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International Days Of Struggle Against Isolation

19-21 December, Florence, Italy19-20 December 2003: Symposium21 December 2003: cultural eventPROGRAM OF THE SYMPOSIUMTOPICSPolitical prisonership and the prison resistance:- historical reasons, strategic meaning, position of the class struggle (the national and people´s liberation struggles and social struggles)The reasons or pretexts for the isolation practice:- treatment (practices of rules of behaviour), rehabilitation demagogies, political pressure, destruction of oppositional identityPractices in the isolation prisons: - practice and experiences from the F-Types (Turkey), Control Units (USA), FIES (Spain), QHS (France), Stammheim (Germany), Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries.The national and international aspects of the prison resistances:- from the method of the middle age … [read more]

Australian Revolutionary Communists support Iraqi resistance

We fully support your stand on the side of the Iraqi people`s struggle to defeat US imperialism and its allies. Occupation out of Iraq, including Australia. All bases and US troops GO HOME. Support the right to self determination of Iraq.Fraternal GreetingsCommittee for a Revolutionary Communist Party of … [read more]

Italy: transversal coalition from right to left against the Iraqi resistance

Even an "Association of Italian Muslisms" by the grace of the minister of interior join inThe proposal for a demonstration against the US military occupation of Iraq, to be held in Rome on December 13, created quite a stir.The deputy leader of Berlusconi`s "Forza Italia" party has been in the forefront, making press releases, denouncing the organizers to the police and posing questions in Parliament.Other attacks on the demonstration came from the right wing press - Corriere della Sera, whose director Paolo Mieli now openly espouses the neo-con ideology; Libero and Il Giornale. But also from some sectors of the left, apparently jealous of an initiative which they cannot organize themselves, now that all the "left", from former Christian Democrats to Rifondazione Comunista are joining in a … [read more]

USA: Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee calls for Solidarity with the National Liberation of Iraq

Solidarity with the National Liberation of Iraq!!!On Behalf of the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee (USA), we endorse this statement, may the Liberation of Iraq be a foco point for class resistance within the US, may it lead to the defeat of the Zionist Entity, and the purging of all American Chauvenism and Zionist Capitulation from the Internationalist Leftists Forces in the US, for class war in the "belly of the beast". We call on the US working class to stand shoulder to shoulder with the masses of Iraq in their death-defying show down with US/UK imperialism and Zionism, and for the total liberation of the Iraq people from the scorn of Occupation. It is clear as noonsday, that this an hour of put-up or shut-up for those who espouse the just cause of anti-imperialist class … [read more]

The Guilty and the Perpetrators are the USA, Israel and the AKP Government

DHKC about the attacks in Istanbul on November 15On November 15, attacks were carried out against two Istanbul synagogues, in Beyoglu and Sisli. Everybody is asking themselves who could have done it. And there is always the same word: "Terrorism!"... But when speaking about it one should mention who is responsible. One should take a look at the worldwide situation. There is a constant bloodbath going on in the world. Countries are occupied one after the other, and a people - the Palestinian people - are being systematically massacred before the eyes of the world. In Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, the USA, Israel and their collaborators are carrying out massacres. From Nepal to Colombia, from Syria to Cuba, throughout the whole world the USA and its collaborators utter threats and … [read more]

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA) supports Iraqi resistance

Solidarity message to the Anti-imperialist CampTo Anti-imperialist Camp, Iraqi Resistance,Dear comrades and friends,We were informed about the wild attack and shameful conspiracy of the Italian government rulers on anti imperialist camp and Iraqi resistance to repress and stop it. In fact this is the final attempt of imperialists and their mercenaries to save themselves from the burning flames anger of the masses that oppose the savage war especially against Iraqi people. Left Radical of Afghanistan strongly condemns the inhuman act of Italian authorities and seriously objects to stop it. The war for reaching to economic and strategic goals under the pretext of war against terrorism, never will win the support of people around the world, except the like minded fascists who seeks their … [read more]

List of MR-2004 Participant Organisations and Reception Committee

(As on November 17, 2003)Organisations:International:1. International League for Peoples` Struggles (ILPS) 2. World Peoples` Resistance Movement (WPRM), South Asia. 3. Anti-Imperialist Camp4. Bayan (Philippines) 5. Confederation of Turkish Workers in Europe (ATIK) 6. Militant Movement (Greece) 7. Gabriela, (A National Alliance of Women`s Organizations) Philippines8. DDSB (Democratic and Revolutionary Alliance of the Trade Unions - Turkey)9. YDG (New Democratic Youth) Turkey10. YDG (New Democratic Youth), Europe.11. SANSAD (South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy)12. INSAF (International South Asia Forum)13. Anti-Capitalist Alliance (New Zealand)14. KMU (Peasant Movement of Philippines), Philippines15. KPM (Workers Movement of Philippines). Philippines16. Cordillera (Indigenous … [read more]

MR-2004: Schedule, Structure and Topics of the Seminars/Workshops

Finalised in the Participatory Organisation´s meeting held on 9th Nov.Inaugural session:Welcome: Girish Patel, Gujarat.Inauguration: Gurusharan Singh/ Jagmohan Singh.Opening Address: Crispen Beltron, Chair Person, ILPS.Keynote Address: James Petras/ Michel Chossudovsky.Anti imperialist movement and MR2004: Dr. Darshan Pal, President, and AIPRF.Globalisation- a strategy of Imperialism: John Bellemy Foster, editor, Monthly Review, New York.Imperialism and War: Arundathy Roy/ Rajani X Desai. A presidium will chair the session.Seminars / workshopsStructure: 1. Theme paper2. Struggles3. Different aspects of the issue4. Interactive – with organisations5. Summing up – resolution1. WTO- Agriculture and imperialism Co-ordinators: KRRS, KMP, OBC organisations-Maharashtra, Kisani Prathista … [read more]

Why MR - 2004?

by Mumbai Resistance 2004 -- Against Imperialist Globalisation and WarStrengthen People`s Struggles!Resist Globalisation!Smash Imperialism! Build a People`s World!Ever since the momentous Seattle demonstrations of 1999, the localized and scattered struggles of the people in different parts of the globe have grown into a mighty wave of anti-globalisation protests, targeting the destruction and havoc being wrought by the imperialist powers in the name of globalization. After the Afghan War and more specifically before, during and after the Iraq War, another clear target has been identified – the war mongering leaders of the imperialist/capitalist countries.During this entire period there have been some crucial questions that have cried out for an answer – how to identify the crucial … [read more]

Italian gov´t to repress supporters of Iraqi resistance?

Urgent appeal to step up solidarity with the Iraqi resistance and its int´l alliesAfter the attack on the Italian occupation soldiers last week in Nasseriyya, the Berlusconi government is sparking off a terrible patriotic campaign. The centre left opposition, keen to seize governmental posts itself, is joining into the hysteria. The two poles of the Americanised bi-partite system are competing on who is more subservient towards to their US masters by supporting their aggression against the Iraqi people.Meanwhile the broad majority of Italians, who opposed the war but is in no way represented by the political system, correctly blame the government for the death of the Italian soldiers. The patriotic sentiment is only superficial and induced by the media but along with the growing … [read more]

Int`l demo for the Iraqi resistance in Rome, 13 Dec 2003

Prominent Italian endorsers1- Ugo Giannangeli, Association of lawyers against the war, Milano 2- Giuseppe Pelazza, lawyer for Red Aid, Milano 3- Umberto Gay, Member of the Regional Council for PRC (Party of Communist Refoundation), Lombardia4- Costanzo Preve, Marxist philosopher, Torino5- Hamza Roberto Piccardo, National secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities of Italy, Imperia6- Don Andrea Gallo, priest and leader of the anti globalisation movmenet, Genova7- Fausto Schiavetto, Marxist intellectual, Padova8- Gianfranco La Grassa, Marxist economist, Conegliano9- Mario Coglitore, University lecturer, Venezia10- Vainer Burani, Association Democratic Lawyers, Reggio Emilia11- Leonardo Mazzei, leader of the Confederation of Communists, Lucca12- Ascanio Bernardeschi, Member of the … [read more]


النهج الديموقراطي www.annahjaddimocrati.orgعقدت اللجنة الوطنية للنهج الديموقراطي اجتماعها العادي يوم 6 نونبر 2003 وتدارست أهم مستجدات الوضع السياسي الراهن وتوصلت إلى الخلاصات التالية : 1- هكذا Ùˆ Ù?يما يخص مشروع القانون الجديد للأسرة الذي … [read more]

Nearly 100 Organisations to convene anti-imperialist Conference in January 2004

by Mumbai Resistance - 2004`MR 2004 against Imperialist Globalisation and War` to be held parallel to the World Social ForumNearly 100 organisations from different parts of India and other countries have come together to organize the `Mumbai Resistance 2004 against Imperialist Globalisation and War`, an anti-imperialist conference to be held between January 17-20, 2004 at Mumbai. The event will consist of a two day seminar, a day of cultural resistance and a massive anti-imperialist protest march on 20th January , which will culminate as a public protest meet at American Consulate. The main Theme of the rally will be against American Occupation of Iraq. It will be held parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme.Details of the perspective and the broad outlines of the … [read more]

Bangladesh: Garment Workers reach Agreement

by National Garments Workers Federation[At the beginning of November the garment workers of Bangladesh organised many demonstrations for better payment and festival bonus. In clashes with the police one garment worker was killed and more than 200 injured. For detailed information see the statements of the National Garments Workers Federation from Oct. 28th and Nov. 4th ]Finaly the BKMEA (Bangladesh Knit Wear Manufacturers and Exporters Association) came to sign an agreement. Main points are:1. Tk.100,000/ for the killed worker Kamal family (allready paid).2. Release (free) the arrested workers (allready done).3. Withdraw the cases against workers.4. Working hour will be 8 hours and the rest hour will be as overtime and overtime payment will be double.5. BKMEA will take initiatives for … [read more]

"حملة "10 يورو للمقا&#

رÙ?ضت كل الشعوب منطق العدوان والحرب على العراق وعارضته معظم دول العالم. كذلك لم يؤيده حتى مجلس الأمن الدولي، الذي طالما سخرته الولايات المتحده وحلÙ?اؤها الغربيون لشن الحروب وخدمة الصهيونية والإستعمار رغم ذلك قامت … [read more]

The Popular Palestinian Intifada - Where is it heading?

By Ahmad Saadat, General Secretary of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)September 28, 2003 marked the 3rd anniversary of the Intifada (Uprising). What distinguishes this last year from the previous two is the rapid political developments, which pose important questions as to the fate of the Intifada and how to reap the greatest benefits of three years of Palestinian sacrifices. In the first half of this year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) fulfilled the obligations required for the completion of phase one of the Road Map, by hiring a Prime Minister with maximum authority. The second half of the year saw US imperialism and its British ally invade Iraq, occupying its lands, despite near unanimous international and UN opposition. It also marked the US declaration of the … [read more]

Press Conference: Mumbai Resistance – 2004

November 10, 2003, MumbaiMumbai Resistance - 2004Against imperialist Globalization and WarPress Conference:Venue: Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Azad Maidan, C.S.T., Mumbai.Date : November 10, 2003 (Monday)Time : 3pm to 4pmWe request you to send a reporter and a photographer to cover the proceedings. MR-2004 is an event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004 and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme. It is an International event, part of the process of building a strong anti-imperialist movement worldwide, that seeks to take the people of the world, including those attending the WSF, beyond the limits of "reflective thinking and debate" towards organised resistance against imperialist globalization and wars. MR-2004 considers itself as a continuation of the … [read more]

Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

1. The National Coordination Committee of all the farmers` organisations from all the states which met at Doddaballapur, Karnataka on 3rd and 4th November 2003 decided not to associate itself with the World Social Forum 2004, after having felt difficult to believe neither in its found actions, nor in its principles, but decided to provide a separate space for the global peasantry, independent of the WSF-2004, by organising a Global Peasant Forum under the banner of Mumbai Resistance-2004 along with other genuine anti-imperialist forces in India and abroad. 2. Mumbai Resistance-2004 will also be organising many plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, cultural festival and finally ending with a Rally during the same dates January 17 to 20, 2004 in Mumbai and appeal to all genuine … [read more]

Deleting Iraq`s History

According to a November 4 Christian Science Monitor the new US-approved textbooks for Iraqi school children effectively eliminate the history of modern Iraq. According to the article the imperial edition of Iraqi history deletes "... any content considered "controversial," including the 1991 Gulf War; the Iran-Iraq war; and all references to Israelis, Americans, or Kurds." Another subject written out the textbooks is the sanctions on Iraq.US officials and members of the occupation`s Ministry of Education worked on the revisions in a series of meetings over the summer at UNESCO and UNICEF offices. "Entire swaths of 20th-century history have been deleted," says Bill Evers, a US Defense Department employee who worked on the new edition. Fuad Hussein an Iraqi expatriate working for the US in … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]

International Days Of Struggle Against Isolation

19-21 December, Florence, Italy19-20 December 2003: Symposium21 December 2003: cultural eventPROGRAM OF THE SYMPOSIUMTOPICSPolitical prisonership and the prison resistance:- historical reasons, strategic meaning, position of the class struggle (the national and people´s liberation struggles and social struggles)The reasons or pretexts for the isolation practice:- treatment (practices of rules of behaviour), rehabilitation demagogies, political pressure, destruction of oppositional identityPractices in the isolation prisons: - practice and experiences from the F-Types (Turkey), Control Units (USA), FIES (Spain), QHS (France), Stammheim (Germany), Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries.The national and international aspects of the prison resistances:- from the method of the middle age … [read more]

Australian Revolutionary Communists support Iraqi resistance

We fully support your stand on the side of the Iraqi people`s struggle to defeat US imperialism and its allies. Occupation out of Iraq, including Australia. All bases and US troops GO HOME. Support the right to self determination of Iraq.Fraternal GreetingsCommittee for a Revolutionary Communist Party of … [read more]

Italy: transversal coalition from right to left against the Iraqi resistance

Even an "Association of Italian Muslisms" by the grace of the minister of interior join inThe proposal for a demonstration against the US military occupation of Iraq, to be held in Rome on December 13, created quite a stir.The deputy leader of Berlusconi`s "Forza Italia" party has been in the forefront, making press releases, denouncing the organizers to the police and posing questions in Parliament.Other attacks on the demonstration came from the right wing press - Corriere della Sera, whose director Paolo Mieli now openly espouses the neo-con ideology; Libero and Il Giornale. But also from some sectors of the left, apparently jealous of an initiative which they cannot organize themselves, now that all the "left", from former Christian Democrats to Rifondazione Comunista are joining in a … [read more]

USA: Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee calls for Solidarity with the National Liberation of Iraq

Solidarity with the National Liberation of Iraq!!!On Behalf of the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee (USA), we endorse this statement, may the Liberation of Iraq be a foco point for class resistance within the US, may it lead to the defeat of the Zionist Entity, and the purging of all American Chauvenism and Zionist Capitulation from the Internationalist Leftists Forces in the US, for class war in the "belly of the beast". We call on the US working class to stand shoulder to shoulder with the masses of Iraq in their death-defying show down with US/UK imperialism and Zionism, and for the total liberation of the Iraq people from the scorn of Occupation. It is clear as noonsday, that this an hour of put-up or shut-up for those who espouse the just cause of anti-imperialist class … [read more]

The Guilty and the Perpetrators are the USA, Israel and the AKP Government

DHKC about the attacks in Istanbul on November 15On November 15, attacks were carried out against two Istanbul synagogues, in Beyoglu and Sisli. Everybody is asking themselves who could have done it. And there is always the same word: "Terrorism!"... But when speaking about it one should mention who is responsible. One should take a look at the worldwide situation. There is a constant bloodbath going on in the world. Countries are occupied one after the other, and a people - the Palestinian people - are being systematically massacred before the eyes of the world. In Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, the USA, Israel and their collaborators are carrying out massacres. From Nepal to Colombia, from Syria to Cuba, throughout the whole world the USA and its collaborators utter threats and … [read more]

Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA) supports Iraqi resistance

Solidarity message to the Anti-imperialist CampTo Anti-imperialist Camp, Iraqi Resistance,Dear comrades and friends,We were informed about the wild attack and shameful conspiracy of the Italian government rulers on anti imperialist camp and Iraqi resistance to repress and stop it. In fact this is the final attempt of imperialists and their mercenaries to save themselves from the burning flames anger of the masses that oppose the savage war especially against Iraqi people. Left Radical of Afghanistan strongly condemns the inhuman act of Italian authorities and seriously objects to stop it. The war for reaching to economic and strategic goals under the pretext of war against terrorism, never will win the support of people around the world, except the like minded fascists who seeks their … [read more]

List of MR-2004 Participant Organisations and Reception Committee

(As on November 17, 2003)Organisations:International:1. International League for Peoples` Struggles (ILPS) 2. World Peoples` Resistance Movement (WPRM), South Asia. 3. Anti-Imperialist Camp4. Bayan (Philippines) 5. Confederation of Turkish Workers in Europe (ATIK) 6. Militant Movement (Greece) 7. Gabriela, (A National Alliance of Women`s Organizations) Philippines8. DDSB (Democratic and Revolutionary Alliance of the Trade Unions - Turkey)9. YDG (New Democratic Youth) Turkey10. YDG (New Democratic Youth), Europe.11. SANSAD (South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy)12. INSAF (International South Asia Forum)13. Anti-Capitalist Alliance (New Zealand)14. KMU (Peasant Movement of Philippines), Philippines15. KPM (Workers Movement of Philippines). Philippines16. Cordillera (Indigenous … [read more]

MR-2004: Schedule, Structure and Topics of the Seminars/Workshops

Finalised in the Participatory Organisation´s meeting held on 9th Nov.Inaugural session:Welcome: Girish Patel, Gujarat.Inauguration: Gurusharan Singh/ Jagmohan Singh.Opening Address: Crispen Beltron, Chair Person, ILPS.Keynote Address: James Petras/ Michel Chossudovsky.Anti imperialist movement and MR2004: Dr. Darshan Pal, President, and AIPRF.Globalisation- a strategy of Imperialism: John Bellemy Foster, editor, Monthly Review, New York.Imperialism and War: Arundathy Roy/ Rajani X Desai. A presidium will chair the session.Seminars / workshopsStructure: 1. Theme paper2. Struggles3. Different aspects of the issue4. Interactive – with organisations5. Summing up – resolution1. WTO- Agriculture and imperialism Co-ordinators: KRRS, KMP, OBC organisations-Maharashtra, Kisani Prathista … [read more]

Why MR - 2004?

by Mumbai Resistance 2004 -- Against Imperialist Globalisation and WarStrengthen People`s Struggles!Resist Globalisation!Smash Imperialism! Build a People`s World!Ever since the momentous Seattle demonstrations of 1999, the localized and scattered struggles of the people in different parts of the globe have grown into a mighty wave of anti-globalisation protests, targeting the destruction and havoc being wrought by the imperialist powers in the name of globalization. After the Afghan War and more specifically before, during and after the Iraq War, another clear target has been identified – the war mongering leaders of the imperialist/capitalist countries.During this entire period there have been some crucial questions that have cried out for an answer – how to identify the crucial … [read more]

Italian gov´t to repress supporters of Iraqi resistance?

Urgent appeal to step up solidarity with the Iraqi resistance and its int´l alliesAfter the attack on the Italian occupation soldiers last week in Nasseriyya, the Berlusconi government is sparking off a terrible patriotic campaign. The centre left opposition, keen to seize governmental posts itself, is joining into the hysteria. The two poles of the Americanised bi-partite system are competing on who is more subservient towards to their US masters by supporting their aggression against the Iraqi people.Meanwhile the broad majority of Italians, who opposed the war but is in no way represented by the political system, correctly blame the government for the death of the Italian soldiers. The patriotic sentiment is only superficial and induced by the media but along with the growing … [read more]

Int`l demo for the Iraqi resistance in Rome, 13 Dec 2003

Prominent Italian endorsers1- Ugo Giannangeli, Association of lawyers against the war, Milano 2- Giuseppe Pelazza, lawyer for Red Aid, Milano 3- Umberto Gay, Member of the Regional Council for PRC (Party of Communist Refoundation), Lombardia4- Costanzo Preve, Marxist philosopher, Torino5- Hamza Roberto Piccardo, National secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities of Italy, Imperia6- Don Andrea Gallo, priest and leader of the anti globalisation movmenet, Genova7- Fausto Schiavetto, Marxist intellectual, Padova8- Gianfranco La Grassa, Marxist economist, Conegliano9- Mario Coglitore, University lecturer, Venezia10- Vainer Burani, Association Democratic Lawyers, Reggio Emilia11- Leonardo Mazzei, leader of the Confederation of Communists, Lucca12- Ascanio Bernardeschi, Member of the … [read more]


النهج الديموقراطي www.annahjaddimocrati.orgعقدت اللجنة الوطنية للنهج الديموقراطي اجتماعها العادي يوم 6 نونبر 2003 وتدارست أهم مستجدات الوضع السياسي الراهن وتوصلت إلى الخلاصات التالية : 1- هكذا Ùˆ Ù?يما يخص مشروع القانون الجديد للأسرة الذي … [read more]

Nearly 100 Organisations to convene anti-imperialist Conference in January 2004

by Mumbai Resistance - 2004`MR 2004 against Imperialist Globalisation and War` to be held parallel to the World Social ForumNearly 100 organisations from different parts of India and other countries have come together to organize the `Mumbai Resistance 2004 against Imperialist Globalisation and War`, an anti-imperialist conference to be held between January 17-20, 2004 at Mumbai. The event will consist of a two day seminar, a day of cultural resistance and a massive anti-imperialist protest march on 20th January , which will culminate as a public protest meet at American Consulate. The main Theme of the rally will be against American Occupation of Iraq. It will be held parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme.Details of the perspective and the broad outlines of the … [read more]

Bangladesh: Garment Workers reach Agreement

by National Garments Workers Federation[At the beginning of November the garment workers of Bangladesh organised many demonstrations for better payment and festival bonus. In clashes with the police one garment worker was killed and more than 200 injured. For detailed information see the statements of the National Garments Workers Federation from Oct. 28th and Nov. 4th ]Finaly the BKMEA (Bangladesh Knit Wear Manufacturers and Exporters Association) came to sign an agreement. Main points are:1. Tk.100,000/ for the killed worker Kamal family (allready paid).2. Release (free) the arrested workers (allready done).3. Withdraw the cases against workers.4. Working hour will be 8 hours and the rest hour will be as overtime and overtime payment will be double.5. BKMEA will take initiatives for … [read more]

"حملة "10 يورو للمقا&#

رÙ?ضت كل الشعوب منطق العدوان والحرب على العراق وعارضته معظم دول العالم. كذلك لم يؤيده حتى مجلس الأمن الدولي، الذي طالما سخرته الولايات المتحده وحلÙ?اؤها الغربيون لشن الحروب وخدمة الصهيونية والإستعمار رغم ذلك قامت … [read more]

The Popular Palestinian Intifada - Where is it heading?

By Ahmad Saadat, General Secretary of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)September 28, 2003 marked the 3rd anniversary of the Intifada (Uprising). What distinguishes this last year from the previous two is the rapid political developments, which pose important questions as to the fate of the Intifada and how to reap the greatest benefits of three years of Palestinian sacrifices. In the first half of this year, the Palestinian Authority (PA) fulfilled the obligations required for the completion of phase one of the Road Map, by hiring a Prime Minister with maximum authority. The second half of the year saw US imperialism and its British ally invade Iraq, occupying its lands, despite near unanimous international and UN opposition. It also marked the US declaration of the … [read more]

Press Conference: Mumbai Resistance – 2004

November 10, 2003, MumbaiMumbai Resistance - 2004Against imperialist Globalization and WarPress Conference:Venue: Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Azad Maidan, C.S.T., Mumbai.Date : November 10, 2003 (Monday)Time : 3pm to 4pmWe request you to send a reporter and a photographer to cover the proceedings. MR-2004 is an event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004 and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme. It is an International event, part of the process of building a strong anti-imperialist movement worldwide, that seeks to take the people of the world, including those attending the WSF, beyond the limits of "reflective thinking and debate" towards organised resistance against imperialist globalization and wars. MR-2004 considers itself as a continuation of the … [read more]

Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

1. The National Coordination Committee of all the farmers` organisations from all the states which met at Doddaballapur, Karnataka on 3rd and 4th November 2003 decided not to associate itself with the World Social Forum 2004, after having felt difficult to believe neither in its found actions, nor in its principles, but decided to provide a separate space for the global peasantry, independent of the WSF-2004, by organising a Global Peasant Forum under the banner of Mumbai Resistance-2004 along with other genuine anti-imperialist forces in India and abroad. 2. Mumbai Resistance-2004 will also be organising many plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, cultural festival and finally ending with a Rally during the same dates January 17 to 20, 2004 in Mumbai and appeal to all genuine … [read more]

Deleting Iraq`s History

According to a November 4 Christian Science Monitor the new US-approved textbooks for Iraqi school children effectively eliminate the history of modern Iraq. According to the article the imperial edition of Iraqi history deletes "... any content considered "controversial," including the 1991 Gulf War; the Iran-Iraq war; and all references to Israelis, Americans, or Kurds." Another subject written out the textbooks is the sanctions on Iraq.US officials and members of the occupation`s Ministry of Education worked on the revisions in a series of meetings over the summer at UNESCO and UNICEF offices. "Entire swaths of 20th-century history have been deleted," says Bill Evers, a US Defense Department employee who worked on the new edition. Fuad Hussein an Iraqi expatriate working for the US in … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]