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Leila Khaled on 10 yrs Intifada

Address to a commemorating act in London

26. October 2010
Leila Khaled

"We have learnt from history that when a people is occupied and oppressed they will revolt to liberate themselves using all methods"


Brothers, Sisters and comrades,

I am glad and honoured to be addressing you for this event.

I would like to tell you that from the start of our Palestinian revolutionary movement, we knew we were not alone, that our struggle was part of the international struggle. This makes us continue our struggle without fear in facing zionism and imperialism, especially US imperialism, as we know people around the world are with us
practically and not just theoretically.

We have learnt from history that when a people is occupied and oppressed they will revolt to liberate themselves using all methods including armed struggle, which is also enshrined in the UN Charta.

Our homeland has been occupied since 1948, and I Leila Khaled have been a refugee for 62 years like 6 million other refugees inside and outside of Palestine. In Palestine we have an occupation, the occupation is the terrorism that oppresses the people of the land,
the Palestinians.

In the 21st Century capitalism and imperialism are trying to impose their system of globalisation, which is not just an economic globalisation, but exploits all aspects of the life of individuals and peoples. But in confronting the system we say we should globalise the struggle and defend the oppressed nations, our homeland and our

I ask you all to research and look into the conflicts in the world so that you have more knowledge of what is taking place, and if you study, you will find the answers. I ask you on the basis of your learning and understanding to struggle to establish a future based not on WMDs and wars of aggression, but on peoples civilisation.

I request you to use this event to develop the BDS movements, to join the struggle against imperialism and racism in the world. Continue to get together and further deepen our struggles to defend our future.

Leila Khaled,

Amman, Jordan
01 October, 2010
