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Mumbai Resistance 2004

Contre la Globalisation et la Guerre Impà©rialistes1. MR-2004 est un à©và©nement prà©vu du 17 au 20 janvier 2004 qui se dà©roulera à  Mumbai (Bombay) parallà¨lement au Forum Social Mondial (FSM). C´est un à©và©nement international, faisant partie du processus de construction d´un solide mouvement mondial anti-impà©rialiste, qui cherche à  emmener les gens du monde, y compris ceux assistant au FSM, au-delà  des limites " d´une pensà©e rà©flà©chie et du dà©bat " vers une rà©sistance organisà©e contre la globalisation et les guerres impà©rialistes. Il est basà© sur des prà©misses clairs et non-ambigus. MR-2004 se considà¨re comme une continuation des traditions militantes à©tablies dans les mouvements contre la globalisation et les guerres qui … [read more]

"Isolate the Anti-imperialist Camp and their Nazi fascist accomplices"

The falsifications of Fulvio GrimaldiA. Letter to John Catalinotto of the International Action Centre, USAOctober 21, 2003; slightly corrected October 27You will have received a message by Fulvio Grimaldi [see C.] who is desperately trying to campaign against the Anti-imperialist Camp with an amalgam of accusations which neither have political coherence nor factual backing. It is a classical slandering campaign.As Grimaldi´s attempts to isolate us in Italy have been to a large extent frustrated – the demonstration of December 6 is gaining momentum with about 900 endorsers and even members of his "Ernesto" current like Domenico Losurdo are defending us against his calumnies – he is referring to the international level where he hopes to obscure things: "I could list you many names … [read more]

"Every attack against one of us is an attack on all of us."

Solidarity declaration by the All India Peoples Resistance Forum with the Anti-imperialist CampThe AIPRF, unequivocally condemns the subtle attempts made by the forces claiming to be "left" to disrupt the historical rally against the US aggression on Iraq organized by the Anti Imperialist Camp(AIC). We also condemn the slander campaign of the very same forces against the Anti Imperialist Camp. Anti Imperialist Camp has been spearheading the anti war and anti imperialist initiatives in the Europe, especially in Italy. It has been the motive force behind the solidarity being built up for the cause of Iraqi people, in Europe. It is also striving to build strong anti imperialist pole with in the anti globalization movement. These initiatives are on the one hand radicalizing the movement on … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance 2004

Gegen Krieg und imperialistische Globalisierung 1. Mumbai Resistance wird vom 17. bis 20. Jänner 2004 parallel zu dem Weltsozialforum (WSF) in Mumbai abgehalten werden. Als internationales Treffen ist es Teil des weltweiten Prozesses, eine starke antiimperialistische Bewegung aufzubauen und trachtet danach, den internationalen Aktivisten, auch jenen, die an dem WSF teilnehmen, die Möglichkeit zu geben, über die "Reflexion und die Debatte" hinaus ihren Widerstand gegen Krieg und imperialistische Globalisierung zu koordinieren und zu organisieren. Seine Grundlagen sind klar und unzweideutig. MR-2004 sieht sich selbst als die Fortsetzung der militanten Tradition der Antiglobalisierungs- und Antikriegsbewegungen, die nach Seattle an neuer Intensität gewannen.Die Idee von MR-2004 wurde auf … [read more]

Protest the Philippine state visit of George W. Bush Jr.

Saturday, the 18th of October 2003, AmsterdamGeorge W. Bush Jr.,the number one terrorist in the world to annoint Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,his most trusted lap-dog in the Philippine neocolonial state, a …‘major non-NATO ally." On Saturday, the 18th of October 2003 from 12.00 noon to 13.00 hours , in front of the monument of the Second World War, in Amsterdam (opposite Dam Square).An hour of SOLIDARITY is an additional push for a Just, Lasting & Liberating PEACE In the PHILIPPINES,In ASIA,and the WORLD over. For more information, please get in touch with:MIGRANTE-Europe@zonnet.nltel: 020-421.45.21 No. 1 Terrorist Meets No. 1 Puppet in AsiaWhen US Vice-President Papa Bush came to the Philippines two decades ago, his famous words to the US puppet and dictator Marcos (who ordered the … [read more]

Hands off the Anti-imperialist Camp

For some months the Anti-imperialist Camp has been subjected to a vicious campaign of slandering and lynching by forces linked to the US and to Israel but often disguised as to be progressive. For denouncing the Black List of Bush, for the open defence of national liberation movements, for the support granted to the resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American occupation the Anti-imperialist Camp is branded as a terrorist organisation.For its intransigent defence of the Palestinian people the pro-Zionist press in Germany, Austria and Hungary accuses our comrades to be anti-Semites. The latest lie comes from Italy where the Anti-imperialist Camp is about to big birth to a large movement against the American Empire. They are accused for the unthinkable collusion with … [read more]

The truth is revolutionary

On the slander campain against the Anti-imperialist CampThe slander campaign against the Anti-imperialist Camp proves the relevance of the Italian solidarity movement with the Iraqi resistanceThe most wide spread daily paper of Italy, Corriere della Sera, dedicated the entire page 6 of its edition of October 13 to the Anti-imperialist Camp and to the national demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance scheduled for December 6 in Rome.Author of the long article was Magdi Allam, famous journalist of Arab origin. Mr Allam is notorious to millions of Italian who protested the war on Iraq as he day by day appeared on the TV screens hailing the aggression. He was one of the main propagandists of the Anglo-American invasion claiming it would bring "democracy". From the room of his five … [read more]

Bulgaria has extradited a Revolutionary to the Fascism in Turkey

by Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front - Balkan RepresentationKEMAL ALEV, a revolutionary from Turkey, who was arrested in the Bulgarian city Silistre, in the night of 25 September 2003, has been extradited to the Turkish counterguerilla within three days by a secret plot, without advising his family, relatives and lawyers, without informing the public and press, ignoring the law and right.Although Kemal Alev informed some of his friends about his arrest, the Bulgarian police didn´t accept the capture and threatened those, who tried to obtain information on the situation of Kemal Alev. They were told: "This won´t have positive consequences for you too", "Think about your asylum" and "Would you like to be extradited to Turkey".The Bulgarian police cooperates against the … [read more]

حان وقت لتجذير الطروحات حول الصراع العربي/ الصهيوني

رسالة من د. هشام البستاني إلى الحركة العالمية المناهضة للعولمة والإمبرياليةمقدمة توضيحية من اللجنة السياسية لمعسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبرياليةإن معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية هو ائتلاÙ? من عدة قوى مناهضة … [read more]

البرنامج السياسي

حركة أبناء البلد -Ù?لسطينورقة مبادئ وأهداÙ?مقدمة إن البرنامج السياسي للتنظيم الثوري يشكل ركناً اساسياً Ù?ÙŠ حياته واسلوب نضاله, وهو بوصلة الرÙ?اق الثوريين Ù?ÙŠ زمن الثورة وزمن الهزيمة… وعليه لا بد للبرنامج من أن يتطرق … [read more]

Anti-imperialist seminary: Hungary and the American Empire

Pà©cs, Hungary, 13th and 14th of December 2003Saturday, 13th of December10 am: Presentation of the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Hungarian Left Front11 am: Americanism and anti-imperialism1 pm: Lunch2.30 pm: The movement against globalisation and the "War on Terror".4.30 pm: Break5.00 pm: The Iraqi resistance against occupation and colonialism7.30 pm: DinnerSunday, 14th of December10am: Capitalist Hungary and the left movement12am: Break12.30 am: Hungary and the enlargement of the European Union2.30 pm: … [read more]

No to Troops for Iraq!

by Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA)CCOMPOSA´s Call to the Indian People and Jawans: No to Troops for Iraq!No to Blood-Money from Iraqi Contracts!! It is a clear-cut business deal: Blood of Indian Jawans for lucrative Iraqi contracts to India´s big comprador houses. The brokers in the secret contract: the Government of India. The Commission Agents: top Indian Bureaucrats of the Brajesh Mishra kind. Reason for non-implementation of the deal: opposition from the people of India and fear due to the heroic Iraqi resistance. Aim of the deal: making Iraq …‘safe´ for US occupation. Purpose of the Occupation: Loot of the huge oil reserves in Iraq by the US gangsters. Benefits to India: Lives of India´s Jawans, nothing for the masses; … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين ترÙ?ض المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ الحكومة

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين تصريح صحÙ?يالجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين ترÙ?ض المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ الحكومة الجديدةÙ?ÙŠ إطار جهود الأخ رئيس الوزراء أبو العلاء للتشاور مع القوى السياسية والاجتماعية بشأن تشكيل الحكومة الÙ?لسطينية … [read more]

Intervention at The Hague

by ICDSM (International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic)On Tuesday 30th September 2003 The Hague Tribunal heard a submission from the Prosecution that if accepted would mean the imposition of Defence Counsel on President Milosevic against his will, and would enable the trial to proceed without the presence of the accused.This basic denial of the right of the accused to conduct his own defence is yet further proof of the political nature of the ICTY.The arguments for the Prosecution, presented by Mr Nice, would be comical if they were not so tragic. To an outbreak of derisory laughter from the public gallery, Nice tried to suggest that the President´s health problems would be eliminated if he gave up smoking cigarettes! He further proposed that on his …‘rest days´ Mr Milosevic … [read more]

لندعم الم�اومة العرا�ية ضد الاحتلال الأمري�Ù

بعد مرور Ø£�ثر من ع�د من الإبادة الجماعية التي ارت�بتها الأمم المتحدة بحصارها الم�روض على الشعب العرا�ÙŠ� �ام العدوانيون الأنجلوأمري�يون ب�زو العرا� ضاربين عرض الحائط ليس ��Ø· بأبسط الح�Ùˆ� الديم�راطية … [read more]

Solidarity with the people of Iraq in resistance

National Demonstration in Rome scheduled Dec 13Call for an Italian national demonstration, 13th of December, RomeThe war, that the would be imperator G.W. Bush has declared ended on the first of may, is in reality only now beginning. The Anglo-American aggressors were believing that – accomplished the defeat of the Iraqi army - the people of Iraq would greet them waving the star and stripes banner. Now they find themselves confronted with an ever-growing popular hostility. The invaders have occupied the country promising "democracy and freedom". Now the colonial government headed by Paul Bremer is using a policy of "divide et impera", repressing with dictatorial methods every expression of discontent. People who renounce, reject and criticise their decisions find themselves arrested and … [read more]

ضد التدخل العسكري الأمريكي Ù?ÙŠ الÙ?لبÙ'ين

من أجل إسقاط القائمة الأوروبية السوداء التي تضم" الجيش الشعبي الجديد" والقائد خوزيه ماريا سيسون!Ù?ÙŠ الثامن والعشرين من تشيرين أول (أكتوبر) 2002 قرر المجلس الأوروبي وضع البروÙ?يسور خوزيه ماريا سيسون والجيش الشعبي الÙ?لبّيني … [read more]

الـحرية Ù„Ù?لسطـين، الحــرية للــعراق النـصر Ù?ÙŠ Ù?وهـة

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونستـونـس Ù?ÙŠ 27 سبتمـبر 2003مع حلول يوم 28 سبتمبر 2003 تدخل الانتÙ?اضة عامها الرابع راÙ?عة راية الكÙ?اح المتواصل صامدة متحدية جبروت الاحتلال وعدوانه … [read more]

إلى الإخوة الصحاÙ?يين

النهج الديمقراطي-Maroccoتحية حارة وبعد،أيها الأعزاء، تتشرÙ? الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديمقراطي أن تحيطكم علما أنه لحد الآن لم نتوصل بوصل إيداع ملÙ? التأسيس لإطارنا السياسي رغم قيامنا بالإجراءات الضرورية منذ شهر دجنبر 1999 … [read more]

!لا للقواعد العسكرية الأمريكية

"إن التواجد الأمريكي وراء البحار هو واحد من أعمق رموز التزام الولايات المتحدة تجاه حلÙ?ائها وأصدقائها، ومن خلال إرادتنا باستعمال القوة من أجل الدÙ?اع عن أنÙ?سنا وعن غيرنا، Ù?إن الولايات المتحدة مصممة على الحÙ?اظ على … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance 2004

Contre la Globalisation et la Guerre Impà©rialistes1. MR-2004 est un à©và©nement prà©vu du 17 au 20 janvier 2004 qui se dà©roulera à  Mumbai (Bombay) parallà¨lement au Forum Social Mondial (FSM). C´est un à©và©nement international, faisant partie du processus de construction d´un solide mouvement mondial anti-impà©rialiste, qui cherche à  emmener les gens du monde, y compris ceux assistant au FSM, au-delà  des limites " d´une pensà©e rà©flà©chie et du dà©bat " vers une rà©sistance organisà©e contre la globalisation et les guerres impà©rialistes. Il est basà© sur des prà©misses clairs et non-ambigus. MR-2004 se considà¨re comme une continuation des traditions militantes à©tablies dans les mouvements contre la globalisation et les guerres qui … [read more]

"Isolate the Anti-imperialist Camp and their Nazi fascist accomplices"

The falsifications of Fulvio GrimaldiA. Letter to John Catalinotto of the International Action Centre, USAOctober 21, 2003; slightly corrected October 27You will have received a message by Fulvio Grimaldi [see C.] who is desperately trying to campaign against the Anti-imperialist Camp with an amalgam of accusations which neither have political coherence nor factual backing. It is a classical slandering campaign.As Grimaldi´s attempts to isolate us in Italy have been to a large extent frustrated – the demonstration of December 6 is gaining momentum with about 900 endorsers and even members of his "Ernesto" current like Domenico Losurdo are defending us against his calumnies – he is referring to the international level where he hopes to obscure things: "I could list you many names … [read more]

"Every attack against one of us is an attack on all of us."

Solidarity declaration by the All India Peoples Resistance Forum with the Anti-imperialist CampThe AIPRF, unequivocally condemns the subtle attempts made by the forces claiming to be "left" to disrupt the historical rally against the US aggression on Iraq organized by the Anti Imperialist Camp(AIC). We also condemn the slander campaign of the very same forces against the Anti Imperialist Camp. Anti Imperialist Camp has been spearheading the anti war and anti imperialist initiatives in the Europe, especially in Italy. It has been the motive force behind the solidarity being built up for the cause of Iraqi people, in Europe. It is also striving to build strong anti imperialist pole with in the anti globalization movement. These initiatives are on the one hand radicalizing the movement on … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance 2004

Gegen Krieg und imperialistische Globalisierung 1. Mumbai Resistance wird vom 17. bis 20. Jänner 2004 parallel zu dem Weltsozialforum (WSF) in Mumbai abgehalten werden. Als internationales Treffen ist es Teil des weltweiten Prozesses, eine starke antiimperialistische Bewegung aufzubauen und trachtet danach, den internationalen Aktivisten, auch jenen, die an dem WSF teilnehmen, die Möglichkeit zu geben, über die "Reflexion und die Debatte" hinaus ihren Widerstand gegen Krieg und imperialistische Globalisierung zu koordinieren und zu organisieren. Seine Grundlagen sind klar und unzweideutig. MR-2004 sieht sich selbst als die Fortsetzung der militanten Tradition der Antiglobalisierungs- und Antikriegsbewegungen, die nach Seattle an neuer Intensität gewannen.Die Idee von MR-2004 wurde auf … [read more]

Protest the Philippine state visit of George W. Bush Jr.

Saturday, the 18th of October 2003, AmsterdamGeorge W. Bush Jr.,the number one terrorist in the world to annoint Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,his most trusted lap-dog in the Philippine neocolonial state, a …‘major non-NATO ally." On Saturday, the 18th of October 2003 from 12.00 noon to 13.00 hours , in front of the monument of the Second World War, in Amsterdam (opposite Dam Square).An hour of SOLIDARITY is an additional push for a Just, Lasting & Liberating PEACE In the PHILIPPINES,In ASIA,and the WORLD over. For more information, please get in touch with:MIGRANTE-Europe@zonnet.nltel: 020-421.45.21 No. 1 Terrorist Meets No. 1 Puppet in AsiaWhen US Vice-President Papa Bush came to the Philippines two decades ago, his famous words to the US puppet and dictator Marcos (who ordered the … [read more]

Hands off the Anti-imperialist Camp

For some months the Anti-imperialist Camp has been subjected to a vicious campaign of slandering and lynching by forces linked to the US and to Israel but often disguised as to be progressive. For denouncing the Black List of Bush, for the open defence of national liberation movements, for the support granted to the resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American occupation the Anti-imperialist Camp is branded as a terrorist organisation.For its intransigent defence of the Palestinian people the pro-Zionist press in Germany, Austria and Hungary accuses our comrades to be anti-Semites. The latest lie comes from Italy where the Anti-imperialist Camp is about to big birth to a large movement against the American Empire. They are accused for the unthinkable collusion with … [read more]

The truth is revolutionary

On the slander campain against the Anti-imperialist CampThe slander campaign against the Anti-imperialist Camp proves the relevance of the Italian solidarity movement with the Iraqi resistanceThe most wide spread daily paper of Italy, Corriere della Sera, dedicated the entire page 6 of its edition of October 13 to the Anti-imperialist Camp and to the national demonstration in support of the Iraqi resistance scheduled for December 6 in Rome.Author of the long article was Magdi Allam, famous journalist of Arab origin. Mr Allam is notorious to millions of Italian who protested the war on Iraq as he day by day appeared on the TV screens hailing the aggression. He was one of the main propagandists of the Anglo-American invasion claiming it would bring "democracy". From the room of his five … [read more]

Bulgaria has extradited a Revolutionary to the Fascism in Turkey

by Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front - Balkan RepresentationKEMAL ALEV, a revolutionary from Turkey, who was arrested in the Bulgarian city Silistre, in the night of 25 September 2003, has been extradited to the Turkish counterguerilla within three days by a secret plot, without advising his family, relatives and lawyers, without informing the public and press, ignoring the law and right.Although Kemal Alev informed some of his friends about his arrest, the Bulgarian police didn´t accept the capture and threatened those, who tried to obtain information on the situation of Kemal Alev. They were told: "This won´t have positive consequences for you too", "Think about your asylum" and "Would you like to be extradited to Turkey".The Bulgarian police cooperates against the … [read more]

حان وقت لتجذير الطروحات حول الصراع العربي/ الصهيوني

رسالة من د. هشام البستاني إلى الحركة العالمية المناهضة للعولمة والإمبرياليةمقدمة توضيحية من اللجنة السياسية لمعسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبرياليةإن معسكر القوى المناهضة للإمبريالية هو ائتلاÙ? من عدة قوى مناهضة … [read more]

البرنامج السياسي

حركة أبناء البلد -Ù?لسطينورقة مبادئ وأهداÙ?مقدمة إن البرنامج السياسي للتنظيم الثوري يشكل ركناً اساسياً Ù?ÙŠ حياته واسلوب نضاله, وهو بوصلة الرÙ?اق الثوريين Ù?ÙŠ زمن الثورة وزمن الهزيمة… وعليه لا بد للبرنامج من أن يتطرق … [read more]

Anti-imperialist seminary: Hungary and the American Empire

Pà©cs, Hungary, 13th and 14th of December 2003Saturday, 13th of December10 am: Presentation of the Anti-imperialist Camp and the Hungarian Left Front11 am: Americanism and anti-imperialism1 pm: Lunch2.30 pm: The movement against globalisation and the "War on Terror".4.30 pm: Break5.00 pm: The Iraqi resistance against occupation and colonialism7.30 pm: DinnerSunday, 14th of December10am: Capitalist Hungary and the left movement12am: Break12.30 am: Hungary and the enlargement of the European Union2.30 pm: … [read more]

No to Troops for Iraq!

by Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA)CCOMPOSA´s Call to the Indian People and Jawans: No to Troops for Iraq!No to Blood-Money from Iraqi Contracts!! It is a clear-cut business deal: Blood of Indian Jawans for lucrative Iraqi contracts to India´s big comprador houses. The brokers in the secret contract: the Government of India. The Commission Agents: top Indian Bureaucrats of the Brajesh Mishra kind. Reason for non-implementation of the deal: opposition from the people of India and fear due to the heroic Iraqi resistance. Aim of the deal: making Iraq …‘safe´ for US occupation. Purpose of the Occupation: Loot of the huge oil reserves in Iraq by the US gangsters. Benefits to India: Lives of India´s Jawans, nothing for the masses; … [read more]

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين ترÙ?ض المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ الحكومة

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين تصريح صحÙ?يالجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطين ترÙ?ض المشاركة Ù?ÙŠ الحكومة الجديدةÙ?ÙŠ إطار جهود الأخ رئيس الوزراء أبو العلاء للتشاور مع القوى السياسية والاجتماعية بشأن تشكيل الحكومة الÙ?لسطينية … [read more]

Intervention at The Hague

by ICDSM (International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic)On Tuesday 30th September 2003 The Hague Tribunal heard a submission from the Prosecution that if accepted would mean the imposition of Defence Counsel on President Milosevic against his will, and would enable the trial to proceed without the presence of the accused.This basic denial of the right of the accused to conduct his own defence is yet further proof of the political nature of the ICTY.The arguments for the Prosecution, presented by Mr Nice, would be comical if they were not so tragic. To an outbreak of derisory laughter from the public gallery, Nice tried to suggest that the President´s health problems would be eliminated if he gave up smoking cigarettes! He further proposed that on his …‘rest days´ Mr Milosevic … [read more]

لندعم الم�اومة العرا�ية ضد الاحتلال الأمري�Ù

بعد مرور Ø£�ثر من ع�د من الإبادة الجماعية التي ارت�بتها الأمم المتحدة بحصارها الم�روض على الشعب العرا�ÙŠ� �ام العدوانيون الأنجلوأمري�يون ب�زو العرا� ضاربين عرض الحائط ليس ��Ø· بأبسط الح�Ùˆ� الديم�راطية … [read more]

Solidarity with the people of Iraq in resistance

National Demonstration in Rome scheduled Dec 13Call for an Italian national demonstration, 13th of December, RomeThe war, that the would be imperator G.W. Bush has declared ended on the first of may, is in reality only now beginning. The Anglo-American aggressors were believing that – accomplished the defeat of the Iraqi army - the people of Iraq would greet them waving the star and stripes banner. Now they find themselves confronted with an ever-growing popular hostility. The invaders have occupied the country promising "democracy and freedom". Now the colonial government headed by Paul Bremer is using a policy of "divide et impera", repressing with dictatorial methods every expression of discontent. People who renounce, reject and criticise their decisions find themselves arrested and … [read more]

ضد التدخل العسكري الأمريكي Ù?ÙŠ الÙ?لبÙ'ين

من أجل إسقاط القائمة الأوروبية السوداء التي تضم" الجيش الشعبي الجديد" والقائد خوزيه ماريا سيسون!Ù?ÙŠ الثامن والعشرين من تشيرين أول (أكتوبر) 2002 قرر المجلس الأوروبي وضع البروÙ?يسور خوزيه ماريا سيسون والجيش الشعبي الÙ?لبّيني … [read more]

الـحرية Ù„Ù?لسطـين، الحــرية للــعراق النـصر Ù?ÙŠ Ù?وهـة

اللّجنة الشعبيّة لنصرة الشعب الÙ?لسطيني ومقاومة التطبيع مع العدو الصهيوني بتونستـونـس Ù?ÙŠ 27 سبتمـبر 2003مع حلول يوم 28 سبتمبر 2003 تدخل الانتÙ?اضة عامها الرابع راÙ?عة راية الكÙ?اح المتواصل صامدة متحدية جبروت الاحتلال وعدوانه … [read more]

إلى الإخوة الصحاÙ?يين

النهج الديمقراطي-Maroccoتحية حارة وبعد،أيها الأعزاء، تتشرÙ? الكتابة الوطنية للنهج الديمقراطي أن تحيطكم علما أنه لحد الآن لم نتوصل بوصل إيداع ملÙ? التأسيس لإطارنا السياسي رغم قيامنا بالإجراءات الضرورية منذ شهر دجنبر 1999 … [read more]

!لا للقواعد العسكرية الأمريكية

"إن التواجد الأمريكي وراء البحار هو واحد من أعمق رموز التزام الولايات المتحدة تجاه حلÙ?ائها وأصدقائها، ومن خلال إرادتنا باستعمال القوة من أجل الدÙ?اع عن أنÙ?سنا وعن غيرنا، Ù?إن الولايات المتحدة مصممة على الحÙ?اظ على … [read more]