obvious fact is that the main global power, the … [read more]

Beyond the Euro

Conference 11-12 January, Chianciano Terme, Italy
Event: 4/3/2025
How to exit from the Euro – this is the main question posed at the conference. Are we supposed to wait fatalistically for the collapse? Or do we try to build a popular movement in order transform the exit into a step towards a better future?
Second end: which is our idea about the future? What society we aim for? Which social and political forces may realise it? The third aim is directed towards the Left. As Left we consider a wide spectrum of political and social movements, trade-union forces, cultural and intellectual currents in their specific ways opposed to the destructive forces of globalisation who have been fighting against respective centre-right and centre-left governments. The antagonist Left has been marginalised especially by the systemic Left around the Democratic Party (PD). The PD milieu served as the main pillar of the Euro regime by which the ruling classes corrupted the social opposition. Two things are clear for us: First: If the antagonist Left continues to rot in its trenches the path is … [read more]