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Vajpayee´s China Visit: Eating a Humble Pie

by CPI(ML) Weekly News MagazineAtal Behari Vajpayee´s six-day visit to China coincided with General Pervez Musharraf´s Camp David rendezvous with the American President. The two simultaneous visits have served to highlight the paradoxical realities underlying the subcontinent´s external relations with the rest of the world. Musharraf´s US visit fetched Pakistan a $ 3 billion aid package and renewed political support for his regime. This also meant a clear message for the Vajpayee government that despite its all-out attempts to please Washington and emerge as the exclusive American ally or client in this part of the world, Pakistan continues to enjoy greater strategic significance in the American scheme. Vajpayee´s China visit has yielded a joint declaration and nine separate … [read more]

The liberation struggle of the Acehnese people

By Yusuf LakasengThe liberation struggle of the Acehnese people in the eyes of the Indonesian democratic movementThe final ultimatum [made by the Indonesian government during negotiations with] the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) on May 12 to lay down their weopons and join with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (KNRI) as a condition for the resumption of negotiations with the Joint Security Committee (JCM) [made impossible for negotiations to continue] guaranteed that the negotiations would fail. These conditions were different from the CoHA (Cessation of Hostilities Agreement) agreement which was originally signed by the government and GAM and made it impossible for JCM to continue to implement the CoHA agreement. Although the desire to resolve the conflict peacefully by the … [read more]

USA threaten LTTE

by NSSPIn recent times, US officials have taken it upon themselves to warn both in Sri Lanka and abroad, that the LTTE should renounce violence. And now, after the June 9/10 Tokyo donor parley comes a veritable threat from the Deputy Secretary, Richard Armitage, that the LTTE will be hunted down and their funds blocked unless they renounce violence and return to the negotiating table. US has no right to take the moral high ground given its own track record, besides its blatant interference in Sri Lanka´s internal affairs.It needs hardly be stressed that, whether one likes it or not, the LTTE is presently the key actor for the Tamils in the search for a solution to the vexed Tamil national question. In this context, it is besides the point that the LTTE is designated as a foreign … [read more]

Give the Acehnese people the democratic right of self-determination!

Statement by the People´s Democratic Party, Jakarta, May 25, 2003Again and again the government of President Megawati Sukarnoputri and Vice-President Hamzah Haz has failed to support the mandate of reformasi. This time their failure is shown by their inability to resolve the Aceh problem in a democratic and peaceful manner. Or by their failure to interpret the roots of the problems of the Acehnese people.As a result, like their ´uncles´, the US and Britain, who resolved the Iraqi problem though a military invasion, the Mega-Hamzah government who had previously pretended to condemn the US attack on Iraq, are also now using a military operation to stifle the demands for independence which have developed and broadened among the Acehnese people.And once again, these erroneous policies are … [read more]

WEF in Jordan: "Israel" as an Axis for a US-Middle East Free-Trade Zone

Dr. Hisham BustaniThe World Economic Forum`s "Extra-Ordinary" Meeting in the Dead Sea (June 21-23, 2003)Davos in Jordan: "Israel" as an Axis for a US-Middle East Free-Trade ZoneOn the 9th of May 2003, George W. Bush stood in front of the Faculty and students of the University of South Carolina (USC) in Colombia and declared the strong entry of US politics into the "Middle East" for the first time after his assignment as President of the United States, and after the "political choice" in the Arab East (misnamed "Middle East" to integrate "Israel") has been historically delegated in full to the Zionist entity. Bush said that day: "If the Palestinian people take concrete steps to crack down on terror, continue on the path of peace, reform and democracy, they and all the world will see the … [read more]

Against imperialist Europe

Statement of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the EU summit in SalonikiAs Anti-imperialist Camp we have always opposed the European Union. We want here reassess our main reasons.1. The countries which established the European Union are capitalist countries which take part at the pillage and robbery of the poorest countries. The unifying tendency, as far as it tends to overcome the borders of the nation states, is considered a progressive tendency, but it is actually a reactionary one as it has as its primary goal to make European capitalism more powerful in the world competition for markets.2. The European Union is the political arm of NATO, a military alliance which the dominant imperialism, the United States, not only uses as a complementary force for its aggressions but also to keep Europe … [read more]

Syria: Deteriorating Health Condition of Communists Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad

by Arab Progressive Coalition in North AmericaWe received from the Human Rights Association in Syria (HRAS)( shocking news of the continued arrest and deteriorating health condition of prisoners Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad of the Arab Communist Organization (AlMonazamah alSheyoeyah AlArabeyah). Imad and Faris have been held for 28years. For the last year both have been prevented from seeing friends and family members who are prohibited from visiting them in their prison at Sydnayah. According to the report we received from HRAS, Syrian law dictates that their release must be granted after the passing of 25years of their imprisonment. As of yet the Syrian government has not responded to appeals for their release.We appeal to comrades and concerned Human Rights … [read more]

Democratic Rights in India

by Harsh ThakorDemocratic RightsThe Indian state projects itself to be a socialist secular one, but in reality it is most repressive on the toiling sections. Since gaining so called …‘independence´ the colonial British empire was replaced by a new set of rules who continued the colonial practices of the British rulers. From the Nehru regime to the eras of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and to Vajpayee, the basic character of the government has been oppressive. The parliamentary electoral system has been unable to function democratically and all the institutions of the Indian State have in the final analysis served the interests of the imperialist powers and the ruling class. Political parties which ruled simply, gained people´s votes by creating democratic illusions. … [read more]

Roma refugees in Macedonia

The tragic situation of hundreds of Roma refugees in Medzitlija (Macedonia) that have decided to take direct action to break out of their miserable conditions is worsening. These refugees are part of the 80-150,000 Roma that have been chased out of NATO occupied Kosovo by the US-backed KLA (which has continued to persecute ethnic minorities and Albanian activists opposed to its agenda). Many have fled to NATO-occupied Macedonia, where they also face horrible living conditions and discrimination. Western government`s would like to `disappear` these victims of NATO`s aggression on Yugoslavia, just as they are trying to marginalize the legitimate claims to return of Palestinian refugees, or silence the widerspread popular opposition to their policies in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. In his … [read more]

Resist the attack of the new American fascism

Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003Resist the attack"Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism and a battle hymn for the peoples` unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America."Ernesto Che GuevaraFor an international front of all those fighting against the new American fascismThe biggest peace movement of the last decades, the opposition of the United Nations and most of their historic allies did not impede the new US aggression against Iraq.The White House openly stated that it will gun down any obstacle for their strategic design, which apparently is the defence of the current mono-polar order characterised by the global predominance of the United States. Actually the doctrine of "pre-emptive and permanent war" hides a more ambitious goal: to … [read more]

On the crackdown against Aceh

Statement of People`s Democratic Party, IndonesiaImmediately form an independent teamStatement presented to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Every day the press continues to report on Indonesian military`s (TNI) claims of significant developments in the military operation in regions which there are Free Aceh Movement (GAM) bases, that they have been taken control of them one-by-one, that many GAM personnel have been arrested or that a number of GAM leaders have surrendered, and even according to TNI`s claims, the military operation may be completed faster than planned. Moreover the chief of TNI has promised that civilians will not become targets of violence by TNI soldiers. In most of the reports in the Indonesian press, it appears as if there only minimal human rights … [read more]

Unity for freedom! - Demonstrations in Belgrade and The Hague

by Vladimir Krsljanin, ICDSM (International Committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)The puppet colonial regime in Belgrade is loosing more and more influence every day. The people is outraged by they´re ruthless dictatorship and obvious links to the criminal circles. By the first political demonstration after the "State of Emergency" five days ago Sloboda have opened a season of protests against the regime in agony.Before the demonstration, almost 200 people have submitted, one by one, individually, to the Belgrade District Prosecution the criminal charges against the "acting president" Natasa Micic, Prime Minister Zoran Zivkovic, all ministers in the Serbian Government and unknown investigative judge in the "Stambolic case". They are charged for serious violations of the Constitution and … [read more]

Massacre against Muslims in Sri Lanka

by Dr Vickramabahu Karunarathne, 21. 05. 2003Recent violent incident in Muttur region revealed the complex problem within the Tamil National question. Muslims were at the receiving end and it is claimed that the Tamil armed groups backed by the LTTE were responsible. LTTE has rejected this accusation and has indicated that it is a law and order problem outside the area under their control. Irrespective of this claim and counter claims what is evident is that terror has been unleashed on Muslim dewellers in government controlled area, resulting hundreds of refugees. So the question arises why the police and the government security forces did not intervene to stop these attacks? Why did not they open fire on these intruders attacking innocent women and children? One paper says when Muslims … [read more]

Down with NATO´s mafia govt in Belgrade!

Demo in The Hague, June 28, 2003Within less than three years Djindjic and his so-called Democratic Opposition (DOS) succeeded in destroying the last remnants of Yugoslavia and transforming it into a Latin American style third world oligarchy. Djindjic was the only common point which kept together his heterogeneous clique of Habermasian civil society intellectuals, ultra-liberal mouthpieces of IMF, war profiteers, praetorians and simple gangsters, while his anti-popular regime was rapidly loosing ground:Although the neo-liberal "shock therapy" has proved a complete failure all over Eastern Europe as well as in Argentine it was applied once again on Yugoslavia. The radical policy of open market and the privatisation of the financial and industrial sector completely destroyed the remains of … [read more]

Violation of the rights of Prof. Sison continues

by Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe, 9 May 2003Dutch authorities continue to violate the rights of Prof. Sison and deprive him of basic necessities despite his complaintsDutch authorities have continued to violate the democratic rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison and deprive him of the basic necessities of life, such as food, rent, medical insurance and physical liability insurance, previously provided to him as an asylum seeker and then as a recognized political refugee in exchange for not being allowed to work. To be able to survive, he is compelled to borrow money from friends because he prefers that donations go to his legal defense fund.After freezing his joint bank account with his wife and ordering the termination of social benefits to him in August 2002, the Dutch … [read more]

Morocco: save Mohamed Rashid Chrii

Mohamed Rashid Chrii is the Secretary of the Union of Workers of Local Communities, a member of the Antiglobalisation Solidarity Committee, and also a member of the Moroccan Human Rights Association. He was arrested on April 24, 2003. He was so brutally tortured that he went into a coma.
Mohamed Rashid Chrii is now out of coma and left hospital. Now he is in custody of the police who accuses him of being involved in illegal trafficking of cigarettes. This is clearly a plot to smear the honest work of respected trade unionist who is feared by the regime. The campaign must thus go on demanding his immediate release, the dropping of the charges, the punishment of the police who tortured him and the respect for free trade unionism in … [read more]

Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

by: SLOBODA / FREEDOM; demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003Joining the initiative of our people from Diaspora worried for the future of our country and the call of the Organizational Committee, the only organisation in Serbia that even at the hardest times stands for the defense of freedom, independence and democracy, the Association SLOBODA / FREEDOM calls upon all honest people to the demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003The Hague "tribunal" does not serve to justice nor to the United Nations. It serves to the war criminals who broke-up and bombarded our country. There is no institution in the civilized world which violates the human rights and human dignity more than this one. This spy machinery tries to turn our country into a colony, our … [read more]

Protest, the way you can!

By: Farooq Tariq, PakistanOne peasant was killed and three injured today on 11th May by the firing on Rangers, the para-military border force, at Okara district. According to the reports, rangers fired at the two villages Chack 4/L and Chack 5/L this morning without any provocation. The two villages are among the top 19 villages of Okara district who are struggling for the ownership rights of the land, they are cultivating for over 100 years.Amir Ali was standing in front of his house when he suddenly was hit by a bullet by the rangers who were firing indiscriminately at the two villages. The rangers wanted to arrest some peasant leaders at these two villages who are still defiant to continue the struggle. He died on the spot. Three other peasants received bullet injuries at Chack … [read more]

International anti-imperialist, anti-war camp of debates, workshops and action

Organized by Thessaloniki Resistance 2003, sponsored by ILPS, ATIKSeptember 11 gave George W. Bush and the American imperialists the pretext to put into operation a wide ranging strategy to impose unchallenged American supremacy in the world. After disposing of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and establishing new bases in Central Asia, they are now invading and destroying Iraq committing unparallel crimes against humanity to further consolidate their power in the Middle East and their control of the oil resources in the region. Meanwhile, they allow the Zionists to unleash a genocide in Palestine. The attack against peoples´ rights is intensifying. This attack will continue. It will be deeper and broader. Iraq is only a link in the chain of American imperialism´s overall objective to … [read more]

Overseas Filipinos targets of SARS-related discrimination

by MIGRANTEOverseas Filipino Workers blast Filipino posts abroad for inaction over SARS-related discriminationOverseas Filipino workers charge that in the midst of the SARS-crisis, Philippine posts abroad are not doing anything to stem the tide of racism and discrimination cloaked under SARS."Due to SARS, job loss and intensified discrimination are things Filipino workers now face. But in response, Philippine consulates and embassies are abroad are doing very little, if anything, to ensure our workers rights are protected," says Maita Santiago, Migrante International Secretary-General at a press conference this morning at Kapihan sa Cypress in Quezon City. Also at the prescon were Cecilia Diocson of the Filipino Nurses Support Group in Canada and Chat Dimaano of Kasamma-Ko, an alliance of … [read more]

Vajpayee´s China Visit: Eating a Humble Pie

by CPI(ML) Weekly News MagazineAtal Behari Vajpayee´s six-day visit to China coincided with General Pervez Musharraf´s Camp David rendezvous with the American President. The two simultaneous visits have served to highlight the paradoxical realities underlying the subcontinent´s external relations with the rest of the world. Musharraf´s US visit fetched Pakistan a $ 3 billion aid package and renewed political support for his regime. This also meant a clear message for the Vajpayee government that despite its all-out attempts to please Washington and emerge as the exclusive American ally or client in this part of the world, Pakistan continues to enjoy greater strategic significance in the American scheme. Vajpayee´s China visit has yielded a joint declaration and nine separate … [read more]

The liberation struggle of the Acehnese people

By Yusuf LakasengThe liberation struggle of the Acehnese people in the eyes of the Indonesian democratic movementThe final ultimatum [made by the Indonesian government during negotiations with] the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) on May 12 to lay down their weopons and join with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (KNRI) as a condition for the resumption of negotiations with the Joint Security Committee (JCM) [made impossible for negotiations to continue] guaranteed that the negotiations would fail. These conditions were different from the CoHA (Cessation of Hostilities Agreement) agreement which was originally signed by the government and GAM and made it impossible for JCM to continue to implement the CoHA agreement. Although the desire to resolve the conflict peacefully by the … [read more]

USA threaten LTTE

by NSSPIn recent times, US officials have taken it upon themselves to warn both in Sri Lanka and abroad, that the LTTE should renounce violence. And now, after the June 9/10 Tokyo donor parley comes a veritable threat from the Deputy Secretary, Richard Armitage, that the LTTE will be hunted down and their funds blocked unless they renounce violence and return to the negotiating table. US has no right to take the moral high ground given its own track record, besides its blatant interference in Sri Lanka´s internal affairs.It needs hardly be stressed that, whether one likes it or not, the LTTE is presently the key actor for the Tamils in the search for a solution to the vexed Tamil national question. In this context, it is besides the point that the LTTE is designated as a foreign … [read more]

Give the Acehnese people the democratic right of self-determination!

Statement by the People´s Democratic Party, Jakarta, May 25, 2003Again and again the government of President Megawati Sukarnoputri and Vice-President Hamzah Haz has failed to support the mandate of reformasi. This time their failure is shown by their inability to resolve the Aceh problem in a democratic and peaceful manner. Or by their failure to interpret the roots of the problems of the Acehnese people.As a result, like their ´uncles´, the US and Britain, who resolved the Iraqi problem though a military invasion, the Mega-Hamzah government who had previously pretended to condemn the US attack on Iraq, are also now using a military operation to stifle the demands for independence which have developed and broadened among the Acehnese people.And once again, these erroneous policies are … [read more]

WEF in Jordan: "Israel" as an Axis for a US-Middle East Free-Trade Zone

Dr. Hisham BustaniThe World Economic Forum`s "Extra-Ordinary" Meeting in the Dead Sea (June 21-23, 2003)Davos in Jordan: "Israel" as an Axis for a US-Middle East Free-Trade ZoneOn the 9th of May 2003, George W. Bush stood in front of the Faculty and students of the University of South Carolina (USC) in Colombia and declared the strong entry of US politics into the "Middle East" for the first time after his assignment as President of the United States, and after the "political choice" in the Arab East (misnamed "Middle East" to integrate "Israel") has been historically delegated in full to the Zionist entity. Bush said that day: "If the Palestinian people take concrete steps to crack down on terror, continue on the path of peace, reform and democracy, they and all the world will see the … [read more]

Against imperialist Europe

Statement of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the EU summit in SalonikiAs Anti-imperialist Camp we have always opposed the European Union. We want here reassess our main reasons.1. The countries which established the European Union are capitalist countries which take part at the pillage and robbery of the poorest countries. The unifying tendency, as far as it tends to overcome the borders of the nation states, is considered a progressive tendency, but it is actually a reactionary one as it has as its primary goal to make European capitalism more powerful in the world competition for markets.2. The European Union is the political arm of NATO, a military alliance which the dominant imperialism, the United States, not only uses as a complementary force for its aggressions but also to keep Europe … [read more]

Syria: Deteriorating Health Condition of Communists Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad

by Arab Progressive Coalition in North AmericaWe received from the Human Rights Association in Syria (HRAS)( shocking news of the continued arrest and deteriorating health condition of prisoners Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad of the Arab Communist Organization (AlMonazamah alSheyoeyah AlArabeyah). Imad and Faris have been held for 28years. For the last year both have been prevented from seeing friends and family members who are prohibited from visiting them in their prison at Sydnayah. According to the report we received from HRAS, Syrian law dictates that their release must be granted after the passing of 25years of their imprisonment. As of yet the Syrian government has not responded to appeals for their release.We appeal to comrades and concerned Human Rights … [read more]

Democratic Rights in India

by Harsh ThakorDemocratic RightsThe Indian state projects itself to be a socialist secular one, but in reality it is most repressive on the toiling sections. Since gaining so called …‘independence´ the colonial British empire was replaced by a new set of rules who continued the colonial practices of the British rulers. From the Nehru regime to the eras of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and to Vajpayee, the basic character of the government has been oppressive. The parliamentary electoral system has been unable to function democratically and all the institutions of the Indian State have in the final analysis served the interests of the imperialist powers and the ruling class. Political parties which ruled simply, gained people´s votes by creating democratic illusions. … [read more]

Roma refugees in Macedonia

The tragic situation of hundreds of Roma refugees in Medzitlija (Macedonia) that have decided to take direct action to break out of their miserable conditions is worsening. These refugees are part of the 80-150,000 Roma that have been chased out of NATO occupied Kosovo by the US-backed KLA (which has continued to persecute ethnic minorities and Albanian activists opposed to its agenda). Many have fled to NATO-occupied Macedonia, where they also face horrible living conditions and discrimination. Western government`s would like to `disappear` these victims of NATO`s aggression on Yugoslavia, just as they are trying to marginalize the legitimate claims to return of Palestinian refugees, or silence the widerspread popular opposition to their policies in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. In his … [read more]

Resist the attack of the new American fascism

Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003Resist the attack"Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism and a battle hymn for the peoples` unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America."Ernesto Che GuevaraFor an international front of all those fighting against the new American fascismThe biggest peace movement of the last decades, the opposition of the United Nations and most of their historic allies did not impede the new US aggression against Iraq.The White House openly stated that it will gun down any obstacle for their strategic design, which apparently is the defence of the current mono-polar order characterised by the global predominance of the United States. Actually the doctrine of "pre-emptive and permanent war" hides a more ambitious goal: to … [read more]

On the crackdown against Aceh

Statement of People`s Democratic Party, IndonesiaImmediately form an independent teamStatement presented to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Every day the press continues to report on Indonesian military`s (TNI) claims of significant developments in the military operation in regions which there are Free Aceh Movement (GAM) bases, that they have been taken control of them one-by-one, that many GAM personnel have been arrested or that a number of GAM leaders have surrendered, and even according to TNI`s claims, the military operation may be completed faster than planned. Moreover the chief of TNI has promised that civilians will not become targets of violence by TNI soldiers. In most of the reports in the Indonesian press, it appears as if there only minimal human rights … [read more]

Unity for freedom! - Demonstrations in Belgrade and The Hague

by Vladimir Krsljanin, ICDSM (International Committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)The puppet colonial regime in Belgrade is loosing more and more influence every day. The people is outraged by they´re ruthless dictatorship and obvious links to the criminal circles. By the first political demonstration after the "State of Emergency" five days ago Sloboda have opened a season of protests against the regime in agony.Before the demonstration, almost 200 people have submitted, one by one, individually, to the Belgrade District Prosecution the criminal charges against the "acting president" Natasa Micic, Prime Minister Zoran Zivkovic, all ministers in the Serbian Government and unknown investigative judge in the "Stambolic case". They are charged for serious violations of the Constitution and … [read more]

Massacre against Muslims in Sri Lanka

by Dr Vickramabahu Karunarathne, 21. 05. 2003Recent violent incident in Muttur region revealed the complex problem within the Tamil National question. Muslims were at the receiving end and it is claimed that the Tamil armed groups backed by the LTTE were responsible. LTTE has rejected this accusation and has indicated that it is a law and order problem outside the area under their control. Irrespective of this claim and counter claims what is evident is that terror has been unleashed on Muslim dewellers in government controlled area, resulting hundreds of refugees. So the question arises why the police and the government security forces did not intervene to stop these attacks? Why did not they open fire on these intruders attacking innocent women and children? One paper says when Muslims … [read more]

Down with NATO´s mafia govt in Belgrade!

Demo in The Hague, June 28, 2003Within less than three years Djindjic and his so-called Democratic Opposition (DOS) succeeded in destroying the last remnants of Yugoslavia and transforming it into a Latin American style third world oligarchy. Djindjic was the only common point which kept together his heterogeneous clique of Habermasian civil society intellectuals, ultra-liberal mouthpieces of IMF, war profiteers, praetorians and simple gangsters, while his anti-popular regime was rapidly loosing ground:Although the neo-liberal "shock therapy" has proved a complete failure all over Eastern Europe as well as in Argentine it was applied once again on Yugoslavia. The radical policy of open market and the privatisation of the financial and industrial sector completely destroyed the remains of … [read more]

Violation of the rights of Prof. Sison continues

by Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe, 9 May 2003Dutch authorities continue to violate the rights of Prof. Sison and deprive him of basic necessities despite his complaintsDutch authorities have continued to violate the democratic rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison and deprive him of the basic necessities of life, such as food, rent, medical insurance and physical liability insurance, previously provided to him as an asylum seeker and then as a recognized political refugee in exchange for not being allowed to work. To be able to survive, he is compelled to borrow money from friends because he prefers that donations go to his legal defense fund.After freezing his joint bank account with his wife and ordering the termination of social benefits to him in August 2002, the Dutch … [read more]

Morocco: save Mohamed Rashid Chrii

Mohamed Rashid Chrii is the Secretary of the Union of Workers of Local Communities, a member of the Antiglobalisation Solidarity Committee, and also a member of the Moroccan Human Rights Association. He was arrested on April 24, 2003. He was so brutally tortured that he went into a coma.
Mohamed Rashid Chrii is now out of coma and left hospital. Now he is in custody of the police who accuses him of being involved in illegal trafficking of cigarettes. This is clearly a plot to smear the honest work of respected trade unionist who is feared by the regime. The campaign must thus go on demanding his immediate release, the dropping of the charges, the punishment of the police who tortured him and the respect for free trade unionism in … [read more]

Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

by: SLOBODA / FREEDOM; demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003Joining the initiative of our people from Diaspora worried for the future of our country and the call of the Organizational Committee, the only organisation in Serbia that even at the hardest times stands for the defense of freedom, independence and democracy, the Association SLOBODA / FREEDOM calls upon all honest people to the demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003The Hague "tribunal" does not serve to justice nor to the United Nations. It serves to the war criminals who broke-up and bombarded our country. There is no institution in the civilized world which violates the human rights and human dignity more than this one. This spy machinery tries to turn our country into a colony, our … [read more]

Protest, the way you can!

By: Farooq Tariq, PakistanOne peasant was killed and three injured today on 11th May by the firing on Rangers, the para-military border force, at Okara district. According to the reports, rangers fired at the two villages Chack 4/L and Chack 5/L this morning without any provocation. The two villages are among the top 19 villages of Okara district who are struggling for the ownership rights of the land, they are cultivating for over 100 years.Amir Ali was standing in front of his house when he suddenly was hit by a bullet by the rangers who were firing indiscriminately at the two villages. The rangers wanted to arrest some peasant leaders at these two villages who are still defiant to continue the struggle. He died on the spot. Three other peasants received bullet injuries at Chack … [read more]

International anti-imperialist, anti-war camp of debates, workshops and action

Organized by Thessaloniki Resistance 2003, sponsored by ILPS, ATIKSeptember 11 gave George W. Bush and the American imperialists the pretext to put into operation a wide ranging strategy to impose unchallenged American supremacy in the world. After disposing of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and establishing new bases in Central Asia, they are now invading and destroying Iraq committing unparallel crimes against humanity to further consolidate their power in the Middle East and their control of the oil resources in the region. Meanwhile, they allow the Zionists to unleash a genocide in Palestine. The attack against peoples´ rights is intensifying. This attack will continue. It will be deeper and broader. Iraq is only a link in the chain of American imperialism´s overall objective to … [read more]

Overseas Filipinos targets of SARS-related discrimination

by MIGRANTEOverseas Filipino Workers blast Filipino posts abroad for inaction over SARS-related discriminationOverseas Filipino workers charge that in the midst of the SARS-crisis, Philippine posts abroad are not doing anything to stem the tide of racism and discrimination cloaked under SARS."Due to SARS, job loss and intensified discrimination are things Filipino workers now face. But in response, Philippine consulates and embassies are abroad are doing very little, if anything, to ensure our workers rights are protected," says Maita Santiago, Migrante International Secretary-General at a press conference this morning at Kapihan sa Cypress in Quezon City. Also at the prescon were Cecilia Diocson of the Filipino Nurses Support Group in Canada and Chat Dimaano of Kasamma-Ko, an alliance of … [read more]