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Anti-imperialist movement to back Iraqi resistance

First report on the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi 2003While the Italian right wing press had been campaigning day by day against the Anti-imperialist Camp taking place in Assisi defaming it to be a meeting of terrorists, the left liberal media took the decision to keep silent on the event. Both approaches show that the unity of the anti-imperialist forces from around the world constitute a considerably threat to the imperialists and their world order led by the US. The proceeding focused on the growing Iraqi resistance. The forces composing the Anti-imperialist Camp regard Iraq as their main battle ground against the imperialist world order. As Awni Al Kalemji, spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Coalition which is striving to build a "National Resistance and Liberation Front", put it: … [read more]

International Campaigns adopted in Assisi 2003

Support the Iraqi resistance: all over Europe we will collect 10 Euros per person for the incipient Iraqi National Resistance Front while we are preparing a solidarity delegation scheduled for the end of November. On December 6 a national demonstration in Rome, Italy, will take place calling to take similar action around the world.For December 19-21, 2003, an international seminary on isolation torture, the US violation of basic human rights and the creation of subhuman humans in Guantanamo as well as on the "black list of terrorist organisations" will take place in Florence, Italy. Speakers from Palestine, Turkey, the Philippines, the Basque Country, Ireland, Yugoslavia will address the meeting.The Anti-imperialist Camp will endorse, support and promote the "Mumbai Resistance 2004 … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communists call to join the resistance

Ahmad Karim´s message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiIn his massage faxed to the Anti-imperialist Camp held in Assisi, Ahmad Karim, the leader of the patriotic current of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) supports the call of the Anti-imperialist Camp and criticises the official leadership of the ICP for collaborating with the occupation.Karim, a Kurdish Iraqi, is a leading member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Coalition". He explains in his message how the ICP´s leadership didn´t have any clear position during the Iraq-Iran war, on the aggression of 1991 against Iraq and during the sanctions. He denounced the position of the official leadership of the ICP regarding the war and occupation as a perspective to topple the regime and establish a "democratic government" in Iraq. He considers … [read more]

International Activities in Solidarity with the Al-Aqsa Intifada

Demonstrations, meetings or other activities for Sept. 25-28 in response to the international call for solidarity with the Al-Aqsa Intifada and to end the occupation of Iraq and Palestine are taking place in Algeria, Australian, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA –40 countries at last … [read more]

Nepalese Revolutionary Leader´s Life is in Danger

On 20 August, a leader of the People´s War that has been sweeping through Nepal, Chandra Prakash Gajurel, known as Comrade Gaurav, was arrested by the Indian authorities as he attempted to travel to Europe to support the battle against imperialist intervention in his country. The reactionary monarchy ruling Nepal is now preparing a demand for his extradition from India, which has repeatedly sent Nepalese revolutionaries back to the government´s dungeons. For now the Indian government has only charged Comrade Gaurav with possession of illegal papers, but in countries like India this charge is normally dealt with as a minor matter and processed quickly. The fact that they are still holding Comrade Gaurav weeks later, with moves for extradition in the works, shows that what they are up to … [read more]

Solidarity with Hamas

Repeal the European Union´s black list!Every day Israel increases its terror against the Palestinian people. The apartheid wall is being erected, Palestinian land is being occupied and built on, new Zionist settlements created, Palestinians houses destroyed, the leaders of the Palestinian resistance deliberately killed, thousands and thousands activists are vegetating in Israeli prisons. What is happening under our eyes is the extermination of the Palestinian people as a nation with the full consent of the US and their European allies.In Palestine Zionism shows what the American empire might mean to the peoples of the world: the complete submission under the joke of a "chosen people" legitimising their terror by a "divine mission". The oppressed are simply denied their human character. … [read more]

Unreported U.S. Casualties

By Workers World Service"U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing dramatically in the face of continued attacks," reported the Washington Post of Sept. 2, "... with almost 10 American troops a day now being officially declared `wounded in action.`"The number of those wounded in action, which totals 1,124 since the war began in March, has grown so large, and attacks have become so commonplace, that U.S. Central Command usually issues news releases listing injuries only when the attacks kill one or more troops. The result is that many injuries go unreported."An "increasing number" of soldiers are being wounded "through small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades, remote controlled mines and what the Pentagon refers to as `improvised explosive devices,`" continued the Post. The … [read more]

Licence to Kill

Eskalation der Gewalt gegen FriedensaktivistenAm 16. März 2003 wurde Rachel Corrie, eine 23-jährige Friedensaktivistin aus den USA, in Rafah von einem israelischen Militärbulldozer überrollt und getötet, als sie die Zerstörung eines palästinensischen Hauses verhindern wollte. Sie konnte nicht "übersehen oder überhört werden", denn sie kommunizierte mit dem Fahrer des Bulldozers über ein Megaphon.Am 5. April 2003 wurde Brian Avery, ein 24-jähriger US-Amerikaner, der mit erhobenen Händen und Reflektorenweste in Dschenin auf der Straße stand, Opfer schweren Maschinengewehrfeuers israelischer Soldaten in einem Schützenpanzer. Die Salve schlug im Boden vor Avery ein. Ein Regen von Geschosssplittern und Steinen zerfetzte sein Gesicht. Avery befand sich bei einer Gruppe eindeutig … [read more]

Awni Alkalemji, spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Opposition

Curriculum vitaeAwni Alkalemji is due to address the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy:I was born in 1941 in Baghdad, Iraq. There I finished school and high school to join the military academy and graduate after 3 years as an officer of the Iraqi army. During those years I was always politically active and participated in many demonstrations against the ruling power in Iraq before the period of Saddam Hussein. After that I took part in 3 coups, one of them was against the famous Iraqi leader Abdel Salam Aref. I served my country from the year 1961 to the year 1971 as an Iraqi officer and I was stationed in different cities inside and outside of Iraq. In the year 1971 I was pensioned. The order came from Saddam himself who was the vice-president at the time. The decision was not … [read more]

Solidarity Address by Batasuna to the Anti-imperialist Camp

By Iñaki Gil De San VicenteAs a participant of last year´s Anti-imperialist Camp I like to convey in my name, in the name of the Basque independentist and socialist left and especially in the name of Batasuna our support to the internationalist and anti-imperialist solidarity which is being realised in Assisi. Unfortunately the repression we have been object of makes it impossible to us to afford the participation at the Camp in Assisi. However, the Basque independentist and socialist left re-affirms its support for the gathering in Assisi and we hope that in forthcoming years we will be once again able to unite. In the same way we express our solidarity with comrade Professor J detained in Chile and we demand his immediate release without any charge against him. Internationalist and … [read more]

Formation of a Reception Committee

Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalisation and War You would be aware that the World Social Forum is due to hold its yearly conference in January next year outside Porto Allegro (Brazil) for the first time in its three-year history. It is scheduled to be held at Mumbai between January 16th and 21st 2004. Due to the limitations of this body we are organizing an independent 4-day function on that occasion, in order to focus more explicitly on Imperialist Globalisation and the War-mongering of the US aggressors and the growing worldwide resistance to it.To the chagrin of the imperialists, peoples throughout the world are increasingly taking to the path of struggle in a big way. The militant mass demonstrations since Seattle are symbolic of the intensification of the … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance 2004

Against Imperialist Globalisation and War 1. The MR-2004 is an event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004, and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme. It is an international event, part of the process of building a strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement, that seeks to take the people of the world, including those attending the WSF, beyond the limits of "reflective thinking and debate" towards organised resistance against imperialist globalisation and imperialist wars. It is based on clear and unambiguous premises. The MR-2004 considers itself as a continuation of the militant traditions set in the anti-globalisation and anti-war movements that assumed a new intensity after Seattle. The MR-2004 was conceived of at the International Camp, Thessaloniki … [read more]

Joint Communique of the FARC-EP and the ELN

Mountains of Colombia, July 13, 2003The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People´s Army, FARC-EP, and the National Liberation Army of Colombia, ELN, inform the Colombian and Latin American people that:1. We, the leadership of both organizations, met recently in the mountains of Colombia in an atmosphere of camaraderie, fraternity and mutual respect, fully agreeing in: a. Characterizing the current regime of Uribe Velez as the enemy of peace, a warmonger by conviction, the generator of misery for the broad national majorities, and a prostitute of imperialist policy for our peoples and nations. b. Because of this character, we confirm that while the illegitimate government of Alvaro Uribe Velez persists with its fascist and militarist policies, we will not proceed with any process … [read more]

Main speakers at the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2003

Middle EastPFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in EuropeDHKP, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Party, TurkeyMuhamad Kanaane, Abnaa el Balad, Sons of the People, PalestineDemocratic Voice, MoroccoAwni Al Kalamji, Iraqi Patriotic CoalitionBashar Abu-Saifan, Loyalty for Men and Earth, Lebanon Chokri Latif, Committee for the Palestinians and against Normalisation with Zionism, Tunisia Jihad Hussein, Arab Communist Fedayin in BaghdadAsiaRio Mondelo, Bayan Migrante, PhilippinesAnti-imperialist League, Nepal Latin AmericaMaria Bencomo, National Movement Union of Independent Forces, VenezuelaMario Mestri, Independent communist, BrazilElias Letelier, Poetas antiimperialistasEuropePeter Szekely, Left Front Workers´ Youth Alliance, HungaryAnton Petrenko, Socialist Choice, … [read more]

"Popular Power to defend and consolidate the Bolivarian democracy"

National Movement Union of Independent Forces of Venezuela – the Bolivarian left at the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003Maria Bencomo, representative of the National Movement Union of Independent Forces, is part of a new generation of revolutionaries which has been emerging in Venezuela since the election of Hugo Chavez for the presidency in December 1998. The new left became necessary as the traditional forces of the left were in one way or another involved in the old corrupt corporative system based on the oligarchic appropriation of the oil revenue. The Bolivarian alliance around Hugo Chavez rose as a symbol of the rupture with the old establishment and paved the way for a new anti-imperialist project.The Bolivarian left which bases itself on the tradition and on the surviving … [read more]

Tribute to Chairman Salamat Hashim (MILF)

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, Spokesperson, Communist Party of the Philippines The news about MILF Chairman Salamat Hashim`s death saddens us. We extend our condolences to his family, the leaders and members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the fighters of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces and the Moro people whom he unstintingly served all his life. We hail Chairman Salamat`s militancy and revolutionary leadership. He was a great fighter and leader of the Moro people. With the MILF`s establishment and advance under Chairman Salamat`s leadership, the Moro people`s revolutionary armed struggle gained renewed vigor and determination after the Moro National Liberation Front betrayed it with its acquiescence to the Tripoli Agreement during the US-Marcos dictatorship and the MNLF`s … [read more]

The obstacles of intervention and the process of revolutionary transformation in Nepal

By Anti-Imperialist League of Nepal The Anti-imperialist League of Nepal is due to speak to the Anti-imperialist Camp gathering in Assisi, Italy, from 1 to 7 September 2003.After the revolution of 1990, Nepal has return 50 year`s back. Since then the government has changed all but the political mechanism and their vested power has not changed in practice. It is clear after king Gyanendra`s action against Deupa`s government that the people have no sovereignty. He has misused his power and interfered in politics unconstitutionally. It will not be an exaggeration to say that democracy was given up by the late king Birendra succumbing to pressure of SAARC * expansionist India and world imperialist USA. Both countries have shown unwanted interest in Nepal. The US invasion of Iraq an dthe … [read more]

Different Battle Fields, Same Enemy

Palestinian Fedayin to recount his experience in the battle for Baghdad in AssisiJehad Hussein, born 1981 in Amman into a Palestinian family expelled from Hebron, a student at the university of Mustansereya in Baghdad, participated together with his brother Ramez and other remaining Palestinian students in the defence of Baghdad against the American invasion. His brother Ramez was killed in the battle around the "Police Tunnel" area. Ramez was studying computer science at the university of Baghdad. He was member in the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (PFLP) and had participated in many political activities supporting the Intifada in Baghdad.The other students were captured by the American occupation troops and spent 50 days under miserable conditions in several detention … [read more]

Lula`s neo-liberal agenda

Mario Maestri`s contribution to the Anti-imperialist Camp on BrazilMario Maestri was born in Porto Alegre, RS, 1948. Since 1967, when he was still a student, he took part at the resistance movement against the military dictatorship. He asked for political asylum in Chile from where he actively engaged in the revolutionary movement (1970-73). After Pinochet´s putsch, he asked political asylum to Belgium where he finished his studies in History at the Catholic University of Louvain discussing subsequently his dissertation on slavery in Brazil. He went back to Brazil in 1977, took actively part to the reorganization of trade unions and the Brazilian politics by founding in 1982 in Rio de Janeiro the PT. In 1988, after the repression of a teachers´ strike by the PT government of Rio Grande … [read more]

Documents for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Contributions of various political organisations from the Philippines; to be presented and discussed at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi1) 11 September and the Violation of Migrant Rightsby Committee-DEFEND - Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe2) Remove Prof. Jose Maria Sison (Philippines) from the EU´s List of …‘Terrorists´by Committee-DEFEND - Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe3) Keynote Speech on US Intervention in the Philippines and Koreaby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant4) Vicious Violation of Democratic Rights and Scuttling of the GRP-NDFP Peace Negotiationsby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant5) Comment on US Designation of CPP and NPA as Foreign Terrorist Organizationsby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief … [read more]

Anti-imperialist movement to back Iraqi resistance

First report on the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi 2003While the Italian right wing press had been campaigning day by day against the Anti-imperialist Camp taking place in Assisi defaming it to be a meeting of terrorists, the left liberal media took the decision to keep silent on the event. Both approaches show that the unity of the anti-imperialist forces from around the world constitute a considerably threat to the imperialists and their world order led by the US. The proceeding focused on the growing Iraqi resistance. The forces composing the Anti-imperialist Camp regard Iraq as their main battle ground against the imperialist world order. As Awni Al Kalemji, spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Coalition which is striving to build a "National Resistance and Liberation Front", put it: … [read more]

International Campaigns adopted in Assisi 2003

Support the Iraqi resistance: all over Europe we will collect 10 Euros per person for the incipient Iraqi National Resistance Front while we are preparing a solidarity delegation scheduled for the end of November. On December 6 a national demonstration in Rome, Italy, will take place calling to take similar action around the world.For December 19-21, 2003, an international seminary on isolation torture, the US violation of basic human rights and the creation of subhuman humans in Guantanamo as well as on the "black list of terrorist organisations" will take place in Florence, Italy. Speakers from Palestine, Turkey, the Philippines, the Basque Country, Ireland, Yugoslavia will address the meeting.The Anti-imperialist Camp will endorse, support and promote the "Mumbai Resistance 2004 … [read more]

Iraqi Patriotic Communists call to join the resistance

Ahmad Karim´s message to the Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiIn his massage faxed to the Anti-imperialist Camp held in Assisi, Ahmad Karim, the leader of the patriotic current of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) supports the call of the Anti-imperialist Camp and criticises the official leadership of the ICP for collaborating with the occupation.Karim, a Kurdish Iraqi, is a leading member of the "Iraqi Patriotic Coalition". He explains in his message how the ICP´s leadership didn´t have any clear position during the Iraq-Iran war, on the aggression of 1991 against Iraq and during the sanctions. He denounced the position of the official leadership of the ICP regarding the war and occupation as a perspective to topple the regime and establish a "democratic government" in Iraq. He considers … [read more]

International Activities in Solidarity with the Al-Aqsa Intifada

Demonstrations, meetings or other activities for Sept. 25-28 in response to the international call for solidarity with the Al-Aqsa Intifada and to end the occupation of Iraq and Palestine are taking place in Algeria, Australian, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA –40 countries at last … [read more]

Nepalese Revolutionary Leader´s Life is in Danger

On 20 August, a leader of the People´s War that has been sweeping through Nepal, Chandra Prakash Gajurel, known as Comrade Gaurav, was arrested by the Indian authorities as he attempted to travel to Europe to support the battle against imperialist intervention in his country. The reactionary monarchy ruling Nepal is now preparing a demand for his extradition from India, which has repeatedly sent Nepalese revolutionaries back to the government´s dungeons. For now the Indian government has only charged Comrade Gaurav with possession of illegal papers, but in countries like India this charge is normally dealt with as a minor matter and processed quickly. The fact that they are still holding Comrade Gaurav weeks later, with moves for extradition in the works, shows that what they are up to … [read more]

Solidarity with Hamas

Repeal the European Union´s black list!Every day Israel increases its terror against the Palestinian people. The apartheid wall is being erected, Palestinian land is being occupied and built on, new Zionist settlements created, Palestinians houses destroyed, the leaders of the Palestinian resistance deliberately killed, thousands and thousands activists are vegetating in Israeli prisons. What is happening under our eyes is the extermination of the Palestinian people as a nation with the full consent of the US and their European allies.In Palestine Zionism shows what the American empire might mean to the peoples of the world: the complete submission under the joke of a "chosen people" legitimising their terror by a "divine mission". The oppressed are simply denied their human character. … [read more]

Unreported U.S. Casualties

By Workers World Service"U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing dramatically in the face of continued attacks," reported the Washington Post of Sept. 2, "... with almost 10 American troops a day now being officially declared `wounded in action.`"The number of those wounded in action, which totals 1,124 since the war began in March, has grown so large, and attacks have become so commonplace, that U.S. Central Command usually issues news releases listing injuries only when the attacks kill one or more troops. The result is that many injuries go unreported."An "increasing number" of soldiers are being wounded "through small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades, remote controlled mines and what the Pentagon refers to as `improvised explosive devices,`" continued the Post. The … [read more]

Licence to Kill

Eskalation der Gewalt gegen FriedensaktivistenAm 16. März 2003 wurde Rachel Corrie, eine 23-jährige Friedensaktivistin aus den USA, in Rafah von einem israelischen Militärbulldozer überrollt und getötet, als sie die Zerstörung eines palästinensischen Hauses verhindern wollte. Sie konnte nicht "übersehen oder überhört werden", denn sie kommunizierte mit dem Fahrer des Bulldozers über ein Megaphon.Am 5. April 2003 wurde Brian Avery, ein 24-jähriger US-Amerikaner, der mit erhobenen Händen und Reflektorenweste in Dschenin auf der Straße stand, Opfer schweren Maschinengewehrfeuers israelischer Soldaten in einem Schützenpanzer. Die Salve schlug im Boden vor Avery ein. Ein Regen von Geschosssplittern und Steinen zerfetzte sein Gesicht. Avery befand sich bei einer Gruppe eindeutig … [read more]

Awni Alkalemji, spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Opposition

Curriculum vitaeAwni Alkalemji is due to address the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy:I was born in 1941 in Baghdad, Iraq. There I finished school and high school to join the military academy and graduate after 3 years as an officer of the Iraqi army. During those years I was always politically active and participated in many demonstrations against the ruling power in Iraq before the period of Saddam Hussein. After that I took part in 3 coups, one of them was against the famous Iraqi leader Abdel Salam Aref. I served my country from the year 1961 to the year 1971 as an Iraqi officer and I was stationed in different cities inside and outside of Iraq. In the year 1971 I was pensioned. The order came from Saddam himself who was the vice-president at the time. The decision was not … [read more]

Solidarity Address by Batasuna to the Anti-imperialist Camp

By Iñaki Gil De San VicenteAs a participant of last year´s Anti-imperialist Camp I like to convey in my name, in the name of the Basque independentist and socialist left and especially in the name of Batasuna our support to the internationalist and anti-imperialist solidarity which is being realised in Assisi. Unfortunately the repression we have been object of makes it impossible to us to afford the participation at the Camp in Assisi. However, the Basque independentist and socialist left re-affirms its support for the gathering in Assisi and we hope that in forthcoming years we will be once again able to unite. In the same way we express our solidarity with comrade Professor J detained in Chile and we demand his immediate release without any charge against him. Internationalist and … [read more]

Formation of a Reception Committee

Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalisation and War You would be aware that the World Social Forum is due to hold its yearly conference in January next year outside Porto Allegro (Brazil) for the first time in its three-year history. It is scheduled to be held at Mumbai between January 16th and 21st 2004. Due to the limitations of this body we are organizing an independent 4-day function on that occasion, in order to focus more explicitly on Imperialist Globalisation and the War-mongering of the US aggressors and the growing worldwide resistance to it.To the chagrin of the imperialists, peoples throughout the world are increasingly taking to the path of struggle in a big way. The militant mass demonstrations since Seattle are symbolic of the intensification of the … [read more]

Mumbai Resistance 2004

Against Imperialist Globalisation and War 1. The MR-2004 is an event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004, and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme. It is an international event, part of the process of building a strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement, that seeks to take the people of the world, including those attending the WSF, beyond the limits of "reflective thinking and debate" towards organised resistance against imperialist globalisation and imperialist wars. It is based on clear and unambiguous premises. The MR-2004 considers itself as a continuation of the militant traditions set in the anti-globalisation and anti-war movements that assumed a new intensity after Seattle. The MR-2004 was conceived of at the International Camp, Thessaloniki … [read more]

Joint Communique of the FARC-EP and the ELN

Mountains of Colombia, July 13, 2003The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People´s Army, FARC-EP, and the National Liberation Army of Colombia, ELN, inform the Colombian and Latin American people that:1. We, the leadership of both organizations, met recently in the mountains of Colombia in an atmosphere of camaraderie, fraternity and mutual respect, fully agreeing in: a. Characterizing the current regime of Uribe Velez as the enemy of peace, a warmonger by conviction, the generator of misery for the broad national majorities, and a prostitute of imperialist policy for our peoples and nations. b. Because of this character, we confirm that while the illegitimate government of Alvaro Uribe Velez persists with its fascist and militarist policies, we will not proceed with any process … [read more]

Main speakers at the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2003

Middle EastPFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in EuropeDHKP, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Party, TurkeyMuhamad Kanaane, Abnaa el Balad, Sons of the People, PalestineDemocratic Voice, MoroccoAwni Al Kalamji, Iraqi Patriotic CoalitionBashar Abu-Saifan, Loyalty for Men and Earth, Lebanon Chokri Latif, Committee for the Palestinians and against Normalisation with Zionism, Tunisia Jihad Hussein, Arab Communist Fedayin in BaghdadAsiaRio Mondelo, Bayan Migrante, PhilippinesAnti-imperialist League, Nepal Latin AmericaMaria Bencomo, National Movement Union of Independent Forces, VenezuelaMario Mestri, Independent communist, BrazilElias Letelier, Poetas antiimperialistasEuropePeter Szekely, Left Front Workers´ Youth Alliance, HungaryAnton Petrenko, Socialist Choice, … [read more]

"Popular Power to defend and consolidate the Bolivarian democracy"

National Movement Union of Independent Forces of Venezuela – the Bolivarian left at the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003Maria Bencomo, representative of the National Movement Union of Independent Forces, is part of a new generation of revolutionaries which has been emerging in Venezuela since the election of Hugo Chavez for the presidency in December 1998. The new left became necessary as the traditional forces of the left were in one way or another involved in the old corrupt corporative system based on the oligarchic appropriation of the oil revenue. The Bolivarian alliance around Hugo Chavez rose as a symbol of the rupture with the old establishment and paved the way for a new anti-imperialist project.The Bolivarian left which bases itself on the tradition and on the surviving … [read more]

Tribute to Chairman Salamat Hashim (MILF)

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, Spokesperson, Communist Party of the Philippines The news about MILF Chairman Salamat Hashim`s death saddens us. We extend our condolences to his family, the leaders and members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the fighters of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces and the Moro people whom he unstintingly served all his life. We hail Chairman Salamat`s militancy and revolutionary leadership. He was a great fighter and leader of the Moro people. With the MILF`s establishment and advance under Chairman Salamat`s leadership, the Moro people`s revolutionary armed struggle gained renewed vigor and determination after the Moro National Liberation Front betrayed it with its acquiescence to the Tripoli Agreement during the US-Marcos dictatorship and the MNLF`s … [read more]

The obstacles of intervention and the process of revolutionary transformation in Nepal

By Anti-Imperialist League of Nepal The Anti-imperialist League of Nepal is due to speak to the Anti-imperialist Camp gathering in Assisi, Italy, from 1 to 7 September 2003.After the revolution of 1990, Nepal has return 50 year`s back. Since then the government has changed all but the political mechanism and their vested power has not changed in practice. It is clear after king Gyanendra`s action against Deupa`s government that the people have no sovereignty. He has misused his power and interfered in politics unconstitutionally. It will not be an exaggeration to say that democracy was given up by the late king Birendra succumbing to pressure of SAARC * expansionist India and world imperialist USA. Both countries have shown unwanted interest in Nepal. The US invasion of Iraq an dthe … [read more]

Different Battle Fields, Same Enemy

Palestinian Fedayin to recount his experience in the battle for Baghdad in AssisiJehad Hussein, born 1981 in Amman into a Palestinian family expelled from Hebron, a student at the university of Mustansereya in Baghdad, participated together with his brother Ramez and other remaining Palestinian students in the defence of Baghdad against the American invasion. His brother Ramez was killed in the battle around the "Police Tunnel" area. Ramez was studying computer science at the university of Baghdad. He was member in the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (PFLP) and had participated in many political activities supporting the Intifada in Baghdad.The other students were captured by the American occupation troops and spent 50 days under miserable conditions in several detention … [read more]

Lula`s neo-liberal agenda

Mario Maestri`s contribution to the Anti-imperialist Camp on BrazilMario Maestri was born in Porto Alegre, RS, 1948. Since 1967, when he was still a student, he took part at the resistance movement against the military dictatorship. He asked for political asylum in Chile from where he actively engaged in the revolutionary movement (1970-73). After Pinochet´s putsch, he asked political asylum to Belgium where he finished his studies in History at the Catholic University of Louvain discussing subsequently his dissertation on slavery in Brazil. He went back to Brazil in 1977, took actively part to the reorganization of trade unions and the Brazilian politics by founding in 1982 in Rio de Janeiro the PT. In 1988, after the repression of a teachers´ strike by the PT government of Rio Grande … [read more]

Documents for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Contributions of various political organisations from the Philippines; to be presented and discussed at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi1) 11 September and the Violation of Migrant Rightsby Committee-DEFEND - Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe2) Remove Prof. Jose Maria Sison (Philippines) from the EU´s List of …‘Terrorists´by Committee-DEFEND - Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe3) Keynote Speech on US Intervention in the Philippines and Koreaby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant4) Vicious Violation of Democratic Rights and Scuttling of the GRP-NDFP Peace Negotiationsby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant5) Comment on US Designation of CPP and NPA as Foreign Terrorist Organizationsby Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief … [read more]