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Freedom and asylum for the Chilean Anti-fascist Jaime Yovanovic Prieto!

Only by the 20th of August we learnt from the Chilean ministry of interior that Prieto was arrested in Johannesburg to where he had been extradited by the Italian authorities on the 6th of August. Jaime came to Italy in order to participate at the Anti-imperialist Camp. From the very beginning of the camp on August 4 the police tried to enter in order to take him into custody, however, without success. Subsequently he searched for refuge in the Sacred Convent of Assisi where we officially applied for protection. Nevertheless in the night of August 5 the police took him with the consent of the Franciscans and expelled him immediately to South Africa from where he proceeded to Italy legally entering the Europe of Schengen at Amsterdam.On the 7th of August Prieto sent his last message to the … [read more]

Participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp

Abnaa el Balad , Palestine, e-mail: Antiwar- anti-imperialist Initiative Thessaloniki, Greece, e-mail: Arab Palesatine Club, Austria, e-mail: Association for Proletarian Solidarity, Italy, e-mail: Batasuna, Euskal Herria, e-mail: Bayan, Bayan Muna, Philippines, e-mail: Clajadep, e-mail: Communist Party of Greece / ML , Greece, e-mail: Confederation of Communists, Italy, e-mail: Coordination Communiste, France, e-mail: Correpi, Argentina, e-mail: , Direction 17, Italy, e-mail: Euskal … [read more]

Message regarding the Elections

by Slobodan Milosevic, The Hague, August 10th, 2002Regarding the forthcoming elections in Serbia, I believe that the whole opposition bloc should appear united in the elections - with a common candidate.The core of that bloc should be the three parties that constituted the Government of People`s Unity until the year 2000. During the war, those three parties defended the country, through the government and by all other means. During the bombing, the leaders of those parties remained in Serbia and put themselves at the disposal of the people and citizens.Those parties and their representatives should bring together all other opposition parties, in fact all parties and individuals who are patriotically oriented and who have the same attitude towards the policies of the regime in Serbia.In … [read more]

US intervention in Latin America and the popular response

The cases of Bolivia and Argentine as discussed at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, August 2002The main target of US interventionism in Latin America is Venezuela and Colombia, or generally speaking the northern countries of Southern America including Ecuador that is a highly unstable region. Bush spoke of a "Axes of the Evil" in Latin American, that is Cuba, Venezuela and the Colombian FARC. In October last the US organized a conference in Central America to elaborate the plans for the "War on Terrorism" in Latin American. The immediate consequence of this was a) the break of the peace talks in Colombia 21stof February and b) the coup d`etat in Venezuela 17th of April. The paradigm of fighting terrorism is now becoming the main apology for intervening in those countries where the US … [read more]

Stop the imperialist terror war!

final resolution of Assisi`s Anti-imp CampTurn the attack on Iraq into the end of the imperial world orderThe participants and organisations gathered at the anti-imperialist camp in Assisi, Italy, denounce the war waged by the US and its allies under the pretext of a war against "terrorism". The attack on the Afghan people, which caused thousands of civilian deaths, has already shown that the real terrorists are the US and its allies whose aim, is the elimination of any opposition in their drive for global economic and political dominance.The "New World Order" was proclaimed as the end of history, promising global peace, prosperity and democracy. In reality the dictates of IMF, WB and WTO have brought unemployment, poverty and misery. These are the conditions which the popular masses of … [read more]

Guantanamo: Dead of Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef

by Voltaire network 07/08/02Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef died under the torture, end July, on Guantanamo basis, was pointed out by his family, who, would have been informed by the Red Cross, informed the Balochistan Post. The Defence Department didn`t want to comment The information.Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef had been Talibans ambassador in Pakistan. During the Afghanistan bombardment he had become in fact the spokesman of the Taliban regime. (...)Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef had been arrested in Pakistan by the US forces, in violation of the diplomatic statute that was recognized by Islamabad. He had been transferred discreetly to Guantanamo, where 598 people are arrested today according to procedures and in contrary conditions to the international right. Mary Robinson, high commissioner of … [read more]

Comment on US Designation of CPP and NPA as foreign terrorist organizations

Press Statement by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, 10 August 2002The US launched a war of aggression against the Filipino people from 1899 onwards and in the process tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of them, mostly unarmed civilians who were merely suspected of supporting the Philippine revolutionary government and thereafter the succeeding revolutionary movements in various parts of the Philippines.The latest count done by a group of scholars and researchers in the History Department of the University of the Philippines shows that the aggressor troops of US imperialism killed more than 1,400,000 Filipinos from 1899 to 1914. Consequent to its bloody conquest of the Philippines, the US has subjected the Filipino nation to the daily violence of exploitation in … [read more]

Solidarity greetings from the Citicen Concern Society, Nepal

to the Anti-imperialist CampDear Comrades,Red Salute and Revolutionary Greetings from the Ground of People´s Struggle We would like to take the opportunity to convey our best wishes for the gamut success of the festival. We eagerly look forward that the festival will turn out to be a milestone in the struggle against imperialism. We strongly believe that the victory will be of ours, the Proletarians.We would first like to apologize for not being able to physically attend the festival, which we had really striven to attend. However, we are very much sure that through this festival, the voice of the proletariat shall reach greater heights and to record marks. At this point, we would like to express our solidarity by introducing ourselves and our mottoes and mission. Presently, people are … [read more]

Anti-fascist fighter arrested and expelled from Italy

Yesterday around midnight the Italian police invaded the Franciscan Convent in Assisi in order to arrest and immediately expel comrade Jaime Yovanovic Prieto to South Africa from where he proceeded for the Anti-imperialist Camp.Professor J, who delivered the main speech of the forum on Porto Alegre and the future of the anti-globalisation movement yesterday, is being searched for his anti-fascist resistance against the dictator of Pinochet. After passive resistance hindered the police to take J directly on the site of the camp, he flew to the Franciscans and asked for church asylum.However, after long negociations and a protest ralley in front of the convent the Franciscans nevertheless eventually allowed the police to enter the church.We denounce the fact that - while Pinochet and his … [read more]

We will not give Professor J to the police!

The resistance against the imperial world order is legitimateThe general assembly of the Anti-imperialist Camp gathered in Assisi has unanimously taken the decision to resist the obvious attempts of the Italian authorities to arrest and expell Jaime Yovanivic Prieto as they did already two years ago.While comrade Jaime´s documents are completly regular and his stay here is therefore entirly legal, the police - under the pretext of checking his immigration documents - want to seperate him from the camp and arrest him avoiding our resistance. Therefore we will not put him in the hands of the police and will resist with peaceful means.For us Professor J is the emblematic symbol of the entire resistance against imperialism in Palestina, in Colombia, in Turkey and Kurdistan and in many other … [read more]

How to get to the Antiimperialist Camp

Assisi, ItalyThe Anti-imperialist Camp is taking place on the camping site Camping Fontemaggio (via Eremo delle Carceri n°8). Assisi can be reached by both car and train: 1 – by trainfrom Rome, from Florence or from AnconaOnce arrived at the train station in Assisi (located in the village Santa Maria degli Angeli) one can reach the very town Assisi (located on a hill) by one of the freqent public buses. The last stop, where one has to get off, is Piazza Matteotti. To reach the Camping site the indications saying "Monte Subasio" have to be followed. The Camping site is located immediately outside medieval Assisi, ca. 400 metres from the bus stop. 2 – by car:Follow the indications on the map; in Assisi (take the main road which goes up the hill) follow the indications to "Eremo delle … [read more]

Inquiry on Porto Alegre

Evo Morales to send delegate from BoliviaThe World Social Forum of Porto Alegre was a decisive turning point for the anti-globalisation movement. Taking place under the impression of the attacks of September 11, the subsequent imperialist onslaught against Afghanistan and the US´s declaration of permanent war against any opposition, the dominant forces around ATTAC and the Brazilian PT openly showed to eventually be on the side of imperialism by expelling anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces namely FARC, Basque delegates and in generally declaring armed movements including even the Zapatists as unwanted.As a reaction the forces gathered in the Anti-imperialist Camp called for the formation of an anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisation movement in order to demarcate … [read more]

To the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

talk of Sharon Black Ceci*, International Action Center, U.S.A. at the Anti-imperialist Camp*Sharon Ceci is the Maryland/Washington D.C. regional coordinator for the International Action Center. The IAC responded immediately to U.S. pentagon war plans following the September 11th events by organizing a national protest in Washington D.C. on September 29, 2002. It has since then organized against Bush`s endless war and against domestic repression. Ceci traveled with Ramsey Clark, a founding member of the International Action Center, along with a hundred other U.S. delegates to Iraq to deliver badly needed medical supplies and to challenge the blockade and sanctions against Iraq. She traveled to Iraq to observe first hand the conditions caused by U.S. sanctions and to report back to … [read more]

We do not absolve the Turkish NATO oligarchy

KADEK and DHKC in AssisiFor decades Turkey has been – beside Israel – the most important stronghold of imperialism in the Middle East. It has been conducting a bloody war against the Kurdish people whose cry for the elementary democratic right to self-determination was answered by killing tens of thousands of Kurds. It has brutally eliminates the revolutionary and communist movement killing thousands. It still keeps about 15.000 political prisoners and it will probably serve as the main springboard for a new imperialist assault on Iraq.Regardless of this record the European Union – let alone the USA – keeps terming the hardly veiled military dictatorship as democratic. In the wake of September 11 and the declared permanent war on any opposition to the imperialist world order, the … [read more]

Yugoslavia - a stumbling block for the conquerors of the world

contribution of Vladimir Krsljanin* to the Anti-imperialist Camp* Vladimir Kr…šljanin, former ambassador, member of the international and Yugoslav committees for defense of Slobodan Milosevic, member of the Head Committee and International Secretary of the Socialist Party of SerbiaOn the 5th of October 2000 freedom and democracy were abolished in this country. On St. Vitus´ day 2001 the President Slobodan Milo…ševic was treacherously abducted by the regime and surrendered to the aggressors´ NATO tribunal in the Hague. It opened the way to the definite brake-down of Yugoslavia and its occupation. Today, foreign controllers are sitting in all our state institutions and major firms, while a puppet regime sells out the resources of our country and obediently executes the orders of … [read more]


On the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi a delegate from BAYAN as well as a member of the International Leninist Current, who participated in a BAYAN solidarity delegation to Mindanao lately, will report about the situation on the Philippines. The following text is a statement of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) condemns the brutal shooting of an unarmed and defenseless man by American trooper Reggie Lane around midnight July 25, 2002 in Barangay Kanas, Tuburan, Basilan, Philippines.Through this act of extreme arrogance by an American soldier, the trampling of Philippine national sovereignty by the escalating U.S. military intervention in the Philippines is concretely demonstrated. All the illusions about the … [read more]

Situation in Indonesia

speech of Tatiana Lukman* at the Anti-imperialist Camp*Tatiana Lukman, CSVI/ GPDI Co-ordination group for Support the People`s Resistance in IndonesiaFirst of all on behalf of the Indonesian Institute for the Investigation of the 1965/1966 Massacre, the Netherlands, I thank all those comrades involved in organizing the anti-imperialist camp for the invitation to participate in this important meeting.I would like to use this opportunity to talk about three subjects. It would be impossible to understand the reason of the founding of our organization and its objectives without talking about the 1965 events and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people accused of being involved in the 30 September Movement. To give you an idea about what happened around 1 October 1965, I would like to … [read more]

We are all Palestinians

visa for Leila Khaled refused"Palestine is the place where all explosive contradictions of the …‘new world order´ converge. In fact, Israel is the symbol of absolute injustice, of illegality that has been made a system, of a war of extermination that has become a habit, of racist violation of the most elementary human rights. All this is being fully supported by the US and encountered by the complete indifference of the so-called …‘international community´. As long as Palestine will not be free, the whole world will remain in slavery." (Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp)As every year the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people will occupy an outstanding place in the proceedings of the camp.Friday, August 9Film premiere (10 pm)"Jenin", Mohamed BakriFilm cut from footage … [read more]

Russia denies Communists official status

On the 15th of May 2002 the Ministry of Justice refused to register according to the new law on political parties the Russian Communist Workers´ Party - the Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC).As a pretext for the refusal they used the word "revolutionary" in the name of the party, in which the Ministry, referring to one of the dictionaries, found a call for a violent actions aimed to depose the constitutional system.This is a blatant violation of the basic democratic right to free opinion and coalition. The RCWP-RPC represents a significant section of the Russian people and especially the poor classes most effected by the capitalist restoration to which proper representation is being denied. The former Russian Communist Workers´ Party (RCWP) was registered more than 10 years … [read more]

Russia´s deceptive honeymoon with NATO

Serguei Novikov in AssisiSerguei Novikov is a renown historian and member of the Central Committee and the International Commission of the Russian Communist Worker´s Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK). The party is the strongest component of the Russian communist movement if one takes into consideration that the KPRF of Siuganov – despite rhetoric opposition has always been an important pillar of the pro-imperialist regime of Yeltsin and Putin. Right now the party, which used to gather millions of workers votes in the elections, is struggling against the newly imposed dictatorial legislation trying to hinder them from being officially registered and, thus, from running at the forthcoming Duma election. (See the draft resolution below which is due to be submitted to … [read more]

Freedom and asylum for the Chilean Anti-fascist Jaime Yovanovic Prieto!

Only by the 20th of August we learnt from the Chilean ministry of interior that Prieto was arrested in Johannesburg to where he had been extradited by the Italian authorities on the 6th of August. Jaime came to Italy in order to participate at the Anti-imperialist Camp. From the very beginning of the camp on August 4 the police tried to enter in order to take him into custody, however, without success. Subsequently he searched for refuge in the Sacred Convent of Assisi where we officially applied for protection. Nevertheless in the night of August 5 the police took him with the consent of the Franciscans and expelled him immediately to South Africa from where he proceeded to Italy legally entering the Europe of Schengen at Amsterdam.On the 7th of August Prieto sent his last message to the … [read more]

Participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp

Abnaa el Balad , Palestine, e-mail: Antiwar- anti-imperialist Initiative Thessaloniki, Greece, e-mail: Arab Palesatine Club, Austria, e-mail: Association for Proletarian Solidarity, Italy, e-mail: Batasuna, Euskal Herria, e-mail: Bayan, Bayan Muna, Philippines, e-mail: Clajadep, e-mail: Communist Party of Greece / ML , Greece, e-mail: Confederation of Communists, Italy, e-mail: Coordination Communiste, France, e-mail: Correpi, Argentina, e-mail: , Direction 17, Italy, e-mail: Euskal … [read more]

Message regarding the Elections

by Slobodan Milosevic, The Hague, August 10th, 2002Regarding the forthcoming elections in Serbia, I believe that the whole opposition bloc should appear united in the elections - with a common candidate.The core of that bloc should be the three parties that constituted the Government of People`s Unity until the year 2000. During the war, those three parties defended the country, through the government and by all other means. During the bombing, the leaders of those parties remained in Serbia and put themselves at the disposal of the people and citizens.Those parties and their representatives should bring together all other opposition parties, in fact all parties and individuals who are patriotically oriented and who have the same attitude towards the policies of the regime in Serbia.In … [read more]

US intervention in Latin America and the popular response

The cases of Bolivia and Argentine as discussed at the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, August 2002The main target of US interventionism in Latin America is Venezuela and Colombia, or generally speaking the northern countries of Southern America including Ecuador that is a highly unstable region. Bush spoke of a "Axes of the Evil" in Latin American, that is Cuba, Venezuela and the Colombian FARC. In October last the US organized a conference in Central America to elaborate the plans for the "War on Terrorism" in Latin American. The immediate consequence of this was a) the break of the peace talks in Colombia 21stof February and b) the coup d`etat in Venezuela 17th of April. The paradigm of fighting terrorism is now becoming the main apology for intervening in those countries where the US … [read more]

Stop the imperialist terror war!

final resolution of Assisi`s Anti-imp CampTurn the attack on Iraq into the end of the imperial world orderThe participants and organisations gathered at the anti-imperialist camp in Assisi, Italy, denounce the war waged by the US and its allies under the pretext of a war against "terrorism". The attack on the Afghan people, which caused thousands of civilian deaths, has already shown that the real terrorists are the US and its allies whose aim, is the elimination of any opposition in their drive for global economic and political dominance.The "New World Order" was proclaimed as the end of history, promising global peace, prosperity and democracy. In reality the dictates of IMF, WB and WTO have brought unemployment, poverty and misery. These are the conditions which the popular masses of … [read more]

Guantanamo: Dead of Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef

by Voltaire network 07/08/02Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef died under the torture, end July, on Guantanamo basis, was pointed out by his family, who, would have been informed by the Red Cross, informed the Balochistan Post. The Defence Department didn`t want to comment The information.Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef had been Talibans ambassador in Pakistan. During the Afghanistan bombardment he had become in fact the spokesman of the Taliban regime. (...)Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef had been arrested in Pakistan by the US forces, in violation of the diplomatic statute that was recognized by Islamabad. He had been transferred discreetly to Guantanamo, where 598 people are arrested today according to procedures and in contrary conditions to the international right. Mary Robinson, high commissioner of … [read more]

Comment on US Designation of CPP and NPA as foreign terrorist organizations

Press Statement by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, 10 August 2002The US launched a war of aggression against the Filipino people from 1899 onwards and in the process tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of them, mostly unarmed civilians who were merely suspected of supporting the Philippine revolutionary government and thereafter the succeeding revolutionary movements in various parts of the Philippines.The latest count done by a group of scholars and researchers in the History Department of the University of the Philippines shows that the aggressor troops of US imperialism killed more than 1,400,000 Filipinos from 1899 to 1914. Consequent to its bloody conquest of the Philippines, the US has subjected the Filipino nation to the daily violence of exploitation in … [read more]

Solidarity greetings from the Citicen Concern Society, Nepal

to the Anti-imperialist CampDear Comrades,Red Salute and Revolutionary Greetings from the Ground of People´s Struggle We would like to take the opportunity to convey our best wishes for the gamut success of the festival. We eagerly look forward that the festival will turn out to be a milestone in the struggle against imperialism. We strongly believe that the victory will be of ours, the Proletarians.We would first like to apologize for not being able to physically attend the festival, which we had really striven to attend. However, we are very much sure that through this festival, the voice of the proletariat shall reach greater heights and to record marks. At this point, we would like to express our solidarity by introducing ourselves and our mottoes and mission. Presently, people are … [read more]

Anti-fascist fighter arrested and expelled from Italy

Yesterday around midnight the Italian police invaded the Franciscan Convent in Assisi in order to arrest and immediately expel comrade Jaime Yovanovic Prieto to South Africa from where he proceeded for the Anti-imperialist Camp.Professor J, who delivered the main speech of the forum on Porto Alegre and the future of the anti-globalisation movement yesterday, is being searched for his anti-fascist resistance against the dictator of Pinochet. After passive resistance hindered the police to take J directly on the site of the camp, he flew to the Franciscans and asked for church asylum.However, after long negociations and a protest ralley in front of the convent the Franciscans nevertheless eventually allowed the police to enter the church.We denounce the fact that - while Pinochet and his … [read more]

We will not give Professor J to the police!

The resistance against the imperial world order is legitimateThe general assembly of the Anti-imperialist Camp gathered in Assisi has unanimously taken the decision to resist the obvious attempts of the Italian authorities to arrest and expell Jaime Yovanivic Prieto as they did already two years ago.While comrade Jaime´s documents are completly regular and his stay here is therefore entirly legal, the police - under the pretext of checking his immigration documents - want to seperate him from the camp and arrest him avoiding our resistance. Therefore we will not put him in the hands of the police and will resist with peaceful means.For us Professor J is the emblematic symbol of the entire resistance against imperialism in Palestina, in Colombia, in Turkey and Kurdistan and in many other … [read more]

How to get to the Antiimperialist Camp

Assisi, ItalyThe Anti-imperialist Camp is taking place on the camping site Camping Fontemaggio (via Eremo delle Carceri n°8). Assisi can be reached by both car and train: 1 – by trainfrom Rome, from Florence or from AnconaOnce arrived at the train station in Assisi (located in the village Santa Maria degli Angeli) one can reach the very town Assisi (located on a hill) by one of the freqent public buses. The last stop, where one has to get off, is Piazza Matteotti. To reach the Camping site the indications saying "Monte Subasio" have to be followed. The Camping site is located immediately outside medieval Assisi, ca. 400 metres from the bus stop. 2 – by car:Follow the indications on the map; in Assisi (take the main road which goes up the hill) follow the indications to "Eremo delle … [read more]

Inquiry on Porto Alegre

Evo Morales to send delegate from BoliviaThe World Social Forum of Porto Alegre was a decisive turning point for the anti-globalisation movement. Taking place under the impression of the attacks of September 11, the subsequent imperialist onslaught against Afghanistan and the US´s declaration of permanent war against any opposition, the dominant forces around ATTAC and the Brazilian PT openly showed to eventually be on the side of imperialism by expelling anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces namely FARC, Basque delegates and in generally declaring armed movements including even the Zapatists as unwanted.As a reaction the forces gathered in the Anti-imperialist Camp called for the formation of an anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisation movement in order to demarcate … [read more]

To the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

talk of Sharon Black Ceci*, International Action Center, U.S.A. at the Anti-imperialist Camp*Sharon Ceci is the Maryland/Washington D.C. regional coordinator for the International Action Center. The IAC responded immediately to U.S. pentagon war plans following the September 11th events by organizing a national protest in Washington D.C. on September 29, 2002. It has since then organized against Bush`s endless war and against domestic repression. Ceci traveled with Ramsey Clark, a founding member of the International Action Center, along with a hundred other U.S. delegates to Iraq to deliver badly needed medical supplies and to challenge the blockade and sanctions against Iraq. She traveled to Iraq to observe first hand the conditions caused by U.S. sanctions and to report back to … [read more]

We do not absolve the Turkish NATO oligarchy

KADEK and DHKC in AssisiFor decades Turkey has been – beside Israel – the most important stronghold of imperialism in the Middle East. It has been conducting a bloody war against the Kurdish people whose cry for the elementary democratic right to self-determination was answered by killing tens of thousands of Kurds. It has brutally eliminates the revolutionary and communist movement killing thousands. It still keeps about 15.000 political prisoners and it will probably serve as the main springboard for a new imperialist assault on Iraq.Regardless of this record the European Union – let alone the USA – keeps terming the hardly veiled military dictatorship as democratic. In the wake of September 11 and the declared permanent war on any opposition to the imperialist world order, the … [read more]

Yugoslavia - a stumbling block for the conquerors of the world

contribution of Vladimir Krsljanin* to the Anti-imperialist Camp* Vladimir Kr…šljanin, former ambassador, member of the international and Yugoslav committees for defense of Slobodan Milosevic, member of the Head Committee and International Secretary of the Socialist Party of SerbiaOn the 5th of October 2000 freedom and democracy were abolished in this country. On St. Vitus´ day 2001 the President Slobodan Milo…ševic was treacherously abducted by the regime and surrendered to the aggressors´ NATO tribunal in the Hague. It opened the way to the definite brake-down of Yugoslavia and its occupation. Today, foreign controllers are sitting in all our state institutions and major firms, while a puppet regime sells out the resources of our country and obediently executes the orders of … [read more]


On the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi a delegate from BAYAN as well as a member of the International Leninist Current, who participated in a BAYAN solidarity delegation to Mindanao lately, will report about the situation on the Philippines. The following text is a statement of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) condemns the brutal shooting of an unarmed and defenseless man by American trooper Reggie Lane around midnight July 25, 2002 in Barangay Kanas, Tuburan, Basilan, Philippines.Through this act of extreme arrogance by an American soldier, the trampling of Philippine national sovereignty by the escalating U.S. military intervention in the Philippines is concretely demonstrated. All the illusions about the … [read more]

Situation in Indonesia

speech of Tatiana Lukman* at the Anti-imperialist Camp*Tatiana Lukman, CSVI/ GPDI Co-ordination group for Support the People`s Resistance in IndonesiaFirst of all on behalf of the Indonesian Institute for the Investigation of the 1965/1966 Massacre, the Netherlands, I thank all those comrades involved in organizing the anti-imperialist camp for the invitation to participate in this important meeting.I would like to use this opportunity to talk about three subjects. It would be impossible to understand the reason of the founding of our organization and its objectives without talking about the 1965 events and the wholesale slaughter of innocent people accused of being involved in the 30 September Movement. To give you an idea about what happened around 1 October 1965, I would like to … [read more]

We are all Palestinians

visa for Leila Khaled refused"Palestine is the place where all explosive contradictions of the …‘new world order´ converge. In fact, Israel is the symbol of absolute injustice, of illegality that has been made a system, of a war of extermination that has become a habit, of racist violation of the most elementary human rights. All this is being fully supported by the US and encountered by the complete indifference of the so-called …‘international community´. As long as Palestine will not be free, the whole world will remain in slavery." (Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp)As every year the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people will occupy an outstanding place in the proceedings of the camp.Friday, August 9Film premiere (10 pm)"Jenin", Mohamed BakriFilm cut from footage … [read more]

Russia denies Communists official status

On the 15th of May 2002 the Ministry of Justice refused to register according to the new law on political parties the Russian Communist Workers´ Party - the Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC).As a pretext for the refusal they used the word "revolutionary" in the name of the party, in which the Ministry, referring to one of the dictionaries, found a call for a violent actions aimed to depose the constitutional system.This is a blatant violation of the basic democratic right to free opinion and coalition. The RCWP-RPC represents a significant section of the Russian people and especially the poor classes most effected by the capitalist restoration to which proper representation is being denied. The former Russian Communist Workers´ Party (RCWP) was registered more than 10 years … [read more]

Russia´s deceptive honeymoon with NATO

Serguei Novikov in AssisiSerguei Novikov is a renown historian and member of the Central Committee and the International Commission of the Russian Communist Worker´s Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK). The party is the strongest component of the Russian communist movement if one takes into consideration that the KPRF of Siuganov – despite rhetoric opposition has always been an important pillar of the pro-imperialist regime of Yeltsin and Putin. Right now the party, which used to gather millions of workers votes in the elections, is struggling against the newly imposed dictatorial legislation trying to hinder them from being officially registered and, thus, from running at the forthcoming Duma election. (See the draft resolution below which is due to be submitted to … [read more]