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The two Faces of Korea

Korea is showing the world a welcoming foreigner-friendly face to the thousands of visitors attending the 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup games. But the face that the Korean government isn`t showing is its unfair treatment of an estimated 300,000 migrant workers living and working here. Migrant workers - commonly referred to as 3D workers as the work they do is dirty, dangerous, and demeaning - comprise close to 80% of all foreign workers in Korea.Fearing deportation, in many cases they are forced to endure dire human rights abuses. On average paying brokers $6000-$8,000 U.S. just to get to Korea, they came here via an unfair trainee system which forces them to work for 2 years at drastically substandard wages, and at the mercy of their bosses who can treat them unfairly with impunity, using … [read more]

International Solidarity Mission

Against US Armed Intervention in the Philippines, July 24 to July 31, 2002BackgroundUnited States President George W. Bush has expanded the "war against terrorism" beyond Afghanistan. The US has opened a new war front in the Philippines and has threatened Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and many more. The momentum of the so-called borderless war is being sustained even if its targets has little or no connections with the al-Qaida.A former US colony, the Philippines has a population of over 75 million, mostly impoverished peasants and workers. Three major islands Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao comprise the Philippine archipelago.Filipino Muslims (Moro) and other national minorities make up about twelve percent of the populace. Six hundred and sixty US soldiers are now … [read more]

Afghan contradictions remain explosive

Resolution of the International Leninist Current, June 2002Afghan contradictions remain explosiveNew round of the Great Game opened with uncertain outcomeDespite ousting of Taliban world order undermindedThe military defeat of the Taliban regime against the US was predictable and inevitable. The disparities between the most powerful military force of mankind and irregular forces equipped nearly exclusively with light arms could not be bigger. Nevertheless the Taliban did not capitulate but could withdraw and dislocate important parts of the forces. The fierce resistance mounted like in the besieged town of Kunduz was nothing else than heroism – a decisive motive in the Afghan tradition which thus was refreshed and will keep effective in the future. The Taliban served as a victim to be … [read more]

Uncertain close of an pre-emptive strike against Iraq

by the International Leninist CurrentUncertain close of an pre-emptive strike against IraqAn US attack would put the mono-polar world order to a litmus test1Iraq is one of the last remaining Arab nationalist regimes. Despite its reactionary attack on Iran which served imperialist interest and its readiness all through the 80ies to behave according to the pattern set by the US strategy of "dual containment", Iraq was not ready do fully subordinate to imperialism. This was proven by the maintenance of state monopoly of oil production and the attack on Kuwait. Iraq´s enormously rich deposits of oil and gas combined with national independence constitutes a decisive political and military threat to the imperialist architecture of the entire region which is of strategic interest to … [read more]

Accommodation Fees for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

Assisi, Italy, August 3 – August 10HotelFull Board* Euro 240BungalowFull Board* Euro 240CaravanFull Board* Euro 200TentFull Board Euro 160Tent under 25 yearsOnly night`s lodging Euro 50 PLEASE NOTE:* Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not includedFor information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:registration form e-mail: Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of 30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account:Campo Antiimperialista - Assisi 2001account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell`Umbriatransfer codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3PPlease indicate with your bank transfer: First name, Surname, type of lodging, number of participants the payment refers toTo … [read more]

Paper on the national situation in Indonesia

by: PRDOn the 13th-15th of June 2001, as Megawati was allying with the remnants of the New Order (Golkar and the TNI) as well as the Central Axis in order to seize power, around 50 000 workers from various industrial suburbs in Bandung held a general strike in the heart of the city, demanding the abolition of new labour ministry regulations (No. 78 and No. 111 year 2001) on retrenchment which would have advantaged the employers. This action was coloured by clashes in the streets as the workers suffered repression from the police and military. Several worker and student activists were jailed. At the same time, on the 13th of June, 10 000 workers in Jakarta and 25 000 workers from various trade unions in Medan struck with the same demands. Hundreds of thousands of workers in industrial … [read more]

Supporters of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

List continuously updated Africa Peoples Democratic League, Sierra LeoneATTAC Maroc - Taroudant Groupe, MoroccoAlwihda, Tchad Asia CSVI, IndonesiaPRD, IndonesiaCitizen Concern Society, NepalPakistan Communist Workers Peasant`s PartyJournalists Resource Centre of PakistanBayan, PhilippinesBayan-International USABayan-International EuropeEurope Communists of Euskal Herria, Basque CountryRevolutionary Communist Group, BritainRed Action, GermanyAktionskreis 24. März, GermanyRevolutionary Communist League, Thüringen, GermanyPalestinian Community - GermanyAnti-NATO Group, Berlin, GermanyMothers against War, GermanyAlliance for Solidarity with Palestine, Hamburg, GermanyRed Community Nordrhein-Westfalen, GermanyNueva Colombia-Alternative Informationen, GermanyPrison Watch International – … [read more]

Addameer demands the release of six Palestinian political prisoners

26 May, 2002, Addameer Press ReleaseAddameer demands the immediate release of six Palestinian political prisoners held in Jericho prisonFor background information, please see 25 April, 2002, four Palestinians were tried in a kangaroo-court by the Palestinian Authority and received sentences of between 1 to 18 years in prison. The four were accused of involvement in the assassination of the Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze`evi, on October 17, 2001. The four were tried in an impromptu Palestinian military court that violated all established principles of international law guaranteeing a fair trial with proper legal representation. These violations include: The four defendants were tried in front of a military court despite the fact they … [read more]

Repression against independent magazine in Nepal

by: Nepal Peace 2002The editor of Solidarity Monthly Mrs Mina Sharma was arrested on may 23.On may 29, sub editor of Solidarity Monthly was also arrested. The security forces seized the computers and fax machine of Solidarity. We officially request a strong voice of solidarity. This magazine has been the network among the Nepalese of 57 cities of 23 countries where the Nepalese are staying. Till this time nobody knows the situation of editor and sub … [read more]

Signs are available

Statement of the secretariat of RCWP-RPC Statement of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Workers` Party - Revolutionary Party of Communists"Fascism begins with anti-Communism" - these words were recently spoken from the tribune of the State Duma by a Nobel prize winner Jores Alfeorov. Academician and deputy warned people about dangerous appearance of signs of brown policies in the actions of progovernmental factions, that had come up with anti-Communist hysteria in the Russian parliament. Today we are faced with the implementation of these signs in the political practice of the organs of the Russian state.On the 16th of May the ministry of Justice refused in state registration of the political party: the Russian Communist Workers` Party - Revolutionary Party … [read more]

Serbs warn Bush and Blair

Demonstrations in front of U.S. and U.K. embassies in BelgradeBelgrade, May 28During the NATO-Russia summit in Rome, Belgrade had shown that it is still capital of European resistance. Several thousand of left, right-wing and non-partisan patriots have demonstrated today in front of British and US embassies in Belgrade. They demanded end of the NATO political farce at The Hague and release of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. Embassies` representatives received a letter for their governments from the organizer of the demonstration - Citizen Association FREEDOM. Written by Belgrade law professors, letter focuses on numerous misuses of law and violations of international documents on protection of human rights, including the "Tribunal"`s own Rules in the "trial" of Slobodan Milosevic and … [read more]

Jerusalem, mon amour

Warum ist der Palästinenser Saleh Bakri zurückgetreten?Im Schauspielhaus Wien wurde von 10. bis 31. März 2002 das Experimentaltheaterstück "Jerusalem, mon amour" gespielt. Das Stück vom in Wien lebenden israelischen Regisseur Arian Berg handelt um ein Medienduell zwischen einem Palästinenser und einem Israeli, die, moderiert von einer Vertreterin der Medien, ihren Anspruch und ihr Geschichtsbild darstellen. Als Darsteller waren Airan Berg selbst, Saleh Bakri, Kerstin Gaderbauer und Alexandra Schmid vorgesehen. Saleh Bakri ist kurz vor der Premiere (bei der Probe der vorletzten Szene) zurückgetreten und verreist. Als Grund gibt das Schauspielhaus an, "Saleh sei aufgrund der politischen Lage nach Israel zurückgekehrt". Da weder Airan Berg noch das Schauspielhaus die tieferen … [read more]

African Liberation Day 2002

by the All-African People`s Revolutionary PartyTHE ALL-AFRICAN PEOPLE`S REVOLUTIONARY PARTY ORGANIZES AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY 2002 Pan-African & International Symposium -featuring - Pan-Africanist Congress of AzaniaIrish Republican Socialist Party of North AmericaNorth American Committee Against Zionism & RacismMovement of the Survival of the Ogoni PeopleAmerican Indian Movement All-African People`s Revolutionary PartyLocal African United Front Organizationsthis year`s theme... "Victory and Power Belong to the Organized Masses:Defeat imperialism, zionism and neo-colonialism!" Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 12:00 Noon - 5:00 P.M. at Paul Quinn College Price-Branch Auditorium3837 Simpson Stuart Rd.Dallas, TX 75241Visit our Dallas ALD website at... … [read more]

EU bans Turkey´s exiled democratic opposition

by the Anti-imperialist CampSince the 3rd of May, the DHKC-P and the PKK are to be found on the "terror list" of the European Union, raising up to 23 the number of declared illegal and terrorist organisations, bank accounts frozen and all legal activities stopped.How ironic that the EU, claiming to be the guardian of democracy, is putting out of law two organisations that are fighting for basic human rights, in a country where there is no freedom of press, but oppression of minorities and a political life dominated by military power. This is clearly an attempt to curb basic democratic rights in Europe while offering a diplomatic "gift" to Turkey´s oligarchy. As a general line of EU foreign policy, dictatorships and state terrorism like that of Israel is supported, but popular resistance … [read more]

Baghdad Conference demands release of Milosevic

Baghdad, May 9, 2002The Seventh Session of the Committee of Follow-up and Co-ordination of the Baghdad Conference has been finished in Baghdad on May 9, with participation of 160 representatives of about 90 political parties and organizations from more than 40 countries of all continents, including the MPs from Belgium, Belarus, Canada, France, Greece, Great Britain, India, Italy, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Spain, Ukraine, ministers from South Africa and Malaysia, as well as high representatives from all Arab countries and from several countries of Africa and Latin America.Representatives of several Yugoslav parties also took part.The Conference has adopted a joint Declaration, reflecting the common views on the contemporary international processes, and condemning the imperialist … [read more]

Pakistan: The Peasant Revolt update and the historic role of women

by Farooq Tariq15 peasant`s leaders from Kala Shah Kakoo Lahore still remain in police custody after four days of their arrests. They were picked up by the police on the complaint of Rice Research Institute Kala Shah Kakoo that they have not paid the due share of the wheat crops this season.Over 400 acres of land is been cultivated for over 100 years in this area by the tenants working at government owned farm. The peasants are demanding an ownership right. They decided in a meeting at the village chack 38 not to pay any more and that they have paid enough.Police all over Punjab are trying to help the different government owned farms administrations where the peasantry have refused to pay by arresting the leaders of Anjaman Mozareen Punjab AMP (Tenants Association Punjab). They include … [read more]

PFLP statement

April 29, 2002Political Declarationissued by the Political Bureau of thePopular Front for the Liberation of PalestineTo the masses of our people and our Arab Nation,By its agreement yesterday to the American proposal concerning putting the group of heroes who carried out the operation of executing the criminal Ze`evi under American-British guard, the Palestine Authority, regardless of any excuses that it might make for this agreement, has committed a new offense that is fraught with dangerous meanings and implications. Some of these are:- This agreement represents a new link in a chain of offenses and mistakes that began with the arrest of the General Secretary of thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Ahmad Saadat, and after that with the arrest of the heroes … [read more]

Why the April 20 protest can be called "historic"

By: Brian Becker, International Action Center The writer is a co-director of the International Action Center and a member of the steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) coalition. April 27, 2002--How will the April 20 mobilization in Washington, D.C., be remembered in the history of the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement in the United States? What are the most important lessons to be learned from this mobilization that drew more than 100,000 people in the biggest protest to date against the Bush administration`s foreign and domestic political program? Since there have been many Washington demonstrations over the years organized by both progressive and reactionary organizations, it requires something special to suggest that a particular … [read more]

Leaders of Labour Party Pakistan Arrested

by: Rizwan AttaAlmost 25 members of Labour Party Pakistan have been arrested today on 26th April 2002 at 5:45 p.m., when they were holding a protest rally in front of Lahore Press Club in Lahore against Referendum. Police brutally baton charged all the participants including women, as a result most of them injured.Farooq Tariq Secretary General LPP was also arrested. Other arrested persons include Moeen Nawaz Punno Chairman LPP Lahore, Azra Shad Chairperson Women Workers Help Line, Farah Naz Secretary Women Workers Help Line, Tariq Shehzad member LPP Central Unit, Shahid Mehmood organizer Printing and Graphic Workers Union, Maqbool Kharal Chairman Central Unit and many other activists of LPP.The activists of LPP started gathering in the Lahore Press Club at 5:00 p.m. There were hundreds … [read more]

Communique: The longed for peace has not been defeated

by: FARC-EP1) The rupture of the peace process did not take the FARC-EP by surprise. Since October it had been evident the Pastrana government had already taken that unfortunate and costly decision. The fundamental reason is that the ruling oligarchy, inspired by Washington´s growing support, is not ready for now to come to agreement with the people-in-arms concerning the structural, economic, political and social changes that would make peace viable for all. They only want a peace that would guarantee their privileges and profits. That is why they ran the issue of a cease-fire and cessation of hostilities counter to the discussion on unemployment and the very development of the Common Agenda for Change Toward the New Colombia. Thus, the presidential statement of October 7 was the … [read more]

The two Faces of Korea

Korea is showing the world a welcoming foreigner-friendly face to the thousands of visitors attending the 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup games. But the face that the Korean government isn`t showing is its unfair treatment of an estimated 300,000 migrant workers living and working here. Migrant workers - commonly referred to as 3D workers as the work they do is dirty, dangerous, and demeaning - comprise close to 80% of all foreign workers in Korea.Fearing deportation, in many cases they are forced to endure dire human rights abuses. On average paying brokers $6000-$8,000 U.S. just to get to Korea, they came here via an unfair trainee system which forces them to work for 2 years at drastically substandard wages, and at the mercy of their bosses who can treat them unfairly with impunity, using … [read more]

International Solidarity Mission

Against US Armed Intervention in the Philippines, July 24 to July 31, 2002BackgroundUnited States President George W. Bush has expanded the "war against terrorism" beyond Afghanistan. The US has opened a new war front in the Philippines and has threatened Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and many more. The momentum of the so-called borderless war is being sustained even if its targets has little or no connections with the al-Qaida.A former US colony, the Philippines has a population of over 75 million, mostly impoverished peasants and workers. Three major islands Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao comprise the Philippine archipelago.Filipino Muslims (Moro) and other national minorities make up about twelve percent of the populace. Six hundred and sixty US soldiers are now … [read more]

Afghan contradictions remain explosive

Resolution of the International Leninist Current, June 2002Afghan contradictions remain explosiveNew round of the Great Game opened with uncertain outcomeDespite ousting of Taliban world order undermindedThe military defeat of the Taliban regime against the US was predictable and inevitable. The disparities between the most powerful military force of mankind and irregular forces equipped nearly exclusively with light arms could not be bigger. Nevertheless the Taliban did not capitulate but could withdraw and dislocate important parts of the forces. The fierce resistance mounted like in the besieged town of Kunduz was nothing else than heroism – a decisive motive in the Afghan tradition which thus was refreshed and will keep effective in the future. The Taliban served as a victim to be … [read more]

Uncertain close of an pre-emptive strike against Iraq

by the International Leninist CurrentUncertain close of an pre-emptive strike against IraqAn US attack would put the mono-polar world order to a litmus test1Iraq is one of the last remaining Arab nationalist regimes. Despite its reactionary attack on Iran which served imperialist interest and its readiness all through the 80ies to behave according to the pattern set by the US strategy of "dual containment", Iraq was not ready do fully subordinate to imperialism. This was proven by the maintenance of state monopoly of oil production and the attack on Kuwait. Iraq´s enormously rich deposits of oil and gas combined with national independence constitutes a decisive political and military threat to the imperialist architecture of the entire region which is of strategic interest to … [read more]

Accommodation Fees for the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

Assisi, Italy, August 3 – August 10HotelFull Board* Euro 240BungalowFull Board* Euro 240CaravanFull Board* Euro 200TentFull Board Euro 160Tent under 25 yearsOnly night`s lodging Euro 50 PLEASE NOTE:* Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not includedFor information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:registration form e-mail: Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of 30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account:Campo Antiimperialista - Assisi 2001account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell`Umbriatransfer codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3PPlease indicate with your bank transfer: First name, Surname, type of lodging, number of participants the payment refers toTo … [read more]

Paper on the national situation in Indonesia

by: PRDOn the 13th-15th of June 2001, as Megawati was allying with the remnants of the New Order (Golkar and the TNI) as well as the Central Axis in order to seize power, around 50 000 workers from various industrial suburbs in Bandung held a general strike in the heart of the city, demanding the abolition of new labour ministry regulations (No. 78 and No. 111 year 2001) on retrenchment which would have advantaged the employers. This action was coloured by clashes in the streets as the workers suffered repression from the police and military. Several worker and student activists were jailed. At the same time, on the 13th of June, 10 000 workers in Jakarta and 25 000 workers from various trade unions in Medan struck with the same demands. Hundreds of thousands of workers in industrial … [read more]

Supporters of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002

List continuously updated Africa Peoples Democratic League, Sierra LeoneATTAC Maroc - Taroudant Groupe, MoroccoAlwihda, Tchad Asia CSVI, IndonesiaPRD, IndonesiaCitizen Concern Society, NepalPakistan Communist Workers Peasant`s PartyJournalists Resource Centre of PakistanBayan, PhilippinesBayan-International USABayan-International EuropeEurope Communists of Euskal Herria, Basque CountryRevolutionary Communist Group, BritainRed Action, GermanyAktionskreis 24. März, GermanyRevolutionary Communist League, Thüringen, GermanyPalestinian Community - GermanyAnti-NATO Group, Berlin, GermanyMothers against War, GermanyAlliance for Solidarity with Palestine, Hamburg, GermanyRed Community Nordrhein-Westfalen, GermanyNueva Colombia-Alternative Informationen, GermanyPrison Watch International – … [read more]

Addameer demands the release of six Palestinian political prisoners

26 May, 2002, Addameer Press ReleaseAddameer demands the immediate release of six Palestinian political prisoners held in Jericho prisonFor background information, please see 25 April, 2002, four Palestinians were tried in a kangaroo-court by the Palestinian Authority and received sentences of between 1 to 18 years in prison. The four were accused of involvement in the assassination of the Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze`evi, on October 17, 2001. The four were tried in an impromptu Palestinian military court that violated all established principles of international law guaranteeing a fair trial with proper legal representation. These violations include: The four defendants were tried in front of a military court despite the fact they … [read more]

Repression against independent magazine in Nepal

by: Nepal Peace 2002The editor of Solidarity Monthly Mrs Mina Sharma was arrested on may 23.On may 29, sub editor of Solidarity Monthly was also arrested. The security forces seized the computers and fax machine of Solidarity. We officially request a strong voice of solidarity. This magazine has been the network among the Nepalese of 57 cities of 23 countries where the Nepalese are staying. Till this time nobody knows the situation of editor and sub … [read more]

Signs are available

Statement of the secretariat of RCWP-RPC Statement of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Workers` Party - Revolutionary Party of Communists"Fascism begins with anti-Communism" - these words were recently spoken from the tribune of the State Duma by a Nobel prize winner Jores Alfeorov. Academician and deputy warned people about dangerous appearance of signs of brown policies in the actions of progovernmental factions, that had come up with anti-Communist hysteria in the Russian parliament. Today we are faced with the implementation of these signs in the political practice of the organs of the Russian state.On the 16th of May the ministry of Justice refused in state registration of the political party: the Russian Communist Workers` Party - Revolutionary Party … [read more]

Serbs warn Bush and Blair

Demonstrations in front of U.S. and U.K. embassies in BelgradeBelgrade, May 28During the NATO-Russia summit in Rome, Belgrade had shown that it is still capital of European resistance. Several thousand of left, right-wing and non-partisan patriots have demonstrated today in front of British and US embassies in Belgrade. They demanded end of the NATO political farce at The Hague and release of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. Embassies` representatives received a letter for their governments from the organizer of the demonstration - Citizen Association FREEDOM. Written by Belgrade law professors, letter focuses on numerous misuses of law and violations of international documents on protection of human rights, including the "Tribunal"`s own Rules in the "trial" of Slobodan Milosevic and … [read more]

Jerusalem, mon amour

Warum ist der Palästinenser Saleh Bakri zurückgetreten?Im Schauspielhaus Wien wurde von 10. bis 31. März 2002 das Experimentaltheaterstück "Jerusalem, mon amour" gespielt. Das Stück vom in Wien lebenden israelischen Regisseur Arian Berg handelt um ein Medienduell zwischen einem Palästinenser und einem Israeli, die, moderiert von einer Vertreterin der Medien, ihren Anspruch und ihr Geschichtsbild darstellen. Als Darsteller waren Airan Berg selbst, Saleh Bakri, Kerstin Gaderbauer und Alexandra Schmid vorgesehen. Saleh Bakri ist kurz vor der Premiere (bei der Probe der vorletzten Szene) zurückgetreten und verreist. Als Grund gibt das Schauspielhaus an, "Saleh sei aufgrund der politischen Lage nach Israel zurückgekehrt". Da weder Airan Berg noch das Schauspielhaus die tieferen … [read more]

African Liberation Day 2002

by the All-African People`s Revolutionary PartyTHE ALL-AFRICAN PEOPLE`S REVOLUTIONARY PARTY ORGANIZES AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY 2002 Pan-African & International Symposium -featuring - Pan-Africanist Congress of AzaniaIrish Republican Socialist Party of North AmericaNorth American Committee Against Zionism & RacismMovement of the Survival of the Ogoni PeopleAmerican Indian Movement All-African People`s Revolutionary PartyLocal African United Front Organizationsthis year`s theme... "Victory and Power Belong to the Organized Masses:Defeat imperialism, zionism and neo-colonialism!" Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 12:00 Noon - 5:00 P.M. at Paul Quinn College Price-Branch Auditorium3837 Simpson Stuart Rd.Dallas, TX 75241Visit our Dallas ALD website at... … [read more]

EU bans Turkey´s exiled democratic opposition

by the Anti-imperialist CampSince the 3rd of May, the DHKC-P and the PKK are to be found on the "terror list" of the European Union, raising up to 23 the number of declared illegal and terrorist organisations, bank accounts frozen and all legal activities stopped.How ironic that the EU, claiming to be the guardian of democracy, is putting out of law two organisations that are fighting for basic human rights, in a country where there is no freedom of press, but oppression of minorities and a political life dominated by military power. This is clearly an attempt to curb basic democratic rights in Europe while offering a diplomatic "gift" to Turkey´s oligarchy. As a general line of EU foreign policy, dictatorships and state terrorism like that of Israel is supported, but popular resistance … [read more]

Baghdad Conference demands release of Milosevic

Baghdad, May 9, 2002The Seventh Session of the Committee of Follow-up and Co-ordination of the Baghdad Conference has been finished in Baghdad on May 9, with participation of 160 representatives of about 90 political parties and organizations from more than 40 countries of all continents, including the MPs from Belgium, Belarus, Canada, France, Greece, Great Britain, India, Italy, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Spain, Ukraine, ministers from South Africa and Malaysia, as well as high representatives from all Arab countries and from several countries of Africa and Latin America.Representatives of several Yugoslav parties also took part.The Conference has adopted a joint Declaration, reflecting the common views on the contemporary international processes, and condemning the imperialist … [read more]

Pakistan: The Peasant Revolt update and the historic role of women

by Farooq Tariq15 peasant`s leaders from Kala Shah Kakoo Lahore still remain in police custody after four days of their arrests. They were picked up by the police on the complaint of Rice Research Institute Kala Shah Kakoo that they have not paid the due share of the wheat crops this season.Over 400 acres of land is been cultivated for over 100 years in this area by the tenants working at government owned farm. The peasants are demanding an ownership right. They decided in a meeting at the village chack 38 not to pay any more and that they have paid enough.Police all over Punjab are trying to help the different government owned farms administrations where the peasantry have refused to pay by arresting the leaders of Anjaman Mozareen Punjab AMP (Tenants Association Punjab). They include … [read more]

PFLP statement

April 29, 2002Political Declarationissued by the Political Bureau of thePopular Front for the Liberation of PalestineTo the masses of our people and our Arab Nation,By its agreement yesterday to the American proposal concerning putting the group of heroes who carried out the operation of executing the criminal Ze`evi under American-British guard, the Palestine Authority, regardless of any excuses that it might make for this agreement, has committed a new offense that is fraught with dangerous meanings and implications. Some of these are:- This agreement represents a new link in a chain of offenses and mistakes that began with the arrest of the General Secretary of thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Ahmad Saadat, and after that with the arrest of the heroes … [read more]

Why the April 20 protest can be called "historic"

By: Brian Becker, International Action Center The writer is a co-director of the International Action Center and a member of the steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) coalition. April 27, 2002--How will the April 20 mobilization in Washington, D.C., be remembered in the history of the anti-war and anti-imperialist movement in the United States? What are the most important lessons to be learned from this mobilization that drew more than 100,000 people in the biggest protest to date against the Bush administration`s foreign and domestic political program? Since there have been many Washington demonstrations over the years organized by both progressive and reactionary organizations, it requires something special to suggest that a particular … [read more]

Leaders of Labour Party Pakistan Arrested

by: Rizwan AttaAlmost 25 members of Labour Party Pakistan have been arrested today on 26th April 2002 at 5:45 p.m., when they were holding a protest rally in front of Lahore Press Club in Lahore against Referendum. Police brutally baton charged all the participants including women, as a result most of them injured.Farooq Tariq Secretary General LPP was also arrested. Other arrested persons include Moeen Nawaz Punno Chairman LPP Lahore, Azra Shad Chairperson Women Workers Help Line, Farah Naz Secretary Women Workers Help Line, Tariq Shehzad member LPP Central Unit, Shahid Mehmood organizer Printing and Graphic Workers Union, Maqbool Kharal Chairman Central Unit and many other activists of LPP.The activists of LPP started gathering in the Lahore Press Club at 5:00 p.m. There were hundreds … [read more]

Communique: The longed for peace has not been defeated

by: FARC-EP1) The rupture of the peace process did not take the FARC-EP by surprise. Since October it had been evident the Pastrana government had already taken that unfortunate and costly decision. The fundamental reason is that the ruling oligarchy, inspired by Washington´s growing support, is not ready for now to come to agreement with the people-in-arms concerning the structural, economic, political and social changes that would make peace viable for all. They only want a peace that would guarantee their privileges and profits. That is why they ran the issue of a cease-fire and cessation of hostilities counter to the discussion on unemployment and the very development of the Common Agenda for Change Toward the New Colombia. Thus, the presidential statement of October 7 was the … [read more]