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Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

1. The National Coordination Committee of all the farmers` organisations from all the states which met at Doddaballapur, Karnataka on 3rd and 4th November 2003 decided not to associate itself with the World Social Forum 2004, after having felt difficult to believe neither in its found actions, nor in its principles, but decided to provide a separate space for the global peasantry, independent of the WSF-2004, by organising a Global Peasant Forum under the banner of Mumbai Resistance-2004 along with other genuine anti-imperialist forces in India and abroad. 2. Mumbai Resistance-2004 will also be organising many plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, cultural festival and finally ending with a Rally during the same dates January 17 to 20, 2004 in Mumbai and appeal to all genuine … [read more]

Deleting Iraq`s History

According to a November 4 Christian Science Monitor the new US-approved textbooks for Iraqi school children effectively eliminate the history of modern Iraq. According to the article the imperial edition of Iraqi history deletes "... any content considered "controversial," including the 1991 Gulf War; the Iran-Iraq war; and all references to Israelis, Americans, or Kurds." Another subject written out the textbooks is the sanctions on Iraq.US officials and members of the occupation`s Ministry of Education worked on the revisions in a series of meetings over the summer at UNESCO and UNICEF offices. "Entire swaths of 20th-century history have been deleted," says Bill Evers, a US Defense Department employee who worked on the new edition. Fuad Hussein an Iraqi expatriate working for the US in … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]

Bangladesh: Garment Worker killed by Police

by National Garments Workers FederationOne Garment Worker killed and more than 200 injured by Police One garment worker named Kamal was killed and more than 200 injured including 20 bullets injured following series of clashes between Police and garment workers at BSCIC industrial park in Fatulla, Narayangoang near to Dhaka city yesterday 3rd November. Six injured including one bullets injured are NGWF member. More than a dozen police personel including an assiatant superiendent of police (ASP)and tree sub inspectors (SI) were also injured. Several garment factories, vahicles and offices also damaged.In the BSCIC industrial park area there was unrest situation in some factories named Pantex, Tamanna, Obonti and Crony. There were irregularities in payment in these factories. Workers … [read more]

Amneh Mounah on 7th day of Hunger Strike

by ADDAMEER - Prisoners` Support and Human Rights AssociationAmneh Mounah on 7th day of hunger after attack by prison guardsAddameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is gravely concerned for the health of Palestinian female prisoner Amneh Mounah, who has begun her seventh day of open ended hunger strike, protesting against physical attacks against her and her continued isolation. Addameer´s lawyer, Adv. Mahmoud Hassan, was able to take a full account of the attack against Mounah during a visit on Thursday 30 October 2003, and able to see the physical effects of the attack. Mounah is suffering from extreme pain in her lower back, left hand, and eyes as a result of injuries sustained from the attack. She has to date not received adequate medical attention.On the morning of … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية ل

بيان صادر عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينيا أبناء شعبنا العظيم..يا من سحقتم تحت أقدامكم كل المؤامرات والمتآمرين تطل علينا هذه الأيام … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية ل

بيان صادر عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينيا أبناء شعبنا العظيم..يا من سحقتم تحت أقدامكم كل المؤامرات والمتآمرين تطل علينا هذه الأيام … [read more]

صحبة ولاد البحر - البيان التأسيسي

Ù?ÙŠ مواجهة الغزوة الثقاÙ?ية الامريكيهعلي قدر حاجة الÙ?نان الشعبي الي الحريه ØŒ تؤكد * صحبه ولاد البحر * على كونهاالتجمع الÙ?ني الحر Ù„Ù?ناني الضمه Ùˆ السمسمية ببور سعيد ØŒ الذي لا تشوب حريتهشائبة التمويل الأجنبي أو شبهاته ØŒ بل … [read more]

10 Euro per person for the Iraqi resistance

Three months have passed since emperor G. W. Bush declared the end of hostilities in Iraq. The rapid success of the US forces over the Iraqi army - due to the capitulation of the high command right at the crucial moment of the defence of Baghdad - made the Anglo-Americans believe to have achieved a total victory. Taking over Baghdad they made of the words of the information minister. Now it is our turn to expose their arrogance to ridicule.Not even finished, the war started again. Only a few days after the collapse of the Iraqi army guerrilla forces began attacking the mercenaries of the occupation forces. They keep inflicting them losses which are of high political and morale value. Among the US bionic soldiers fear is spreading. As Beirut and Mogadishu already have proved, high tech … [read more]

Free Slobodan Milosevic

Nov 8, 2003: Demo againt the NATO "Tribunal"Our demonstrations held on June 28 at The Hague delivered our demands to the "tribunal" and to UN, under which formal auspices this institution acts. It is not only that our main demands have not been fulfilled, but also the human rights violation record of the "tribunal" became even worse. For that reason SLOBODA/Freedom Association endorses the call of the Serbian-International Organizational Committee to hold new DEMONSTRATIONat The Hague, on November 8, 2003"By the terror and tyranny they try to prevent, or at least minimize, the obvious fiasco of the false tribunal, which is serving as the weapon of war against our country and our people. Nothing new! As Montesquieu wrote in 1742: "There is no crueler tyranny than one perpetrated under the … [read more]

No Korean troops to Iraq!

by National Democratic Front of South KoreaOn October 18 the south Korean authorities decided to additionally dispatch troops to Iraq despite of the strong opposition at home and abroad. This is a challenge to the entire nation opposing the US hegemonist arrogance and aspiring after global peace and stability.The National Democratic Front of South Korea pungently denounces the decision as a pro-US subordinate act and heinous anti-national crime to reduce young people to cannon fodders of Yankees in disregard of the dignity and interests of the nation. It is never justifiable with any excuse that the authorities have decided to dispatch troops again after sending troops in last April. The Iraqi war is an unjust burglarious war of aggression the United States provoked to overthrow the … [read more]

Join Mumbai Resistance 2004

Against Imperialist Globalisation and WarInvitation to join as a Participating Organisation of Mumbai Resistance 2004 – Against Imperialist Globalisation and War (MR-2004). MR-2004 is a four day international event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004. It is independent of and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF), Mumbai. It is part of the process of building a strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement going beyond the limits of WSF towards organised resistance in continuation of the militant traditions of the recent anti-globalisation and anti-war movements. MR-2004 has a clear and unambiguous anti-imperialist focus and seeks to unite those who are genuinely opposed to imperialist globalisation and wars of aggression. Through sharing experiences and analysing imperialist … [read more]

دعوة إلى تظاهرة شاملة Ù?ÙŠ روما Ù?ÙŠ السادس من كانون أول (دي

تضامنا مع الشعب العراقي المقاومإن الحرب التي أعلن الإمبراطور جورج بوش Ù?ÙŠ الأول من أيار (مايو) انتهاءها ØŒ قد بدأت Ù?ÙŠ الحقيقة الآن Ù?عليا، وهاهو التحالÙ? العدواني الأمريكي البريطاني الذي اعتقد أنه بعيد هزيمة الجيش … [read more]

Campaign and Action of Garment Workers in Bangladesh

by the National Garments Workers FederationIn Bangladesh, National Garments Workers Federation (NGWF) has demanded payment of Festival Bonus before the main festival EID enabling the garment workers to celebrate their greatest religious festival with a peaceful mind.The federation leaders at a press conference yesterday 27th October expressed the hope that the owners of the garment factories of the country would fulfil their demands. Otherwise, they said, a greatest movement would be launched to realise their legitimate dues.To press their demand, the federation has already announced a month-long programes, ancluding meetings, to exchange views, processions, rallies,submission of memorandums to the BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturer and Exporters Association) and inspectors of … [read more]

"We Iraqi communists participate in the resistance without the reactionary party leaders"

Interview with Ahmed Karim, leader of the Patriotic opposition of the Iraqi Communist PartyAnti-imperialist Camp: How do you evaluate the development of the resistance?Ahmed Karim: Frankly speaking, I did not expect such a rapid expansion of the resistance movement. Many set all their hopes on the Iraqi army and then were frustrated by the betrayal of the high command. On the level of popular organisation almost nothing could be prepared before the attack, though we asked the regime of Saddam Hussein to grant us elementary liberties in exchange for our support against the US aggression. Beside the fact that Saddam reacted only reluctantly it was too late anyway. Considering these circumstances, the development is more than we could have expected. The military resistance is firmly rooted … [read more]

Solidarity message from Greece

by KKE/MLWe were very angry to hear about the heavy attacks that you have suffered lately. We want to extend our warmest regards od solidarity and express our full support to your struggle. As you very well know, the issue of supporting the Iraqui resistance is of major significance to us as well. Their struggle against imperialism is our struggle as well.We will try to make the issue of the attacks against the AntiimperialistCamp known to the Greek movement and to the Greek people through our newspaper.Again accept our warmest message of solidarity and … [read more]

Two Years of Struggle against Isolation - call for action

by International Platform against IsolationThe second year since the international day of struggle against isolation was established - call for action The issue of imprisonment and prisons, in other words the issue of political prisoners, is an indispensible part of the struggle for all organisations and people who resist and fight, and will be as long as there is a struggle against injustice in the world. Quite apart from their overall policy of annihilation, the forces which want to prevent the struggle against exploitation and injustice seek to use the prisons to break people who resist them and who think differently. So torture and arbitrary behaviour have become an everyday practice. As the same time, this has become the crudest form of human rights abuse. These means of destroying … [read more]

"last 14 years turned me to communism, though I have been much on the right"

Blagovesta Doncheva, Bulgaria, in support of the Anti-imperialist CampThe last 14 years in Bulgaria, Russia, Eastern Europe countries, the imperialist wars on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, the situation in Latin America - and of the ordinary people in Europe and USA plus all the information I have gathered - have turned me to communism. (And I have been very much on the right!) I have lived in the two systems and I can compare them. So it has been logical to see through my own self-delusions and become a communist. Now I am proud to say I am a communist in my heart without being a member of any party. What will Grimaldi say to that? Will he demand of you to ban me from your demo because I used to be very much on the right and believed all the Israeli propaganda? Or because I declare I am … [read more]

"Zionists bring up false antisemitism argument"

Defense of the Anti-imperialist Camp by Ziad elJishi, Palestine/USAYou know you are doing something good when the Zionists and US imperialists start panicking accusing you of being a fascist or pro-fascist and you know you are anti imperialist and communist. The Zionists are also good at bringing up the false antisemitism argument to shut up anyone who wants to defend the Arab liberation struggle in Palestine or to attack the Zionist enemy.Bravo for the anti imperialist camp bastion of the anti imperialist struggle in the heart of the West. Forward!In solidarity with the anti imperialist camp in its anti-US imperialism and anti Zionist stances!Ziad … [read more]

Indian Farmers decide to create a global Peasant Forum outside World Social Forum-2004

1. The National Coordination Committee of all the farmers` organisations from all the states which met at Doddaballapur, Karnataka on 3rd and 4th November 2003 decided not to associate itself with the World Social Forum 2004, after having felt difficult to believe neither in its found actions, nor in its principles, but decided to provide a separate space for the global peasantry, independent of the WSF-2004, by organising a Global Peasant Forum under the banner of Mumbai Resistance-2004 along with other genuine anti-imperialist forces in India and abroad. 2. Mumbai Resistance-2004 will also be organising many plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, cultural festival and finally ending with a Rally during the same dates January 17 to 20, 2004 in Mumbai and appeal to all genuine … [read more]

Deleting Iraq`s History

According to a November 4 Christian Science Monitor the new US-approved textbooks for Iraqi school children effectively eliminate the history of modern Iraq. According to the article the imperial edition of Iraqi history deletes "... any content considered "controversial," including the 1991 Gulf War; the Iran-Iraq war; and all references to Israelis, Americans, or Kurds." Another subject written out the textbooks is the sanctions on Iraq.US officials and members of the occupation`s Ministry of Education worked on the revisions in a series of meetings over the summer at UNESCO and UNICEF offices. "Entire swaths of 20th-century history have been deleted," says Bill Evers, a US Defense Department employee who worked on the new edition. Fuad Hussein an Iraqi expatriate working for the US in … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]

بيان تأييد للروا

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونسمن موقعنا، وتلمّسنا لدورنا، مثقفين ومبدعين،نعلن … [read more]

Bangladesh: Garment Worker killed by Police

by National Garments Workers FederationOne Garment Worker killed and more than 200 injured by Police One garment worker named Kamal was killed and more than 200 injured including 20 bullets injured following series of clashes between Police and garment workers at BSCIC industrial park in Fatulla, Narayangoang near to Dhaka city yesterday 3rd November. Six injured including one bullets injured are NGWF member. More than a dozen police personel including an assiatant superiendent of police (ASP)and tree sub inspectors (SI) were also injured. Several garment factories, vahicles and offices also damaged.In the BSCIC industrial park area there was unrest situation in some factories named Pantex, Tamanna, Obonti and Crony. There were irregularities in payment in these factories. Workers … [read more]

Amneh Mounah on 7th day of Hunger Strike

by ADDAMEER - Prisoners` Support and Human Rights AssociationAmneh Mounah on 7th day of hunger after attack by prison guardsAddameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is gravely concerned for the health of Palestinian female prisoner Amneh Mounah, who has begun her seventh day of open ended hunger strike, protesting against physical attacks against her and her continued isolation. Addameer´s lawyer, Adv. Mahmoud Hassan, was able to take a full account of the attack against Mounah during a visit on Thursday 30 October 2003, and able to see the physical effects of the attack. Mounah is suffering from extreme pain in her lower back, left hand, and eyes as a result of injuries sustained from the attack. She has to date not received adequate medical attention.On the morning of … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية ل

بيان صادر عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينيا أبناء شعبنا العظيم..يا من سحقتم تحت أقدامكم كل المؤامرات والمتآمرين تطل علينا هذه الأيام … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية ل

بيان صادر عن الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينيا أبناء شعبنا العظيم..يا من سحقتم تحت أقدامكم كل المؤامرات والمتآمرين تطل علينا هذه الأيام … [read more]

صحبة ولاد البحر - البيان التأسيسي

Ù?ÙŠ مواجهة الغزوة الثقاÙ?ية الامريكيهعلي قدر حاجة الÙ?نان الشعبي الي الحريه ØŒ تؤكد * صحبه ولاد البحر * على كونهاالتجمع الÙ?ني الحر Ù„Ù?ناني الضمه Ùˆ السمسمية ببور سعيد ØŒ الذي لا تشوب حريتهشائبة التمويل الأجنبي أو شبهاته ØŒ بل … [read more]

10 Euro per person for the Iraqi resistance

Three months have passed since emperor G. W. Bush declared the end of hostilities in Iraq. The rapid success of the US forces over the Iraqi army - due to the capitulation of the high command right at the crucial moment of the defence of Baghdad - made the Anglo-Americans believe to have achieved a total victory. Taking over Baghdad they made of the words of the information minister. Now it is our turn to expose their arrogance to ridicule.Not even finished, the war started again. Only a few days after the collapse of the Iraqi army guerrilla forces began attacking the mercenaries of the occupation forces. They keep inflicting them losses which are of high political and morale value. Among the US bionic soldiers fear is spreading. As Beirut and Mogadishu already have proved, high tech … [read more]

Free Slobodan Milosevic

Nov 8, 2003: Demo againt the NATO "Tribunal"Our demonstrations held on June 28 at The Hague delivered our demands to the "tribunal" and to UN, under which formal auspices this institution acts. It is not only that our main demands have not been fulfilled, but also the human rights violation record of the "tribunal" became even worse. For that reason SLOBODA/Freedom Association endorses the call of the Serbian-International Organizational Committee to hold new DEMONSTRATIONat The Hague, on November 8, 2003"By the terror and tyranny they try to prevent, or at least minimize, the obvious fiasco of the false tribunal, which is serving as the weapon of war against our country and our people. Nothing new! As Montesquieu wrote in 1742: "There is no crueler tyranny than one perpetrated under the … [read more]

No Korean troops to Iraq!

by National Democratic Front of South KoreaOn October 18 the south Korean authorities decided to additionally dispatch troops to Iraq despite of the strong opposition at home and abroad. This is a challenge to the entire nation opposing the US hegemonist arrogance and aspiring after global peace and stability.The National Democratic Front of South Korea pungently denounces the decision as a pro-US subordinate act and heinous anti-national crime to reduce young people to cannon fodders of Yankees in disregard of the dignity and interests of the nation. It is never justifiable with any excuse that the authorities have decided to dispatch troops again after sending troops in last April. The Iraqi war is an unjust burglarious war of aggression the United States provoked to overthrow the … [read more]

Join Mumbai Resistance 2004

Against Imperialist Globalisation and WarInvitation to join as a Participating Organisation of Mumbai Resistance 2004 – Against Imperialist Globalisation and War (MR-2004). MR-2004 is a four day international event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004. It is independent of and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF), Mumbai. It is part of the process of building a strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement going beyond the limits of WSF towards organised resistance in continuation of the militant traditions of the recent anti-globalisation and anti-war movements. MR-2004 has a clear and unambiguous anti-imperialist focus and seeks to unite those who are genuinely opposed to imperialist globalisation and wars of aggression. Through sharing experiences and analysing imperialist … [read more]

دعوة إلى تظاهرة شاملة Ù?ÙŠ روما Ù?ÙŠ السادس من كانون أول (دي

تضامنا مع الشعب العراقي المقاومإن الحرب التي أعلن الإمبراطور جورج بوش Ù?ÙŠ الأول من أيار (مايو) انتهاءها ØŒ قد بدأت Ù?ÙŠ الحقيقة الآن Ù?عليا، وهاهو التحالÙ? العدواني الأمريكي البريطاني الذي اعتقد أنه بعيد هزيمة الجيش … [read more]

Campaign and Action of Garment Workers in Bangladesh

by the National Garments Workers FederationIn Bangladesh, National Garments Workers Federation (NGWF) has demanded payment of Festival Bonus before the main festival EID enabling the garment workers to celebrate their greatest religious festival with a peaceful mind.The federation leaders at a press conference yesterday 27th October expressed the hope that the owners of the garment factories of the country would fulfil their demands. Otherwise, they said, a greatest movement would be launched to realise their legitimate dues.To press their demand, the federation has already announced a month-long programes, ancluding meetings, to exchange views, processions, rallies,submission of memorandums to the BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturer and Exporters Association) and inspectors of … [read more]

"We Iraqi communists participate in the resistance without the reactionary party leaders"

Interview with Ahmed Karim, leader of the Patriotic opposition of the Iraqi Communist PartyAnti-imperialist Camp: How do you evaluate the development of the resistance?Ahmed Karim: Frankly speaking, I did not expect such a rapid expansion of the resistance movement. Many set all their hopes on the Iraqi army and then were frustrated by the betrayal of the high command. On the level of popular organisation almost nothing could be prepared before the attack, though we asked the regime of Saddam Hussein to grant us elementary liberties in exchange for our support against the US aggression. Beside the fact that Saddam reacted only reluctantly it was too late anyway. Considering these circumstances, the development is more than we could have expected. The military resistance is firmly rooted … [read more]

Solidarity message from Greece

by KKE/MLWe were very angry to hear about the heavy attacks that you have suffered lately. We want to extend our warmest regards od solidarity and express our full support to your struggle. As you very well know, the issue of supporting the Iraqui resistance is of major significance to us as well. Their struggle against imperialism is our struggle as well.We will try to make the issue of the attacks against the AntiimperialistCamp known to the Greek movement and to the Greek people through our newspaper.Again accept our warmest message of solidarity and … [read more]

Two Years of Struggle against Isolation - call for action

by International Platform against IsolationThe second year since the international day of struggle against isolation was established - call for action The issue of imprisonment and prisons, in other words the issue of political prisoners, is an indispensible part of the struggle for all organisations and people who resist and fight, and will be as long as there is a struggle against injustice in the world. Quite apart from their overall policy of annihilation, the forces which want to prevent the struggle against exploitation and injustice seek to use the prisons to break people who resist them and who think differently. So torture and arbitrary behaviour have become an everyday practice. As the same time, this has become the crudest form of human rights abuse. These means of destroying … [read more]

"last 14 years turned me to communism, though I have been much on the right"

Blagovesta Doncheva, Bulgaria, in support of the Anti-imperialist CampThe last 14 years in Bulgaria, Russia, Eastern Europe countries, the imperialist wars on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, the situation in Latin America - and of the ordinary people in Europe and USA plus all the information I have gathered - have turned me to communism. (And I have been very much on the right!) I have lived in the two systems and I can compare them. So it has been logical to see through my own self-delusions and become a communist. Now I am proud to say I am a communist in my heart without being a member of any party. What will Grimaldi say to that? Will he demand of you to ban me from your demo because I used to be very much on the right and believed all the Israeli propaganda? Or because I declare I am … [read more]

"Zionists bring up false antisemitism argument"

Defense of the Anti-imperialist Camp by Ziad elJishi, Palestine/USAYou know you are doing something good when the Zionists and US imperialists start panicking accusing you of being a fascist or pro-fascist and you know you are anti imperialist and communist. The Zionists are also good at bringing up the false antisemitism argument to shut up anyone who wants to defend the Arab liberation struggle in Palestine or to attack the Zionist enemy.Bravo for the anti imperialist camp bastion of the anti imperialist struggle in the heart of the West. Forward!In solidarity with the anti imperialist camp in its anti-US imperialism and anti Zionist stances!Ziad … [read more]