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Solidarity message from Sierra Leone to the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

by Sierra Leone People`s Democratic LeagueSierra Leone People´s Democratic LeagueP.D.LMessage by Comrade Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh, Chairman and Leader of the Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL)Distinguished Comrades, Brothers and Friends,Before delivering our message, I would first and foremost like to thank Comrades of the Anti-imperialist Camp for inviting our Movement, the Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL) to this year´s meeting of the Anti-imperialist Camp here in Assisi, Italy. It is a great opportunity for us to be here because here we will be able to discuss the situation in our country, Sierra Leone and through that you will know everything about the whole truth surrounding the situation in our beloved country.Truly, it is an oppurtunity for us to exchange … [read more]

Photo report from the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

Photo report from the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001The representative from the Communist Marxist-Leninist Party of EcuadorA victim of the massacre in the turkish prisons of political prisoners on 19th December 2000The representative of DHKC, the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front, from Turkey The picture shows the chloths that women have to wear under the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the picture was taken by RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women Discussions with the Sard … [read more]

Participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

1. ALO, Afghan Liberation ALO2. BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, EuropeOffice Adress: No. 23, Maamo StreetSikatuna VillageQuezon City, PHILIPPINES Postal Adress: P.O. Box 10296 Broadway CentrumQuezon City 1112Philippines Phone: (63-2) 435-9151Fax: (63-2) 922-5211 E-mail: BAYAN3. Block for Peoples Power, Mexicobloquepoderpopular@starmedia.com4. Communitarism and Independence, Confederation of Sard Communistscumpanzos@yahoo.itwww.comunistas-sardos.ipfox.com6. D17, Direction 17, Voce OperaiaC.P. 43, 06034 Foligno, ItalyPhone/Fax: +39 0742 788287. DHKC, Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front, … [read more]

The echo of the anti G8 mobilization in Genoa in Greece

By Panos Tsonpoulos, AthensAround 3500 Greek demonstrators took part at the anti G-8 demonstrations in Genoa. It is interesting, according to the statements of the organizers, that over 80% of the attendants, were people who did not belong to any political group and most of them were inactive till now. Four different committees were set up reflecting different political attitudes: one pro-K.K.E., the second (Anticapitalist Antiimperialist committee against G8) composed of New Left Current, workers Revolutionary Party, Revolutionary Communist Party of Greece, Rizgari (around 125 demonstrators), the third (Committee for the International Demonstration in Genoa, over 1000 demonstrators) composed of the Coalition of the Left, the Space for the Dialogue and the common action for the Left, the … [read more]

Support the demands of the revolutionary prisoners in Turkey

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Today, in the name of globalisation the imperialist forces have opened a total war against the worker´s class and the oppressed people of the world. With their decisions which they hide from the people a handful of exploiters decide on the fate of milliars of people. Without caring about any rules it tries to bend down the countries and people´s movements whom they see as dangerous. Today imperialism can apply embargos against any country it wants. To avoid a possible revolution troups are sent and they try to make interventions, throw bombs on peoples who want to protect their independence, and continue their politics of plunder and destruction through institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.As ist is the case everywhere, … [read more]

Free the political prisoners

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Those are the demands of the political organisations and social movements signed below:1) The liberation of all revolutionary prisoners in the world.2) The recognition of the political status of the revolutionary prisoners in the world; and end of the criminalisation against them.3) An end to the annihilation politics (as the F-type isolation cells in turkey, Stammheim in Germany, mistreatment and separation) by different imperialist states and institutions like NATO or the European Union and their collaborating fascist regimes. Furthermore we demand the introduction of a process of dialogue with the different representatives of the collectives of the prisoners.4) An immediate halt to the systematical application of torture against the … [read more]

Megawati faces old order

Richard Robison, professor of Asian and international politics at Murdoch UniversityIn just 21 months the euphoria of Wahid`s election to the presidency has become the humiliation of his impeachment by Indonesia`s parliament. It is undeniable that Wahid brought much of this on himself. Ironically, this staunch democrat proved unable to understand what politics means in a democratic system, stubbornly refusing to build alliances and broker deals with a volatile parliament. But are the dramatic events of recent days all about idiosyncratic behaviour and political naivety or is something much deeper taking place in Indonesia? Does the Megawati presidency simply signal the injection of some commonsense into democratic government? Or are we witnessing nothing less than the re-emergence of … [read more]

Gary Prado – murderer!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Gathering in Assisi we learnt about the symbolic revolutionary action of comrade Alberto Hà­jar during the presentation of a book where the Major Gary Prado was present. He is the one responsible for the murder of the immortal commander Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. We firmly unite behind this elementary revolutionary attitude and we demand the an immediate halt to the persecution against the comrade.Hasta la victoria siempre!Assisi, August 4, 20011. ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation2. BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe3. Block for People´s Power, Mexico4. Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia5. Confederation of Sard Communists6. D17, Direction 17, Italy7. DHKC, Revolutionary People´s … [read more]

Global Intifada against globalisation

Final resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi, 2001The struggle against globalisation must become a popular and anti-imperialist one – a global Intifada is necessaryThe Anti-imperialist Camp schedules international actionsto support the Palestinian and Colombian peoples in their just struggle against imperialismAt Assisi, representatives of popular anti-imperialist forces have been meeting from July 28 to August 4 with the support of more than a hundred organisations from all around the world. This genuine counter-summit of the oppressed and exploited peoples together with anti-imperialists of the West took place only one week after the massive anti-globalisation mobilisation against the G8 in Genoa. As an integral part of the movement, we, the anti-imperialist forces of the … [read more]

Soldarity message to the Anti-imperialist Camp

Co-ordinationgroup for support the People`s Resistance in IndonesiaHereby, we support warmly the Anti imperialist camps initiative with the International meeting that take place at Assisi in Italy, July 28 to August 5, 2001. CSVI/GPDI belief that this International meeting will be success because is very importance to strengthen of International Unity with the anti-imperialist forces from the oppressed and exploited peoples.The Globalisation of Capitalist - Imperialist regime has to show the real mask of his military aggression to use violence in these case events of Genoa. That was to legitimate of all human Rights violations on the civil society. Especially for us that for Indonesian people are getting more and more conscious of abuses of exploitation of Imperialist collaboration that … [read more]

International action for Russian political prisoners needed

Address of the RPC Russia to the Anti-imperialist CampThe revolutionary Party of Communists (RPC) welcomes your Camp and supports its main idea of revolutionary struggle against the contemporary imperialism in the epoch of globalisation of capital, which destroys today not only rights, freedoms and welfare of millions of working people in both imperialist and developing countries, but also the basis of the very life on Earth. We quite agree, that the revolt against this world of injustice, growing inequality and terrifying absurd is not only fair, but necessary. The proof of it we see in the fact, that in Russia as well as in many other parts of the World more and more people are raising in arms (not only military, but also political, scientific and cultural arms of critique), … [read more]

They burnt them alive

Report of the DHKC on the Summer Camp 2001The main issue for the delegation of the Revolutionary People`s Front (DHKC) from Turkey at the Antiimperialist Camp has been the heroic struggle of the political prisoners in Turkish prisons. On October 20, 2000 they started their death fast to protest against their transfer to the new F-type prisons, which actually mean solitary confinement. On Dec 19, the police stormed three prisons and within the next three days tortured and murdered prisoners most brutally. 28 prisoners lost their lives in the murderous attack cynically called "Operation `Back to Life`". The police used hundreds of teargas and nerve gas grenades as well as innumerable fire bombs and guns. Their words were: "We came to kill you". The plan behind this action was to end the … [read more]

Where is Putin going to?

The Russian Maoist Party speaks at the campThe discussion with the representative of the Russian Maoist Party lead to a controversy on the nature of the Russian state today and its role in the New World Order. While members of the audience held the position that Russia, despite its undemocratic and bourgeois regime, has proven that it can oppose the Western domination in some way, this was more or less denied by the speaker although according to his analysis Putin can develop in this way.He gave also information on the situation of the political prisoners in Russia and the movement for bourgeois democratic rights which the RPM … [read more]

For the Self-Determination of the Basque Country and Sardinia

Report on the plenary session with Senideak and the Confederation of Sardinian CommunistsThe Sardinian movement is one of the most forgotten fights for national self-determination in Europe. The position of the island is for strategic importance not only for Italy but for the criminal wars of the NATO. Therefore Sardinian nationalists often refer to their homeland as "the swimming aircraft carrier". In his speech the comrade from the Confederation of Sardinian Communists referred to the exploitation of the country for the purpose of tourism and the role environmentalists play in taking the land out of the hands of the people. Senideak, an organisation of the relatives of political prisoners in the Basque country, stressed the point that the national struggle in their country is and always … [read more]

Memik Horoz must be released immediately

Urgent call from the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS) Memik Horoz, the deputy chairperson of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), a journalist of many years and his niece Serap Horoz, were arrested on June 18, 2001 in Cemberlitas, Istanbul by the Turkish state security forces. Memik Horoz is currently in detention and has been transferred to the Tokat City Gendarmerie headquarters - a special counter-insurgency unit. It is claimed that a complaint has been filed against him. We call on all participating organizations of the ILPS and all democratic and anti-imperialist forces throughout the world to urgently raise their voice of protest against the Turkish regime and the captivity of an officer of the ILPS. Given the track record of the Turkish state in … [read more]

Organise the international support for the Intifada!

Delegations on the Summer Camp co-ordinate common actionEventually possible activities to increase world-wide support to the Palestinian people´s right to self-determination are being discussed. One proposal is to organise a big international delegation to visit the occupied territories on the first anniversary of the outbreak of the new Intifada, September 28. The delegations commit themselves to co-ordinate common action like demonstrations on the same day in many places of the world. The need for an international co-ordination to carry out the tasks ahead is expressed which should be the result of the … [read more]

A communist party is necessary

Report on the speech by the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)The Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) re-iterates the necessity of a communist party after the break-down of the Soviet Union. Regarding the reactionary capitalist Spanish state the PCPE defends the right to self-determination of the different nationalities like Basques, Catalans and others although it will try its best to preserve the unity of the … [read more]

The masses against the US-backed Taliban

Report by the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO)A lot of attention is dedicated to the speech of the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO). Their representative who is fighting under extreme conditions affirmed that the brought majority of the Afghan popular masses have turned against the barbarous Taliban regime. Only the fact that they still get massive Pakistani support (that includes American backing) keeps them in power. Although the masses are tired and exhausted after twenty years of civil war ALO will continue its struggle both in Afghanistan and the refugees camps to which millions and millions of their compatriots have been forced to seek … [read more]

Uncovering the imperialist complicity in the genocide in Africa

Dr. Denise Malasi from Congo and Dr Bashir Kurfi from the Nigerian Liberation Movement speak outAddressing the main forum Dr. Denise Malasi, who cooperates closely with the Kabila government, is urging the European public not to believe the lies about the genocide in Africa, which are being spread by the Western press. Actually it has been the Western powers that instigated the genocide in Rwanda in order to take over the control of the region of the big lakes. As they have done in so many other places they created a "humanitarian catastrophe" to justify a political and military intervention. When imperialism realized they were losing control of Congo when Laurant Kabila took over power, the reactionary regimes of Uganda and Rwanda under the command of the US tried to oust Kabila from … [read more]

PCMLE from Ecuador speaks at the camp

Resistance against dollarisation and the American free trade zoneThe representative of the PCMLE (Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador) held a detailed speech about the total social crisis, which was imposed on the Ecuadorian people by more than 20 years of neoliberalism. This social crisis has deepened in the 90ies: 8 million of the 12 million inhabitants of the country live in poverty, in 1995 the number was 3,7 millions. 80 percent of the working people suffer from unemployment and under employment.The PCMLE is the leading the people in the resistance fights against the recent attacks on its living conditions: dollarisation of the economy und the American free trade zone, which was negotiated at the last summit of American governments in Quebec. Not taking part in mobilisations there, the … [read more]

Solidarity message from Sierra Leone to the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

by Sierra Leone People`s Democratic LeagueSierra Leone People´s Democratic LeagueP.D.LMessage by Comrade Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh, Chairman and Leader of the Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL)Distinguished Comrades, Brothers and Friends,Before delivering our message, I would first and foremost like to thank Comrades of the Anti-imperialist Camp for inviting our Movement, the Sierra Leone People´s Democratic League (PDL) to this year´s meeting of the Anti-imperialist Camp here in Assisi, Italy. It is a great opportunity for us to be here because here we will be able to discuss the situation in our country, Sierra Leone and through that you will know everything about the whole truth surrounding the situation in our beloved country.Truly, it is an oppurtunity for us to exchange … [read more]

Photo report from the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

Photo report from the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001The representative from the Communist Marxist-Leninist Party of EcuadorA victim of the massacre in the turkish prisons of political prisoners on 19th December 2000The representative of DHKC, the Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front, from Turkey The picture shows the chloths that women have to wear under the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the picture was taken by RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women Discussions with the Sard … [read more]

Participants of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

1. ALO, Afghan Liberation ALO2. BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, EuropeOffice Adress: No. 23, Maamo StreetSikatuna VillageQuezon City, PHILIPPINES Postal Adress: P.O. Box 10296 Broadway CentrumQuezon City 1112Philippines Phone: (63-2) 435-9151Fax: (63-2) 922-5211 E-mail: BAYAN3. Block for Peoples Power, Mexicobloquepoderpopular@starmedia.com4. Communitarism and Independence, Confederation of Sard Communistscumpanzos@yahoo.itwww.comunistas-sardos.ipfox.com6. D17, Direction 17, Voce OperaiaC.P. 43, 06034 Foligno, ItalyPhone/Fax: +39 0742 788287. DHKC, Revolutionary People`s Liberation Front, … [read more]

The echo of the anti G8 mobilization in Genoa in Greece

By Panos Tsonpoulos, AthensAround 3500 Greek demonstrators took part at the anti G-8 demonstrations in Genoa. It is interesting, according to the statements of the organizers, that over 80% of the attendants, were people who did not belong to any political group and most of them were inactive till now. Four different committees were set up reflecting different political attitudes: one pro-K.K.E., the second (Anticapitalist Antiimperialist committee against G8) composed of New Left Current, workers Revolutionary Party, Revolutionary Communist Party of Greece, Rizgari (around 125 demonstrators), the third (Committee for the International Demonstration in Genoa, over 1000 demonstrators) composed of the Coalition of the Left, the Space for the Dialogue and the common action for the Left, the … [read more]

Support the demands of the revolutionary prisoners in Turkey

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Today, in the name of globalisation the imperialist forces have opened a total war against the worker´s class and the oppressed people of the world. With their decisions which they hide from the people a handful of exploiters decide on the fate of milliars of people. Without caring about any rules it tries to bend down the countries and people´s movements whom they see as dangerous. Today imperialism can apply embargos against any country it wants. To avoid a possible revolution troups are sent and they try to make interventions, throw bombs on peoples who want to protect their independence, and continue their politics of plunder and destruction through institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.As ist is the case everywhere, … [read more]

Free the political prisoners

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Those are the demands of the political organisations and social movements signed below:1) The liberation of all revolutionary prisoners in the world.2) The recognition of the political status of the revolutionary prisoners in the world; and end of the criminalisation against them.3) An end to the annihilation politics (as the F-type isolation cells in turkey, Stammheim in Germany, mistreatment and separation) by different imperialist states and institutions like NATO or the European Union and their collaborating fascist regimes. Furthermore we demand the introduction of a process of dialogue with the different representatives of the collectives of the prisoners.4) An immediate halt to the systematical application of torture against the … [read more]

Megawati faces old order

Richard Robison, professor of Asian and international politics at Murdoch UniversityIn just 21 months the euphoria of Wahid`s election to the presidency has become the humiliation of his impeachment by Indonesia`s parliament. It is undeniable that Wahid brought much of this on himself. Ironically, this staunch democrat proved unable to understand what politics means in a democratic system, stubbornly refusing to build alliances and broker deals with a volatile parliament. But are the dramatic events of recent days all about idiosyncratic behaviour and political naivety or is something much deeper taking place in Indonesia? Does the Megawati presidency simply signal the injection of some commonsense into democratic government? Or are we witnessing nothing less than the re-emergence of … [read more]

Gary Prado – murderer!

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001Gathering in Assisi we learnt about the symbolic revolutionary action of comrade Alberto Hà­jar during the presentation of a book where the Major Gary Prado was present. He is the one responsible for the murder of the immortal commander Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. We firmly unite behind this elementary revolutionary attitude and we demand the an immediate halt to the persecution against the comrade.Hasta la victoria siempre!Assisi, August 4, 20011. ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation2. BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe3. Block for People´s Power, Mexico4. Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia5. Confederation of Sard Communists6. D17, Direction 17, Italy7. DHKC, Revolutionary People´s … [read more]

Global Intifada against globalisation

Final resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi, 2001The struggle against globalisation must become a popular and anti-imperialist one – a global Intifada is necessaryThe Anti-imperialist Camp schedules international actionsto support the Palestinian and Colombian peoples in their just struggle against imperialismAt Assisi, representatives of popular anti-imperialist forces have been meeting from July 28 to August 4 with the support of more than a hundred organisations from all around the world. This genuine counter-summit of the oppressed and exploited peoples together with anti-imperialists of the West took place only one week after the massive anti-globalisation mobilisation against the G8 in Genoa. As an integral part of the movement, we, the anti-imperialist forces of the … [read more]

Soldarity message to the Anti-imperialist Camp

Co-ordinationgroup for support the People`s Resistance in IndonesiaHereby, we support warmly the Anti imperialist camps initiative with the International meeting that take place at Assisi in Italy, July 28 to August 5, 2001. CSVI/GPDI belief that this International meeting will be success because is very importance to strengthen of International Unity with the anti-imperialist forces from the oppressed and exploited peoples.The Globalisation of Capitalist - Imperialist regime has to show the real mask of his military aggression to use violence in these case events of Genoa. That was to legitimate of all human Rights violations on the civil society. Especially for us that for Indonesian people are getting more and more conscious of abuses of exploitation of Imperialist collaboration that … [read more]

International action for Russian political prisoners needed

Address of the RPC Russia to the Anti-imperialist CampThe revolutionary Party of Communists (RPC) welcomes your Camp and supports its main idea of revolutionary struggle against the contemporary imperialism in the epoch of globalisation of capital, which destroys today not only rights, freedoms and welfare of millions of working people in both imperialist and developing countries, but also the basis of the very life on Earth. We quite agree, that the revolt against this world of injustice, growing inequality and terrifying absurd is not only fair, but necessary. The proof of it we see in the fact, that in Russia as well as in many other parts of the World more and more people are raising in arms (not only military, but also political, scientific and cultural arms of critique), … [read more]

They burnt them alive

Report of the DHKC on the Summer Camp 2001The main issue for the delegation of the Revolutionary People`s Front (DHKC) from Turkey at the Antiimperialist Camp has been the heroic struggle of the political prisoners in Turkish prisons. On October 20, 2000 they started their death fast to protest against their transfer to the new F-type prisons, which actually mean solitary confinement. On Dec 19, the police stormed three prisons and within the next three days tortured and murdered prisoners most brutally. 28 prisoners lost their lives in the murderous attack cynically called "Operation `Back to Life`". The police used hundreds of teargas and nerve gas grenades as well as innumerable fire bombs and guns. Their words were: "We came to kill you". The plan behind this action was to end the … [read more]

Where is Putin going to?

The Russian Maoist Party speaks at the campThe discussion with the representative of the Russian Maoist Party lead to a controversy on the nature of the Russian state today and its role in the New World Order. While members of the audience held the position that Russia, despite its undemocratic and bourgeois regime, has proven that it can oppose the Western domination in some way, this was more or less denied by the speaker although according to his analysis Putin can develop in this way.He gave also information on the situation of the political prisoners in Russia and the movement for bourgeois democratic rights which the RPM … [read more]

For the Self-Determination of the Basque Country and Sardinia

Report on the plenary session with Senideak and the Confederation of Sardinian CommunistsThe Sardinian movement is one of the most forgotten fights for national self-determination in Europe. The position of the island is for strategic importance not only for Italy but for the criminal wars of the NATO. Therefore Sardinian nationalists often refer to their homeland as "the swimming aircraft carrier". In his speech the comrade from the Confederation of Sardinian Communists referred to the exploitation of the country for the purpose of tourism and the role environmentalists play in taking the land out of the hands of the people. Senideak, an organisation of the relatives of political prisoners in the Basque country, stressed the point that the national struggle in their country is and always … [read more]

Memik Horoz must be released immediately

Urgent call from the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS) Memik Horoz, the deputy chairperson of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), a journalist of many years and his niece Serap Horoz, were arrested on June 18, 2001 in Cemberlitas, Istanbul by the Turkish state security forces. Memik Horoz is currently in detention and has been transferred to the Tokat City Gendarmerie headquarters - a special counter-insurgency unit. It is claimed that a complaint has been filed against him. We call on all participating organizations of the ILPS and all democratic and anti-imperialist forces throughout the world to urgently raise their voice of protest against the Turkish regime and the captivity of an officer of the ILPS. Given the track record of the Turkish state in … [read more]

Organise the international support for the Intifada!

Delegations on the Summer Camp co-ordinate common actionEventually possible activities to increase world-wide support to the Palestinian people´s right to self-determination are being discussed. One proposal is to organise a big international delegation to visit the occupied territories on the first anniversary of the outbreak of the new Intifada, September 28. The delegations commit themselves to co-ordinate common action like demonstrations on the same day in many places of the world. The need for an international co-ordination to carry out the tasks ahead is expressed which should be the result of the … [read more]

A communist party is necessary

Report on the speech by the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE)The Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) re-iterates the necessity of a communist party after the break-down of the Soviet Union. Regarding the reactionary capitalist Spanish state the PCPE defends the right to self-determination of the different nationalities like Basques, Catalans and others although it will try its best to preserve the unity of the … [read more]

The masses against the US-backed Taliban

Report by the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO)A lot of attention is dedicated to the speech of the Afghanistan Liberation Organisation (ALO). Their representative who is fighting under extreme conditions affirmed that the brought majority of the Afghan popular masses have turned against the barbarous Taliban regime. Only the fact that they still get massive Pakistani support (that includes American backing) keeps them in power. Although the masses are tired and exhausted after twenty years of civil war ALO will continue its struggle both in Afghanistan and the refugees camps to which millions and millions of their compatriots have been forced to seek … [read more]

Uncovering the imperialist complicity in the genocide in Africa

Dr. Denise Malasi from Congo and Dr Bashir Kurfi from the Nigerian Liberation Movement speak outAddressing the main forum Dr. Denise Malasi, who cooperates closely with the Kabila government, is urging the European public not to believe the lies about the genocide in Africa, which are being spread by the Western press. Actually it has been the Western powers that instigated the genocide in Rwanda in order to take over the control of the region of the big lakes. As they have done in so many other places they created a "humanitarian catastrophe" to justify a political and military intervention. When imperialism realized they were losing control of Congo when Laurant Kabila took over power, the reactionary regimes of Uganda and Rwanda under the command of the US tried to oust Kabila from … [read more]

PCMLE from Ecuador speaks at the camp

Resistance against dollarisation and the American free trade zoneThe representative of the PCMLE (Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador) held a detailed speech about the total social crisis, which was imposed on the Ecuadorian people by more than 20 years of neoliberalism. This social crisis has deepened in the 90ies: 8 million of the 12 million inhabitants of the country live in poverty, in 1995 the number was 3,7 millions. 80 percent of the working people suffer from unemployment and under employment.The PCMLE is the leading the people in the resistance fights against the recent attacks on its living conditions: dollarisation of the economy und the American free trade zone, which was negotiated at the last summit of American governments in Quebec. Not taking part in mobilisations there, the … [read more]