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Professor J returns to Chile and surrenders to the judiciary

open letter from Jaime Yovanovic PrietoTo the jurists, authorities and those that are neither jurists nor authorities:For almost 20 years that the mass media in Chile in my case violate the most elementary legal principles, in already special the presunsià³n of innocence of any defendant.I have been treated by means of press like participant in the action that culminated with the death of general Urzúa in 1983, question that I deny categorically.It believed and I create legitimate, as it establishes the letter of principles of the United Nations, the rise in arms against which they beyond ended the legally instituted government of Salvador. I create to have acted my as like part of the town in resistance with honesty and dignity. A soldier would never have gone me through the mind when … [read more]

Mass Deportation Flight of Palestinians planned for Tuesday, August 12

by Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHRI)Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHRI) has received information that the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, is preparing a mass deportation flight of as many as 100 Middle Eastern detainees, most likely including PalestiniansAccording to the information received, this charter flight is scheduled to depart on the night of Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003, or in the early morning hours of Wednesday, Aug. 13, from the area of Buffalo, New York, heading to Amman, Jordan and possibly other destinations in the Middle East.Information about a similar deportation on May 14 was subsequently confirmed in a Reuters story published on July 28. In that deportation, at … [read more]

No other way than revolution

Binod Tiwari, Nepal"No alternate of Continuation of Revolution in Nepal if there is no any immediate forward going political outlet"The peoples war of Nepal was started on 13 Feb. 1996, under the leadership communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The process of revolutionary transformation of the present semi feudal, semi colonial society of Nepal through peoples war has completed its glorious 8 yrs. In the process of destruction of old state power and construction of new state power has reached as the stage of exercising local democratic state power in most of the areas of Nepal by forming own army. From this point we can say that the people war of Nepal has reached the stage of `strategic equilibrium`. It means neither the old state can defeat the new state power nor new. In districts like … [read more]

10 Euro per person for the Iraqi resistance

Three months have passed since emperor G. W. Bush declared the end of hostilities in Iraq. The rapid success of the US forces over the Iraqi army – due to the capitulation of the high command right at the crucial moment of the defence of Baghdad – made the Anglo-Americans believe to have achieved a total victory. Taking over Baghdad they ridiculized the words of the information minister. Now it is our turn to rediculize their arrogance. Not even finished, the war started again. Only a few days after the collapse of the Iraqi army guerrilla forces began attacking the mercenaries of the occupation forces. They keep inflicting them losses which are of high political and morale value. Among the US bionic soldiers fear is spreading. As Beirut and Mogadisho already have proved, high tech … [read more]

Selection of Palestinian detainees to be released solely reflects Israeli criteria

Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights AssociationPress Release - 5 August 2003On the morning of 4 August 2003, the Israeli Prisons` Services published on their website a list of names of Palestinian prisoners and detainees expected to be released on Wednesday 6 August 2003. Of the 342 Palestinian prisoners slated for release, 159 are administrative detainees and 183 have been sentenced. Upon close examination of the published list, Addameer has observed the following: - All administrative detainees included on the list are due to complete their detention orders within a very short period of time, including one detainee whose detention order expires today. Administrative detention is a form of arbitrary detention, whereby detainees are held without charge or trial. All … [read more]

Revolutionary Democratic Struggle in Post Independent India

By Harsh Thakor, IndiaIn 1947 power was transferred into the hands of the Indian Rulers from the British Govt. The Congress Regime betrayed the tortuous militant Revolutionary Struggles of the Indian people. The martyrdom of Comrade Bhagat Singh was betrayed by the Congress Regime which also betrayed the struggles of the Ghadr Party, the 1946 Naval mutiny and the Punnapra Vallayar Struggle in Kerala.1 Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh is a state where historically the socio-economic semi-feudal agricultural Conditions gave rise to a huge agrarian movement. The pro-landlord Andhra Pradesh Government with the state´s armed organs made every effort to suppress the people´s movements ,particularly in rural areas. Over the years thousands of activists of the peasant Movement of various trends … [read more]

Leaders of Abnaa el Ballad arrested

An eyewitness recounts, August 1, 2003Four leading members of the Abnaa el Ballad ("Sons of the Country") movement, including its general secretary Muhamad Kanaane, Jameel Safouri, Yusuf Abu Ali and Yoav Bar, were arrested today in the morning in the summer camp the movement has in the town of Kaool. They were accused in "incitement for terrorist actions & revolt and identification with a terrorist organization - Hizbullah". The court of Akka has prolonged their detention until Monday, 4/8/2003.Abnaa el Ballad has conducted a summer camp for 16 years; this year it was held in the northern town of Kabul, in the Galilee, where more than 300 hundred children and youth assisted. Coincidentally with the summer camp, a political meeting was held yesterday, where Jewish and Arab members of the … [read more]

Iraqi Communist break-away group calls for the liberation of the homeland

Appeal to Fraternal and Friendly Communist PartiesThe Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)Translated by Muhammad Abu NasrJuly 20, 2003 People of the resistance, wherever you may be found! An appeal to Fraternal and Friendly Communist Parties from the Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre). Before everything else we wish to congratulate ourselves and congratulate you on the activity of the heroic Iraqi national resistance, and to convey the news of an operation carried out Sunday morning in the city of an-Nakhilah in the area of Karbala where 19 occupation troops and officers were killed and no fewer than 40 wounded. We also want to bring you the news of the heroic battle waged by the resistance fighters on Thursday afternoon in the governorate of Dayala where no fewer than 70 American officers and men … [read more]

From `Nepal Royal` to `Nepal American Army`

Letter of the Nepal Maoists to the Old State GovernmentCPN (Maoist)Negotiation team officeDate-2060/4/7(23July, 2003)R.F.To the Negotiation team,Old state Establishment (His Majesty´s Government)Through: Facilitators Messrs Padmaratna Tuladhar, Damannath Dhungana,Sailendra Upadhya and Karnadhwaj Adhikari.Motion: About pre-bases (precondition-Tr.) for the third round dialogue.Mr,Received the letter that the Old state establishment (His majesty´s government) sent on 2060/3/29 (13 July 2003) urging, "to resume third round of dialogue with no delay." Having deeply studied and analysed the letter as well as over the result of the formal and informal dialogue between the representatives of the old and the new states, on the guidance of Chairman of CPN (Maoist) and the Supreme Commander of … [read more]

Philippines: Protest Action by hundreds of Soldiers exposes Rottenness of US-Arroyo Regime

Press Statement by Prof. Jose Maria Sison, 28 July 2003The 27 July 2003 protest action of nearly 300 soldiers of the reactionary government, including 70 officers from the army and navy, has effectively exposed from inside the rottenness of the US-directed Arroyo regime in the most glaring way. The grievances of the soldiers have reverberated not only throughout the Philippines but also the entire world. They are well-grounded. They should not be obscured by retaliatory attacks from the regime. They give the protesting soldiers the just and reasonable cause for demanding the resignation of President Arroyo and defense secretary General Angelo Reyes.The grievances include the corruption of the regime, involving the aforesaid high officials, at the expense of the junior officers and … [read more]

Nepal: Maoist Contact Office closes due to the Terror created by the old State

Kathmandu, July 20 Bharat Dhaungana, the office secretary of Maoist contact office said in a press statement, issued on Sunday that the contact office has to be closed down due to increasing espionage of the security forces around the office and the precarious situation of security for the Maoist peace negotiators. The press statement further says the Maoist leaders also could not stay in open because of the same security reasons. All people of Nepal know that after the 2nd round of peace talks the gov. has started to violate the code of conduct and other norms of negotiation. During the period of negotiation more than 18 moaist cadres were killed by the gov. To know in what way the negotiations of Nepal will go every one is waiting for the statment of maoist High Command … [read more]

The Road Map means a Return to the darkest Days of Colonialism

Declaration of Abnaa elBalad ("Sons of the Land") movement, 6 July 2003The Road Map of US Imperialism for the Middle East Means a Return to the Darkest Days of Colonialism and the Perpetuation of Israeli Occupation and ApartheidInitial Lessons from IraqAlmost 3 months after the occupation of Iraq by the US and British Imperialists, the real face of the new Master Robbers becomes more and more clear. They came to steal Iraq`s oil riches, and are not ready to take responsibility even for the elementary obligations of an occupying force as defined by the international law, such as taking care for the health and personal security of the occupied population. No wonder: The invasion of Iraq was launched by the same ultra-reactionary US administration that made the smashing of pensions, the … [read more]

مقاومة الاعت

إن كل تحرك نقوم به هو صرخة مقاومة ضد الامبريالية ونشيد مقاومة في سبيل احقاق وحدة الشعوب ضد عدو البشرية الاوحد: الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

مقاومة الاعت

إن كل تحرك نقوم به هو صرخة مقاومة ضد الامبريالية ونشيد مقاومة في سبيل احقاق وحدة الشعوب ضد عدو البشرية الاوحد: الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

Iran: solidarity with students but US main enemy

Remarks on the Student Protests by the Anti-imperialist CampFor several weeks Iranian students are fighting for democratic rights and more liberties. The government`s answer was repression and detention of journalists and intellectuals. We condemn this repression and express our honest, if critical, solidarity with the student movement in Iran. Honest, because we share their democratic demands; critical, because they might serve the interest of the White House who want to re-claim Iran for the US zone of influence.There is no doubt that Iran is scheduled for George Bush`s aggression – he had called Iran a "rogue state" and part of the "axis of evil". On January 28 he had said in his state of the union speech: "We also see Iranian citizens risking intimidation and death as they speak out … [read more]

Endorsers of the Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

as of August 28, 2003Endorsers of the Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003OrganisationsMiddle EastAbnaa el Balad, Sons of the People, PalestineDemocratic Voice, MoroccoDHKP, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Party, TurkeyIraqi Patriotic CoalitionLoyalty for Men and Earth, LebanonNational Democratic Communist Movement, IraqPopular Committee for the Support to the Palestinian People and for the Struggle against Normalisation with the Zionist Enemy, TunisiaPFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineMovement of Commoners, LebanonPablo Neruda Students Group, LebanonDirect Action, LebanonCommunist Students, LebanonAssociation of ex Israeli prisoners, LebanonSocialist Fought Forum, JordanAsiaBAYAN International, PhilippinesCMKP, Communist Workers Peasant Party, … [read more]

Russian communists on the cross road

By Serguei A. NovikovNext December general elections to the State Duma are to be held. According to the initial law they were appointed on the 14th of December, but last Spring some shrewd people among the bourgeois factions noticed, that this date is very close to the Constitution Day, that is the 12th of December, so many of the bourgeois electorate are sure to be drunk and after having a quantity, they will hardly be willing or able to go to the polls on the 14th of December. Such a circumstance was considered to be too favourable for the communists as their electorate are very well disciplined and, besides, will hardly celebrate the day of the notorious 1993 constitution. So as the result of a special ballot the elections were rescheduled on the 7th of December.Yet before the previous … [read more]

Pyongyang Mission of National Democratic Front of South Korea

Message to the Anti-imperialist CampJune 25, 2003, Pyongyang The NDFSK Mission in Pyongyang, entrusted by its C.C., extends the most revolutionary and comradely greetings to your organization that renders warm support and solidarity to the NDFSK and the south Korean people`s just cause for turning over the US colonial ruling system and reunifying the divided country. It is a great honor and encouragement for us to have genuine comrades like you. The Korean peninsular situation is now in peril due to the frantic "nuclear racket" and reckless anti-north Korea nuclear war moves of the US and its sycophants. The USFK(US Forces to Korea) in collusion with the ROK army is hell-bent on a new anti-north war drill entitled as "RSOI" exercise. Still more, it is going to be reinforced on a large … [read more]

Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Assisi, Italy, August 31 – September 6Hotel / BungalowFull Board* …€ 250CaravanFull Board* …€ 200only night´s lodging …€ 100 TentFull Board* …€ 160only night´s lodging …€ 70Tent under 25 yearsOnly night`s lodging …€ 50 One day feesHotel / Bungalow only night´s lodging …€ 25Caravan only night´s lodging …€ 16Tent only night´s lodging …€ 12One meal voucher…€ 10PLEASE NOTE:* Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not includedFor information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:registration form e-mail: Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of 30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account:Campo Antiimperialistaaccount N°: 679/53 bank … [read more]

Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Assisi, Italy, August 31 to September 6Sunday, August 3110 pm inauguration concertMonday, September 110.30 amForum 1The case of Professor J (Jaime Yovanovic Prieto) and the Italian responsibilityInternational campaign to turn down the prosecution by the Chilean military judiciaryForum 2The "road map" and the political military in PalestineMeeting with the Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,……)Forum 3 The big liethe current situation in Kosovo Metohija and the genocide against the Serbs, by the journalist Marilina Veca12.30 amPress conference of the "terrorists" included in the Black List5 amRound tableTrial against the war criminalsLiberation movements listed by US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians, Turkish, Filippinos, … [read more]

Professor J returns to Chile and surrenders to the judiciary

open letter from Jaime Yovanovic PrietoTo the jurists, authorities and those that are neither jurists nor authorities:For almost 20 years that the mass media in Chile in my case violate the most elementary legal principles, in already special the presunsià³n of innocence of any defendant.I have been treated by means of press like participant in the action that culminated with the death of general Urzúa in 1983, question that I deny categorically.It believed and I create legitimate, as it establishes the letter of principles of the United Nations, the rise in arms against which they beyond ended the legally instituted government of Salvador. I create to have acted my as like part of the town in resistance with honesty and dignity. A soldier would never have gone me through the mind when … [read more]

Mass Deportation Flight of Palestinians planned for Tuesday, August 12

by Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHRI)Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHRI) has received information that the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, is preparing a mass deportation flight of as many as 100 Middle Eastern detainees, most likely including PalestiniansAccording to the information received, this charter flight is scheduled to depart on the night of Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003, or in the early morning hours of Wednesday, Aug. 13, from the area of Buffalo, New York, heading to Amman, Jordan and possibly other destinations in the Middle East.Information about a similar deportation on May 14 was subsequently confirmed in a Reuters story published on July 28. In that deportation, at … [read more]

No other way than revolution

Binod Tiwari, Nepal"No alternate of Continuation of Revolution in Nepal if there is no any immediate forward going political outlet"The peoples war of Nepal was started on 13 Feb. 1996, under the leadership communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The process of revolutionary transformation of the present semi feudal, semi colonial society of Nepal through peoples war has completed its glorious 8 yrs. In the process of destruction of old state power and construction of new state power has reached as the stage of exercising local democratic state power in most of the areas of Nepal by forming own army. From this point we can say that the people war of Nepal has reached the stage of `strategic equilibrium`. It means neither the old state can defeat the new state power nor new. In districts like … [read more]

10 Euro per person for the Iraqi resistance

Three months have passed since emperor G. W. Bush declared the end of hostilities in Iraq. The rapid success of the US forces over the Iraqi army – due to the capitulation of the high command right at the crucial moment of the defence of Baghdad – made the Anglo-Americans believe to have achieved a total victory. Taking over Baghdad they ridiculized the words of the information minister. Now it is our turn to rediculize their arrogance. Not even finished, the war started again. Only a few days after the collapse of the Iraqi army guerrilla forces began attacking the mercenaries of the occupation forces. They keep inflicting them losses which are of high political and morale value. Among the US bionic soldiers fear is spreading. As Beirut and Mogadisho already have proved, high tech … [read more]

Selection of Palestinian detainees to be released solely reflects Israeli criteria

Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights AssociationPress Release - 5 August 2003On the morning of 4 August 2003, the Israeli Prisons` Services published on their website a list of names of Palestinian prisoners and detainees expected to be released on Wednesday 6 August 2003. Of the 342 Palestinian prisoners slated for release, 159 are administrative detainees and 183 have been sentenced. Upon close examination of the published list, Addameer has observed the following: - All administrative detainees included on the list are due to complete their detention orders within a very short period of time, including one detainee whose detention order expires today. Administrative detention is a form of arbitrary detention, whereby detainees are held without charge or trial. All … [read more]

Revolutionary Democratic Struggle in Post Independent India

By Harsh Thakor, IndiaIn 1947 power was transferred into the hands of the Indian Rulers from the British Govt. The Congress Regime betrayed the tortuous militant Revolutionary Struggles of the Indian people. The martyrdom of Comrade Bhagat Singh was betrayed by the Congress Regime which also betrayed the struggles of the Ghadr Party, the 1946 Naval mutiny and the Punnapra Vallayar Struggle in Kerala.1 Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh is a state where historically the socio-economic semi-feudal agricultural Conditions gave rise to a huge agrarian movement. The pro-landlord Andhra Pradesh Government with the state´s armed organs made every effort to suppress the people´s movements ,particularly in rural areas. Over the years thousands of activists of the peasant Movement of various trends … [read more]

Leaders of Abnaa el Ballad arrested

An eyewitness recounts, August 1, 2003Four leading members of the Abnaa el Ballad ("Sons of the Country") movement, including its general secretary Muhamad Kanaane, Jameel Safouri, Yusuf Abu Ali and Yoav Bar, were arrested today in the morning in the summer camp the movement has in the town of Kaool. They were accused in "incitement for terrorist actions & revolt and identification with a terrorist organization - Hizbullah". The court of Akka has prolonged their detention until Monday, 4/8/2003.Abnaa el Ballad has conducted a summer camp for 16 years; this year it was held in the northern town of Kabul, in the Galilee, where more than 300 hundred children and youth assisted. Coincidentally with the summer camp, a political meeting was held yesterday, where Jewish and Arab members of the … [read more]

Iraqi Communist break-away group calls for the liberation of the homeland

Appeal to Fraternal and Friendly Communist PartiesThe Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)Translated by Muhammad Abu NasrJuly 20, 2003 People of the resistance, wherever you may be found! An appeal to Fraternal and Friendly Communist Parties from the Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre). Before everything else we wish to congratulate ourselves and congratulate you on the activity of the heroic Iraqi national resistance, and to convey the news of an operation carried out Sunday morning in the city of an-Nakhilah in the area of Karbala where 19 occupation troops and officers were killed and no fewer than 40 wounded. We also want to bring you the news of the heroic battle waged by the resistance fighters on Thursday afternoon in the governorate of Dayala where no fewer than 70 American officers and men … [read more]

From `Nepal Royal` to `Nepal American Army`

Letter of the Nepal Maoists to the Old State GovernmentCPN (Maoist)Negotiation team officeDate-2060/4/7(23July, 2003)R.F.To the Negotiation team,Old state Establishment (His Majesty´s Government)Through: Facilitators Messrs Padmaratna Tuladhar, Damannath Dhungana,Sailendra Upadhya and Karnadhwaj Adhikari.Motion: About pre-bases (precondition-Tr.) for the third round dialogue.Mr,Received the letter that the Old state establishment (His majesty´s government) sent on 2060/3/29 (13 July 2003) urging, "to resume third round of dialogue with no delay." Having deeply studied and analysed the letter as well as over the result of the formal and informal dialogue between the representatives of the old and the new states, on the guidance of Chairman of CPN (Maoist) and the Supreme Commander of … [read more]

Philippines: Protest Action by hundreds of Soldiers exposes Rottenness of US-Arroyo Regime

Press Statement by Prof. Jose Maria Sison, 28 July 2003The 27 July 2003 protest action of nearly 300 soldiers of the reactionary government, including 70 officers from the army and navy, has effectively exposed from inside the rottenness of the US-directed Arroyo regime in the most glaring way. The grievances of the soldiers have reverberated not only throughout the Philippines but also the entire world. They are well-grounded. They should not be obscured by retaliatory attacks from the regime. They give the protesting soldiers the just and reasonable cause for demanding the resignation of President Arroyo and defense secretary General Angelo Reyes.The grievances include the corruption of the regime, involving the aforesaid high officials, at the expense of the junior officers and … [read more]

Nepal: Maoist Contact Office closes due to the Terror created by the old State

Kathmandu, July 20 Bharat Dhaungana, the office secretary of Maoist contact office said in a press statement, issued on Sunday that the contact office has to be closed down due to increasing espionage of the security forces around the office and the precarious situation of security for the Maoist peace negotiators. The press statement further says the Maoist leaders also could not stay in open because of the same security reasons. All people of Nepal know that after the 2nd round of peace talks the gov. has started to violate the code of conduct and other norms of negotiation. During the period of negotiation more than 18 moaist cadres were killed by the gov. To know in what way the negotiations of Nepal will go every one is waiting for the statment of maoist High Command … [read more]

The Road Map means a Return to the darkest Days of Colonialism

Declaration of Abnaa elBalad ("Sons of the Land") movement, 6 July 2003The Road Map of US Imperialism for the Middle East Means a Return to the Darkest Days of Colonialism and the Perpetuation of Israeli Occupation and ApartheidInitial Lessons from IraqAlmost 3 months after the occupation of Iraq by the US and British Imperialists, the real face of the new Master Robbers becomes more and more clear. They came to steal Iraq`s oil riches, and are not ready to take responsibility even for the elementary obligations of an occupying force as defined by the international law, such as taking care for the health and personal security of the occupied population. No wonder: The invasion of Iraq was launched by the same ultra-reactionary US administration that made the smashing of pensions, the … [read more]

مقاومة الاعت

إن كل تحرك نقوم به هو صرخة مقاومة ضد الامبريالية ونشيد مقاومة في سبيل احقاق وحدة الشعوب ضد عدو البشرية الاوحد: الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

مقاومة الاعت

إن كل تحرك نقوم به هو صرخة مقاومة ضد الامبريالية ونشيد مقاومة في سبيل احقاق وحدة الشعوب ضد عدو البشرية الاوحد: الولايات المتحدة … [read more]

Iran: solidarity with students but US main enemy

Remarks on the Student Protests by the Anti-imperialist CampFor several weeks Iranian students are fighting for democratic rights and more liberties. The government`s answer was repression and detention of journalists and intellectuals. We condemn this repression and express our honest, if critical, solidarity with the student movement in Iran. Honest, because we share their democratic demands; critical, because they might serve the interest of the White House who want to re-claim Iran for the US zone of influence.There is no doubt that Iran is scheduled for George Bush`s aggression – he had called Iran a "rogue state" and part of the "axis of evil". On January 28 he had said in his state of the union speech: "We also see Iranian citizens risking intimidation and death as they speak out … [read more]

Endorsers of the Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

as of August 28, 2003Endorsers of the Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003OrganisationsMiddle EastAbnaa el Balad, Sons of the People, PalestineDemocratic Voice, MoroccoDHKP, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Party, TurkeyIraqi Patriotic CoalitionLoyalty for Men and Earth, LebanonNational Democratic Communist Movement, IraqPopular Committee for the Support to the Palestinian People and for the Struggle against Normalisation with the Zionist Enemy, TunisiaPFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineMovement of Commoners, LebanonPablo Neruda Students Group, LebanonDirect Action, LebanonCommunist Students, LebanonAssociation of ex Israeli prisoners, LebanonSocialist Fought Forum, JordanAsiaBAYAN International, PhilippinesCMKP, Communist Workers Peasant Party, … [read more]

Russian communists on the cross road

By Serguei A. NovikovNext December general elections to the State Duma are to be held. According to the initial law they were appointed on the 14th of December, but last Spring some shrewd people among the bourgeois factions noticed, that this date is very close to the Constitution Day, that is the 12th of December, so many of the bourgeois electorate are sure to be drunk and after having a quantity, they will hardly be willing or able to go to the polls on the 14th of December. Such a circumstance was considered to be too favourable for the communists as their electorate are very well disciplined and, besides, will hardly celebrate the day of the notorious 1993 constitution. So as the result of a special ballot the elections were rescheduled on the 7th of December.Yet before the previous … [read more]

Pyongyang Mission of National Democratic Front of South Korea

Message to the Anti-imperialist CampJune 25, 2003, Pyongyang The NDFSK Mission in Pyongyang, entrusted by its C.C., extends the most revolutionary and comradely greetings to your organization that renders warm support and solidarity to the NDFSK and the south Korean people`s just cause for turning over the US colonial ruling system and reunifying the divided country. It is a great honor and encouragement for us to have genuine comrades like you. The Korean peninsular situation is now in peril due to the frantic "nuclear racket" and reckless anti-north Korea nuclear war moves of the US and its sycophants. The USFK(US Forces to Korea) in collusion with the ROK army is hell-bent on a new anti-north war drill entitled as "RSOI" exercise. Still more, it is going to be reinforced on a large … [read more]

Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Assisi, Italy, August 31 – September 6Hotel / BungalowFull Board* …€ 250CaravanFull Board* …€ 200only night´s lodging …€ 100 TentFull Board* …€ 160only night´s lodging …€ 70Tent under 25 yearsOnly night`s lodging …€ 50 One day feesHotel / Bungalow only night´s lodging …€ 25Caravan only night´s lodging …€ 16Tent only night´s lodging …€ 12One meal voucher…€ 10PLEASE NOTE:* Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not includedFor information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:registration form e-mail: Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of 30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account:Campo Antiimperialistaaccount N°: 679/53 bank … [read more]

Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

Assisi, Italy, August 31 to September 6Sunday, August 3110 pm inauguration concertMonday, September 110.30 amForum 1The case of Professor J (Jaime Yovanovic Prieto) and the Italian responsibilityInternational campaign to turn down the prosecution by the Chilean military judiciaryForum 2The "road map" and the political military in PalestineMeeting with the Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,……)Forum 3 The big liethe current situation in Kosovo Metohija and the genocide against the Serbs, by the journalist Marilina Veca12.30 amPress conference of the "terrorists" included in the Black List5 amRound tableTrial against the war criminalsLiberation movements listed by US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians, Turkish, Filippinos, … [read more]