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All posts for tag: Europe

Grexit as Merkel's trap
2/6/2012 · Interview conducted by Wilhelm Langthaler
Errikos Finalis
Q: The Syriza coalition is being transformed into a party. Isn’t there a danger that the left wing of Syriza in this way will be suppressed and marginalised? The electoral rules render this move virtually obligatory. The first gets a bonus of 50 seats – under the pre-condition that it is a party. So it is also a message to the people that we really intend to become the first and form a popular government if we sustain the enormous pressure put on us. We consider the transformation into a party nevertheless as a purely technical step without further political implications. Synaspismos [Euro communist right wing split from the Communist Party] anyway got the majority and there remains a kind of proportionate representation in the leadership also with the transformation into a … [read more]
Zwischen Reichskommisar und Generalkonsul
3/2/2012 · Von A.F. Reiterer
Ägypten konnte ab 1876 seine riesigen Schulden trotz aller Peitschen für die Fellachin, die Bauern, nicht mehr bedienen. Der Khedive Ismail war sie im Jahrzehnt zuvor bei wohl informierten britischen und französischen Banken eingegangen. Die damaligen Großmächte Großbritannien und Frankreich entsandten daraufhin ein Tandem von Kontrolleuren, die zuerst prüften, was heraus zu holen war. Dann setzten sie den Khediven ab und installierten einen ihnen genehmen Regent. Ziemlich bekannt aus der Gegenwart, nicht? Die winzige ägyptische Armee wurde darauf mit einigen Offizieren (vor allem Ahmed Urabi) zur nationalen und antiimperialistischen Sprecherin des Lands. Als der neue Khedive Tewfiq die Proteste nicht mehr bewältigte, schickten die Briten Truppen aus England und Indien und … [read more]
A thunderous NO to the new occupation!
29/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
No to the protectorate
The resolutions adopted by yesterday’s EU Summit put its stamp on the bankruptcy and the, now formal, transformation of Greece into a protectorate. The resolutions of this EU Summit include the permanent installation of the IMF-EU-ECB troika in Greece and, in reality, and the takeover of the government by the international "protectors". Seventy-one years after 28 October 1940, a new occupation is imposed on our country. The last remnants sense of popular sovereignty and national independence are reduced into ashes. The leaders of the Eurozone are ordering the immediate sell-out of Greece and they leave no doubt that our people will pay dearly, with permanent foreign control accompanied by extreme pauperization. The government of PASOK has lost any shame. After playing a walkon … [read more]
Papandreou’s IMF-EU-ECB govt lost any popular legitimacy
26/10/2011 · by Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
Big and small enterprises and shops ceased any activity during the general strike. Millions of working people took active part in the strike, both in the public and the private sector. It is now totally undisputed that this “government” of the IMF-EU-ECB troika’s lackeys has no more the slightest legitimacy. The general strike was a loud political statement by the Greek people: “The troika and its government must leave immediately”. Nothing less than that. The struggle goes on, the struggle shall further escalate! It is obvious that this government will not fall down by itself. It will not be obliged to resign under the pressure of the majority’s MPs, who pathetically keep offering their consensus, each time “for the last time”. The internal contradictions and quarrels … [read more]
Scottish First Minister supports sanctions against Israel
*Scotland's elections shattered political mould - SNP triumphant *The pro-war and pro-Israel Labour, Tory and Lib Dem parties punished *SNP Leader Alex Salmond tried to impeach Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq *Scottish Government offered open access to Scottish hospitals for Palestinian victims of Operation Cast Lead *Nationalist government must be pressured to match deeds with words Scotland's elections have shattered the political mould, battered every political party other than the SNP (Scottish National Party) and given us a nationalist majority in the Edinburgh Parliament. The voting system was expressly designed to prevent such an outcome. Unlike Palestinians, though, we do not expect to be punished severely for voting in a way that London disapproves of. The Labour, … [read more]
French ban on veil
15/4/2011 · by John Wight
The prospect of the French police arresting Muslim women who dare defy the ban recalls images of the Nazis doing likewise to Orthodox Jews throughout occupied Europe during the Second World War. It is a ban which damns secularism as a religion of intolerance in its own right and which institutionalises racist attacks on a vulnerable minority group. Latest opinion polls in France show that a majority are in favour of the ban. But this in no way should be taken as a positive endorsement or justification for the legislation being implemented. On the contrary it reflects the traction which right wing, racist ideas have gained within mainstream French society, just as they did within Germany as the Nazis gained influence, and just as they have throughout history within the societies of … [read more]
Camp leaders acquitted from terrorism
Roman demo in support of the Iraqi resistance
The only network we belonged to was actually the Anti-Imperialist Camp, which the Berlusconi government, the then Minister for Internal Affairs Pisanu and the under-secretary Mantovano had been thinking of getting rid of for a long time, because of its great solidarity campaigns with the resistances of the oppressed people. For years we were under watch by the Ros and the Digos [special sections of the Italian Carabinieri and Police]. They did not find a smoking gun, nor what could be reasonably called evidence. So they settled for a non-existent entity, which was made up by the attorney of Perugia. Their theory was simple: according to the special terrorism laws (art. 270bis) and their hardening of December 2001 (270 ter, quater etc.), supporting the resistances to the occupation … [read more]
IMF and Eurobandits out of Greece - Greece out of the Eurozone
5/5/2010 · Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE)
A. The developments The EU finds itself in the heart of the crisis, wounded as never before. The diverging strategies and the explosion of the contradictions within the EU and the Eurozone (European Monetary Union) may lead the course of the “European integration adventure” to unanticipated consequences. While the integration formally advances, in reality it sheers off. The hegemonic role of German imperialism and the insolvable interconnection of the EU institutions with the most parasitic and rapacious financial capital reveal today more and more clearly the real nature of the EU: an absolutely anti-democratic, anti-social, aggressive, barbaric and cynical imperialist construction. The EU is internationally in the vanguard of the application of the harshest neoliberal policies … [read more]
The sign of hate
6/1/2010 · by Charlotte Malterre
 It is believed that this direct democracy translate what other countries more politically correct won't admit and that their level of democracy won't allow. They say loud what everybody thinks. Austrian university professors called their Swiss friends to congratulate them. German neo-Nazis parties clapped.The extreme-right SVP carried out a hard-line campaign with posters of a woman in a black burka and minarets planted all over the Swiss flag. Not that Switzerland has to give lessons to anyone regarding women's rights, while a federal court decision had to force the last canton (Appenzel IR) in 1991 to give women the right to vote...Developing a climate of hate against another religion is not an unfamiliar scheme in Europe and it should be a extremely strong warning. Discriminatory … [read more]
Conference of Central and Eastern European Solidarity Groups, November 6-8, 2009 Budapest
Statement on Honduras    We, the undersigned, who participated at the Conference of the Central and Eastern European solidarity groups at Budapest, Hungary on 6, 7 and 8 November, 2009 express our strongest condemnation of the military coup in Honduras against the legitimate president Manuel Zelaya.     We express our solidarity with the courageous struggle of resistance against the coup on the part of the Honduran people, led by the National Front of Resistance.     We demand the immediate reinstatement of President Manuel Zelaya, trial and punishment for the coup plotters and the convening of the Constituent Assembly in which the people of Honduras can decide truly about their own future, free from imperialist intervention.   … [read more]
German govt to give Isreal warships for free
by Jonas FellerIsrael, which has recently been condemned by the UN Human Rights Council because of their war crimes (1), asks Germany to build them two new warships – for free. (2)After the German chancellor Merkel argued in front of the US congress that “whoever threatens Israel, threatens us” (3), it seems as if Israel will get what it wants. This wouldn’t, however, be anything new: At the turn of the millennium, Germany financed three submarines spending 560 Million Euros on them. In 2012, there will two additional submarines, this time German tax payers will have to pay 333 Million Euros. (4)If the German government is going to deliver weapons to Israel, they are therefore directly responsible for taking part in the Zionist terror against the Palestinians, the … [read more]
Rebellion (Denmark): The Court Case is Approaching!
The aim of Rebellion (Denmark), formed in 2004, is to challenge ‘terrorist legislation’, both in Denmark and internationally.  Patrick Mac Manus The court case against Rebellion (Denmark) for support to resistance movements is now approaching. The demand is imprisonment. The court case takes place at Copenhagen City 6. Court, December 3 and December 7, 2009 and January 8, January 15, 2010. The judgement will be announced on February 8, 2010.   Terrorist legislation seeks to undermine progressive organisations, resistance movements, trade unions and solidarity movements throughout the world. We appeal for support from all movements to: - Defend the right of peoples to resist illegitimate government and foreign occupation! - Defend the right of … [read more]