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Saibaba denied bailed

14. June 2014

Dr G N Saibaba, who was recently abducted from Delhi by the Maharashtra police and charged under the UA(P)A, has just been denied bail by the Gadchiroli Sessions court.

Despite strong legal grounds for releasing an “infirm” person on bail, under Section 437 of the CrPC despite clear and irrefutable evidence that he is 90% disabled and ill, and that, precisely because of his infirmity, he cannot jump bail, the court has decided he needs to remain arrested and in custody.
The full order is not yet available.

Today Dr Saibaba has sent a letter from jail stating that he is suffering from “excruciating pains in the joints, legs and vertebra”, that these are “ignored”, and that “no medicine is provided or tests are conducted”.

Despite suffering cardiac problems and high blood pressure, “irrelevant medicines are given, like pain killers…which are no use…. BP control medicines…are not given”. When he is medicated it is “without care for required and regular doses”. He says that the “unbearable conditions in jail will make him collapse soon”, that he is “dragging on with sheer will power” but that it is “not possible to drag on in the present condition for long.”

He has also written that “two or three inmates have to hold me to go to toilet at present”, because the western-style toilet (which is the only one he can use with any degree of comfort) has still not been made available, despite being promised this by the Jail Superintendent. He is finding it “impossible to survive”.

Under these circumstances, the urgency to get Dr Saibaba out has increased manifold. A Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr G N Saibaba has been constituted to expedite this, and to ensure that he is released with his innocence fully proven. The names of the Committee members will be released shortly.

– Issued by Karen Gabriel

Associate Professor,
Dept. of English
St. Stephen’s College
Delhi University

Delhi University Community Against Police Repression
