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We are all Palestinians

visa for Leila Khaled refused"Palestine is the place where all explosive contradictions of the …‘new world order´ converge. In fact, Israel is the symbol of absolute injustice, of illegality that has been made a system, of a war of extermination that has become a habit, of racist violation of the most elementary human rights. All this is being fully supported by the US and encountered by the complete indifference of the so-called …‘international community´. As long as Palestine will not be free, the whole world will remain in slavery." (Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp)As every year the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people will occupy an outstanding place in the proceedings of the camp.Friday, August 9Film premiere (10 pm)"Jenin", Mohamed BakriFilm cut from footage … [read more]

Russia denies Communists official status

On the 15th of May 2002 the Ministry of Justice refused to register according to the new law on political parties the Russian Communist Workers´ Party - the Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC).As a pretext for the refusal they used the word "revolutionary" in the name of the party, in which the Ministry, referring to one of the dictionaries, found a call for a violent actions aimed to depose the constitutional system.This is a blatant violation of the basic democratic right to free opinion and coalition. The RCWP-RPC represents a significant section of the Russian people and especially the poor classes most effected by the capitalist restoration to which proper representation is being denied. The former Russian Communist Workers´ Party (RCWP) was registered more than 10 years … [read more]

Russia´s deceptive honeymoon with NATO

Serguei Novikov in AssisiSerguei Novikov is a renown historian and member of the Central Committee and the International Commission of the Russian Communist Worker´s Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK). The party is the strongest component of the Russian communist movement if one takes into consideration that the KPRF of Siuganov – despite rhetoric opposition has always been an important pillar of the pro-imperialist regime of Yeltsin and Putin. Right now the party, which used to gather millions of workers votes in the elections, is struggling against the newly imposed dictatorial legislation trying to hinder them from being officially registered and, thus, from running at the forthcoming Duma election. (See the draft resolution below which is due to be submitted to … [read more]

Batasuna to address Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi

The International Commission of Batasuna recently announced its participation in the Anti-imperialist Camp scheduled to take place in Assisi, Italy, from August 3 to 10:Wednesday, August 7, 200210.00 Plenary SessionThe black listFrom the Basque country to Palestine: the struggle for elementary democratic rights against the EU measures(further participants: KADEK (Kurdistan), DHKPC (Turkey), ODEP (Chile), Colombians, Palestinians ……16.00 WorkshopThe judge Garzon: International jurisdiction as an instrument of imperialist interventionBatasuna is the main organisation of the Basque National Liberation Movement and as such representing about 15% of the Basque electorate. Its influence among the poor classes, the marginalized youth, the worker´s and the peasants is by far exceeding these … [read more]

September 11 and the new NATO strategy

Rainer Rupp in AssisiRainer Rupp was a high ranking NATO official and at the same time member of the intelligence service of the GDR during the Cold War. He works now as journalist and member of the PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism) in Germany. At the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, August 3-10, he will report about questions and contradictions concerning September 11, a topic on which he had also published lately.Monday, August 5, 2002, 16.00:Workshop:September 11 - whose plot?Without giving a definitive answer to this question, the countless absurdities of the official version of the happenings on September 11 will be shown. By doing so, it must not be our main aim to come up with politically useless conspiracy theories, because eventually they just confirm and thus – … [read more]

Take the Hague Inquisition Tribunal to Court

Fulvio Grimaldi on Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiFor many years the forces constituting the Anti-imperialist Camp have been on the first line in support of the Yugoslav and Serb people in their resistance against the Western aggression. By means of overwhelming military power the imperialism eventually installed a puppet regime in Belgrade. However, even the rulers of the empire are aware of Yugoslav´s and Serb´s historic record of anti-imperialist struggle.By means of the inquisition tribunal in the Hague, imperialism tries to justify its aggression against a people which for ten long years challenged their hegemony. In this purely political process the perpetrator, who by the way is at the same time the judge, should be turned into the victim while the victim is supposed to endorse … [read more]

National Action Day of People´s Democratic Party (PRD)

Istana Negara, Jakarta, July 30, 2002, 11 AMOverthrow of Imperialism Puphet`s Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment !Build of Poor´s Gouvernment !PRD´s Action National Day program is immediate task of Indonesian peoples which aim to overthrow of Mega-Hamzah and replace by Poor Gouvernment. Poor´s Gouvernment is the gouvernment which based on coalition or unifying of people movement or democratic blocks since we have to unify all of forces into one body. Students movement, trade unions, peasents movement, urban poor movement, Political Party whose reformation programs, NGO, artist, Police/Military whom doesn´t have record of human´s right abuses and not involving of corruption, women movement, religious movement (Priest, ), National Liberation Movement of Aceh and Papua, and indigineous people must … [read more]

Film, theatre and music at the Anti-imperialist Camp

FILMFriday, August 9JeninFilm cut from footage secretly shot immediately after the massacre of Jenin by the renown Palestinian filmmaker and actor Mohamed BakriTHEATREThursday, August 8ConquistaStreet theatre on the extinction of the Indian peoples by the European colonists, by Mario Pirovani who closely works with Dario FoFriday, August 9The hole of the hyenaStreet theatre on the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, by Nicola MUSICPannelliSaturday, August 3La TrescaTraditional music from the region Tuscia in Central ItalySunday, August 4Acquaragia DromOwn compositions using motives of Italian Gipsy musicMonday, August 5Armata BrancaleoneThe band has been part of the Italian revolutionary movement for many yearsTuesday, August 6AltrocantoMusic and text goes together to speak of another world to … [read more]

WSSD process: Wither global environmental negotiations ?

By S.FaiziCan global issues be addressed through multilateral negotiations in the new unipolar world? The recently concluded Bali meeting of nations to formulate the final draft of action plan to be agreed by the forthcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) raises new doubts about the usefulness of such multilateral negotiations in the new global political ambience.No country now questions the conclusion that the twin crises of environment and development is reaching the stage of a civilizational crisis. It was the recognition of this reality that prompted the community of nations to gather themselves in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit in 1992 to agree on a comprehensive program of action to reverse the global environmental crisis. This blue print for action, called … [read more]

How the FBI Targeted the Antiwar, Pro-Palestinian Movement

By: Scott CooperBOSTON - Since last September 11, activists in Boston have built a clear and unequivocal anti-imperialist response to Bush`s so-called "war against terrorism," with support for the Palestinian struggle at its center. There were weekly picketlines at the Israeli consulate during the spring, drawing hundreds at the height of the Israeli incursion into the West Bank. A militant demonstration on April 9 drew more than 2,000 people and brought the Intifada directly to the streets of Boston. And a protest on June 9 forced the organizers of the annual "Israel Day Celebration" to run for cover, changing the venue of the event and establishing a virtual "armed camp" to keep the Zionists from having to confront the truth about 54 years of occupation.None of the strength of this work … [read more]

News from Bulgaria

short report about the social situation in an IMF-WB-US-EU colony We are so very poor already we cannot travel to the neighbouring town... Even the city transport tickets turn into a problem for us: a two way ticket has the price of a loaf of bread, and a loaf of bread means two days life!... At the moment we are in a shock from the last raise of the electricity price with 31 % since July 1.They are successfully kicking us into the Middle Ages in the standard of life. Will they stop when we reach the caves? (It is useless to worry about that - we won`t be long alive.) These are only some details from our everyday life in the IMF-WB-US-EU colony Bulgaria. But it is useful information for you because what is going here will be done after some time in Europe too. I saw pictures from the … [read more]

Washington's depleted uranium 'dirty bombs'

By Sara Flounders, Co-Director of the International Action Center, 7/7/02Muhajir frame-up hides real terroristsIn a dangerous legal precedent and complete violation of constitutional rights, a U.S. citizen is being held without the rights of due process or freedom from unreasonable seizure.Abdullah al Muhajir, a Puerto Rican Muslim from Chicago formerly known as Jose Padilla, is being accused of planning to build a radioactive "dirty bomb" to attack a U.S. city. According to news reports, Muhajir had no accomplices, no materials, no access to materials and no training in making such a bomb.The prosecution`s "secret" evidence is so flimsy that the government acknowledges it is not likely to obtain an indictment from a grand jury. In the current political climate, U.S. Attorney General John … [read more]

A Strategy for a Peoples` Movement in Jammu and Kashmir

by Tapan Kumar BoseThe current situation:In the current round of "war diplomacy" (using the threat of war to push the western states into action) the Indian state seems to have emerged victorious. The Americans and the British are now supporting New Delhi`s claim that the movement in Kashmir valley is totally Pakistan sponsored. The British Foreign Secretary during his recent visit to Pakistan characterised the struggle in Jammu and Kashmir as "terrorism dressed as freedom struggle``. The American and the British hostile reaction to President Musharraf`s recent attempt to qualify his "commitment" to ending cross border terrorism as not a "permanent one", is an indication of the hardening of the attitude of the western states. It seems that President Musharraf made these comments to assure … [read more]

Terrorist Martial Law for Filipino Immigrants in the US

by Philip Vera Cruz TERRORIST "MARTIAL LAW" FOR FILIPINO IMMIGRANTS IN U.S.GLORIA ARROYO O.K. WITH U.S. PINOYS BEING CHAINED AND Philip Vera Cruz - Justice Project-San JoseWhile the rest of the humanitarian community condemns the U.S. round-up and deportation of 62 Filipino Americans, Philippine President Gloria Arroyo still lays silent. Betraying her own countrymen, she is more interested in allowing U.S. troops to expand their military jurisdiction in the Philippines than she is of defending the basic rights of her own people. 62 Filipino Americans were rounded-up, hand-cuffed and deported by the U.S. government under command of the Bush Administration. Suspect of being a terrorist threat by the U.S. government, the 62 arrived in the Philippines on June 28, 2002. Many were … [read more]

November 1-4, 2002: International Conference in Response to heightening imperialist War and Militari

by: Grassroots Women, June 27, 2002Women launch a Historic International Conference in Response to heightening Imperialist War and Militarization(Vancouver, Canada) GABRIELA-Philippines and Grassroots Women –Vancouver call women around the world to participate this November 1-4, 2002, in "Towards our Liberation: an international women´s conference against imperialist war and plunder", a conference exploring the growing military interventions and attacks that are particularly targeting marginalized women of the Third World. Being held in Vancouver, Canada, the conference will provide a forum for women to reflect, unite and take action in response to this actual and expanded aggression. "The so-called War on Terrorism has given a …‘carte blanche´ to aggressor forces and has … [read more]

Another Attack on Hashtnagar, Pakistan

by Communist Workers and Peasants PartyJune 27th, 2002, thousands of policemen and frontier constabulary invaded Hashtnagar, the liberated area of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Communist Workers Peasants Party). Their aim was to displace and eject the peasants of Hashtnagar from their lands. The policemen and frontier constablary clashed in a direct confrontation with the peasants and the conflict raged for more than eight hours. Three policement are reported to have been injured. So far there have been no reported injuries to peasants. The police have lodged a First Investigation Report against the peasant leaders and called for their arrest. An FIR has also been regestered against the General Secretary of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party and the principal leader of … [read more]

EU includes PFLP and FARC on list of "terrorist organisations"

Violation of International Law and further step towards a police stateAfter having included Kurdish, Turkish and Basque resistance organisations on the list of alleged terrorist organisations, the EU completed a further step away from international law and the Geneva Convention. On June 12 and 17, it included other liberation movements on the same list, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Consequently, these organizations are threatened by being declared illegal and their activist and numerous political refugees in Europe have to fear severe persecution. Any democratic expression of opinion against the Western crusade against terrorism is potentially being criminalised as terrorist action and thus repressed. In … [read more]

Palestine/Nepal/General Resolution

Resolutions of the International Seminar: Imperialism, War and Current Situation, Athens, 1 June 2002General Resolution1. The sharpening of the capitalist crisis and inter-imperialist contradictions as they have been formed after the victory of the West in the Cold War over the Eastern Block, form a negative and dangerous situation for the proletariat and the peoples of the world. The exploitation and oppression of the working masses and of the poor dependent countries of the planet is intensified by the great imperialist forces.2. Especially after the 11th of September, the American superpower, under the pretext of "terrorism", escalates and militarizes its aggression which has the well declared target of global domination. On this basis, it has launched an open military campaign in … [read more]

Anti-Imperialist Peace Demonstrations in India and Pakistan

by: CPI(ML)The CPI(ML) held `anti-war-anti-imperialist` peace demonstration on 13 June in Delhi, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, Kolkata, Avanigadda and Chennai and several other centres of the country. On this occasion, while addressing the peace marchers in Delhi Party Gen. Secy. Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya called for demobilisation of troops from the Indo-Pak border, complete restoration of all diplomatic ties and resumption of direct bilateral dialogue with Pakistan.Hundreds of Party activists and supporters carrying placards, banners and flags held an anti-war peace demonstration at Jantar-Mantar and organised the meeting. Representatives of other Communist and democratic organisations including the SUCI, CPI(ML)-Red Flag and CPI(ML)-Unity Initiative also joined it.Addressing the … [read more]

Again and again: Stop the Indo-Pak war drive!

by the Anti-imperialist CampEither side is reactionaryTogether with the anti-imperialist movement of the entire sub-continent we condemn the war frenzy which reached a new peak with the mutual menace of nuclear destruction. We call upon the popular masses to fight against the war and to strive for unification against both the reactionary ruling classes and their governments as well as their imperialist masters.1) The Indian ruling class is speeding up its reactionary turn. The high caste government led by the Hindu chauvinist BJP of Vajpayee is systematically attacking all the remaining gains of the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist popular movement of India. Implementing the neo-liberal recipes it is massively curbing the most elementary democratic rights. Purging the remnants of … [read more]

We are all Palestinians

visa for Leila Khaled refused"Palestine is the place where all explosive contradictions of the …‘new world order´ converge. In fact, Israel is the symbol of absolute injustice, of illegality that has been made a system, of a war of extermination that has become a habit, of racist violation of the most elementary human rights. All this is being fully supported by the US and encountered by the complete indifference of the so-called …‘international community´. As long as Palestine will not be free, the whole world will remain in slavery." (Call for the Anti-imperialist Camp)As every year the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people will occupy an outstanding place in the proceedings of the camp.Friday, August 9Film premiere (10 pm)"Jenin", Mohamed BakriFilm cut from footage … [read more]

Russia denies Communists official status

On the 15th of May 2002 the Ministry of Justice refused to register according to the new law on political parties the Russian Communist Workers´ Party - the Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC).As a pretext for the refusal they used the word "revolutionary" in the name of the party, in which the Ministry, referring to one of the dictionaries, found a call for a violent actions aimed to depose the constitutional system.This is a blatant violation of the basic democratic right to free opinion and coalition. The RCWP-RPC represents a significant section of the Russian people and especially the poor classes most effected by the capitalist restoration to which proper representation is being denied. The former Russian Communist Workers´ Party (RCWP) was registered more than 10 years … [read more]

Russia´s deceptive honeymoon with NATO

Serguei Novikov in AssisiSerguei Novikov is a renown historian and member of the Central Committee and the International Commission of the Russian Communist Worker´s Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK). The party is the strongest component of the Russian communist movement if one takes into consideration that the KPRF of Siuganov – despite rhetoric opposition has always been an important pillar of the pro-imperialist regime of Yeltsin and Putin. Right now the party, which used to gather millions of workers votes in the elections, is struggling against the newly imposed dictatorial legislation trying to hinder them from being officially registered and, thus, from running at the forthcoming Duma election. (See the draft resolution below which is due to be submitted to … [read more]

Batasuna to address Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi

The International Commission of Batasuna recently announced its participation in the Anti-imperialist Camp scheduled to take place in Assisi, Italy, from August 3 to 10:Wednesday, August 7, 200210.00 Plenary SessionThe black listFrom the Basque country to Palestine: the struggle for elementary democratic rights against the EU measures(further participants: KADEK (Kurdistan), DHKPC (Turkey), ODEP (Chile), Colombians, Palestinians ……16.00 WorkshopThe judge Garzon: International jurisdiction as an instrument of imperialist interventionBatasuna is the main organisation of the Basque National Liberation Movement and as such representing about 15% of the Basque electorate. Its influence among the poor classes, the marginalized youth, the worker´s and the peasants is by far exceeding these … [read more]

September 11 and the new NATO strategy

Rainer Rupp in AssisiRainer Rupp was a high ranking NATO official and at the same time member of the intelligence service of the GDR during the Cold War. He works now as journalist and member of the PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism) in Germany. At the Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy, August 3-10, he will report about questions and contradictions concerning September 11, a topic on which he had also published lately.Monday, August 5, 2002, 16.00:Workshop:September 11 - whose plot?Without giving a definitive answer to this question, the countless absurdities of the official version of the happenings on September 11 will be shown. By doing so, it must not be our main aim to come up with politically useless conspiracy theories, because eventually they just confirm and thus – … [read more]

Take the Hague Inquisition Tribunal to Court

Fulvio Grimaldi on Anti-imperialist Camp in AssisiFor many years the forces constituting the Anti-imperialist Camp have been on the first line in support of the Yugoslav and Serb people in their resistance against the Western aggression. By means of overwhelming military power the imperialism eventually installed a puppet regime in Belgrade. However, even the rulers of the empire are aware of Yugoslav´s and Serb´s historic record of anti-imperialist struggle.By means of the inquisition tribunal in the Hague, imperialism tries to justify its aggression against a people which for ten long years challenged their hegemony. In this purely political process the perpetrator, who by the way is at the same time the judge, should be turned into the victim while the victim is supposed to endorse … [read more]

National Action Day of People´s Democratic Party (PRD)

Istana Negara, Jakarta, July 30, 2002, 11 AMOverthrow of Imperialism Puphet`s Mega-Hamzah Gouvernment !Build of Poor´s Gouvernment !PRD´s Action National Day program is immediate task of Indonesian peoples which aim to overthrow of Mega-Hamzah and replace by Poor Gouvernment. Poor´s Gouvernment is the gouvernment which based on coalition or unifying of people movement or democratic blocks since we have to unify all of forces into one body. Students movement, trade unions, peasents movement, urban poor movement, Political Party whose reformation programs, NGO, artist, Police/Military whom doesn´t have record of human´s right abuses and not involving of corruption, women movement, religious movement (Priest, ), National Liberation Movement of Aceh and Papua, and indigineous people must … [read more]

Film, theatre and music at the Anti-imperialist Camp

FILMFriday, August 9JeninFilm cut from footage secretly shot immediately after the massacre of Jenin by the renown Palestinian filmmaker and actor Mohamed BakriTHEATREThursday, August 8ConquistaStreet theatre on the extinction of the Indian peoples by the European colonists, by Mario Pirovani who closely works with Dario FoFriday, August 9The hole of the hyenaStreet theatre on the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, by Nicola MUSICPannelliSaturday, August 3La TrescaTraditional music from the region Tuscia in Central ItalySunday, August 4Acquaragia DromOwn compositions using motives of Italian Gipsy musicMonday, August 5Armata BrancaleoneThe band has been part of the Italian revolutionary movement for many yearsTuesday, August 6AltrocantoMusic and text goes together to speak of another world to … [read more]

WSSD process: Wither global environmental negotiations ?

By S.FaiziCan global issues be addressed through multilateral negotiations in the new unipolar world? The recently concluded Bali meeting of nations to formulate the final draft of action plan to be agreed by the forthcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) raises new doubts about the usefulness of such multilateral negotiations in the new global political ambience.No country now questions the conclusion that the twin crises of environment and development is reaching the stage of a civilizational crisis. It was the recognition of this reality that prompted the community of nations to gather themselves in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit in 1992 to agree on a comprehensive program of action to reverse the global environmental crisis. This blue print for action, called … [read more]

How the FBI Targeted the Antiwar, Pro-Palestinian Movement

By: Scott CooperBOSTON - Since last September 11, activists in Boston have built a clear and unequivocal anti-imperialist response to Bush`s so-called "war against terrorism," with support for the Palestinian struggle at its center. There were weekly picketlines at the Israeli consulate during the spring, drawing hundreds at the height of the Israeli incursion into the West Bank. A militant demonstration on April 9 drew more than 2,000 people and brought the Intifada directly to the streets of Boston. And a protest on June 9 forced the organizers of the annual "Israel Day Celebration" to run for cover, changing the venue of the event and establishing a virtual "armed camp" to keep the Zionists from having to confront the truth about 54 years of occupation.None of the strength of this work … [read more]

News from Bulgaria

short report about the social situation in an IMF-WB-US-EU colony We are so very poor already we cannot travel to the neighbouring town... Even the city transport tickets turn into a problem for us: a two way ticket has the price of a loaf of bread, and a loaf of bread means two days life!... At the moment we are in a shock from the last raise of the electricity price with 31 % since July 1.They are successfully kicking us into the Middle Ages in the standard of life. Will they stop when we reach the caves? (It is useless to worry about that - we won`t be long alive.) These are only some details from our everyday life in the IMF-WB-US-EU colony Bulgaria. But it is useful information for you because what is going here will be done after some time in Europe too. I saw pictures from the … [read more]

Washington's depleted uranium 'dirty bombs'

By Sara Flounders, Co-Director of the International Action Center, 7/7/02Muhajir frame-up hides real terroristsIn a dangerous legal precedent and complete violation of constitutional rights, a U.S. citizen is being held without the rights of due process or freedom from unreasonable seizure.Abdullah al Muhajir, a Puerto Rican Muslim from Chicago formerly known as Jose Padilla, is being accused of planning to build a radioactive "dirty bomb" to attack a U.S. city. According to news reports, Muhajir had no accomplices, no materials, no access to materials and no training in making such a bomb.The prosecution`s "secret" evidence is so flimsy that the government acknowledges it is not likely to obtain an indictment from a grand jury. In the current political climate, U.S. Attorney General John … [read more]

A Strategy for a Peoples` Movement in Jammu and Kashmir

by Tapan Kumar BoseThe current situation:In the current round of "war diplomacy" (using the threat of war to push the western states into action) the Indian state seems to have emerged victorious. The Americans and the British are now supporting New Delhi`s claim that the movement in Kashmir valley is totally Pakistan sponsored. The British Foreign Secretary during his recent visit to Pakistan characterised the struggle in Jammu and Kashmir as "terrorism dressed as freedom struggle``. The American and the British hostile reaction to President Musharraf`s recent attempt to qualify his "commitment" to ending cross border terrorism as not a "permanent one", is an indication of the hardening of the attitude of the western states. It seems that President Musharraf made these comments to assure … [read more]

Terrorist Martial Law for Filipino Immigrants in the US

by Philip Vera Cruz TERRORIST "MARTIAL LAW" FOR FILIPINO IMMIGRANTS IN U.S.GLORIA ARROYO O.K. WITH U.S. PINOYS BEING CHAINED AND Philip Vera Cruz - Justice Project-San JoseWhile the rest of the humanitarian community condemns the U.S. round-up and deportation of 62 Filipino Americans, Philippine President Gloria Arroyo still lays silent. Betraying her own countrymen, she is more interested in allowing U.S. troops to expand their military jurisdiction in the Philippines than she is of defending the basic rights of her own people. 62 Filipino Americans were rounded-up, hand-cuffed and deported by the U.S. government under command of the Bush Administration. Suspect of being a terrorist threat by the U.S. government, the 62 arrived in the Philippines on June 28, 2002. Many were … [read more]

November 1-4, 2002: International Conference in Response to heightening imperialist War and Militari

by: Grassroots Women, June 27, 2002Women launch a Historic International Conference in Response to heightening Imperialist War and Militarization(Vancouver, Canada) GABRIELA-Philippines and Grassroots Women –Vancouver call women around the world to participate this November 1-4, 2002, in "Towards our Liberation: an international women´s conference against imperialist war and plunder", a conference exploring the growing military interventions and attacks that are particularly targeting marginalized women of the Third World. Being held in Vancouver, Canada, the conference will provide a forum for women to reflect, unite and take action in response to this actual and expanded aggression. "The so-called War on Terrorism has given a …‘carte blanche´ to aggressor forces and has … [read more]

Another Attack on Hashtnagar, Pakistan

by Communist Workers and Peasants PartyJune 27th, 2002, thousands of policemen and frontier constabulary invaded Hashtnagar, the liberated area of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Communist Workers Peasants Party). Their aim was to displace and eject the peasants of Hashtnagar from their lands. The policemen and frontier constablary clashed in a direct confrontation with the peasants and the conflict raged for more than eight hours. Three policement are reported to have been injured. So far there have been no reported injuries to peasants. The police have lodged a First Investigation Report against the peasant leaders and called for their arrest. An FIR has also been regestered against the General Secretary of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party and the principal leader of … [read more]

EU includes PFLP and FARC on list of "terrorist organisations"

Violation of International Law and further step towards a police stateAfter having included Kurdish, Turkish and Basque resistance organisations on the list of alleged terrorist organisations, the EU completed a further step away from international law and the Geneva Convention. On June 12 and 17, it included other liberation movements on the same list, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Consequently, these organizations are threatened by being declared illegal and their activist and numerous political refugees in Europe have to fear severe persecution. Any democratic expression of opinion against the Western crusade against terrorism is potentially being criminalised as terrorist action and thus repressed. In … [read more]

Palestine/Nepal/General Resolution

Resolutions of the International Seminar: Imperialism, War and Current Situation, Athens, 1 June 2002General Resolution1. The sharpening of the capitalist crisis and inter-imperialist contradictions as they have been formed after the victory of the West in the Cold War over the Eastern Block, form a negative and dangerous situation for the proletariat and the peoples of the world. The exploitation and oppression of the working masses and of the poor dependent countries of the planet is intensified by the great imperialist forces.2. Especially after the 11th of September, the American superpower, under the pretext of "terrorism", escalates and militarizes its aggression which has the well declared target of global domination. On this basis, it has launched an open military campaign in … [read more]

Anti-Imperialist Peace Demonstrations in India and Pakistan

by: CPI(ML)The CPI(ML) held `anti-war-anti-imperialist` peace demonstration on 13 June in Delhi, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, Kolkata, Avanigadda and Chennai and several other centres of the country. On this occasion, while addressing the peace marchers in Delhi Party Gen. Secy. Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya called for demobilisation of troops from the Indo-Pak border, complete restoration of all diplomatic ties and resumption of direct bilateral dialogue with Pakistan.Hundreds of Party activists and supporters carrying placards, banners and flags held an anti-war peace demonstration at Jantar-Mantar and organised the meeting. Representatives of other Communist and democratic organisations including the SUCI, CPI(ML)-Red Flag and CPI(ML)-Unity Initiative also joined it.Addressing the … [read more]

Again and again: Stop the Indo-Pak war drive!

by the Anti-imperialist CampEither side is reactionaryTogether with the anti-imperialist movement of the entire sub-continent we condemn the war frenzy which reached a new peak with the mutual menace of nuclear destruction. We call upon the popular masses to fight against the war and to strive for unification against both the reactionary ruling classes and their governments as well as their imperialist masters.1) The Indian ruling class is speeding up its reactionary turn. The high caste government led by the Hindu chauvinist BJP of Vajpayee is systematically attacking all the remaining gains of the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist popular movement of India. Implementing the neo-liberal recipes it is massively curbing the most elementary democratic rights. Purging the remnants of … [read more]