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All posts for tag: Ukraine

Ukraine: “White Europeans fighting Sovietness”
22/9/2014 · by Dmitriy Kolesnik, editor of
Dmitriy Kolesnik
Despite all the attempts to silence Ukrainian neo-fascist and far-right groups, they cannot be hidden or whitewashed totally – the reports about rioting Nazi-ultras, neo-fascist battalions and pro-government far-right gangs in modern Ukraine can be met even in mainstream media. They are too notorious and too noticeable so that to turn a blind eye on their leading role in current Ukrainian crisis. Actually, without virulent neo-Nazis the coup in February and current war in East Ukraine couldn’t happen. Some analysts consider Ukrainian neo-Nazis as mere tools of Ukrainian oligarchs, while the other analysts are more worried and state that neo-Nazis wish to seize all the power and push through their dreams about ‘united white Europe’, uniting with their western colleagues into … [read more]
Odessa: Leftists again arrested and tortured
16/9/2014 · Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity
Vlad Wojciechowski (torn T-shirt), May 2, 2014, after the union massacre
Left wing activists arrested and tortured in Odessa On the night of Friday, September 12, three left wing activists, members of Borotba, the Communist Party and the Communist Youth, were arrested in Odessa by the Internal Security Service (SBU), under the accusation of terrorism. Those arrested are Vladislav Wojciechowski, a member of Borotba and survivor of the Odessa massacre on May 2nd; Pavel Shishman, a member of the Communist Party of Ukraine; and Nikolay Popov, a member of the Communist Youth. A statement on Borotba’s site gives more details about the arrest of Wojciechowski: “During the search of the apartment where he lived, explosives were planted. Nazi “self-defense” paramilitaries participated in his arrest. Vladislav was beaten, and it is possible that … [read more]
Recognize Donbas People's Republics as interlucotor
It’s still time to stop the war Declaration to the Ukrainian and international press from the fact finding mission on behalf of the European Left, the Prague Spring II Network against Right Wing Extremism and Populism, and various networks of the world wide Peace Movement which has gathered recently at the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 The big misunderstanding between two different sectors of the Ukrainian society is turning into a bloody war of still unknown dimensions. With the purpose of stopping this war immediately a delegation composed of representatives of the above mentioned organizations and initiatives has visited from July 9th to 16th, 2014 Kiew, Charkow, and Donezk in the framework of a political fact finding mission, coming up with the following surprising … [read more]
Euromaidan's President Oligarch
The very course of the election campaign was unprecedented in every conceivable violation of democratic norms. Presidential candidates were beaten and not allowed to campaign. Several candidates withdrew in protest against the farce. In Odessa and other regions, there were documented cases of polling stations being "guarded" by ultra-nationalist units brought from Kiev and western Ukraine. This cannot be called anything but explicit pressure on the voters. In Crimea and the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic, the so-called elections were not held. In Odessa and Kharkov regions, polling stations were almost empty. Many of those who came to vote spoiled their ballots, writing slogans against the Kiev junta. Nevertheless, the so-called Central Election Commission claimed a turnout … [read more]
Germany: protests against Jazenjuk
Banner of Initiativ e.V. calling for an immediate ceasefire
Several hundred people gathered in support of the uprising of the people of eastern Ukraine, against the war waged by Kiev and German endorsement for it. The rally was organised by a coalition of leftist forces ranging from the parliamentary party “Die Linke”, the peace movement to the groups affiliated with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Many people from eastern Ukraine or Russia joined in as well. The protesters shouted “Jazenjuk murderer, Jazenjuk terrorist” referring to the high level of repression across Ukraine and especially the violent attack on the Eastern protest movement. They demanded: “NATO and EU hands off Ukraine”. Though the mobilisation could not overcome the usual cordon sanitaire imposed on the anti-imperialist left, there is indeed a wide-spread popular … [read more]
Donetsk People’s Republic
5/5/2014 · by Boris Kagarlitsky
Western politicians know perfectly well that there is no Russian invasion, and this, precisely, is the main international problem for them. To admit as much means admitting that the government in Kiev has gone to war on its own people. To speak of the Donetsk Peoples Republic as an independent political phenomenon is impossible, since this would require posing the question of the reasons for the popular protest, and listing its demands. The talk of Kremlin agents and of the ubiquitous Russian troops—who are impossible to discover, but who have occupied close to half of Ukraine without firing a shot or even showing themselves on Ukrainian territory—is playing the same propaganda role against the Donetsk republic as was played in the anti-Bolshevik propaganda of 1917 by stories of … [read more]
Donbass revolt calls for our solidarity
5/5/2014 · Borotba
A Call for Solidarity May 8 is celebrated all over the world as a day of victory over Nazism that caused millions of losses and much suffering to many people of the world. However, now we see that neo-Nazism raises its head again. Far-right groups and parties are striving to power in many countries. Their members unleash real terror against the dissenters, migrants, the ‘others’, leftwing and anti-fascist activists. We have to stop the rise fascism again – that’s our duty to stop it till it is not too late. On May 2, 2014 in Ukrainian city Odessa neo-Nazis and far-right groups unleashed a real massacre. Far-right paramilitaries burned alive and beaten to death 46 local residents in the ‘House of Trade-Unions’. They brutally finished off the wounded, shouting ‘Glory … [read more]
Support the Donbass revolt, but not with Putin
3/5/2014 · by Wilhelm Langthaler
1. Starting point The abandonment of the association treaty with the EU last autumn sparked the street protests. This alone bears witness of the social illusions into the EU and western capitalism in general on one hand and the political power of anti-Russian sentiments on the other hand. Both from an economic as well as from a political point of view, the treaty, which implied severing the close relations to Russia, would not have served the interests of the popular masses. In return the EU only has to offer austerity along the lines of the IMF adjustment programmes in southern Europe, further pushing Ukraine into poverty and periphery. The intensity of the protests can, however, only be explained by taking into consideration the social aspects. The pro-Russian elites commanded a … [read more]