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Anti-imperialist bloc in Nov 9 Florence mass mobilisation

Free the arrested militantsA step forwardIn the frame of the oceanic demonstration of November 9 against the impending aggression on Iraq the Anti-imperialist Camp has been organising a common anti-imperialist bloc together with other Italian and international forces. Our continent under the banner "On the side of Iraq – resist the attack" amounted to about thousand participants and in certain moments even more.Meanwhile this night the Italian police arrested more than a dozen militants of the movement – two of them belonging to the anti-imperialist forces, namely Vittoria Oliva (already 61 years old) and Antonio Rollo. Among those in custody is also Francesco Caruso, a leader of the movement in the Italian south. All of them are being accused to have formed a subversive organisation … [read more]

Interview with the Anti-imperialist Camp

by Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USAInterview of the Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USA, with the Anti-Imperialist Camp on Political Questions of the Day, and Anti-Imperialist Movement Building Q..Comrade Alfred, perhaps you could explain to the people of the United States of America, what the Anti-Imperialist Camp is, who it is, and what role it plays in the greater movement? For example, what sets it apart from other organizations, ideologically? A. The Anti-imperialist Camp has been founded in the mid 90ies in order to unify the dispersed anti-imperialist forces around the world in our common struggle against imperialism. It is not a party neither a front but so far a loose co-ordination of about hundred organisations from all continents. As our movement keeps ideologically fragmented the base … [read more]

Ketziot Military Prison Authorities Endanger the Lives of Palestinian Detainees

Addameer Press Release, 4 November 2002Detainees Protest Attack and Continuing Human Rights ViolationsAddameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is deeply concerned with the escalating violation of detainees` rights within Israeli prisons and detention centers. In particular, recent events in the Ketziot (Negev) Military Detention Center indicate an intensification of tensions between the military administration and detainees, and are a further affront to the rights of Palestinian detainees being held in the military detention camp.On Thursday 24 October 2002, the Ketziot military detention camp administration informed three prisoners from Section D/4 that they would be transferred from Ketziot to Nafha Prison, without informing them of the reason for their transfer. The … [read more]

South Korean anti-war movement gathering strength

by base21On the heels of the October 26th globally-coordinated anti-war demonstration and march from Insadong plaza to Jongmyo Park, a larger demonstration was organized last Saturday to protest the U.S. war plans in the Middle East.Approximately 400 protestors, mainly youth, gathered at Yeongdeungpo subway station. They loudly demanded an end to war preparations against Iraq and vehemently condemned Seoul`s expected support of their allies in Washington.Despite the icy cold weather, the rally moved to Yeoido, home of the National Assembly, where more people gradually joined the demonstration. Peace activists made speeches against the planned war and the presence of 37,000 U.S. troops in South Korea. This was followed by revolutionary cultural performances. Kwon Yeong-gil, thepresidential … [read more]

South Korea: Migrant workers struggle

hunger strike, protests and more arrestsLast Thursday, Kabir Uddin and Muhammad Bidduth, Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch leaders who have been detained in Hwasong Immigration Processing Center for two months since a government crackdown on migrant workers, initiated a hunger strike to protest human rights violations inside the detention center.Last Thursday, Kabir Uddin and Muhammad Bidduth, Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch leaders who have been detained in Hwasong Immigration Processing Center for two months since a government crackdown on migrant workers, initiated a hunger strike to protest human rights violations inside the detention center.Their demands are: release all migrant worker prisoners and stop the abuse of migrant workers, both inside and outside the center.One day … [read more]

Remove Prof. Jose Maria Sison from the EU`s list of "terrorists"

International Appeal by DEFENDOn 28 October 2002, the Council of the European Union added Jose Maria Sison and the New People´s Army (NPA) of the Philippines to its list of …‘terrorist´ persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process, without motivation whatsoever. Measures to be taken against the organizations and individuals on the list include "the freezing of funds and other financial assets or economic resources, as well as police and judicial cooperation". With this decision, the European Union toes the line of the United States. On 9 August 2002, the US State Department listed the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People´s Army as …‘foreign terrorist organizations´, asking other … [read more]

Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!

Anti-imperialist block in Florence, Nov 9In the Nov 9 mobilisation against the war on Iraq in Florence, Italy, the Anti-imperialist forces of Italy have decided to participate in a separate block. Their main front banner will read:Defend Iraq – down with the black listThey will have a separate anti-imperialist final rally where the anti-imperialist forces from around the world can raise their voice.We call upon all the anti-imperialist forces to give their support comrades-in-arms by endorsing the call, conveying greeting addresses and sending delegations.***Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!The resistance goes on!Militant support for the anti-imperialist forces around the worldThe imperialist war launched by the US, which – after Yugoslavia and Afghanistan – is … [read more]

EU listing defames and endangers life of Prof. Sison

by Committee DEFEND, 31 October 2002Utrecht, The Netherlands – The inclusion of Jose Ma. Sison in the list of the European Union of so-called "foreign terrorist persons, groups and entities" is a further violation of his democratic rights, criminalizes him as a terrorist without due process, and defames and endangers his life and liberty. The new EU listing (which included the New People´s Army, but not the Communist Party of the Philippines) gravely imperils the peace negotiations between the Manila government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.Thus stressed NDFP chief political consultant Prof. Jose Ma. Sison and NDFP peace panel chief negotiator Luis Jalandoni, in an emergency press conference held in Utrecht today after the European Union released the updated list … [read more]

Worldwide protests on Oct 26 against US agression

By John Catalinotto, BerlinA demonstration of over 20,000 here in Berlin on Oct. 26 was only one of about 80 in Germany and hundreds around the world during the international day of protests to "Stop the war against Iraq before it starts."The international action, called by the U.S.-based ANSWER coalition during the summer, gained the support of the anti-war movement in countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. These groups wanted to show solidarity with the U.S. anti-war movement at the same time they targeted the Bush government as the main threat to peace in the world.As a result of the strong response to this first International Day of Protest, groups around the world have begun to work together on this one essential task: stopping the U.S. aggression against Iraq. The center of … [read more]

No black list, no war on Iraq, Brussels Oct 26

Representatives of liberation organisations and anti-imperialist activists gathered in front of the EU headquarter in Brussels
Brussel demo No to the EU's Black List
In the frame of world wide protests against the impending Anglo-American aggression against Iraq about hundred anti-imperialist organisations from all around the world have called for a protest against the so-called "anti-terrorist lists" issued by the United States and the European Union. Among them the most of the enlisted organisations such as the Palestinian PFLP, the Turkish DHKC, the CPP of the Philippines and the Basque Batasuna all of which also spoke at the press conference. Support was granted by the Russian RKRP-RPK, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), CORREPI from Argentine, Abnaa el Balad from within the Green line in Palestine and the International Action Centre in the US (see list)."The war on Iraq and the persecution of the liberation movements are only two aspects … [read more]

Anti-imperialist pole against the aggression on Iraq

Int`l mobilisation for Florence on Nov 9For November 9 an international demonstration against the war on Iraq has been scheduled for Florence, Italy. The mobilisation has been called by the European Social Forum as well as several anti-imperialist forces. Unity in action has been possible on the base of the political agreement that the aggression against Iraq is being opposed even if some kind of UN resolution should legitimise it. However, a coalition of anti-imperialist forces which is just being constituted will close the demonstration in a separate rally calling not only against the war and for the lifting of the embargo but also to openly take the side of Iraq. A defeat of the US and its allies is the main condition of progress for the popular masses of the region as well as for … [read more]

Scottish Republican Socialists to support Brussels´ protest against black list

The Scottish Republican Socialist Movement sends its revolutionary greetings and expresses it`s support for the international protest against the EU blacklist.With this list the ruling class of Europe seeks to halt the revolutionary demands of the oppressed peoples of the world for national liberation and socialism. We reiterate our solidarity with all those who stand in this struggle for the emancipation of humanity. At this time especially so with the martyrs of the Turkish Death Fast; with the Palestinian people in their fight against Zionism and Imperialism, with our comrades from Euskadi, and with the workers of Iraq threatened by the planet`s largest Terrorist threat.Unfortunately we have not the resources to send a delegation to Brussels but assure our comrades internationally of … [read more]

"You will mow the storm"

by the RCWP-PRC ob pesecution of communists in RussiaStatement of the RCWP-RPC secretaries of the Central Committee about the police attack on the Youth Communist League activistsOn the 15th of September Russian youth Communist organizations were holding a mass manifestation "Anticapitalism-2002" in Moscow.Moscow authorities caused various hindrances to the youth protest both in the preparatory stage, when they banned the youth march in the city streets as well as the final concert of musical groups, and also during the main meeting, when they detained and took to militia about 100 participants of the manifestation. In the time, when participants were gathering for the meeting, the authorities had deliberately created humiliating and harassing conditions for the people`s passing to the … [read more]

Down with the `war on terror`!

RCWP-RPC to support Brussels` protest against EU`s black list, recalling political prisoners in RussiaThe Russian Communist Workers` Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC) entirely supports the international protest against the EU Black List. We consider this shameful document as an arrogant attempt to abuse the campaign against criminal murderers for the opposite -- a campaign against organisations and movements, seeking for their legitimate rights of self-determination and independence (as the PLFP or the PKK). There is no doubts, that if the glorious thinkers of Enlightenment, who inspired the ideals of democracy and freedom, would be absolutely disgusted, if they only could see this terrible degeneration of democracy into a system of oppression and exploitation, that … [read more]

Leila Khaled to address the Brussels demonstration by phone

Leila Khaled, symbol of the Palestinian military resistance of the 70ies and leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), grants her full support to the international mobilisation against the EU`s black list scheduled for October 26. Since the inclusion of the PFLP into the notorious "list of terrorist organisation" she is denied access to Europe and de facto declared persona non grata. "So I will address the demonstration by phone", she said today in Amman, … [read more]

International demonstration against the EU´s Black List and the war against Iraq: Brussels, October

program and new supportersProtest against the EU´s Black List and the war against IraqInternational day of action, October 26, 2002, BrusselsEU´s "Black List" to annul democratic rights – Let´s defend them!Let´s put the regimes in the service of imperialism on the black list of the peoples!Cancel the black list!Stop the war drive against Iraq! call 12.00: press conferencehotel Charlemagne, Bd. de Charlemagne 25/27, near the traffic circle SchumanKoldo Gorrostiaga, Basque Country, delegate of Batasuna to the European ParliamentPaul-Emile Dupret, Member of European Parliament PFLP, PalestineDHKP-C, TurkeyDogan Özgüden, editor in chief of the review Info-TürkBelgian Human Rights LeagueMoreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist CampRio Mondelo, Committee to Defend Filipino … [read more]

Jaime Yovanovic free on bail

Last Friday Professor J got free on bail. Professor J had been imprisoned in South Africa on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by the Chilean military justice after he had participated in the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy. The reason why Jaime got free is that the Chilean military justice was not able to present the documents demanded by the South African authorities in time. A new hearing will take place within a two-month period. According to his lawyer, Dr. Fulufhelo Ndou, an extradition of Jaime, who had offered resistance against the dictatorship of Pinochet, is very unlikely – also a partial success of the international solidarity campaign, which, nevertheless, has to go on.more … [read more]

Afghan communists to protest against black list of EU, US

Support for int`l demonstration Oct 26 BrusselsLet`s put invader fascist regimeson the black list of the peoples!In the age of cold war between NATO and WARSA, US and other imperialists created fundamentalism as a mental and material force against the development of Soviet Union and growth of democratic and Left movements in the third world specially in Islamic countries. Fundamentalist parties and the basis of Alqaida during resistance war against Soviet Union were established and supported in Afghanistan by the supporters of "anti terrorism campaign". During the resistance war fundamentalist parties rather repressed and undermined the democratic forces and the Left opposition current than any enemy. The Islamists who labeled terrorist just after Sept 11 event, have been terrorist, anti … [read more]

Freedom for Jaime Yovanovic Prieto

to the Government of South AfricaWe request that the extradition of Chilean citizen Jaime Yovanovic Prieto be refused, for the following reasons:1. Because the case is political in nature: the death of General Urzúa occurred in the context of the democratic fight of the Chilean people against the dictatorship of General Pinochet, which is agreed upon in global public opinion up to this day.2. Because the death penalty is available in this case against the accused: even though the death penalty was abolished in the civil legislation, it can still be applied by the military tribunals, a fact denounced by the human rights organization Amnesty International.3. Because the case will take place in the Second Military Tribunal in Santiago de Chile and up to this time, as is widely known, … [read more]

Statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto

Draft statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto compiled from notes made at a consultation for the purpose of informing the minister of justice, Dr. Penuel Maduna, and the director of public prosecutions (wld) and not to be used as evidence in court proceedings.1. I am a Chilean citizen by birth. I was born on 5 January 1948.2. In September 1970 Mr Salvador Allende was democratically elected as the president of Chile.3. I was a student at the time at the Catholic University in Valparaiso, Chile.4. I campaigned for and supported the election of Mr Allende to the presidency and immediately volunteered my services to non-governmental organisations that got together to thwart any attempts by the military to overthrow our democratically elected president Allende.5. I carried out this voluntary work … [read more]

Anti-imperialist bloc in Nov 9 Florence mass mobilisation

Free the arrested militantsA step forwardIn the frame of the oceanic demonstration of November 9 against the impending aggression on Iraq the Anti-imperialist Camp has been organising a common anti-imperialist bloc together with other Italian and international forces. Our continent under the banner "On the side of Iraq – resist the attack" amounted to about thousand participants and in certain moments even more.Meanwhile this night the Italian police arrested more than a dozen militants of the movement – two of them belonging to the anti-imperialist forces, namely Vittoria Oliva (already 61 years old) and Antonio Rollo. Among those in custody is also Francesco Caruso, a leader of the movement in the Italian south. All of them are being accused to have formed a subversive organisation … [read more]

Interview with the Anti-imperialist Camp

by Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USAInterview of the Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USA, with the Anti-Imperialist Camp on Political Questions of the Day, and Anti-Imperialist Movement Building Q..Comrade Alfred, perhaps you could explain to the people of the United States of America, what the Anti-Imperialist Camp is, who it is, and what role it plays in the greater movement? For example, what sets it apart from other organizations, ideologically? A. The Anti-imperialist Camp has been founded in the mid 90ies in order to unify the dispersed anti-imperialist forces around the world in our common struggle against imperialism. It is not a party neither a front but so far a loose co-ordination of about hundred organisations from all continents. As our movement keeps ideologically fragmented the base … [read more]

Ketziot Military Prison Authorities Endanger the Lives of Palestinian Detainees

Addameer Press Release, 4 November 2002Detainees Protest Attack and Continuing Human Rights ViolationsAddameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is deeply concerned with the escalating violation of detainees` rights within Israeli prisons and detention centers. In particular, recent events in the Ketziot (Negev) Military Detention Center indicate an intensification of tensions between the military administration and detainees, and are a further affront to the rights of Palestinian detainees being held in the military detention camp.On Thursday 24 October 2002, the Ketziot military detention camp administration informed three prisoners from Section D/4 that they would be transferred from Ketziot to Nafha Prison, without informing them of the reason for their transfer. The … [read more]

South Korean anti-war movement gathering strength

by base21On the heels of the October 26th globally-coordinated anti-war demonstration and march from Insadong plaza to Jongmyo Park, a larger demonstration was organized last Saturday to protest the U.S. war plans in the Middle East.Approximately 400 protestors, mainly youth, gathered at Yeongdeungpo subway station. They loudly demanded an end to war preparations against Iraq and vehemently condemned Seoul`s expected support of their allies in Washington.Despite the icy cold weather, the rally moved to Yeoido, home of the National Assembly, where more people gradually joined the demonstration. Peace activists made speeches against the planned war and the presence of 37,000 U.S. troops in South Korea. This was followed by revolutionary cultural performances. Kwon Yeong-gil, thepresidential … [read more]

South Korea: Migrant workers struggle

hunger strike, protests and more arrestsLast Thursday, Kabir Uddin and Muhammad Bidduth, Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch leaders who have been detained in Hwasong Immigration Processing Center for two months since a government crackdown on migrant workers, initiated a hunger strike to protest human rights violations inside the detention center.Last Thursday, Kabir Uddin and Muhammad Bidduth, Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch leaders who have been detained in Hwasong Immigration Processing Center for two months since a government crackdown on migrant workers, initiated a hunger strike to protest human rights violations inside the detention center.Their demands are: release all migrant worker prisoners and stop the abuse of migrant workers, both inside and outside the center.One day … [read more]

Remove Prof. Jose Maria Sison from the EU`s list of "terrorists"

International Appeal by DEFENDOn 28 October 2002, the Council of the European Union added Jose Maria Sison and the New People´s Army (NPA) of the Philippines to its list of …‘terrorist´ persons, groups and entities. This decision was taken by written procedure, without discussion or due process, without motivation whatsoever. Measures to be taken against the organizations and individuals on the list include "the freezing of funds and other financial assets or economic resources, as well as police and judicial cooperation". With this decision, the European Union toes the line of the United States. On 9 August 2002, the US State Department listed the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People´s Army as …‘foreign terrorist organizations´, asking other … [read more]

Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!

Anti-imperialist block in Florence, Nov 9In the Nov 9 mobilisation against the war on Iraq in Florence, Italy, the Anti-imperialist forces of Italy have decided to participate in a separate block. Their main front banner will read:Defend Iraq – down with the black listThey will have a separate anti-imperialist final rally where the anti-imperialist forces from around the world can raise their voice.We call upon all the anti-imperialist forces to give their support comrades-in-arms by endorsing the call, conveying greeting addresses and sending delegations.***Against the imperialist war, against the black lists!The resistance goes on!Militant support for the anti-imperialist forces around the worldThe imperialist war launched by the US, which – after Yugoslavia and Afghanistan – is … [read more]

EU listing defames and endangers life of Prof. Sison

by Committee DEFEND, 31 October 2002Utrecht, The Netherlands – The inclusion of Jose Ma. Sison in the list of the European Union of so-called "foreign terrorist persons, groups and entities" is a further violation of his democratic rights, criminalizes him as a terrorist without due process, and defames and endangers his life and liberty. The new EU listing (which included the New People´s Army, but not the Communist Party of the Philippines) gravely imperils the peace negotiations between the Manila government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.Thus stressed NDFP chief political consultant Prof. Jose Ma. Sison and NDFP peace panel chief negotiator Luis Jalandoni, in an emergency press conference held in Utrecht today after the European Union released the updated list … [read more]

Worldwide protests on Oct 26 against US agression

By John Catalinotto, BerlinA demonstration of over 20,000 here in Berlin on Oct. 26 was only one of about 80 in Germany and hundreds around the world during the international day of protests to "Stop the war against Iraq before it starts."The international action, called by the U.S.-based ANSWER coalition during the summer, gained the support of the anti-war movement in countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. These groups wanted to show solidarity with the U.S. anti-war movement at the same time they targeted the Bush government as the main threat to peace in the world.As a result of the strong response to this first International Day of Protest, groups around the world have begun to work together on this one essential task: stopping the U.S. aggression against Iraq. The center of … [read more]

No black list, no war on Iraq, Brussels Oct 26

Representatives of liberation organisations and anti-imperialist activists gathered in front of the EU headquarter in Brussels
Brussel demo No to the EU's Black List
In the frame of world wide protests against the impending Anglo-American aggression against Iraq about hundred anti-imperialist organisations from all around the world have called for a protest against the so-called "anti-terrorist lists" issued by the United States and the European Union. Among them the most of the enlisted organisations such as the Palestinian PFLP, the Turkish DHKC, the CPP of the Philippines and the Basque Batasuna all of which also spoke at the press conference. Support was granted by the Russian RKRP-RPK, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), CORREPI from Argentine, Abnaa el Balad from within the Green line in Palestine and the International Action Centre in the US (see list)."The war on Iraq and the persecution of the liberation movements are only two aspects … [read more]

Anti-imperialist pole against the aggression on Iraq

Int`l mobilisation for Florence on Nov 9For November 9 an international demonstration against the war on Iraq has been scheduled for Florence, Italy. The mobilisation has been called by the European Social Forum as well as several anti-imperialist forces. Unity in action has been possible on the base of the political agreement that the aggression against Iraq is being opposed even if some kind of UN resolution should legitimise it. However, a coalition of anti-imperialist forces which is just being constituted will close the demonstration in a separate rally calling not only against the war and for the lifting of the embargo but also to openly take the side of Iraq. A defeat of the US and its allies is the main condition of progress for the popular masses of the region as well as for … [read more]

Scottish Republican Socialists to support Brussels´ protest against black list

The Scottish Republican Socialist Movement sends its revolutionary greetings and expresses it`s support for the international protest against the EU blacklist.With this list the ruling class of Europe seeks to halt the revolutionary demands of the oppressed peoples of the world for national liberation and socialism. We reiterate our solidarity with all those who stand in this struggle for the emancipation of humanity. At this time especially so with the martyrs of the Turkish Death Fast; with the Palestinian people in their fight against Zionism and Imperialism, with our comrades from Euskadi, and with the workers of Iraq threatened by the planet`s largest Terrorist threat.Unfortunately we have not the resources to send a delegation to Brussels but assure our comrades internationally of … [read more]

"You will mow the storm"

by the RCWP-PRC ob pesecution of communists in RussiaStatement of the RCWP-RPC secretaries of the Central Committee about the police attack on the Youth Communist League activistsOn the 15th of September Russian youth Communist organizations were holding a mass manifestation "Anticapitalism-2002" in Moscow.Moscow authorities caused various hindrances to the youth protest both in the preparatory stage, when they banned the youth march in the city streets as well as the final concert of musical groups, and also during the main meeting, when they detained and took to militia about 100 participants of the manifestation. In the time, when participants were gathering for the meeting, the authorities had deliberately created humiliating and harassing conditions for the people`s passing to the … [read more]

Down with the `war on terror`!

RCWP-RPC to support Brussels` protest against EU`s black list, recalling political prisoners in RussiaThe Russian Communist Workers` Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC) entirely supports the international protest against the EU Black List. We consider this shameful document as an arrogant attempt to abuse the campaign against criminal murderers for the opposite -- a campaign against organisations and movements, seeking for their legitimate rights of self-determination and independence (as the PLFP or the PKK). There is no doubts, that if the glorious thinkers of Enlightenment, who inspired the ideals of democracy and freedom, would be absolutely disgusted, if they only could see this terrible degeneration of democracy into a system of oppression and exploitation, that … [read more]

Leila Khaled to address the Brussels demonstration by phone

Leila Khaled, symbol of the Palestinian military resistance of the 70ies and leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), grants her full support to the international mobilisation against the EU`s black list scheduled for October 26. Since the inclusion of the PFLP into the notorious "list of terrorist organisation" she is denied access to Europe and de facto declared persona non grata. "So I will address the demonstration by phone", she said today in Amman, … [read more]

International demonstration against the EU´s Black List and the war against Iraq: Brussels, October

program and new supportersProtest against the EU´s Black List and the war against IraqInternational day of action, October 26, 2002, BrusselsEU´s "Black List" to annul democratic rights – Let´s defend them!Let´s put the regimes in the service of imperialism on the black list of the peoples!Cancel the black list!Stop the war drive against Iraq! call 12.00: press conferencehotel Charlemagne, Bd. de Charlemagne 25/27, near the traffic circle SchumanKoldo Gorrostiaga, Basque Country, delegate of Batasuna to the European ParliamentPaul-Emile Dupret, Member of European Parliament PFLP, PalestineDHKP-C, TurkeyDogan Özgüden, editor in chief of the review Info-TürkBelgian Human Rights LeagueMoreno Pasquinelli, spokesman of the Anti-imperialist CampRio Mondelo, Committee to Defend Filipino … [read more]

Jaime Yovanovic free on bail

Last Friday Professor J got free on bail. Professor J had been imprisoned in South Africa on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by the Chilean military justice after he had participated in the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy. The reason why Jaime got free is that the Chilean military justice was not able to present the documents demanded by the South African authorities in time. A new hearing will take place within a two-month period. According to his lawyer, Dr. Fulufhelo Ndou, an extradition of Jaime, who had offered resistance against the dictatorship of Pinochet, is very unlikely – also a partial success of the international solidarity campaign, which, nevertheless, has to go on.more … [read more]

Afghan communists to protest against black list of EU, US

Support for int`l demonstration Oct 26 BrusselsLet`s put invader fascist regimeson the black list of the peoples!In the age of cold war between NATO and WARSA, US and other imperialists created fundamentalism as a mental and material force against the development of Soviet Union and growth of democratic and Left movements in the third world specially in Islamic countries. Fundamentalist parties and the basis of Alqaida during resistance war against Soviet Union were established and supported in Afghanistan by the supporters of "anti terrorism campaign". During the resistance war fundamentalist parties rather repressed and undermined the democratic forces and the Left opposition current than any enemy. The Islamists who labeled terrorist just after Sept 11 event, have been terrorist, anti … [read more]

Freedom for Jaime Yovanovic Prieto

to the Government of South AfricaWe request that the extradition of Chilean citizen Jaime Yovanovic Prieto be refused, for the following reasons:1. Because the case is political in nature: the death of General Urzúa occurred in the context of the democratic fight of the Chilean people against the dictatorship of General Pinochet, which is agreed upon in global public opinion up to this day.2. Because the death penalty is available in this case against the accused: even though the death penalty was abolished in the civil legislation, it can still be applied by the military tribunals, a fact denounced by the human rights organization Amnesty International.3. Because the case will take place in the Second Military Tribunal in Santiago de Chile and up to this time, as is widely known, … [read more]

Statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto

Draft statement by Jaime Yovanovic Prieto compiled from notes made at a consultation for the purpose of informing the minister of justice, Dr. Penuel Maduna, and the director of public prosecutions (wld) and not to be used as evidence in court proceedings.1. I am a Chilean citizen by birth. I was born on 5 January 1948.2. In September 1970 Mr Salvador Allende was democratically elected as the president of Chile.3. I was a student at the time at the Catholic University in Valparaiso, Chile.4. I campaigned for and supported the election of Mr Allende to the presidency and immediately volunteered my services to non-governmental organisations that got together to thwart any attempts by the military to overthrow our democratically elected president Allende.5. I carried out this voluntary work … [read more]