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مذكرة حول تشكيل القيادة الوطنية الموحدة

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطينالجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطينمذكرة حول تشكيل القيادة الوطنية الموحدةالاخوة والرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة Ù?ÙŠ المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنيتحية القدس … [read more]

مذكرة حول تشكيل ا

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينالاخوة والرفاق في القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة في المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع … [read more]

مذكرة حول تشكيل ا

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينالاخوة والرفاق في القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة في المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع … [read more]

Its Time to Radicalize the Concepts on the Arab/Zionist Struggle

A Letter to the Anti-Imperialist Camp and the Anti-Globalization Movement by Dr. Hisham BustaniIntroductory comment by the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist Camp:The Anti-imperialist Camp is a coalition of different anti-imperialist forces which converge in the main positions but may hold differing and even conflicting positions on secondary questions. The platform of the Anti-imperialist Camp on Palestine is rock-solid: We fight for a democratic state in entire Palestine which will only be achieved by smashing Zionism. Israel as an exclusively Jewish state by definition it not only necessarily an racist Apartheid state is also inextricably linked to imperialism and must be dismantled in order to erect a democratic anti-imperialist state.There are several possible … [read more]

Down with the inquisition tribunal in The Hague!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Down with the inquisition tribunal in The Hague!Defend Slobodan Milosevic!For more than ten years Yugoslavia resisted against the US-led world order. While the secessionist movements and newly founded republics embraced imperialism, Yugoslavia tried to preserve at least some of the social gains achieved by the popular masses and refused to obey to the neo-liberal dictates of the IMF. The main reason for the ferocious imperialist aggression was the emblematic political value of the resistance of the Serb people to preserve their national independence against the entire imperialist world order. While the Western "civil society" under the guise of "humanitarianism" sided with imperialism, Yugoslavia´s resistance had to be crushed as it … [read more]

نص رسالة المن&#

الأصدقاء الأعزاءتحية مخلصة من جميع أنصار التيار الشيوعي الوطني الديمقراطي متمنين لكم جميعا التقدم والنجاح في جهودكم النبيلة من أجل … [read more]

نص رسالة المن&#

الأصدقاء الأعزاءتحية مخلصة من جميع أنصار التيار الشيوعي الوطني الديمقراطي متمنين لكم جميعا التقدم والنجاح في جهودكم النبيلة من أجل … [read more]

For a free and sovereign Venezuela

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a free and sovereign VenezuelaWe must not fail, to vacillate means to loose, united we will be invincibleImperialism, first of all represented by the US as its hegemonic power, strives for total control of the globe by operations stretching all over the world. Its attempts are supported by collaborators like Israeli Zionism, conservative Franquism in the Spanish state and the para-military Colombian government of Ílvaro Uribe Và©lez who is executing the policy of the Empire in Latin America. One of its major concerns is the control of the energy resources basically petrol.In Iraq it was not enough for the imperialists to apply the instruments of low intensity warfare but they had to intervene directly using its entire bellicose … [read more]

Support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation!After more than one decade of genocide against the Iraqi people imposed by the United Nations, the Anglo-American warmongers invaded Iraq violating not only the elementary democratic right of national self-determination but also international law. Against the will of the vast majority of the world population, its nations and even the historic US allies they unleashed their criminal aggression.Everybody knew that their justifications were built on scarcely veiled fabrications. While the US and Israel dispose of vast arsenals of weapons of mass destruction – and also proved to be ready to use them like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki –, Iraq was nearly disarmed.Actually the US did not … [read more]

For a popular tribunal on the "black list of terrorists"!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a popular tribunal on the "black list of terrorists"!The pre-emptive and permanent war against any opposition to the US-led imperialist world order does not only target states like Iraq but also social and national liberation movements as well as revolutionary organisations. The US and their allies are persecuting their opponents on all fields, destroying the most elementary democratic achievements.The most appalling example is the new type of concentration camps built in Guantánamo and possibly elsewhere for which the US leviathan declares itself accountable to nobody. With the creation of the new category of "enemy combatants" the US follow Nazi Germany with its category of "Untermenschen" (subhumans). Both notions degrade human to … [read more]

Declaration of support to the class resistance in Brazil

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Declaration of support to the class resistance in BrazilThe participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, 2003, salute the resistance of the workers of the Brazilian public and private sector against the current government of Lula da Silva which openly betrayed the popular programme and is engaged in a liberalist attack including following elements:…· extreme rise of profits of the financial capital…· vigorous downgrading of the salaries in the public and private sector…· radical cuts in social and productive state investment …· interruption of the agrarian reform…· presentation in parliament of structural reforms requested by the International Monetary Fond implying anti-popular measures (reform of the welfare and … [read more]

Repeal the Indian "Anti-terror laws" directed against the people

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Repeal the Indian "Anti-terror laws" directed against the people 1. Repeal of the POTO (Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance) and all such black laws.2. Release of all political prisoners languishing in Indian jails, e.g. political activists in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar of the revolutionary peasant movement as well as political activists fighting for the independence of Jammu and Kashmir.3. Lift the ban on the People´s War Group and the Maoist Communist Center.4. For the punishment of all the political criminals responsible for launching the Godra riots and killing thousands of Muslims as well as those responsible for the brutal killing of hundreds of Muslims in the aftermath of the 1992-93 Babri Masjid communal riots. Also for the … [read more]

For a Constituent Assembly in Nepal!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a Constituent Assembly in Nepal!The popular masses of Nepal are today subject to the dictatorship of the royal family and the upper castes backed by Indian expansionism and US imperialism. A vast majority is doomed to live in abject misery being denied basic political, social and human rights. Especially affected are the religious, ethnic and tribal minorities as well as the lower castes which often coincide.The imposition of democracy from above by the king in the early 90s miserable failed as the social, cultural and political situation of the masses subsequently did not improve. On the contrary, the neo-liberal recipes deteriorated the situation while in parliament the interests of the popular masses were not given voice.By 1996 … [read more]

Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!Repeal the EU´s black list that contains the NPA and J M Sison!On October 28, 2002, the Council of the European Union included Prof. Jose Maria Sison and the NPA of the Philippines to its list of "terrorist" persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process and without citing any proof whatsoever.The EU has followed the line of the US in targeting liberation movements and anti-imperialist organisations, liberation movements and progressive individuals by demonising and criminalizing them.We deem this decision to be totally arbitrary, undemocratic and unjust. It is an attack on other anti-imperialist organisations, liberation … [read more]

Against isolation torture and political imprisonment

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Against isolation torture and political imprisonmentOn top of the war of conquest and domination US imperialism assisted by its European allies has increased its terror and repression against the organised popular forces opposing its rule both at the front line as well as behind these lines.Imprisonment has become a matter for billions of human being as the lands conquered by the American empire are being transformed into open air prisons. Furthermore the states subjugated by the US import more and more the US model of prisons in order to destroy their political opponents. In the concentration camp of Guantánamo, in the Zionist gaols, in the "QHS" in France, the "FIES" in Spain, in German "Stammheim" or in the "US Control Units" … [read more]

Against US overseas military basis

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Against US overseas military basis"The presence of American forces overseas is one of the most profound symbols of the US commitment to allies and friends. Through our willingness to use force in our own defence and in defence of others, the US demonstrates is resolve to maintain a balance of power that favours freedom. To contend with uncertainty and to meet the many security challenges we face, the US will require bases and stations within and beyond western Europe and northeast Asia, as well as temporary access arrangements for long-distance deployment of US forces." George W. Bush, National Security Strategy, September 20, 2001"Maintaining an overseas military presence is a cornerstone of US National Security Strategy and a key … [read more]

Different Names, Same Enemy

The Account of Jehad and Comrades in the Fight Against Imperialism in IraqFirst of all, I wish to greet you all, comrades, for having taken the initiative of inviting me to this Camp, and I hope this get together of people fighting against imperialism around the world will be of benefit, in the sense of sharing experience and extending solidarity.Now, to move on to my experience in Iraq. The all-out American aggression against Iraq was an event which left its mark on the history of the Arab masses. And so was the rapid "defeat" of the Iraqi "regime", if I may call it such.For the first time, the Arabs, or the new generation of Arabs, got to know what direct colonialism means, apart from the historic struggle against the Zionist entity, which has become more of an everyday event for the … [read more]

Our Guidelines

Platform of the Anti-Imperialist Camp1. Contrary to the expectations after the October Revolution, capitalism has not collapsed under the weight of its internal contradictions, but it has even passed through the most turbulent period of its history - with some visible injuries. There are three reasons for that: a. The dominant classes ruthlessly suppressed the various attempts of emancipation and liberation; b. The majority of the working class movement in the west, as well as the elites who led the national liberation processes in the semi-colonial countries have given up the revolutionary traditions and prefer a policy of collaboration with imperialism; c. Eventually capitalism has made a great development in its productive forces, while the countries which chose the path to socialism … [read more]

Slobodan Milosevic has to obtain Time and Conditions necessary to prepare his Defense

by SLOBODA The process against the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic is lasting for almost two years already. During all that time, after they have submitted mountains of suspicious documents, brought hundreds of false witnesses and spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the UN budget, the prosecutors of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) haven`t succeeded to show any evidence of guilt of the Serbian leader for the alleged crimes. The Prosecution undergoes a total fiasco. Soon, the phase of defense of Slobodan Milosevic (who was until now allowed only to cross-examine witnesses of the Prosecution) should start. Slobodan Milosevic has numerous and convincing confirmations of his … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communists call to join the resistance

Ahmad Karim´s message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiIn his massage faxed to the Anti-imperialist Camp held in Assisi, Ahmad Karim, the leader of the patriotic current of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) supports the call of the Anti-imperialist Camp and criticises the official leadership of the ICP for collaborating with the occupation.Karim, a Kurdish Iraqi, is a leading member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Coalition". He explains in his message how the ICP´s leadership didn´t have any clear position during the Iraq-Iran war, on the aggression of 1991 against Iraq and during the sanctions. He denounced the position of the official leadership of the ICP regarding the war and occupation as a perspective to topple the regime and establish a "democratic government" in Iraq. He considers … [read more]

مذكرة حول تشكيل القيادة الوطنية الموحدة

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطينالجبهة الشعبية لتحرير Ù?لسطينمذكرة حول تشكيل القيادة الوطنية الموحدةالاخوة والرÙ?اق Ù?ÙŠ القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة Ù?ÙŠ المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنيتحية القدس … [read more]

مذكرة حول تشكيل ا

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينالاخوة والرفاق في القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة في المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع … [read more]

مذكرة حول تشكيل ا

الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطينالاخوة والرفاق في القوى السياسية الوطنية والإسلاميةالاخوة في المنظمات الشعبية ومؤسسات المجتمع … [read more]

Its Time to Radicalize the Concepts on the Arab/Zionist Struggle

A Letter to the Anti-Imperialist Camp and the Anti-Globalization Movement by Dr. Hisham BustaniIntroductory comment by the Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist Camp:The Anti-imperialist Camp is a coalition of different anti-imperialist forces which converge in the main positions but may hold differing and even conflicting positions on secondary questions. The platform of the Anti-imperialist Camp on Palestine is rock-solid: We fight for a democratic state in entire Palestine which will only be achieved by smashing Zionism. Israel as an exclusively Jewish state by definition it not only necessarily an racist Apartheid state is also inextricably linked to imperialism and must be dismantled in order to erect a democratic anti-imperialist state.There are several possible … [read more]

Down with the inquisition tribunal in The Hague!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Down with the inquisition tribunal in The Hague!Defend Slobodan Milosevic!For more than ten years Yugoslavia resisted against the US-led world order. While the secessionist movements and newly founded republics embraced imperialism, Yugoslavia tried to preserve at least some of the social gains achieved by the popular masses and refused to obey to the neo-liberal dictates of the IMF. The main reason for the ferocious imperialist aggression was the emblematic political value of the resistance of the Serb people to preserve their national independence against the entire imperialist world order. While the Western "civil society" under the guise of "humanitarianism" sided with imperialism, Yugoslavia´s resistance had to be crushed as it … [read more]

نص رسالة المن&#

الأصدقاء الأعزاءتحية مخلصة من جميع أنصار التيار الشيوعي الوطني الديمقراطي متمنين لكم جميعا التقدم والنجاح في جهودكم النبيلة من أجل … [read more]

نص رسالة المن&#

الأصدقاء الأعزاءتحية مخلصة من جميع أنصار التيار الشيوعي الوطني الديمقراطي متمنين لكم جميعا التقدم والنجاح في جهودكم النبيلة من أجل … [read more]

For a free and sovereign Venezuela

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a free and sovereign VenezuelaWe must not fail, to vacillate means to loose, united we will be invincibleImperialism, first of all represented by the US as its hegemonic power, strives for total control of the globe by operations stretching all over the world. Its attempts are supported by collaborators like Israeli Zionism, conservative Franquism in the Spanish state and the para-military Colombian government of Ílvaro Uribe Và©lez who is executing the policy of the Empire in Latin America. One of its major concerns is the control of the energy resources basically petrol.In Iraq it was not enough for the imperialists to apply the instruments of low intensity warfare but they had to intervene directly using its entire bellicose … [read more]

Support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Support the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation!After more than one decade of genocide against the Iraqi people imposed by the United Nations, the Anglo-American warmongers invaded Iraq violating not only the elementary democratic right of national self-determination but also international law. Against the will of the vast majority of the world population, its nations and even the historic US allies they unleashed their criminal aggression.Everybody knew that their justifications were built on scarcely veiled fabrications. While the US and Israel dispose of vast arsenals of weapons of mass destruction – and also proved to be ready to use them like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki –, Iraq was nearly disarmed.Actually the US did not … [read more]

For a popular tribunal on the "black list of terrorists"!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a popular tribunal on the "black list of terrorists"!The pre-emptive and permanent war against any opposition to the US-led imperialist world order does not only target states like Iraq but also social and national liberation movements as well as revolutionary organisations. The US and their allies are persecuting their opponents on all fields, destroying the most elementary democratic achievements.The most appalling example is the new type of concentration camps built in Guantánamo and possibly elsewhere for which the US leviathan declares itself accountable to nobody. With the creation of the new category of "enemy combatants" the US follow Nazi Germany with its category of "Untermenschen" (subhumans). Both notions degrade human to … [read more]

Declaration of support to the class resistance in Brazil

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Declaration of support to the class resistance in BrazilThe participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, 2003, salute the resistance of the workers of the Brazilian public and private sector against the current government of Lula da Silva which openly betrayed the popular programme and is engaged in a liberalist attack including following elements:…· extreme rise of profits of the financial capital…· vigorous downgrading of the salaries in the public and private sector…· radical cuts in social and productive state investment …· interruption of the agrarian reform…· presentation in parliament of structural reforms requested by the International Monetary Fond implying anti-popular measures (reform of the welfare and … [read more]

Repeal the Indian "Anti-terror laws" directed against the people

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Repeal the Indian "Anti-terror laws" directed against the people 1. Repeal of the POTO (Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance) and all such black laws.2. Release of all political prisoners languishing in Indian jails, e.g. political activists in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar of the revolutionary peasant movement as well as political activists fighting for the independence of Jammu and Kashmir.3. Lift the ban on the People´s War Group and the Maoist Communist Center.4. For the punishment of all the political criminals responsible for launching the Godra riots and killing thousands of Muslims as well as those responsible for the brutal killing of hundreds of Muslims in the aftermath of the 1992-93 Babri Masjid communal riots. Also for the … [read more]

For a Constituent Assembly in Nepal!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003For a Constituent Assembly in Nepal!The popular masses of Nepal are today subject to the dictatorship of the royal family and the upper castes backed by Indian expansionism and US imperialism. A vast majority is doomed to live in abject misery being denied basic political, social and human rights. Especially affected are the religious, ethnic and tribal minorities as well as the lower castes which often coincide.The imposition of democracy from above by the king in the early 90s miserable failed as the social, cultural and political situation of the masses subsequently did not improve. On the contrary, the neo-liberal recipes deteriorated the situation while in parliament the interests of the popular masses were not given voice.By 1996 … [read more]

Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Down with the US intervention in the Philippines!Repeal the EU´s black list that contains the NPA and J M Sison!On October 28, 2002, the Council of the European Union included Prof. Jose Maria Sison and the NPA of the Philippines to its list of "terrorist" persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process and without citing any proof whatsoever.The EU has followed the line of the US in targeting liberation movements and anti-imperialist organisations, liberation movements and progressive individuals by demonising and criminalizing them.We deem this decision to be totally arbitrary, undemocratic and unjust. It is an attack on other anti-imperialist organisations, liberation … [read more]

Against isolation torture and political imprisonment

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Against isolation torture and political imprisonmentOn top of the war of conquest and domination US imperialism assisted by its European allies has increased its terror and repression against the organised popular forces opposing its rule both at the front line as well as behind these lines.Imprisonment has become a matter for billions of human being as the lands conquered by the American empire are being transformed into open air prisons. Furthermore the states subjugated by the US import more and more the US model of prisons in order to destroy their political opponents. In the concentration camp of Guantánamo, in the Zionist gaols, in the "QHS" in France, the "FIES" in Spain, in German "Stammheim" or in the "US Control Units" … [read more]

Against US overseas military basis

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2003Against US overseas military basis"The presence of American forces overseas is one of the most profound symbols of the US commitment to allies and friends. Through our willingness to use force in our own defence and in defence of others, the US demonstrates is resolve to maintain a balance of power that favours freedom. To contend with uncertainty and to meet the many security challenges we face, the US will require bases and stations within and beyond western Europe and northeast Asia, as well as temporary access arrangements for long-distance deployment of US forces." George W. Bush, National Security Strategy, September 20, 2001"Maintaining an overseas military presence is a cornerstone of US National Security Strategy and a key … [read more]

Different Names, Same Enemy

The Account of Jehad and Comrades in the Fight Against Imperialism in IraqFirst of all, I wish to greet you all, comrades, for having taken the initiative of inviting me to this Camp, and I hope this get together of people fighting against imperialism around the world will be of benefit, in the sense of sharing experience and extending solidarity.Now, to move on to my experience in Iraq. The all-out American aggression against Iraq was an event which left its mark on the history of the Arab masses. And so was the rapid "defeat" of the Iraqi "regime", if I may call it such.For the first time, the Arabs, or the new generation of Arabs, got to know what direct colonialism means, apart from the historic struggle against the Zionist entity, which has become more of an everyday event for the … [read more]

Our Guidelines

Platform of the Anti-Imperialist Camp1. Contrary to the expectations after the October Revolution, capitalism has not collapsed under the weight of its internal contradictions, but it has even passed through the most turbulent period of its history - with some visible injuries. There are three reasons for that: a. The dominant classes ruthlessly suppressed the various attempts of emancipation and liberation; b. The majority of the working class movement in the west, as well as the elites who led the national liberation processes in the semi-colonial countries have given up the revolutionary traditions and prefer a policy of collaboration with imperialism; c. Eventually capitalism has made a great development in its productive forces, while the countries which chose the path to socialism … [read more]

Slobodan Milosevic has to obtain Time and Conditions necessary to prepare his Defense

by SLOBODA The process against the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic is lasting for almost two years already. During all that time, after they have submitted mountains of suspicious documents, brought hundreds of false witnesses and spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the UN budget, the prosecutors of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) haven`t succeeded to show any evidence of guilt of the Serbian leader for the alleged crimes. The Prosecution undergoes a total fiasco. Soon, the phase of defense of Slobodan Milosevic (who was until now allowed only to cross-examine witnesses of the Prosecution) should start. Slobodan Milosevic has numerous and convincing confirmations of his … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communists call to join the resistance

Ahmad Karim´s message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiIn his massage faxed to the Anti-imperialist Camp held in Assisi, Ahmad Karim, the leader of the patriotic current of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) supports the call of the Anti-imperialist Camp and criticises the official leadership of the ICP for collaborating with the occupation.Karim, a Kurdish Iraqi, is a leading member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Coalition". He explains in his message how the ICP´s leadership didn´t have any clear position during the Iraq-Iran war, on the aggression of 1991 against Iraq and during the sanctions. He denounced the position of the official leadership of the ICP regarding the war and occupation as a perspective to topple the regime and establish a "democratic government" in Iraq. He considers … [read more]