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All posts for tag: Palestine

Petition for One Democratic Secular State in Palestine
* Stop ethnic cleansing. For the return of the Palestinian refugees to all the areas from which they were expelled. * Put an end to all forms of occupation, Apartheid, racism, discrimination and oppression. The Palestinian people should re-unite and live as a free nation in their homeland. * The returning refugees and all the residents of Palestine will live in one democratic state, without discrimination. This state will ensure human rights, equality, prosperity and full participation in building the new society for all its citizens. To ensure these rights, the prospective state will adopt a constitution that will prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, class or any other reason. We support the call for building an international … [read more]
Comrade Sa'adat: End Occupation in All of Historic Palestine
12/5/2010 · by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
In an interview with Reuters released on May 5, 2010, conducted in written responses obtained through his lawyer, Comrade Sa'adat emphasized that any negotiations will not achieve the objectives of the Palestinian people and will only deepen internal divisions. Comrade Sa'adat said that the establishment of a Palestinian state on 1967 borders and the right of return are considered a step towards the resolution of the historic conflict. However, he stressed that the indirect negotiations being pushed by the United States are only a cover for the "continuation of an Israeli policy built on the continuation of occupation." Comrade Sa'adat condemned any Palestinian participation in these indirect negotiations, asserting that they frustrate any attempt to restore national unity. Said … [read more]
Why we call for the return of Palestinian refugees and the democratic secular state
23/4/2010 · By the preparatory committee of the 2nd Haifa conference
Declaration of the Preparatory Committee of the Second Haifa Conference For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine Endorsed by the committee in its meeting in Jaffa, 9/4/2010 The Preparatory Committee The preparatory committee is a group of activists and individuals from different political movements and parties, human rights organizations, civil society and various sectors of public life such as the arts, academic research and culture. We have decided to work together to convene this conference out of conviction in the importance of its message. Why we call for the Return of Palestinian refugees and the Democratic Secular State? The Palestinian people suffer from the denial of their national and human rights, from … [read more]
Preparatory committee for Haifa II conference established
23/3/2010 · By Abnaa el Balad
In its first meeting the Preparatory Committee agreed about the following issues: • The conference will be held under the title: “For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and for the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine”. • The conference program will include: o An opening plenum on Friday evening 28/5 o Workshops for presentations and discussions on Saturday 29/5 o Consultative meetings for the establishment of an international coalition – Sunday 30/5 • The call for the conference will be in the name of the preparatory committee, which will start its activities immediately, with the participation of all the attendees. The committee will prepare a detailed program for the conference and mobilize supporters of the cause and the general public to … [read more]
Half year into the Sumud project in Lebanon
17/2/2010 · By Nashed
In this sense the centre already started several programmes: 1. Dialogue table: some youth groups’ representatives meet around the table in the centre to discuss their concerns. That can root the principle of dialogue in order to find common grounds and the base to real cooperation. 2. Novels club: this programme is designed to offer to the youth the basics of writing. This can fertilize the field for cultural production. The inputs can give motivation to find the way of the future, full of insistance to stand against suffering and oppression. 3. Palestinian girl club: this is a very ambitious project. Group of girls aged 10-14 come to the Sumud centre to develop their skills, to practice hobbies, make plans... The base of this club is self-governance, Nashet only … [read more]
German govt to give Isreal warships for free
by Jonas FellerIsrael, which has recently been condemned by the UN Human Rights Council because of their war crimes (1), asks Germany to build them two new warships – for free. (2)After the German chancellor Merkel argued in front of the US congress that “whoever threatens Israel, threatens us” (3), it seems as if Israel will get what it wants. This wouldn’t, however, be anything new: At the turn of the millennium, Germany financed three submarines spending 560 Million Euros on them. In 2012, there will two additional submarines, this time German tax payers will have to pay 333 Million Euros. (4)If the German government is going to deliver weapons to Israel, they are therefore directly responsible for taking part in the Zionist terror against the Palestinians, the … [read more]
On the academic boycott of Israeli institutions
An o pen Letter to the Board of Governors of Trondheim University By Abnaa el-Balad- The Student Movement, Haifa, 5 November 2009  We are Arab students at the Israeli universities writing to you in support of the proposed academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions. We believe that the boycott is timely and hopefully will help in upholding moral values of fairness, justice and equality which have been sorely missed in our region. While the reason for the boycott is rightly what has been going on in the 1967 occupied territories, we propose another angle which affirms the need for boycott, namely our daily experience as Arabs in Israeli institutions. We are the lucky ones who have been able to pursue our studies in institutions of Higher Education, to which we arrived against … [read more]
Illegitimate occupation court extends Comrade Sa'adat's isolation for six months
The illegitimate Israeli occupation military court in Bir Saba today extended Sa'adat's isolation for six additional months.As actions across Palestine and around the world in support of imprisoned Palestinian national leader Ahmad Sa'adat continue, the illegitimate Israeli occupation military court in Bir Saba today extended Sa'adat's isolation for six additional months. Take action today to say that we will not allow these abuses to continue!Ahmad Sa'adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, continued his boycott of the occupation courts, stating that these courts are illegitimate, invalid and can produce nothing but a mockery of justice, and that these courts are part and parcel of the war machine that continues its aggression against the … [read more]
Work brigade of Sumud has taken up work in Ein el-Hilweh, Lebanon
First reportOur work brigade has now been in Lebanon for four days, and in the camp for two days.Upon our arrival, permission to enter the camp was refused by the Lebanese military even though all the bureaucratic steps had been taken: the reason given by the military was they are not used to such large groups asking permission to enter, but we suppose that political matters also played a role.While we were staying outside of the camp, with the help of our comrades in Nashet we managed to arrange two meetings with Lebanese political parties.The first one was with the Popular Democratic Party, a Marxist-Leninist party with a clear anti-imperialist outlook which supports resistances worldwide, and to whom of course the Palestinian Resistance is a crucial point; they also have been carrying … [read more]
Scottish Medicines for Gaza now in Egypt, heading to El Arish
The Egyptian authorities in Rafah are refusing entry of the medicines to Gaza and are now demanding that Khalil and Linda drive the van away from their destination towards El Arish. They are threatening to load the van onto a truck and impound van and medicines. Khalil and Linda, who have overcome may obstacles on the road from Scotland to Rafah to deliver these medicines, are refusing to drive the medicines away from the gate through the Wall into Rafah.Please text and call with your support for Linda (00 44 7958673840) and Khalil 00 44 796 00 87 000Also write and/or callEgyptian Prime Minister:Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed NazifPhone: (202) 7958014/35/36Fax: (202) 7356449 - 7958016Website: Interior MinisterGeneral Habib … [read more]
Vienna conference "Gaza Must Live"
On the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, Mai 17th, 2008, the solidarity conference "Gaza Must Live" took place in the hall of Regina Hotel in Vienna, attended by the Palestinian MP Gamal Elkouday (independent, Gaza Strip), the European MP Karin Resetarits, the president of the Islamic Community of Vienna, Dr. Anas El-Shakfeh, and other representatives of the Austrian civil society and the Arab community of Vienna.The conference is a part of a campaign having the same name, which was launched by a committee of persons, among them independents and members of Austrian and Arab organisations, such as Leo Gabriel, Wilhelm Langthaler, Paula Abrahms-Hourani, Peter Melvin and Fritz Edlinger. In the frame of the European network of the campaign already two delegations were dispatched to … [read more]
Vienna conference for Gaza's survival defies Zionist obstruction
Today the independent member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Gamal el Khoudary, is scheduled to address a conference in Vienna organised by the Austrian Committee "Gaza shall live". Among the panellists are Karin Resetarits, independent European MP, Fritz Edlinger, General Secretary of the Society for Austrian-Arab Relations, Peter Melvyn, European Jews for a Just Peace, Paula Abrams-Hourani, Women in Black, Anas Schakfeh, President of the Islamic Community (which in Austria is a governmental charge), Franz Sieder, Catholic priest, Zuheir Elwazer, Palestinian ambassador.The campaign "Gaza shall live" collected up to now about 750 signatures for a petition to the Austrian government to desist from further supporting the Israeli, American and European stranglehold against the … [read more]
Gaza shall live with Gamal el Khoudray, independent MP from Gaza
May 17th, 2008, 19.00Schwarzspanierstr.15, 1090 Vienna60 years after the massive expulsion of the Palestinians from their home country a murderous embargo makes 1.5 million people in Gaza struggle for survival.The campaign "Gaza shall live" calls on the Austrian government and the European Union to lift the embargo on the Gaza Strip in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. Panellists:Gamal ElkoudaryIndependent Representative of the Palestinian Legislative Council, GazaKarin ResetaritsMember of the European ParliamentFritz EdlingerGeneral Secretary of the Society for Austrian-Arab RelationsFranz Sieder Catholic priest / AmstettenViola RahebConsultant, Vienna - PalestinePeter MelvynEuropean Jews for a Just Peace - AustriaPaula Abrams-HouraniWomen in Black - ViennaAnas … [read more]
Let Gaza speak
Turin, Saturday May 10th, 10am to 2pm Dar al-Hikma Italian-Arab Center Via Fiocchetto 15 (Porta Palazzo zone)With the intervention of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, in live broadcast from Gaza- To listen to the voices of those who suffer everyday under the oppression- To learn about the situation in Gaza, a true lager of the 21th century- To understand the reasons of the Palestinian resistance- To denounce the takeover against the legitimate winners of the January 2006 elections- To carry on the struggle against the genocidal embargoFor all of these reasons, to remember the 60th anniversary of the Nakba, to protest against the International Book Fair dedicated to Israel we will meet in Turin on Saturday May 10th.We adhere to every initiative of protest against the Book … [read more]
May 14th: Anniversary of Nakba & Palestinian resistance
Press Release , 15 April 2008May 14th marks the 60th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, during which over 530 Palestinian towns and villages were depopulated and destroyed and 750,000 men, women, and children driven from their land. This programme of ethnic cleansing will also be marked as the anniversary of the formation of the apartheid state of Israel.We, members of The European Campaign To End The Siege Of Gaza, on the anniversary of the Nakba, pledge our commitment to the Palestinian struggle for self determination, human rights, and restitution for the 60 years of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, murder, and theft of land and resources which they have suffered unabated at the hands of this Zionist state. This unremitting cruelty has reached a new stage with the ongoing siege of … [read more]
Anger over genocide in Gaza grows
Since the imposition of the embargo on Gaza and its radicalisation in January of this year already several international solidarity delegations tried to enter besieged Gaza. The latest attempt took place on March 31 starting from Cairo and trying to reach Gaza with relief materials.It was initiated by the "European Campaign to Lift the Siege on Gaza" and seized by several other groups like us from the Anti-imperialist Camp or the "Gaza must live" committees. As most of the interested forces did not know each other the preparations were scarce and had to take place upon arrival in Egypt.We took advantage of the international Cairo conference against Zionism and imperialism which took place ahead of the delegation. It was astonishing how the idea was taken up spontaneously by the … [read more]
Pictures from the international solidarity action with Gaza
see related article: Egyptian govt blocks solidarity delegation to GazaProtest rally at a military checkpoint on the Sinai after having been blocked by the security forces.Leaving the bus behind at the checkpoint the symbolic march through the desert to the Rafah crossing some 150 km away begins.As the march was initiated spontaniously water got scarce and dawn was approaching. Nine delegates were nevertheless decided to continue. They got stopped by the police, withdrawn their passports and threatened with arrest.Protest rally in front of the EU's premises in Cairo.Addressing the crowd and the media.More pictures from the march on the SinaiMore pictures from the demo in front of the EU premises in … [read more]
Egyptian govt blocks solidarity delegation to Gaza
But the Egyptian security forces halted the delegation at Baladua, 190 km from the border. After staging a protest at the check point we began to walk towards Rafah, since our bus was blocked from moving ahead. Finally, after the police was blocking the road, taking away our passports and threatening us with arrest, we decided to take our protest back into Cairo itself. A rally was staged outside of the delegation of the European Union.We received encouraging support from the Egyptian people and from the media. It is our fervent appeal to the governments and the peoples of the world to pressurize the Israeli Apartheid State, the US, the EU as well as the Egyptian government to end the genocidal siege of Gaza. This year we commemorate that 60 years have passed since the Nakba, the … [read more]
Delegation to Rafah to break the siege
31 March - 1 AprilEnd the siege of Gaza!End the world complicity to the Israeli occupation and crimes against the Palestinian people!A group of international participants decided to act against our countries' complicity to the inhumane and devastating siege of the Gaza Strip. A delegation including participants from the Basque country, Austria, Scotland, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, Jordan and India intend to reach the Egyptian side of the border with Gaza in order to deliver a truckload of food and medicine and in protest against the inhuman siege imposed on the people of Gaza, with the complicity of our own governments. We protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people and condemn the hypocrisy of European and other governments who … [read more]
European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza
Place: the Rafah Border Crossing Time: Last week of March 2008 People wishing to participate must e-mail the Campaign for further information by 14/03/2008 The European Campaign to end the Siege on GazaTel: 0031 6136 444 44info@freedomforpalestine.orgGaza: Break the isolation - stop the massacresCall for a solidarity delegation to enter via RafahEvery week dozens if not hundreds are being killed by the Israeli attacks and incursions to Gaza. The starvation embargo does the rest. In a clear and obvious breach of all international law and all human and moral standards, the occupation forces continue the slaughtering of civilians with the silent approval of the West and Arab leaders.Since the overwhelming electoral victory of Hamas, the US and Israel have attempted to oust the … [read more]