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All posts for tag: Palestine

Sa’adat transferred to prison hospital from isolation
4/5/2012 · Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
PFLP prisoners were previously offered that Sa’adat’s isolation would be ended in exchange for them ending their hunger strike, which the prisoners refused, saying they are committed to achieving the full demands of the strike in unity with all prisoners, including ending all isolation, ending administrative detention, and supporting rights to family visits, education and media for prisoners. Sa’adat has lost 6 kilograms so far on this hunger strike, which comes only short months after his last extended hunger strike, from September 27-October 20, calling for an end to isolation and solitary confinement. Hundreds of prisoners joined this strike, which ended with false Israeli promises to end isolation which were then ignored following the prisoner exchange. Sa’adat lost tens of … [read more]
Palestinian hunger strikes to continue
30/4/2012 · Higher National Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Struggle
This is the moment of truth, where hunger grips our bleeding wounds. This is a call of duty that only the weak or cowardly can ignore. We are facing a real massacre committed by the Zionist jailers against our individual and collective rights, where we are confronted by torture and abuse on a daily basis, around the clock, in an attempt to force all of the hunger strikers to break the strike. We are at a crucial and dangerous stage, and inspired by our hunger and our pain, speak to your conscience and affirm the following: First, we will continue our strike. We will not go back, except by achieving our demands. We will not be defeated by their crimes and cruelty as we draft a vision for a decent life. Second, we will take qualitative and unprecedented steps if the Prison Service … [read more]
GMJ: anti-Zionist network in construction
18/4/2012 · by the Anti-imperialist Camp
The GMJ initiative served its task: It strengthened the global awareness on the western-backed Israeli attempt to “cleanse” the Palestinians from their lands and to further enlarge their colonial state. This was possible thanks to a global mobilisation on the day of the land (March 30) with its centre of gravity in occupied Palestine: Jerusalem, Gaza, West Bank and the territories occupied in 1948 – as well as the Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. At the same time there has been the Asian caravan of about 150 people crossing through more than half a dozen West Asian countries to join the march. With countless public rallies on their way they had a great impact on the public opinion of their respective countries. There have been mobilisations in dozens of cities … [read more]
Asian Caravan to Jerusalem
11/4/2012 · Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine
GMJ Asia
In terms of the Asian route, we did face many dilemmas and difficulties, due to the increasing political complexity in the region, arising out of the serious crisis in Syria. Thus the Asian convoy had decided to bypass Syria due to the raging conflict within. This brought up many problems in terms of the land route and the costs of the entire journey. We were also well aware that the two key strategic locations were Jordan and Lebanon, where the major mobilization would be organized. The only land route to Jordan was through Iraq and we tried our very best to negotiate with the Iraqi government for permissions. But unfortunately, that was not to be as the Arab League Summit was to be held in Baghdad on the 28-29th of March and that was the priority undoubtedly. The Asian … [read more]
VIPs support Global March to Jerusalem
This policy is inconsistent with all relevant United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the most basic principles of international law. Its purpose is plainly to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of its non-Jewish population and transform a once proud symbol of international tolerance and religious and cultural diversity into an exclusionary and racist enclave. Jerusalem is our common universal heritage. It is the centre of spirituality and ideological significance for all of the monotheistic religions, and a beacon of emancipation and hope for the downtrodden. This historic city is venerated across the world for enhancing the spiritual heritage of all humanity; it has been a symbol of unity and equality, with a message of love, mercy and compassion. However the entire … [read more]
GMJ endorsers
Desmond Tutu
A overall list can be retrieved from the international website of the GMJ. It is to be completed soon. Meanwhile the North American GMJ site offers a good overview of the endorsers from there. Selected outstanding endorsers of the GMJ: • Archbishop Desmond Tutu • Noam Chomsky • George Galloway, British MP • Ronnie Kasrils, South African ANC leader and cabinet minister • Hanna Atallah, Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Jerusalem • Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, American rabbi in the Jewish Renewal movement • Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian democracy activist and former presidential candidate, Palestine • Medea Benjiman, Anti-war organizer and activist, USA • Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University, USA • Tariq Ali, … [read more]
Marcha Global a Jerusalén (MGJ) 30 de marzo de 2012
22/2/2012 · Comité Internacional de la Marcha Global a Jerusalén
Marcha Global a Jerusalén
El 30 de marzo de 2012, desde todos los continentes convergeremos y nos reuniremos a lo largo de las fronteras con Jordania, Egipto, Siria y Líbano, y con la participación de las delegaciones que desde cada país del mundo lleguen marcharemos pacíficamente hacia Palestina. Desde que la ocupación sionista de 78% de Palestina en 1948 y la subsecuente ocupación de Jerusalén y el resto de Palestina en 1967, hemos sido testigos de los crecientes intentos de judaizar Jerusalén y colonizar Palestina. Estos crímenes contra la humanidad se realizan bajo la protección política y el pleno apoyo de los sucesivos gobiernos estadounidenses y reforzados por su veto en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas. El objetivo del sionismo es obligar a los residentes palestinos a … [read more]
Germany, Austria, Switzerland to participate in GMJ
20/2/2012 · German-speaking GMJ committee
Eyelyn Hecht-Galinski
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, a prominent publicist and daughter of the former president of the Central Council of German Jews, addressed the meeting and pledged her support for the GMJ. She stressed the necessity to overcome Zionism all together and called for one common democratic state for Arabs and Jews. She is considering to participate in the march as well. The Lutheran priest Jochen Vollmer criticised the unabated and biased support by the churches for Israel regardless of the blatant violations of human rights by this state. The quest for peace means also to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, he said. Several prominent people from those three countries have publicly stated their endorsement so far: Annette Groth, member of German parliament for the party „Die … [read more]
Palestinians in Palestine to join GMJ
28/1/2012 · Palestinian National and Islamic Organizations
Moustafa Barghouti
We are now in 2012, and we are still living in exile or under the Israeli apartheid regime, the illegal construction of colonial settlements is confiscating the remaining parts of Palestine, the Separation Wall divides and separates villages and towns, and Palestinians in Jerusalem are threatened of being driven out of their homes and lands for the mere purpose of the Judaization of this sacred city. But we will not leave. We will stand and be firm. We will not permit thousands of years of our attachment to our land and our Holy City to be broken. We therefore invite and call upon all persons of courage and good will around the world to stand up and walk, with your fellow human beings, regardless of religion, of political affiliation - to stand up as responsible human beings and walk … [read more]
Europe in the Global March to Jerusalem
15/1/2012 · European preparatory committee for the Global March to Jerusalem
Gretta Duisenberg: "Occupation and slow genozide by Israel are crimes"
Jerusalem has been a centre of the three monotheistic world religions for more than 1,000 years. This plurality has been threatened since the creation of the state of Israel and more so with the occupation of east Jerusalem and its annexation, in violation of international law. Jerusalem’s Palestinian inhabitants are subjected to a continuous process of expulsion from the city. 85% of its territory has been robbed by foreign settlers, while the Israeli state systematically destroys the livelihood of Palestinians. Every day, the Apartheid state of Israel demolishes Palestinian homes. Armed Israeli gangs, supported by the state, terrorise the old city’s inhabitants demanding, “Arabs out, Jerusalem is Jewish!” Jewish religious fanatics even attack Jewish women if they don’t … [read more]
World Civilian Coalition Gathers for Global March to Jerusalem
12/1/2012 · The International Executive Committee of the Global March to Jerusalem GMJ-ICC
Feroze Mithrbowala, convener GMJ from India
This meeting will be held to implement the decisions of the previous meeting, held in Amman last month, in which there was a consensus to form an International Central Committee representing all regions of the world and an International Advisory Board of eminent international figures for the march. The date for the onset of the March was agreed to be on the 30th of March, 2012, which marks the 36th anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, when peaceful protest against massive expropriation of Palestinian land was brutally met with deadly force by Zionist troops. About 40 delegates representing the International Committees throughout the seven continents of the world will be attending the meeting in Beirut. The conference will adopt a structural process for the March, and its committee … [read more]
Global Freedom March to Jerusalem
• We assert the importance of Jerusalem‬ politically, culturally and religiously to the Palestinian people and humanity as a whole. We call for the protection of the Holy Places and all archeological sites and consider all the efforts made to change its Arab and cultural identity as a crime against humanity. We call on all international institutions to do their duties towards the city. • The defense of‬ Jerusalem and its liberation are a duty of all free people around the world and we call on all institutions, organizations, and individuals to participate in this duty. • We condemn the Zionist campaign of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine including all ongoing policies intended to change the demographic and geographic situation in the city and aimed … [read more]
Global March to Jerusalem 30 Mar 12
1/11/2011 · International Committee of the Global March towards Jerusalem
Since the Zionist occupation of 78% of Palestine in 1948, and the subsequent occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine in 1967, we have witnessed growing efforts to Judaize Jerusalem and colonize Palestine. These crimes against humanity are done under the political protection and full support of successive American administrations and enforced by its veto at the United Nations. The goal of the Zionists is to force Palestinian residents out of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine through acts of state terrorism, economic pressures, legal restrictions, and outright expulsions. The Holy city of Jerusalem is falsely called “the eternal capital of Israel” by Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders who clearly state that Jerusalem is non-negotiable. Such statements and related … [read more]
Solidarity hunger strike in Haifa with Palestinian captives
Their hunger is ours. Thus, a solidarity strike has been initiated by a group of Palestinian youth from within the Palestinian occupied territories 1948, from all factions and political groups. We declare an open hunger strike and sit-ins in the city of Haifa that will commence on Saturday October the 8th, in solidarity with the demands of the Palestinian captive movement, and with the fierce struggle against the occupation and its prisons. The aim of this step is to declare full support for the demands of the captive movement. The most important among those demands is complete freedom from captivity. In addition, we wish to raise awareness and recruit public and institutional support and for the prisoners and their suffering, and to prepare the ground for a genuine popular protest … [read more]
Military junta preventing Gaza march
14/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
An alliance of mainly leftist organisations had called for the Gaza march to stress the interrelation between Egpytian souverainty, the demands for reforms and the Palestinian question. This can also be considered as a test to the regime’s willingness to undertake reforms. The organizers planned to hold a march to Gaza starting on May 15, accompanied by several caravans of humanitarian supplies. During the last weeks, more than four thousand persons had registered for participation. The ‘freedom caravan’ was stopped on Friday evening in the city of Ismailia at the Suez channel. The supplies were confiscated and ten particpants arrested. Other five hundred participants tried during the night to bypass the army blocks on foot. Another caravan, composed of fifteen artists, was … [read more]
15/5 March on Gaza to challenge Egypt’s military regime
12/5/2011 · Anti-imperialist Camp
The current ambiguous situation is reflecting the instable power situation in Cairo itself. The vast majority of the Egyptian people is in support of the Palestinians and want to end Egypt’s subservient role towards Israel and the US. The military regime emerging from the old systems on one side wants to keep things as much as they used to be but, on the other side needs also to respond the popular demands. Hence the half-hearted announcement of the military rulers to stop being a pillar of the creeping genocide on Gaza is already an important success of the popular revolt. Even this simple and minor promise has shaken the entire imperialist set-up of the region. Also the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, which had been blocked by the West, Israel and Egypt, became possible due … [read more]
Scottish First Minister supports sanctions against Israel
*Scotland's elections shattered political mould - SNP triumphant *The pro-war and pro-Israel Labour, Tory and Lib Dem parties punished *SNP Leader Alex Salmond tried to impeach Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq *Scottish Government offered open access to Scottish hospitals for Palestinian victims of Operation Cast Lead *Nationalist government must be pressured to match deeds with words Scotland's elections have shattered the political mould, battered every political party other than the SNP (Scottish National Party) and given us a nationalist majority in the Edinburgh Parliament. The voting system was expressly designed to prevent such an outcome. Unlike Palestinians, though, we do not expect to be punished severely for voting in a way that London disapproves of. The Labour, … [read more]
Not on the cost of the Syrian people
8/5/2011 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
What is the impact of the Arab rebellion on the Palestinian movement within Israel? It is a great push and gives spirit and hope to the movement. It is a powerful inspiration which is already helping the resistance to grow. Furthermore it will strengthen the more determined, more radical forces whether secular or Islamic. What do you think about the reconciliation Hamas-Fatah? Some effects are positive, but not all. First Israel cannot continue to punish the resistance in co-operation with a Palestinian organisation in the same way as before. Second: Israel said not to negotiate with terrorists meaning Hamas. As Fatah is now in co-operation with Hamas, Israel already announced to stop talking to Fatah as well. Shimon Perez called the situation very sad. For the resistance this … [read more]
Occupation Courts Extend Sa'adat Isolation Again After 775 Days
It is well-established that solitary confinement and isolation are dangerous and detrimental to the physical and mental health of prisoners. It is a technique frequently used against political prisoners, from the U.S.'s Guantanamo Bay and Communications Management Units, to Ben Ali's isolation cells in Tunisia, to the prisons of the occupation. Israel is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, whose articles 10 states that "All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person." On the contrary, isolation cells deprive prisoners of human contact, recreation, and mental stimulation. Sa'adat is regularly denied family visits, newspapers, books, and information in Arabic. While … [read more]
“Ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the right of return for Palestinians”
Transcribed by Claudine Fähndrich, BDS Switzerland I begin by thanking all the organizers; I know it took quite a lot of efforts to bring us all together. It is a great achievement, and as Mazen and Eider mentioned, and Lubna, yesterday, you also provided a great opportunity for us to meet and we are very grateful to you for this opportunity to meet you and to meet each other. It is easier because of the Israeli oppression to meet here than to meet in Palestine where we should meet and hopefully one day we will all be there without the need to go to the frozen hills of Stuttgart to create a joint life! And I think that's the gist of the Zionist story that it does not allow people to meet normal life and to be normal friends that they … [read more]